But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1310: For children (7)

Of course not.

Qin Zhiyou refused silently in his heart.

He has no obsession with his child or whose surname, nor does he have any obsession with boys or girls, as long as the child belongs to him and Xixi.

But Lu Weixi married someone else? Don't even think about it!

Never mind before, he did think about this issue when he got divorced. But now the children have come to relieve the siege, if he still let him go easily, his Qin characters are written backwards!

But facing Mother Lu, he still nodded against his will: "I don't care who the child is given by the last name. The last name is Lu or Qin, and the last name is good. As for her to marry later... In this year, divorce In the future, there are many cases in which one party can bring a child and both parties can still get along with each other in peace. When I married her, although she was a chicken, but when we divorced, we broke up peacefully. Even if there is no marriage relationship, I have blood bonds with this child. Xixi insisted on not marrying me. If she finds a good partner who can be entrusted to her for life, not only for her, but also for her children, I... can bless her."

Mother Lu snorted and heard Qin Zhiyou's intentions.

What this guy was talking about was really wild. No wonder even her daughter was jealous of the scumbag. She broke up immediately as soon as Qin Zhisu cheated. People who hated Qin Zhiyou would fall in love with him later. Women who don't like to listen to sweet words, as the saying goes, fierce women are afraid of stalking men, and Qin Zhiyou has the same skin, and a sweeter mouth will indeed appeal to women.

No matter how nice he said, it seems that no matter how his daughter chooses, he can send his sincere blessings. How is this possible?

It was because he said so well that Lu's mother felt false.

"So what you mean is, let my daughter give birth to the child, whether it is married or not. You will be responsible for this child."

Qin Zhiyou nodded.

"In other words, if my daughter doesn't marry you, you can also find someone else to marry and have a child. Just be my daughter and raise this child for you, right?"

When Mother Lu and Qin Zhiyou were discussing outside, Lu Weixi actually got up too. She felt shallow at first, not to mention that she was still worried, knowing that Lu's mother was negotiating with Qin Zhiyou, it would be impossible to sleep at ease.

She was not embarrassed to come out, so she could only listen to the door panel. Mother Lu's words are actually her concerns. Qin Zhi's lobbying is a mess, but in fact, it is best for him not to remarry. He can find Fang Rushuang or other right women to marry, which is conducive to the development of his career. You can also find a beautiful and obedient wife to spoil her. On his own side, he can still give birth to a child. All he needs to do is to give some money and love, without delaying the development of his own family, and earning everything.

She didn't doubt Qin Zhiyou's love for her children, but she never had confidence in herself.

Mother Lu couldn't help mocking: "Qin Zhiyou, you have a good calculation. If you remarry with my daughter, it will be no different from the past. If you don’t remarry, you can have other alternatives, okay. Find a wife again. Anyway, the children here can also help you, and you don’t need money to raise a child. As long as she keeps the children, you can make money without losing money."

Unexpectedly, Qin Zhiyou didn't hesitate. He nodded, "Yes. Everyone is a single man and woman. Of course, there are many choices."

Lu Weixi's heart instantly chilled.

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