But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1301: Test (6)

It is a idiotic dream to ask a woman in a novel not to tell the man to take care of the child alone, especially for unmarried or divorced women.

If this woman has a lot of money in her family, she may be able to find a relationship and then give birth to the child in expensive private hospitals. However, in the real world, first you have to go to the community to issue a certificate. With this certificate, the file can be established smoothly. After the file is completed, you can go to a public hospital for a birth check, make an appointment for childbirth, and register your child.

If you are unmarried or divorced, and there is no certificate issued by both husband and wife, you will not even be able to register your child's household registration when you go to a public hospital to establish a file.

If the Lu family is rich enough to ignore these cumbersome procedures, of course it is another matter. Or in some remote mountainous area, where information is not well developed, it doesn't hurt. But in Yancheng, it is as difficult as reaching the sky.

Not to mention, it takes a lot of time and energy to raise and take care of children after they are born. According to the current situation of Lu Weixi and Lu's mother, it is impossible to ignore the man and only rely on their mother and daughter to give birth to their children.

But if Lu Weixi insists on keeping the child, there are only two ways. One is to quickly find another man who is willing to accept her as well as her belly, and get married before talking about it. This situation is simply impossible, who wants to take over? And even if a man was willing, Lu Weixi would definitely not agree to it casually.

And the second way is to recombine with Qin Zhiyou.

The child belongs to him, and he knows it now. In any case, he is also the child's biological father, which is the most worry-free and labor-saving way. And depending on the situation of her daughter, it is estimated that she has already passed the anger with Qin Zhiyou.

It's just Qin Zhiyou...

Mother Lu's head suddenly hurt, she stretched out her hand to help her temple.

Lu Weixi also saw that her mother's situation was not right. She immediately stepped forward to support her, helped her sit on the sofa, and poured water on her: "Mom, I'm sorry, I really made up my mind to divorce him... …This kid came by accident, but since he is here, I really don’t want to give up on him. Qin Zhiyou does know about this, but I didn’t promise to get back with him right away. If you really don’t like it, I will talk to him. Keep a certain distance."

Mother Lu didn't know what to say for a while. She turned to look at her daughter's face. There was concern and guilt on her face, but she was more determined.

Does she know what it means to have children at this time? Whether you are reuniting with Qin Zhiyou or being a single mother, these two roads are full of thorns to the naked eye. Why do you have to go to the dark on these two roads?

And the most annoying thing is that Qin Zhiyou still publicized the divorce agreement between him and Lu Weixi yesterday. He should have known about this child last weekend, but he still promoted the divorce yesterday. It can be seen that he did not put her in his eyes at all!

"Do you have to keep him? You know that if you have a child at this time, you may fall into unbearable suffering in your life. It's not that mother doesn't want to hold grandson, but mother doesn't want to see you suffer. That Qin Zhiyou is really not a good thing..."

When the two were talking, someone was knocking on the door. Mother Lu was anxious and angry, and raised her voice: "Who?"

Outside, it was Qin Zhiyou's response: "It's me, Qin Zhiyou."

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