Not long after, the official law enforcement vehicle of Pingcheng drove into the factory and surrounded the factory.

Led by Lord Liucheng, a group of people walked in.

"First calm the people's emotions."

Lord Liu Cheng ordered the people around him.

Immediately, law enforcement officers stepped forward and calmed the emotions of these arrested people with soft words.

And take them to the car.

Lord Liu Cheng met with Wang Xuan alone.

"When we got the news, we came immediately, but we didn't expect it to be late."

"You fought with the people of the Blood Spirit Hall~?"

Lord Liu Cheng looked at the factory that was destroyed into such a factory, and his heart shook slightly.

Such a battle must at least be at the level of the Forging Bone Realm.

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "I solved him, a guy from the Bone Forging Realm, the branch hall master is a small leader of the Blood Spirit Hall."

Lord Liu City took a slight breath and looked at Wang Xuan with the eyes of a monster.

The strong man of the Forging Bone Realm said so lightly from Wang Xuan's mouth,

The most important thing is that Wang Xuan can even kill the strong people of the Forging Bone Realm!

"Could it be that you have entered the second limit?"

Lord Liu Cheng had heard Dong Xuehai talk about it before, and Wang Xuan had also stepped into the extreme realm.

In the ten cities of the old land, there are many Tianjiao who have stepped into the extreme realm this year, and Wang Xuan can crush them, and he must be too.

Wang Xuan did not hide it and nodded.

He didn't use the Star Secret Technique to solve this Bone Forging Realm powerhouse.

"Good boy!" Lord Liu Cheng patted Wang Xuan on the shoulder.

"You solved one of the base points of the Blood Spirit Hall in my Pingcheng and cut off this tumor, I have to reward you on behalf of Pingcheng!"

"Let's go, take my car, and go back."

Subsequently, Wang Xuan and his parents got into Liucheng's car.

The little girl had been sent home by law enforcement officers.

Sitting in the back seat of the car, Li Xiulian and his wife were panicked.

Lord of Heijo City!

That's the biggest person in Heijo.

This kind of big man is usually only seen on the news, but now he is not only seen in reality, but also in someone else's car.

My heart was both excited and proud.

They knew that it must be because of Wang Xuan that they could sit in the city lord's treasury.

In the car, Lord Liu Cheng handed an antique wooden box to Wang Xuan.

"Little reward, thank you for this young hero.

Wang Xuan took the box and opened it,

Three purple fruits lie quietly inside.

The skin is smooth and crystal clear, making you want to take a bite.

However, Wang Xuanzhi said, what Lord Liu Cheng took out was definitely not as simple as ordinary fruit.

"This is?"

Lord Liu Cheng smiled and said, "Zihua fruit, the fruit of physical training."

Wang Xuan was slightly surprised, but he did not expect it to be the fruit of physical training.

Yue Zhuguo was madly robbed by countless warriors because it could increase qi and blood,

Therefore, its value cannot be measured in money, and in a sense, it can be regarded as priceless.

This purple flower fruit can enhance the strength of the flesh after taking it, and it is even more precious than the moon fruit to a certain extent.

"Wang Xuan, don't thank people yet." Li Xiulian patted the back of Wang Xuan's hand and reminded.

Wang Xuan closed the box and said, "Thank you, Lord Liucheng."

"No, you won it."

City Lord Liu turned his head and smiled: "I also have a selfish heart, the better you become, the brighter my face as a city lord will be."


"Zihuaguo, take it when you go back."

Along the way, time passed quickly.

Lord Liucheng's car stopped at the gate of the second high school,

Principal Dong Xuehai has been waiting here for a long time.

The doors opened and several people got out of the car.

Dong Xuehai first said hello to Lord Liu Cheng, and then took the initiative to shake hands with Wang Xuan's parents.

"Wang Xuan, I've heard everything about tonight, it's good!"

"You have made a great contribution to the social security of Pingcheng!"

"A show of hands."

After a few people exchanged pleasantries, Lord Liu City left first.

As the lord of a city, it is already rare that he can be present in person.

"You won't tell me when your parents come."

"After going through these things today, everyone is also tired.

"In this way, it just so happens that there is a free dormitory for the staff, so that your parents also live in the school, and you can accompany them more."

Walking on campus, Li Xiulian said, "Wang Xuan, don't tell your sister about today's incident."

Wang Xuan nodded.

Everything has already happened, and besides, it also worries his younger sister Prince Xuanbai.

"Just go back, there is a headmaster here."

With that, Wang Hongyuan pushed Wang Xuan back to the dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory alone, lock the door behind you.

Wang Xuan sat cross-legged on the cushion and took out the three purple fruits in the wooden box.

Without hesitation, I ate it directly.


After the three purple fruits were lowered, they instantly turned into surging energy and spread throughout the body.

Wang Xuan's muscles turned red.

The muscles visible to the naked eye become more inflated!

That flesh seems to contain terrifying power!

There was a muffled sound in the body, and the wind and waves were calm.

The strength of the physical body broke through the power of the thirty-three dragons!

A purple fruit allowed him to increase the power of a dragon, and one could imagine how difficult it was to find this fruit.

At the same time, not only in the improvement of physical strength,

Wang Xuan's qi and blood were also nourished by this energy.

Qi and blood exceeded 25,600 calories!

"Now that I have reached the second limit, I am just around the corner."

"Blessed with the martial arts rewards I have received now, as well as the hole card star secret technique."

"Even a strong person in the bone training realm can't carry me with a sword."

Wang Xuan is still very satisfied with his current state.

Tonight, he really used the first form of the Annihilation Sword Technique [The rest of the force is even more uneven, Wang Xuan imagined.

A strong person in the bone training realm was not even left with slag under this sword technique.


Li Xiulian and his wife stayed in the second high school for a few days and then went back.

Time flies, and half a month passes in the blink of an eye.

The entire Terran Old Land will usher in a big event!

That's Ten Cities Dabi!

On this day, Lord Liu Cheng personally came to the door and came to the dormitory to find Wang Xuan.

"Tomorrow is the Ten Cities Dabi, as the first person of the younger generation in Pingcheng, I want you to lead the Pingcheng team.

"Give other cities a king bomb this year!"

"Let them know that my Pingcheng has produced an incredible super demon jar this year!"

Lord Liu Cheng said with a smile on his face.

Wang Xuan has long been ready to welcome the Ten Cities Dabi,

He did not refuse and nodded.

Now except for him, no one in the younger generation of Heicheng can shoulder this heavy responsibility.

Besides, Wang Xuan's strength is here, and leading the team is also expected by everyone.

Ten Cities Dabi gathered the entire Terran Old Land, the strongest young generation, how could Wang Xuan let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"This year's ten cities are compared, and the five cities that should be paid special attention to."

"The gap in strength between the top five cities and the last five cities is very large,"

"There may be young powerhouses in the five major cities who have broken the third qi and blood limit, or even the fourth qi and blood limit!"

"Some even come down from the New King City to practice, the so-called newcomers!."

0 begging for flowers...

"Although the people in the latter five cities also need to pay attention, you have basically dealt with the people in the last five cities and have an understanding."

"Those guys in the top five cities are the opponents you really have to face, you must pay attention, don't be big!"

Lord Liu City will explain the most detailed situation of the ten cities of the old land to Wang Xuan,

Especially when it comes to those guys in the top five cities, their faces are even more heavy, making Wang Xuan more careful.

Wang Xuan nodded.

Even if the top five cities may be young and strong people who break the third limit, or even the fourth limit, he does not have any pressure.

Because for him, the stronger the opponent of the ten cities, the better!

The benefits he can get are also even greater!

One of the five major cities, Yongqing City,

In aristocratic universities,

In the office, the principal was saying bitterly to a teenager:

"Student Ye Zhiqiu, this year's Pingcheng Dabi, you have to be careful of those guys in the first four cities."

"They are not generalists, and they are also the most threatening opponents of this ten city competition.

Ye Zhiqiu did not nod, thought about it and said: "If it was me before, it might be able to threaten me, but after half a month, my improvement level is very amazing."

"At least to my surprise."

The principal was overjoyed and said, "Student Ye Zhiqiu, I believe in you, and the entire Yongqing City also believes in you!"

"Student Ye Zhiqiu, take the liberty of asking, the limit of the Fourth Army... Did you break it?"

Ye Zhiqiu looked up at the window and did not speak,

The broadknife behind him trembled slightly.

One of the five major cities, Maple City,

A naked boy with a gun, standing at the foot of a waterfall.

Against the pressure of the cascading waterfall, a shot was stabbed.

The whole waterfall flows backwards in an instant!

Looking around, in the valley, both sides of the cliff were split by a young man's shot.

"Senior brother, your marksmanship has been practiced to the point of supernatural perfection."

"One shot can break the river."

A younger teenager squatted to the side, his face adoring.

The boy with the gun put down the gun and did not feel the slightest pride in the boast of the other person.

"I said, your talent is higher than mine, and in another year, you will be able to surpass me."

The young man stood up and grinned, "At least not now."

"Senior brother, when did you step into the third limit?"

The young man with the gun said expressionlessly: "The third limit.... It's been a matter of how long has it been. ”

The first of the five major cities, the celestial city,

Inside the city lord's mansion.

"This year's Ten Cities Competition is still held in our Celestial City."

"No matter what, you can't lose, at least you have to keep the ranking, and you definitely can't let the big city behind you come up!"

The city lord said to the group of teenagers.

"Their strength this year is not simple, they must not take me lightly!"

"Say what about you!"

The city lord glared at one of the teenagers and scolded with a smile.

The young man sneered: "Except for Ye Zhiqiu, who can make me interested, I don't pay attention to anyone else."

"Then the first battle of the year, you will fight?"

"If I can, it is enough for Amagi to participate alone."

Ask for tips, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for ******£#!!!!!!!


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