By Killing The Enemy And Exploding The Cultivation Base, I Have Put An End To The Arrogance Of Billi

Chapter 91 Breaking The Record! The Strongest Evildoer Of The Holy Martial Academy?

Inside the St. Wu Pagoda, first floor.

It's empty and without any frills.

Between the passages leading to each floor, there is a very thick spatial barrier.

In addition, there is an invisible pressure.

Only by withstanding the pressure of each layer can you break through the spatial barrier and enter the upper Saint Martial Pagoda.

As soon as Wang Xuan stepped into the first layer, he felt an invisible pressure acting on his body.

This made Wang Xuan's footsteps heavy.


Wang Xuan muttered softly, completely entering it.

He took a slight breath and sat cross-legged on the ground.

The omnipresent pressure enveloped Wang Xuan's whole person.

Wang Xuan is allowing his body to adapt to the pressure.

In this high-pressure environment, if the body cannot adapt in time to make adjustments,

Then irreversible dark wounds will accumulate in the body.

Time passes minute by minute,

The people outside the Holy Martial Pagoda watched Wang Xuan not come out inside for a long time, and couldn't help but comment:

"This freshman can ah, he has been in it for so long."

"Those newcomers in the past came out in ashes after staying inside for less than a minute,"

"It seems that this new student seems to have a little skill."

Someone speculated unkindly, "Is it possible that the new student has fainted inside?"

The first floor of the Holy Martial Pagoda,

Someone like an old monk sits in it,

With a calm expression, I don't know how long I have been in this position.

In the next second, Wang Xuan finally moved.

I saw him open his eyes and quickly stand up.

"Now my physical body, every inch of muscles has adapted to this pressure."


Wang Xuan looked at the spatial barrier, the qi and blood in his body boiled, and rushed over!

Now the pressure of the first layer has no effect on Wang Xuan.

He was running like a flat ground, and his speed was not affected in any way.

In an instant, that spatial barrier was broken with the flesh!


The spatial barrier of the second layer was also broken!

Third layer....

Fourth floor....

Tenth floor!

Wang Xuan didn't know that every time he stepped on the next level,

The corresponding floor of the Holy Martial Pagoda outside lit up.

It is telling everyone that the interlopers inside have entered the first few floors.

All the people outside slowly watched the Saint Martial Pagoda start from the first floor, and each layer gradually glowed,

Everyone was not calm, and the onlookers began to shake.

Including Barcoer.

"The second layer, this freshman is not bad."

"Haha, I thought he fainted on the first floor, but I didn't expect to be able to rush to the second layer, which is indeed a bit of strength."

"Ouch, the third layer!"

"Yes, it's all the third layer, and it has reached a normal level."

"Look, the fourth floor!"

"Crouch! It's the fifth floor!"

"Damn, I just blinked, how can it be the tenth floor!"

"By! That guy is still breaking through the level, so fast!"

Senior Sister Ba Keer blinked her beautiful eyes and said in surprise: "This little junior brother is so fierce, it seems that I underestimate him."

As a freshman, he was able to break through to the tenth floor just after entering the Saint Martial Pagoda, which was already very good.

Inside the Saint Martial Pagoda,

Wang Xuan is like a fierce beast in the world,

Constantly breaking through the spatial barriers,

Under this strong physical strength, there seems to be no obstacle.

Those spatial barriers were even more useless, and they were just as fragile as a piece of paper in front of his eyes.

Wang Xuan didn't seem to be affected by the pressure of space, causing a slight slowdown.

The space barrier of the tenth floor is broken,

Wang Xuan entered the eleventh floor,

Twelfth floor,

Thirteenth floor,

Fourteenth floor........

Twenty-ninth floor!

Thirtieth floor!

The moment Wang Xuan entered the thirtieth floor,

Wang Xuan's muscles have faintly turned red,

The qi and blood in his body boiled like a rolling volcano,

What can't be suppressed must spray out!


At this moment!

Wang Xuan's qi and blood actually broke through!

Qi and blood broke through to 63,000 calories!

Wang Xuan stopped and sighed, "Every time the Saint Martial Pagoda rises one floor, its pressure will also become heavier.

"But under this pressure, I am also constantly tapping my own potential."

"I think that the foundation of the establishment of this Saint Martial Pagoda is to allow the students here to constantly break through their limits!"

"Only by constantly challenging the limits can you make yourself stronger."

"So.... Keep rushing!"

Wang Xuan took a slight breath, and the qi and blood in his body boiled again like a volcano.

The thirty-story spatial barrier was smashed again,

Wang Xuan entered the thirty-first floor, his steps did not stop,

The spatial pressure here seems to be unable to limit him....

Spatial barriers were shattered,

Wang Xuan used his strong flesh to ignore the pressure of space and ignore all the spatial barriers in front of him with an extremely strong posture!

Forty floors!

After reaching the fortieth floor, those who can reach this height are undoubtedly all demons in the Holy Martial Academy!

Even if these demons reach the forty layers, if they want to break through each layer, they are breaking their own limits!

Each layer starts to get incredibly hard,

It's often the fortieth floor to the forty-first floor,

They all needed to spend several days in the Saint Martial Tower until they could adapt to the pressure of space before they could continue to go up.

After that, the limit is broken upwards, and each layer needs time to accumulate, adapt to the pressure of space, and slowly grind and grind to go up step by step.

Like a snail walking, it wins with a persistence!

All, in the Saint Martial Pagoda, exercise not only your physical strength, but more importantly, exercise a person's perseverance!

On the fortieth floor, several Tianjiao of the academy are sitting cross-legged here,

Each of them was sweating, or their faces were red,

They're adapting to the spatial pressure of this layer.

At this time, they saw a scene that they will never forget!

A teenager with red muscles, after entering the fortieth floor, actually rushed past them, broke through the barrier, and went up to a higher height!

"By! What kind of monster is that?!"

"Did this guy ignore the pressure of space!"

"Damn, we're still struggling here, it's hard to even speak, but this guy rushed up like this!"

"The pressure of space seems to have no effect on him, this is the first time I have seen such a monster!"

Several Tianjiao were almost depressed and wanted to vomit blood.

People are more angry than people.

They have been grinding on the fortieth floor for a few days.

As a result, Wang Xuan rushed all the way like this, like a nobody.

Wang Xuan Yi broke through the pass, as if nothing could stop his steps.

Wang Xuan came to the fiftieth floor,

At this time, his qi and blood broke through again!

Broke through to 65,000 calories!

Wang Xuan Yi swept away the fatigue and regained his energy again,

Drink lightly and keep breaking the level!

Fifty floors began to go up, and Wang Xuan's footsteps began to become a little heavy.

But it's just a bit of a slowdown.

The level breaking continues!

When Wang Xuan arrived on the 60th floor,

Wang Xuan's qi and blood are not breaking through.

Instead, his physical body began to break through!

The strength of the flesh broke through two hundred and ten dragons!

"Under the pressure of this space, my physical body has been constantly tempered to become more powerful.

"No matter how much pressure it is, it just makes me stronger."

At this moment, Wang Xuan used the Holy Martial Pagoda as a place for him to temper his flesh.

The physical body will only become stronger and stronger under this tempering again and again!

Sixty floors,

Sixty-five floors,

Seventy floors!

The moment Wang Xuan stepped into the seventieth floor,

His physical strength broke through again,

The physical strength broke through to two hundred and fifty dragons!

An even bigger increase!

A whole forty dragon power has risen!

At the same time, this also shows that Wang Xuan's physical body, under the tempering of this increasingly powerful spatial pressure, is also becoming stronger and stronger!

Every time the physical strength is raised, it is also adapting to that spatial pressure.

Wang Xuan looked back at the road he came from and said to himself:

"It turns out that unknowingly, I have broken the record of the Holy Martial Academy.

"Senior Sister Barker said, how many layers is the highest record?"

"Forget it, I can't remember."

At this time, the outside world of Wuta was already dead silent.

Everyone looked at the light lit up on the seventieth floor of the Holy Martial Pagoda,

One by one, the breathing became rapid 520,

The pagoda elder stood up even more, his eyes full of disbelief.

There are already more and more good deeds gathered here, about three or four hundred people.

After a short silence,

The crowd exploded directly like boiling water!

"Sleeper !!!"

"It's seventy floors!"

"The freshman broke the record!"

"How long has it been!"

"Fake! A freshman actually broke the record set by that one?!"

"You told me this is a freshman?!"

"I can't doubt my eyes, that guy just entered the seventieth floor, the speed is inevitably too fast!"

"Even the Heavenly Girl who set a record, when she broke the pass, it took a long time to reach that height, but this new student broke up layer by layer, and basically did not stop!"

"That one only set a record of the sixty-third floor, and this freshman has reached the seventieth floor!"

"Doesn't it mean that this new student is even more fierce than the Heavenly Girl of the Academy?!"

Barker looked up at the high-level who had disappeared into the clouds, his expression dull.

"That junior brother.... Broke the academy record?"

News about Wang Xuan breaking the record at the highest level of the Holy Martial Pagoda,

Soon it was spread ten, ten to hundred, and in the end, it even alarmed the dean of the academy!

The Holy Martial Academy was completely boiling on this day because of a freshman!

In the academy, many great powers have been born!

The dean of the academy Shenlong appeared when he saw the end, the great elder of the inner courtyard, and the martial arts hall of the inner courtyard enshrined.....

In addition to the senior management responsible for this year's admissions assessment, the rest of the people have appeared!

Gather outside the Holy Martial Pagoda!

Ask for tips, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for support!!!!!!!!!!! [20,000 words update today! ] Chapters 88 and 90 have been lifted, brothers can read it, sorry]

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