"With all due respect, Ten Cities Tianjiao, it's all garbage!"

In the picture, Wang Xuan's words are like a thunderclap.

It exploded directly in the ears of Wang Zixuan and others.

They were all stunned.

"Ten cities Tianjiao are all garbage, hey, he really dares to say it!"

"I lean, Zixuan, your brother is too domineering!"

"Wow, it's really domineering, but isn't this too crazy?"

Wang Zixuan looked confused, "Is my brother crazy?"

Although his own big brother defeated the three major Tianjiao of Fang Cheng~, his strength is beyond doubt.

But Fang City is only ranked seventh among the top ten cities.

And what Wang Xuan said was to give all the Tianjiao of the great city into it.

This is pulling hatred for yourself!

A few girls didn't think so much,

I only feel that Wang Xuan speaks very domineering and awe-inspiring, looking at Wang Xuan on the screen one by one, with little stars in his eyes.

Because of the gathering of almost all kinds of reporters in the city.

Wang Xuan's interview was instantly reprinted in many places.

Tens of millions of people have paid attention to this matter.

Even the influence of this matter has radiated to the other ten major cities, and the matter has intensified.

Completely out of control.

But this also achieved exactly the effect Wang Xuan wanted.

What he wants is for people in other big cities to see!

The one who had the most immediate impact was Heijo.

This interview with Wang Xuan is looped on all street screens.

That arrogant remark spread over and over again, and even many college students who admired Wang Xuan learned it.

"Hahahaha, Wang Xuan is so arrogant, but I like it!"

"Young people should be crazy, young and frivolous, why not crazy?!"

"Senior Brother Wang Xuan is awesome! My role model!"

"This is the domineering spirit of my Pingcheng Tianjiao!"

"I think Wang Xuan said this too casually, it is true that he is very strong, the first person of the young generation in Pingcheng."

"But now he is openly mocking the Tianjiao of the other ten major cities, Wang Xuan is no matter how powerful he is, after all, it is only in the scope of Pingcheng, and Pingcheng is only the end of the ten major cities!"

"Didn't Wang Xuan offend the Tianjiao of other big cities to death?"

"Don't underestimate the impact of this matter, it is likely to have spread to other cities, and I feel that there will be more trouble to come."

"Damn, Wang Xuan, you are crazy, don't cause trouble for us Pingcheng, we can't afford to provoke people in other big cities!"

"It's over, you are still helping Wang Xuan speak, do you know that Wang Xuan is already going to kill us, and soon, the Tianjiao of other cities will come to the door!"

"It's too late for Wang Xuan to come forward to apologize now!"

Heijo's attention to the matter was polarized.

Students from the three major colleges and universities regarded Wang Xuan as an idol and vied to imitate him.

Some people also think that there is nothing wrong with Wang Xuan's words, why can't you be crazy?

However, most of them also felt that Wang Xuan was causing trouble for Pingcheng, and they were afraid that Tianjiao from other cities would come to the door.

In short, there are all kinds of comments and opinions, disputes and opinions.

Heijo No. 6 High School, inside the dormitory.

Long Ziyang, who is covered in bandages and has a strange shape, is sitting in front of the screen,

Looking at Wang Xuan's interview repeatedly, my heart surged and I was excited.

Wang Xuan's arrogant and unruly character directly conquered him.

Powerful and crazy, Long Ziyang also wants to become a person like Wang Xuan.

What teenager doesn't worship such a rebellious Wang Xuan?

Who is not a madman at heart.


"What about other big cities Tianjiao, they are all ants in front of you Wang Xuan!"

"Wang Xuan, I will take you as my goal, work hard to practice the sword, and become stronger!"

Heijo Ding family.

Ding Zhou looked at Wang Xuan in the picture with a complicated expression.

He thought that the gap between himself and Wang Xuan was not too big.

Until Quan Xingchen defeated him, Wang Xuan easily crushed Quan Xingchen and defeated Fang Cheng's three major Tianjiao with one enemy and three.

Only then did Ding Zhu realize that Wang Xuan's back was already out of reach for him.

"Although I am very reluctant, I have to admit, Wang Xuan, Ding Zhu is not as good as you!"

The impact of this interview with Wang Xuan is not small.

At this time, it has not only spread throughout Pingcheng, but has even radiated to the other ten cities.

One stone stirs up a thousand waves, and there are different opinions.

"What is this Wang Xuan's, how dare he say such a thing?"

"Wang Xuan? Oh, I've never heard of it."

"The frog at the bottom of the well, sitting in the well and watching the sky, the Tianjiao of Xiaoping City, really take himself seriously.

"It's just a beam-jumping clown, if you want to gain attention, you don't have to care at all."

"I guess the people in the five major cities will only smile when they see it, and they don't bother to pay attention to this kind of beam-jumping clown."

"That's for sure, the people in the five major cities are very busy, not only to prepare for the ten cities competition, to compete for the top title, but also to prepare for this year's Saint Martial Academy application."

"It's a joke."

Star City.

Last year, it ranked sixth among the ten cities, just one step away from being among the top five cities.


A century-old family in the city, among the dragon family.

"The young master is out of customs!"

"Hurry up and send someone to inform the patriarch!"

There were surprised shouts from the mansion.

The direction in which everyone's eyes meet,

A bare-haired boy is slowly walking out of the secret room,

This person didn't see how to show his cultivation, just standing there, people felt that there was a big mountain pressing down on their hearts.

Those who were close could even hear the sound of qi and blood rushing in their bodies.

Like a raging wave, the momentum is huge.

At the same time, last year's ten city competition, ranked eighth in Los Angeles,

The same among the eighth universities.

Outside one of the dormitories, the president and all tutors were waiting outside the door.

"Headmaster, calculate the time, he should also get out of customs, right?"

Listening to the questions of others, the pot-bellied principal nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the dormitory opened.

A young man dressed in black with long hair walked out slowly, breathing long and breathing like an abyss.

"Student Pei Xingyuan, congratulations on getting out."

The principal stepped forward and shook hands with the black-clothed boy.

"Do you have any plans for this exit?"

The corners of the black-clothed young man's mouth hooked, and the evil charm smiled: "I plan to go to Pingcheng."

The principal instantly comprehended: "Apply for the Holy Martial Academy, do you get those five extra points, hahaha, Pei Xingyuan thinks very Zhou Dao."

The black-clothed boy was undeniable, nodded and said, "It is estimated that the other guys should also get out of the customs, I have to leave immediately, otherwise they will be the first to board."

Sweeping a city of Tianjiao, you will get five extra points when applying for the Saint Martial Academy.

These five points made up for a big gap, and last year, he missed the Holy Martial Academy because of the gap of five points.

As the bottom of the top ten cities, Pingcheng's comprehensive strength is recognized as weak, so this has also become a fragrant food in the eyes of many people.

They all want to get those five pluses.

The principal said with a strange expression: "During this period of your retreat, the three major Tianjiao of Fang Cheng have already gone to Pingcheng."

The face of the black-clothed boy instantly became gloomy.

People in Fang Cheng also dare to touch this piece of cake?!

A nameless anger rose instantly.

Seeing this, the principal did not say much, directly took out his mobile phone and opened a piece of news, and handed it to him.

A few minutes later.

The black-clothed boy was relieved and sneered: "Fang Cheng's waste is actually defeated."

"It seems that Pingcheng has finally figured out a Tianjiao who can take a shot."

"But he thinks that if he wins Fang Cheng's waste, is he qualified to scream? Just let me play with him.

After speaking, the boy in black turned and left.

The principal looked at his back, and his eyes were firm: "Our eighth university in Los Angeles, only he is qualified to apply for the Saint Martial Academy, Pei Xingyuan, compared to the three demons in Star City, there is still a big gap."

0 Ask for Flowers...............

"But as long as he gets the five points of Pingcheng, his hope of applying for the Saint Martial Academy will increase!"

The teacher next to him was shocked: "Those three demons in Star City are so strong, and Pei is not as good as it?"

The principal nodded with a heavy face and said, "Those three demons are said to have broken the first limit of qi and blood!"

As soon as these words came out, all the teachers gasped and their pupils dilated.

"Oh my God, those three demons actually broke the limit of qi and blood?!"

"This kind of person can only appear in the New King City!"

"Qi and blood limit realm, none of them are destined to go further in the future martial arts road, and at the same time have the absolute strength to crush people of the same realm!"

"Only if Pei gets the five extra points of Pingcheng can he be qualified to compete with those three extreme realms!"

"Star City has appeared these three demons who have broken the limit of the first qi and blood, and in this year's ten city competition, Star City is expected to be one of the five major cities!"

"Yes, Star City has produced those three demons this year, and it is expected to change the ranking!"

At the same time, among the major cities, countless Tianjiao demons came out!

All eyes are gathered at the same time in Heijo!


For a time, the wind and clouds changed color and undercurrents surged.

Wang Xuan raised his hand and knocked on the door of the principal's office.

It wasn't long before the door opened.

Dong Xuehai said with a smile on his face: "Student Wang Xuan, you are famous again."

Behind him, Lord Liucheng, who was sitting on the sofa, also stood up and said with a smile: "It just so happens that there is no need for Old Dong to do it for you, on behalf of the people of Pingcheng and me personally, I would like to say thank you to you."

"Student Wang Xuan, thank you for defending the dignity of Pingcheng."

"This is my obligation as a Heijo person."

After Wang Xuan entered the room, he said in a low-key and modest manner.

Lord Liu City laughed and patted Wang Xuan on the shoulder and said, "Since ancient heroes came out as teenagers, you have done such a big thing for Pingcheng, and Pingcheng naturally cannot be indebted to you."

"Student Wang Xuan, if you need any help, Pingcheng fully supports you."

Hearing this, Wang Xuan thought about it very seriously, and then said, "I need a sword, okay?"

Dong Xuehai was stunned and said, "Do you want a sword for?" Do I remember if you practiced knives?"

Lord Liu Cheng frowned, and said bitterly: "Student Wang Xuan, as an elder, I need to remind you."

"There are all kinds of weapons in the world, it is not easy to practice and master one, since you have comprehended the sword intent in the way of the sword, you should focus on practicing the sword."

"As the saying goes, Bo is not fine."

Wang Xuan no longer represents only the second high, he represents the entire Pingcheng.

All the Liu City Lords were very worried that Wang Xuan would take a crooked path, then he would lose a super demon in Pingcheng.

Dong Xuehai also said with a serious face: "You can't fool around just because you have talent, you have to specialize in one field, I admit that you have practiced the sword well, and you are expected to become a great grandmaster in the future."

"But swords are different from knives, don't think that if you practice your sword well, you will definitely be able to practice swords, I tell you..."

Wang Xuan really can't stand the nagging of these two people,

With an impatient face, he took the famous sword collected by Dong Xuehai in his hand,

Draw your sword and wave it casually.

A fierce sword intent surged, enveloping the entire office.

The voice stopped abruptly,

Turning his head, he saw that Dong Xuehai and Lord Liu Cheng were both dumbfounded,

Zhengzheng looked at Wang Xuan stunned, his eyes full of shock.

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