But My Hubby Dotes on Me

Chapter 889: Protest (1)

Although the opposite party was indeed yelling, it didn't seem that the celebrity was cheering, it was more like protesting.

The director asked around, but none of the celebrities here responded, but the shouts from the other side grew louder and louder. And it's not just that the shouts are louder, but even a small number of people start to use their equipment. The director was a little anxious at this moment.

It is unlikely that these people are here to collect protection fees. Many of these people are young women, in their teens and twenties, and they have no weapons. Although they seem agitated, they are still within the normal range. No one who wants to collect protection fees speaks like this. .

This is beyond the director's cognitive category. Especially afterwards, the people sent by the crew to communicate, ran back and gave a dingy report: "What they said is no good, "destroy" the environment," "birds" and so on. Their English is not good, and their pronunciation is still accented. I'm not too sure either."

As he was talking, a few excited young men over there had already moved the large equipment of the crew, and the director immediately sent someone to guard it. The other party cursed, although they didn't understand, but judging from their attitude, they were obviously a little irritated.

At this time, it is clear that the situation on both sides has begun to be tense. The main actors, Huang Mi and Xiang Yirou, their assistants and bodyguards, surrounded them for the first time, fearing that they would be able to protect others when there was a conflict later. Several other actors too.

The director has a big head, especially, he can't figure out how does his own filming have anything to do with the environment? What other bird? He is sure now that this group of people is here to ask for money. There are not many people on his side, and he is just an assistant director, so he can only call to ask Director Zhao for help.

Being chaotic, Xue Feifei yelled twice: "Eh, let me down!"

The staff quickly put her down. Xue Feifei just landed and untied the rope. Before she had time to drink, she immediately moved forward.

Huang Mi also shouted: "Be careful."

"It's okay. I'll try it. Be gentle. It shouldn't matter."

Xue Feifei didn't have time to explain to him, so she walked directly over there. Xiang Yirou was still screaming: "Only she is great. Let's see that she won't be besieged in the past."

Xue Feifei's assistant was even more nervous and hurried to catch up.

When the group of people were in front of them, several people in communication saw Xue Feifei coming, and they were a little nervous: "You are the second female, so you can't have an accident."

"Let me try. I took courses in'Environmental Climate and Bird Protection' in college before, and they just started talking." She walked over and talked to someone who looked like a head and spoke fluent English. .

Xue Feifei University took the test on its own, and it was N University, a well-known university in the country. Before becoming an actor, she always wanted to do design, and she did garden design, so her English would not be bad. These people who communicated mainly do not understand many professional vocabulary, such as some birds, some climates, some habits, and have not studied GRE (the National Graduate Entrance Exam, which has more than 10,000 vocabulary), or Those who have studied the meteorological environment and birds, really don't understand it.

It turned out that this group of people was an animal protection organization, and they were worried that their shooting would affect the migration and reproduction of endangered birds and damage the environment, so they resisted.

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