C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 29: Anonymous (Part 1)

Text Chapter 29 The Nameless Man (1)

"Boss, do you want me to add another layer?" Olivia looked at the half-height safe in front of her, still panicking.

After the mask of Odin was torn in half, there was still a small amount of Odin's power in it. The holy spear Kungunir disappeared in the explosion of the Rhine, which was expected. Since Odin dared to let the figure take the holy spear out, naturally there were anti-theft measures.

The mask was sealed in a double-layer alchemy array for suppression, covered with a layer of recycled metal to isolate the detection, and the middle was evacuated, and then multiple safes were used to repeat the nesting of the dolls.

Olivia just wanted to burn this unfortunate thing to ashes, and she never wanted to see it again in her life. But the boss insisted to keep it, the mask of Odin was a more reliable beacon than the Nibelung brand, which could guide them to where Odin was.

Of course, when the power of the mask is released, it is tantamount to mocking Odin, and he will definitely be watched and hunted down. This matter has to be hidden from Constantine, otherwise he will definitely go to Odin immediately to seek revenge, and then quickly give it for nothing.

Although he is quite capable of fighting, in the face of Odin, who has accumulated an unknown number of figures, he is really a younger brother, in various senses.

"Olivia, that's alright, the safe is also very expensive." After two months of absence, Olivia was still so cowardly.

"Don't be nervous, I can understand that your memory has been tampered with. Those beautiful struggle years between us have been deleted by Odin."

Luo Yin sighed in a low voice, the melancholy and sad eyes made Olivia a little curious, what memory she lost.

"When we first met in the equipment department, you were a hesitant prospective graduate of the alchemy department, and I had just entered the campus in Kassel. But talented people always attract each other, don't they?

We started our own alchemy workshop from scratch. Those days were hard, but every day shined brightly. Since then, from Chicago, DeKalb, to the torrential rain in Tokyo, you have been my most reliable and loyal friend.

After solving the holy corpse, you only went to Southeast Asia to rest for three days, and then rushed back to work non-stop. No matter how I tried to persuade you, it was useless. "

Olivia stroked her long light red hair, avoiding Luo Yin's clear sea-like eyes. It turned out to be such a precious memory, she actually forgot.

"You have completed the route of conferring the gods. The Ghost Rider is only your life. You are in command of the Battle of Red Well... Olivia, how many paths have we traveled together. We are no longer the boss and the boss. Employees are so vulgar, we are real comrades in arms.

When the day I ascend the throne comes, you are the one standing by my side!

Although the current situation is difficult, as long as we work together, what enemy is invincible? "

Boss, he is such a sincere and ambitious person. Olivia felt a hint of guilt in her heart, and she didn't fully utilize her talents.

"Boss, don't get excited, take good care of your wounds. I will arrange the follow-up strategic deployment of the Samaritans as soon as possible according to your order."

Luo Yin praised his excellent acting skills in his heart.

Odin erased his name, the nameless man has no past roots. This also means that he can step into the current situation with a new identity and a completely different attitude.

After sending Olivia to work, Luo Yin left the hospital bed and walked to the deck of the cargo ship. Several important characters are there.

After losing the holy skeleton, Luo Yin suppressed his bloodline to Grade A, and Yan Ling also changed back to Jing Tong. In the spirit pool, there are a lot of violent dragon spirits blocked. If they are all merged, he will return to the form of a mixed-blood monarch.

But without the support of the holy corpse, he could not maintain that state for a long time. Excessive blood will quickly run out of control, and he may become the strongest Dragon King-level Deadpool in history.

On the deck, Constantine sensed the sudden strong momentum behind him, and turned his head vigilantly, but what he saw was Luo Yin who was a dragon.

Your dragon-like state is a little weird...

Susie, Chu Zihang, and Lu Mingfei were also a little dazed. It is clearly in the state of dragon transformation, but it is not as violent as the form of the third blood burst, and it feels similar to the general mixed race, but it is more powerful.

"Constantine, you should be able to perceive that, holding Tian Congyun, I am not weaker than you with the seven deadly sins. But I still lost, and I lost very badly.

And Odin's Hall of Heroes also stores "heroic spirits" that can fill half a mountain. There are more than one Odin forged with alchemy masks.

I don't know where his limit is, what exactly is Odin's body, and I only have a little baseless guess. "

"You mean, let me give up revenge?"

"Of course not. Odin is not such a simple enemy, we must avoid unnecessary sacrifices." Luo Yin glanced at Chu Zihang, who was recovering from a serious injury. You desperate idiot is the same, almost for nothing.

"Odin is different from a newly awakened dragon king like you, I suspect he never even slept. We know very little about his warfare, Valhalla is powerful, but maybe more than that. Half-bloods, humans in general, among them All may have his power."

Lu Mingfei shuddered violently.

One, a long-lived dragon? With the intelligence and strength of the dragon class, it is hard to imagine how many arrangements he can complete in the long years.

"In addition, there is a mysterious rumor. Around 2001, there was an extremely serious mission casualty at Kassel College, and we have only one code name that we have collected so far, 'Greenland Ice Incident'.

Rumor has it that Professor Schneider was disfigured in that incident. Constantine, your journey back home doesn't sound like an easy one. "

Chu Zihang remained silent, his face still paralyzed, but anyone could see his hesitation. The moment he saw Odin, he thought he had finally reunited with his fate. But at this moment, he became more and more aware that the enemy had just exposed the tip of the iceberg, and a deep sense of powerlessness gnawed at his heart.

Hesitating again and again, Chu Zihang began to tell the story that was sealed in his heart under Luo Yin's surprised eyes. Rainy night.


"Your father's word spirit is time zero?"

"Yes, same as the principal." Chu Zihang nodded. After sharing this story, his heart was relieved.

At this moment, Luo Yin remembered the "Odin" who didn't talk about martial arts and attacked him with extreme speed... Hell, this must be hidden from Chu Zihang first, otherwise the Dragon King would not be able to stop him from rushing. Arctic.

The bloodline is gradually unstable, and the symptoms of dragon blood erosion appear in the body. The tyrannical dragon spirit was locked back into the spiritual pool under the suppression and guidance of Luo Yin, and the bloodline gradually descended to a. Luo Yin frowned slightly, a sense of weakness poured out of his body, and some of the toxicity of the high-purity dragon blood remained.

It's only about three minutes, and it will be even shorter for high-intensity battles. There is the feeling of stowaways from the Land of Light.

"By swallowing the keel to improve bloodline, the upper limit is higher than that of burst blood, it will not affect consciousness and the power of words, and it is much safer." Luo Yin said to Chu Zihang.

"What do you want to do to Samson?" Constantine's eyes became dangerous.

"Don't eat Samson, eat Odin's horse."

"Then give me back Samson's keel!"

"Why do you want to pay it back? It's useless if you take it. Bronze and Fire are the only commanders left."

Constantine realized at this moment that sooner or later he would hack this human to death~www.wuxiaspot.com~ By the way, Lu Mingfei, you and Chu Zihang will go back to the academy as soon as possible in two days. "

Lu Mingfei: ?

Back to college? Go back to die?

"Don't worry, we'll just find a desert island and let the two of you go. The key to all this is to prepare a confession that makes sense."

Luo Yin showed a prepared smile.

"First, Lu Mingfei, did you do something wrong? You are absolutely right. It is the Principal of Angers who is wrong, and he gave you the most difficult task to a novice.

It is normal for young people to have a mental breakdown on the battlefield of dragon slaying, let alone such a **** situation.

Second, the dragon king Constantine is dead. He released Yanling Rhine and burned himself out. Odin was also knocked back and disappeared. There simply does not exist another Lord of Bronze and Fire.

You and Chu Zihang were affected by the broken Nibelung roots and drifted to a desert island, but luckily survived.

Third, the unknown forces that invaded the Nibelung, all died. In front of Rhine, they have no chance of survival. The Eternal Diamond has been scuttled, and the relevant traces are difficult to preserve. "

Luo Yin spread out his hands and closed the loop. When encountering difficulties, use your imagination.

Chu Zihang hesitated. This is a certificate of submission, whether to choose to continue to rely on the academy or join a new alliance.

Finally, he took Luo Yin's outstretched hand. Then, Lu Mingfei joined in. Constantine saw the big bear following, and he followed. Susie and Olivia also came over.

"Then we are allies. Never betray each other until Odin is killed."

Have to come up with a name seriously, the Anti-Odin Alliance? To Odin's Noble Phantasm, Odin's Avengers...

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