But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1362: Variable (1)

In the morning, after eating breakfast, Qin Zhiyou and Lu Weixi specially informed their mother that they were preparing to receive the certificate.

As Qin Zhiyou said, Mother Lu had no objection at all, she just nodded faintly with an "um" after hearing this. After a long while, he added a sentence: "Anyway, I have to do it. It's better to get the child's birth certificate and get the check-up by the way."

Lu Weixi didn't expect that his mother would agree so readily. It seems that the property agreement Qin Zhiyou told her was really completed under her instruction.

She usually doesn't like Qin Zhiyou, but she will still follow the younger generation's ideas at critical moments. You can't compete with your daughter. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren.

"What are you looking at me for? There is something on my face?" Mother Lu took a sip of tea, and found Lu Weixi still staring at her and asked deliberately.

"No, no." Lu Weixi shook his head, and then said with a smile, "Mom, what do you want to eat tonight? Can I get back roast duck?"

Mother Lu did not object, and added: "Buy more sweet noodle sauce and spring cakes, too little will not be enough."

Although she didn't explain to Qin Zhiyou in a word, she already recognized the son-in-law in her words.

Originally it was working time today, but Lu Weixi's status was supernatural. No one dared to say a word even if he didn't go to the company. Qin Zhiyou also arranged his time specially. The two took their respective IDs and drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The last time I came back here was a divorce, and now I am reunited. Although they had been married once before, they seemed to be outraged at the time, and they didn't have the joy of getting married at all. And now, they are not beaming, but more profound than this. With children, with families, with the ups and downs of the past few years.

This is a remarriage, not a remarriage. When they went there, they filled out the declaration form and handed in the divorce certificate and other documents. The staff routinely asked a few questions, such as whether it was voluntary, name, age, etc. After getting a consent reply, the marriage registration form was marked with the words "renewed marriage" and the divorce certificate of the two was taken away.

When the two of them came out, each holding a familiar red book in his hand, they all had an unreal illusion.

Lu Weixi turned his head: "Is this married?"

Qin Zhiyou nodded: "Otherwise? But fortunately, we didn't go through the court route at the time, otherwise the verdict would have to be revoked, maybe it didn't pass so quickly."

Lu Weixi was a little confused, and Qin Zhiyou stretched out his hand and put his arms around her shoulders: "Let's go, daughter-in-law, we are still busy. We have to get a birth certificate first, and then go to the hospital to open an account."

When he said "daughter-in-law", his expression was quite natural and relaxed, as if he should be so. Although Lu Weixi was taken aback for a while, he smiled quickly and went with him.

After obtaining the birth certificate at the community office, he drove to the affiliated hospital non-stop.

Although there are many private hospitals in China, public hospitals are higher than private hospitals in terms of medical resources and doctors' quality. Qin Zhiyou is still willing to let Lu Weixi go to a more secure place for giving birth to a child.

The two went through the VIP channel, took the birth certificate, and quickly set up a file here. There is no need for a blood test for today's birth check, so Lu Weixi can come here early to avoid the trouble of applying for a certificate before.

After the first three months, the baby in the stomach is developing very well, and the two finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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