But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 883: My girlfriend (1)

More than a month after Xue Feifei left the film and television city angrily last time, he really, as he said, never paid attention to her. Not only did he not go, but he also didn't let his assistants pay attention. He even ordered Xue Feifei's assistant and agent, stating that he has no interest in Xue Feifei, and there is no important thing to do in the future, so don't come to him again.

After that, his ears were really clean for a long time. Usually he is busy with his own work, and he often flies around, or goes to this dinner or the reception. When he got busy, he didn't have time to take care of what Xue Feifei had done with Feifei.

But when I was idle, I would automatically remember those things about her in my mind. A little angry, but more still upset.

He is not a person who cannot live without a woman. After breaking up with my last girlfriend, I didn't look for it for several months, and seemed to be at ease. However, once he had this concern, he seemed to be fidgeting about what he really did.

I also thought about dispelling this kind of emotion, so Qin Zhimei came to pester him again and again. He pushed a few times, but he had to accompany her out a few times. However, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Even if you force yourself to go out with Qin Zhimei, you can't get the slightest interest.

When he was bored, Qin Zhiyun was about to get engaged. He had no interest in this kind of engagement at first, until he heard that the crew who wanted to invite him at the engagement banquet would ask him for help.

Yu Sixing was indeed a little excited for a moment, and thought, I didn't find this on my own initiative, and there was no way I could do it for my friends. He immediately invited the entire crew, as long as they were a little bit famous, they would pack them all together. When the banquet came, he didn't go with his family. The car kept following behind the crew of the crew, and then pretended that he had just arrived.

Unexpectedly, the woman Xue Feifei, who hadn't seen each other for a month, still worked so hard to separate herself from her. If he doesn't take the initiative, she really doesn't greet herself, and she doesn't take the initiative to contact. When cutting the cake, he stood behind her, holding the plastic knife for cutting the cake, trying to chop her on the neck. But after a few breaths, it was the smell of her body, and he couldn't bear to do it anymore.

When the banquet ended, he wanted to go home directly, but when he drove the car, he looked up and found that he had stopped downstairs at Xue Feifei's house. A little bit more, after her assistant left, he thought about whether to go up, and even people stood in front of her house. He has a key in his pocket, and theoretically he can't stop him.

But he took out his hand several times, took it back after thinking about it, and returned to the car, but didn't want to leave, but he didn't want to go again. Turning on the phone, the woman's message has been empty. There happened to be half a cigarette left over from the business talk in the car, and he ran out of it unknowingly. Until the sky turned white, I drove away.

He knew that the crew was going abroad the next day, but he didn't want to follow it so cheaply. Originally, his mother wanted him to go to Qin's house with Qin Zhimei, but he didn't want to go. But Qin Zhiyou sent him a message, which shocked him: My wife seems to have found out about the two of you.

Yu Sixing happened to be smoking a cigarette. When he saw the news, the phone fell on the ground unconsciously. He was going to pick it up, but he didn't expect that the ashes would burn to his hand, making it even more uncomfortable.

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