In the moment after the end of the freezing, all the strong people on the starry sky side were doing their best to avoid the opponent's attack, but the effect was minimal, but the next moment changed, and time stood still again, but this time it was no longer just Wang Xuan and them, and the same was true of the strong people in the foreign realm.

At this time, a voice came, and everyone looked towards the sound, while those with their backs were sticking out their ears and listening carefully.

"Ahem, I didn't expect that this time my old man really came to the right place."

The person who spoke was none other than the old Buddhist monk, who was too old and had experienced a great war, so he had been coughing up blood.

"Exotic devil cubs, admire it, the power from the Buddha."

The old monk said that, put his hands together, chanted Buddhist sutras in his mouth, and his body was full of golden light, and there was a relic slowly precipitated in the old monk's body and floated in front of the old monk.

The people who can see this scene are all about to move, and the relics precipitated by an old monk who is super peerless and perfect are the size of a baby's fist, exuding brilliant Buddha light.

The old monk took out a wooden fish hammer from his robe, and then slowly knocked it on the relics, only to see the 10 relics emitting immeasurable Buddha light shattered in response.

"Reincarnation of cause and effect."

Everyone could no longer see the old monk, only his voice, and as his voice fell, everything around him began to regress rapidly, back five seconds ago.

At this time, many super-peerless people in the foreign realm were not ready to kill moves, and the strong people of the starry sky did not fall into crisis, everything was the same as just now, only there was no less than one old monk.


The human king roared, the village rain in his hand waved, rushing towards the exotic super peerless wearing the imperial noble chariot, Wang Xuan is also full of endless killing intent at this moment, if it were not for the old monk to sacrifice his life to save him just now, many of them would have been in a different place now.

"Hundred-eyed ghost!"

Wang Xuan roared, amplifying the gravity field of the hundred eyes ghost, and the sudden change in gravity made many exotic powerhouses stagger, although they were adjusted immediately, but this mistake was fatal for the super peerless.

Then, several people broke away from Wang Xuan, and the Taishang Elder of the Dao Clan was also blinded when he saw this scene, how could the geniuses of the Fuxi clan still have their Dao Clan's talent skills? You know, there are few talent skills in the Dao clan that can be controlled, and it is a heaven-defying secret method that can only be used after truly controlling a great road.

Those people looked exactly like Wang Xuan, some of them held long swords, like immortals; Some hold a big knife in their arms, their eyes are ruthless, and they are staring at everyone in a foreign land; Some carry huge heavenly yun on their backs, and have the tendency to swallow the heavens and the earth; Others are dim, as if they are not in the present, but in the future or past; Others just appeared and disappeared into the void, never to be seen again...

These are all the avenues that Wang Xuan thoroughly mastered, the way of the sword, the way of the sword, the way of the gun, the path of the yun, the road of the void, the avenue of time, a whole six avenues, five avenue avatars, each avenue doppelgänger has a combat power close to 80% of Wang Xuan, Wang Xuan clenched the Fuxi divine spear in his hand, pointing at Wu Kun and Chi Hongmeng from afar.


Wang Xuan completely broke out, Fuxi magic spear stabbed at Wu Kun like a dragon, Wu Kun summoned ice spikes to block the ice pick, but to no avail, can only sacrifice several layers of ice shields, when the pig Wang Xuan this blow, ten layers of ice shields, the first three layers instantly shattered, the fourth layer lasted for a few seconds, the fifth layer was longer, until the last layer, the power of this gun gradually melted.

Wang Xuan used force, the tip of the gun trembled, shattering the last layer of ice shield, and then Wang Xuan turned around and stabbed back in a strange posture, and with a return shot, he almost pierced Wu Kun's abdomen and was pressed to cross.

"Be careful, don't capsize in the gutter."

Chi Hongmeng had some accusations, and Wu Kun also knew that he was careless, and did not refute anything.

A blow did not succeed, Wang Xuan immediately pulled away, landed several times in the air, returned to safety, Chi Hongmeng couldn't help but tighten his pupils after seeing Wang Xuan's foothold, because every landing point of Wang Xuan was on the silk thread he arranged, but this silk thread was completely hidden, even powerful cultivators could not see, even when everyone in the foreign region stepped on it just now, it was Chi Hongmeng who put it on the soles of their feet.

But Wang Xuan was able to accurately land on every thread and easily avoid all the traps, which is no luck.

"The Fuxi family?"

Chi Hongmeng asked with some uncertainty, but the next moment, a huge snake tail pumped in his face, saying it all.

"Must kill him! Blood sacrifice, please take out those kings!"

Wu Kun roared, they were too sensitive to the word Fuxi, in ancient times, only the power of one clan blocked their entire domain, killing them in fear.

Just when they gathered together, the reinforcements of the starry sky arrived, they were originally recruiting soldiers from all races, they did not expect that the foreign realm would come back so soon, so they were not fully prepared and delayed for some time, and now, all the people above the peerless realm of the starry sky have arrived here in the passage of the two realms.

And they also began their blood sacrifice, only to see that several people cut their palms and dripped onto a disk.

"Not good! That's exotic Shangri-La!"

Brad's voice came, calming the murderous Wang Xuan. 260

"What for?"

"It can be moved in space and can be used across borders! The stronger the overall strength of the transferred person, the higher the requirements for the user, and a six-super-peerless transfer like this is likely to be exotic, king!"

After hearing Brad's words, Wang Xuan's heart also sank, the king of foreign lands, if he really comes, who can fight with one?

"Disrupt their formation, they want to call!"

Wang Xuan Yi roared, and all the people in the starry sky shot and rushed to the imperial tool, but until now, only one of the super peerless consummations in the exotic region died, and now there are eleven more, in addition to the ones who use the imperial tools, there are also ten, and the starry sky is now the super peerless consummation only has five human kings, the old patriarch of the Dao clan, the elder of the Dao clan, the patriarch of the Yaxian clan, and the patriarch of the Buddha clan, plus Wang Xuan, the combat power that can fight the super peerless consummation is only six, and the super peerless of the foreign realm is still increasing, There is a continuous stream of peerless appearances from the passage of the two realms.

At this time, the gap in the background was revealed, all the combat power of the starry sky was placed here, but the exotic ones were still increasing in a steady stream of exotic super peerless fierceness that was not afraid of death, and they blocked the strong people of the starry sky and did not let them get close to the summoning array, and after about dozens of breaths, the summoning array broke out with a powerful force.

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