But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1471: Lost (10)

Hearing Yu Sixing's explanation, Qin Zhiyou heaved a sigh of relief: "Yes, I sent it."

If you can match the number, it's okay. Yu Sixing also asked: "I heard that Hanhai..."

Even though Han Hai was suppressed by Qin Zhiyou, people in the industry must be well informed. Qin Zhiyou was helpless: "It is true. The stock market has been suspended, and I don't know what to do after the market opens tomorrow."

"The fraud..." In fact, listed companies do make a lot of small actions in order to achieve beautiful performance. This kind of thing is still fine without being exposed, and it will inevitably cause fluctuations. In particular, Hanhai is still a market in the US stock market, and every move will affect the corporate image of Huaxia State.

"My aunt has been doing it over there, and my uncle also helped with the cover. The accounts are very beautiful. If it weren't for this cleanup, it would be difficult to find out." He has been in this position for five years. The subsidiary and Hanhai headquarters were the same. There are bad accounts, and the fraud rate is not high. The percentage is kept below five points every year. It is difficult to find out the problem without careful inspection.

But it happened as soon as it happened. Certainly the aunt and uncle also contacted the shorts over there, got the news and shorted Hanhai together, and made a fortune. The **** storm has not yet arrived, and the shareholders here will definitely hold him accountable tomorrow, and the company's various projects will also fluctuate. He is already preparing to transfer several plots of land previously photographed, as well as transfer shares to rescue the market. However, the policy cannot be opened up for a while, lest the opponents use it to spread rumors, saying that Hanhai is about to collapse, which will even more annihilate the confidence of investors.

Yu Sixing didn't know what to say. Hanhai had an internal accident, and it was the same on his side. Dad and brother left such a mess to him, but how could it be so easy, he almost vomited blood because of the investment.

The two are hard brothers, don't say anyone. After a long time, Qin Zhiyou smiled by himself: "It's okay, after a big deal, I will resign from this position and make a comeback."

In recent years, he has seen a lot of companies that are going to be built. In fact, he has already prepared for it. If he can't support Hanhai through the difficulties, he won't occupy the magpie's nest, and choose a more suitable person to sit here as soon as possible.

Yu Sixing actually wanted to say this too. He prepared earlier than Qin Zhiyou, and the film and television company under his hand is also doing well. However, he will not give up Yu's or retreat to his comfort zone if he is not a last resort.

"When the matter is over, let's have a drink together."

For a long time, Yu Sixing spoke, and Qin Zhiyou also nodded: "Call He Weiyou, this kid is the most leisurely among us, running around the world every day."

Talking about this topic, the two people relaxed a little, and Yu Sixing also joked: "If you dare to go out to play, you are not afraid that your wife will hit you?"

"She won't." He believed that Lu Weixi still had this point. He turned his head and responded with a proposition: "I heard that you and your first love have been connected. Are you afraid that you will be messed up?"

"I can't answer this." The two said another sentence or two and hung up the phone. Yu Sixing looked back at Xue Feifei, who was sleeping with his back to him, and helped her tuck the quilt.

When he packed his clothes again and turned off the lights to rest, Xue Feifei opened his eyes and frowned silently.


Here, Qin Zhiyou also released Fengsheng shares transfer. As soon as the sound of the wind was released, it was not until nine o'clock in the morning to go to work, and someone asked for it.

And this person was sent by Zhongtian Iron and Steel, Zhao Zihuan.

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