But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 848: Entering the hall (6)

Qin Zhisu's side, because he became one with everyone, so it was lively and lively. But Qin Zhiyou was not to be outdone. He didn't deliberately find any loneliness for self-appreciation. It was just that when the group of people worked hard to climb the mountain, he and Lu Weixi sat on the ropeway easily. When the group of people were exhausted and panting up to the top of the mountain, they were already sitting comfortably in the best viewing position, ordering a large table, drinking coffee and refreshing, and seeing them coming up, they were polite. Nodded, and even shared generously: "This tastes good. Would you like to try it?"

How could Qin Zhisu accept his charity? He glanced at it, then turned to find the store, "Give me a copy of this."

The store has a helpless expression: "This, it's sold out..."

Then he glanced at Qin Zhiyou, and Qin Zhisu knew immediately that his good brother had already rounded up these things.

He called a bunch of things and didn't waste a bit at the end, and even fed the stray dogs and cats.

No way, he is now more mature than these little kids. He has achieved financial independence and successful career, and even came to participate in their graduation activities abruptly. The leaders of the courtyard must be very good-natured. Because Hanhai Group will give N a certain amount of project funds every year, and this project, in the past two years, has just graduated Qin Zhiyou.

No one will have trouble with money, even if N is like this. Besides, Qin Zhiyou is also their alumni, which is regarded as alumni's feedback, and has not opened any back doors. Everyone in the school has a heart higher than the sky, but this group of students are not fools, and together they can't compare to Qin Zhiyou's finger. It doesn't seem right to say that he has only a few stinky money, no abilities, and no writing skills. He is a senior at the School of Economics and Management of N University.

No matter how good Qin Zhisu is, no matter how good his family is, that will be the future. Now the fact is that Qin Zhiyou is one grade higher than them, and it is difficult for them to stand up.

And... and, how can I say it, I don't know if it was Qin Zhiyou deliberately. Today, he and Lu Weixi are wearing couple clothes. Lu Weixi is dressed in white, and he wears black casual clothes from head to toe. Compared to them all wearing school uniforms and T-shirts, the two of them stand together, they are very talented, even better than she was with Qin Zhisu at the time. With the mountain breeze and the scenery, it is just a painting.

Even if those people hate Lu Weixi, they have to say: She is really good-looking, otherwise they won't let the brothers turn against each other now.

But the more they look matched, the more angry Qin Zhishou becomes. Cai Yiren naturally also saw the suffocation in his heart, and sent tenderness in a timely manner. Obviously they had the advantage. It was Qin Zhiyou who had robbed his younger brother's girlfriend, but they were still upright and upright, watching Qin Zhisu three points.

Even before leaving, Qin Zhiyou took Lu Weixi directly to inform the teacher: "I can take her back first, right? We have something to do and want to go first. We will send you a message when we arrive at the destination."

Qin Zhisu came back with a backhand: "Yi Ren, didn't you say that Aunt Cai wants to come and walk around? In the evening, invite them to come over for dinner."

Lu Weixi didn't want to agree, but when he heard Qin Zhisu's demonstration, he nodded immediately. Cai Yiren was full of joy, but pretended to be embarrassed: "Will it trouble you too much."

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