But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1415: Trailing (6)

"He gave birth to me and raised me. I won't let him starve to death, but it is absolutely impossible to want more."

After a long time, Mother Xue asked, "Your father, is there someone outside?"

Xue Feifei frowned slightly, but she did not hide it either: "Yes."

On the other side of the phone, Mother Xue was silent for a while. Xue Feifei hurriedly said: "Mom, we don't need to be so anxious and get upset for him, and there is no need to be sad for him. Look at your daughter and I, although I am not rich and wealthy now, I have no problem supporting you. Mom, Besides, your daughter, I am so beautiful, and it is completely inherited from your beauty. Didn’t you also say that you went out to dance square dances and the old man struck up with you? Now this era is not in the past. Divorce is nothing. You I have a clear conscience, maybe I have found a second spring, and I will be able to give birth to a beautiful younger brother and sister."

"What are you talking about!" Mother Xue was a bit uncomfortable at first, being interrupted by her so angry and funny, but still feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart. In fact, in recent years, she really didn't believe that Xue Jizong was dead. She was a loan shark and not a murderer. They all paid back the money, and there was no need to pay for his life. But he hadn't appeared for so many years, she actually had a little guess in her heart.

But the guess is just a guess, she still has a hint of fantasy. If he really returns to the family in the future, she can forget the blame, and she doesn't want to ask about the previous loan sharks and the things of the past few years. As long as people come back, it's good to live together.

Fantasy is fantasy after all, even if she doesn't take the initiative to provoke herself, Xue Jizong still comes to her door.

Mother Xue pressed her slightly swollen head, and slowly said: "Mom is a little tired, so you can know it in your heart. No matter what happened to your father and me, he is your father after all. Don't do it too hard. "

"Mom, don't worry, the alimony I should give is not less, but I won't take care of him or anything. I just...I'll tell you first anyway." Even if she doesn't tell, she is now an artist. If there is a big trouble, it is inevitable that mother will also know, so it is better to get vaccinated early.

"Okay, okay." It's rare that Mother Xue didn't talk to her again. The mother and daughter were speechless for a long time and hung up the phone. Then she called and asked Lu Weixi to come over.

Xue Feifei and her mother were silent, here and Lu Weixi were also speechless, but they both had their own concerns. After a meal, the two chatted for a while. Xue Feifei also invited her to watch the premiere of their movie next month. She smiled and agreed.

After sitting for a short time, she got up and said goodbye. While driving, she took a special look at the inconspicuous black car parked behind her car. Make sure it's not the Li Gong's car just now. There was no one in the car, so she looked at the license plate specially, the end number was "1314", which was easy to remember.

She didn't think too much, and drove her car all the way back. Not long after, someone in the dark also paced over, turned around on her body, and then drove up without any haste. .

Lu Weixi didn't know anything about it, so she drove back to Lu's house. Only when she arrived at the door of Lujia Community, she ran into a familiar car.

This car does not belong to Qin Zhiyou, and it has nothing to do with other people. If she guessed correctly, this car belongs to Bai Changyou.

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