Text Chapter 28 Hometown

"My name, my car, and the 14-year-old corpse. I was forced to work part-time, and the accommodation was very poor"

Luo Yin wrote it down in his notebook. Odin, that cub, will sooner or later tear down his lair.

"Grass, and ruined my elaborate belt."

"What belt?" Susie asked.

"It's nothing." He had to write down again.

Luo Yin was on a ventilator, wrapped in gauze and lying on the hospital bed. The physical and mental pain didn't stop him from counting down the big bills he had to settle with Odin.

The Indestructible Diamond departed from Manhattan, reunited with the ghost group's support halfway through, and switched to another ship to continue running. Witnesses in the Nibelung have sworn not to say anything about what they saw, and no one knew how outrageous the cargo was.

The seriously injured Chu Zihang had just woken up and was lying on another hospital bed, his eyes were a little empty. Luo Yin always felt that this scene was somewhat familiar.

Susie and Olivia exchanged intelligence with him, understood the recent situation, and analyzed the hidden information. Constantine returned to the appearance of a thin boy, just listening, not speaking.

As for Lu Mingfei, he was quarreling with customer service because of after-sales issues.

"You just let me jump and break the gun, which will cost you 14 lives? This is pure profiteer behavior!"

"Didn't you also help people to fish for things? I think you fished very neatly."

"You're cheating consumers! You lied to me that Luo Yin was killed by Odin, and I changed my mind after a while."

"When did I say this, brother, you think too much yourself. The devil does business, there is no return service, and once it is sold, it is not responsible.

Brother, welcome your next visit. "

The little devil disappeared, leaving behind a constipated Lu Mingfei. He is now on a pirate ship, and all the communication equipment has been thrown into the sea. Maybe he has been convicted of "treason of humanity" at the academy.

"Constantine, the one who released Rhine should be your brother?"

"Yes." Constantine's voice was a little dull.

"The secret party often finds records of your brother in various documents, Norton, the king of bronze and fire, on the contrary, the records of you are pitiful.

A long time ago, you left the Bronze City in the extreme north, and then came to China many times. Norton changed his name to Li Xiong, assisted Gongsun Shu, and created the White Emperor City. In these records, there is almost no presence of you. "

Constantine didn't answer. In the fire of war, he hid in Norton's shadow, waiting for the day when his brother devoured him, but what he waited for was only defeat and sleep.

"Norton didn't die, right? In the ashes of Yanling Rhine, the symbol of power and power, the Dragonbone Cross, did not appear. He made a cocoon in advance, waiting for the next awakening somewhere."

Constantine was silent. This person's knowledge of dragons far exceeds that of ordinary humans. Even with the guarantee of a big bear, he will not have much trust in Luo Yin.

"Norton will let you go back to your hometown before releasing the spirit of words. According to archaeological findings, the origin of dragons is likely to be the North Pole.

The college once salvaged the fragments of the ice sea copper column table in the ice sea of ​​the Arctic, and organized them into the top-secret "Ice Sea Fragments". Part of the information that can be made public suggests that it was the power center of dragons in ancient times.

But the hybrids have never found large relics of ancient dragons. The towering copper pillars in the sea of ​​ice, the stone gate towers hundreds of meters high, including the bronze city you built, we can only peek at that era from individual objects, but we cannot see the whole picture. "

Lu Mingfei, who was leaning against the door, felt a little ashamed, and had a chance to make up for a cultural lesson. Chu Zihang on the hospital bed looked at his roommate "Luo Ying" who had a completely different temperament, and was aroused by a trace of curiosity.

Luo Yin's voice was very hoarse, but his speech was very smooth. It shows that he is very confident in his next speculation.

"The only way to explain this phenomenon is the Nibelungen. The throne of the Black King, the original fiefdom of the four monarchs, is within the giant Nibelungen, including the bronze city built by your brothers.

Norton wants you to go back to your hometown, but the so-called 'hometown' is probably not a good place. To get back there, you have to enter a specific Nibelungen, but it's not easy to open that door. "

Constantine raised his head, his eyes fixed on the human on the hospital bed. What happened to this senior brother of Big Bear, this human being.

"Don't look at me like that, I just like reading books, I just think." Luo Yin didn't care about Constantine's vigilance at all, and it wasn't a day's work to pull a living dragon king into his camp.

"I especially like what Norton said, 'The fate of the so-called abandoned family is to cross the wasteland, raise the battle flag again, and return to the hometown.' This is an order and a promise from Norton to his subordinates. Of course, it is also true your expectations."

Constantine looked at Luo Yin's eyes and finally realized that he wasn't asking himself at all, just stating his theory confidently.

"Professors in the Department of History generally interpret 'abandoned clan' as the dragon clan and 'homeland' as the human world. In my opinion, this interpretation may be a bit preconceived and overestimate the weight of human beings.

Humanity's understanding of the ancient history of the dragon race was only up to the death of the Black King. Because the emperor is dead, why the four monarchs fell asleep after that, and how humans and hybrids rose, it is impossible to record the ice sea copper pillar.

Humans were far from being powerful when Norton said those words. There are abandoned races, and there are relative races that are favored by the times, and this race does not refer to humans or mixed races. "

Luo Yin took a deep breath and threw out his final guess.

"The Abandoned Race actually refers only to the lineage of bronze and fire. You are the losers in the internal dragon war and were forced to leave the extreme north.

The death of the Black King is not the end of the Dragon Wars, but only the beginning. Who can obtain the inheritance of the Black King and who can become the new emperor must be decided by the sword. And Odin, he was the winner of that war, well, at least he wasn't the loser.

So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the specific result of that war, is Mr. Longwang interested in sharing with us? "

Anger burst out from Constantine's eyes, and the boy's face was flushed with anger, but he was powerless to refute.

"Didn't you also lose to Odin?" Constantine retorted weakly.

"Pass it on, the King of Bronze and Fire admits that he has lost to Odin." Luo Yin was stunned. This Dragon King looks like he can fight, but his brain

Lu Mingfei persuaded Constantine who was about to kill someone, while Chu Zihang was aroused by Luo Yin's guess.

"Luo Yin, do you mean that there are actually different factions within the Dragon Kings?"

"There may be many factions. The conflict between dragons and dragons may be more intense than between dragons and hybrids. So, Constantine, can you tell me what happened to Odin's gun of Kungunnir? Is it the matter?"

The teenager was silent for a few seconds, and finally said, "I don't know."

Luo Yin was stunned. What is it that you don't know, aren't you the Dragon King, a personal experiencer of ancient wars.

"My brother has always been leading the army. After I helped him cast the seven deadly sins, I waited for him to devour me. My dragon body is incomplete, and my brother said that it is not suitable for fighting."

Heck, is it such a loser of dragons?

"What about the other dragon kings, do you know something about it?"

"The king of the earth and the mountain has also left the polar regions, but his strength is not as badly damaged as we are. The king of the sea and the water does not know where to go, and the mysterious wind king also disappeared after the war."

Luo Yin was shocked. You dragon king, why don't you know much more than me?

"Where did the mountain king go after he left?"

"do not know either."

Luo Yin:

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