But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 1475: Eyama Bijin (2)

This is Qin Zhiyou's personal mobile phone, which is separate from his usual work and basic social numbers. There are less than fifty numbers stored in it.

Normally, Qin Zhiyou will answer the phone when it rings, but at this time he is in the conference room, discussing cooperation with representatives of other companies, and his personal phone is in his office. Only the chief assistant who came to clean up saw the phone ringing.

The assistant general was not good at finding Qin Zhiyou directly, but first called Secretary Wang and told him about Qin Zhiyou's personal mobile phone. Secretary Wang was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw Qin Zhiyouzheng and the representative of other companies BATTLE. He was not good at making the decision. He asked, "Is there anything important?"

The assistant shook his head: "I don't know, the phone rang for a while but it didn't ring. I didn't dare to answer it."

Secretary Wang nodded: "I see, you can do something else first. I'll talk to President Qin."

Secretary Wang hung up and walked into the conference room. Although Hanhai needs funding and assistance now, the more it needs it, the more Qin Zhiyou has to hold it and make a gesture. These partners should not be allowed to think that Hanhai is no longer good, and the lion opens its mouth to lower the price. So although his nerves were very tense, he leaned back on the chair with a slight smile on his face, as if he knew everything.

Secretary Wang went out to answer the phone and came in again. He was aware of it a long time ago, but he didn't know what was on the phone. When he came back to report: "Mr Qin, yours..."

Before he finished speaking, there was someone from the partner who wanted to line up with him. Qin Zhiyou raised his arm, "If it's not an important matter, I'll talk about it later."

Where did Secretary Wang know that it didn't matter, he nodded and stepped back.

But today's things have always been a lot. These partners have just met and are about to leave. The subordinates over there have come to report on the work situation again, which is more seamless than seamless connection. In front of the partner, Qin Zhiyou could not show his fatigue, impatience, and critical situation, and Secretary Wang did not dare to mention it. Even at noon, there will be another wave of dinner arrangements.

After eating and drinking, he finally returned. Before Qin Zhiyou had time to close his eyes, a more important person came again this time-it was someone from the China Securities Regulatory Commission who came to review.

Qin Zhiyou only returned to the office, didn't even drink his saliva, got up to respond. He naturally did not see the flashing green light on the phone, nor did he see the phone's prompt.

It wasn't until the evening that everything was cleaned up, and Qin Zhiyou returned to the office with a tired look. Secretary Wang stood by and sorted out the documents for him.

Generally speaking, among the people who came to contact today, only Zhongtian Steel can afford the price. He wasn't arrogant. If it really didn't work, Zhongtian's price was right, but it wasn't that he couldn't sell it. However, he always felt that Zhongtian came to feel a little bit bad, as if he was going to stab him somewhere.

This time the phone rang, and Qin Zhiyou turned his head to see that it was his own personal phone. His mobile phone was left for charging yesterday, but it has not been taken away since. Yesterday and today are very busy, he really has no time or energy to watch. Qin Zhiyou picked it up this time and found that the caller ID was Mother Lu. Mother Lu had his mobile phone number, but she never called, and he didn't think much about it, so she answered the call directly: "Hey, mom, what's the matter?"

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