A little snow drifted down the bamboo forest, covered with withered leaves.

The old solitary bird occasionally chirped, and it spread far away in the lonely snow country.

he came.

The old swordsman strolled among the bamboo forests, two unsheathed folding knives hidden in the wide cuffs. The cold wind blew the pure black long windbreaker like a flapping jackdaw.

"Who is coming?"

"Nobody, Murasame."

The voice of the young man tore apart the peaceful air in the forest. His facial lines are firm and soft, his eyes are firm as rocks, and he is wearing a very simple white shirt and jeans.

The knife is unsheathed, and the blade is as bright as water.


The swordsman in white turned into a phantom in an instant, and Murasame cut through the wind, rain and dry bamboo, and the boundless murderous intent enveloped the old swordsman.

The sound of the collision of the swords was as clear as ice, and when the jackknife struck Murasame, a whirlwind started blowing the silver hair of the old man.

Two pocket knives, one hand is holding, the other is holding back. The black-clothed swordsman moved from stillness to movement, and the offensive was like thunder. The overlapping silver light was dense like mercury pouring out of a bottle, and countless snowflakes were cut into two pieces by the slash.

Before the rainstorm-like offensive, the swordsman in white still maintained a high level of composure. His movements were even more precise than a machine tool. Murasame slashed dozens or hundreds of times in a row, and the defense was airtight.

The young man jumped up suddenly, as light as a giant bird. The swordsman Munyu jumped down from the top of the bamboo, and used an extremely ferocious cassock from the blind spot of the old man's vision.

But the old man was just a little surprised. The two folding knives were slightly adjusted, and they accurately caught Murasame's force point. The blade was trembling an inch above his shoulder blade, and he could not continue to move forward.

Seeing that one blow could not be successful, Murasame immediately jumped back.

"Headmaster, do you want to start?"

"What did you choose this time?"


The principal nodded, as expected.

The background shows that the number of spectators in this match has exceeded 500. Only half a month after the release of "Origin", it caused an amazing popularity in the academy. In mid-March, the workshop released the second batch of 1,000 game devices and opened the arena mode.

The first place in the S-rank of the "Origin" arena ladder, nicknamed "Principal". Anyone who has played games understands why Angers took this username.

The temporary second "Cun Yu" is naturally Chu Zihang, the president of the Lionheart Club. Like Angers, he is a player who favors a fair arena and does not have much time to go to the liver level.

In arena mode, the physical fitness of both sides automatically defaults to the A-level bloodline level, and even Yan Ling has many choices. But Time Zero, an extremely powerful single-player PK word spirit, only belongs to the player "Principal".

Angers is different from ordinary old people. He usually pays attention to the trends of young people. After he started playing for a while, he found that the game was quite fun, but he was annoyed to see himself being usurped in the game.

And if "Origin" wants to develop well, the principal must lick it, and the key is how to lick it. Luo Yin thought that this old guy was not short of money or power, and always had the virtues of a coquettish old gentleman, so he specially opened up Yan Ling·Time Zero to the principal.

Time zero requires far more server resources than many more advanced oracles. The flow of time in the dream itself is faster, and on this basis, it has to be dozens of times faster, and the pressure can be imagined.

"Appeared, appeared! It's the tree-cutting machine knife method!"

"Big brother with facial paralysis, come on!"

"The principal must win!"


In the virtual battlefield, Chu Zihang launched the Spirit of Words Instant, starting from the seventh order.

Caesar often ridiculed his knives like chopping down trees, without beauty and creativity. He admits that, he's always been a pragmatist.

Chu Zihang held the village rain high and exploded 128 times faster. Tree Chopping Machine Knife Technique, 64 Combos!

Spectator mode has been adjusted to 1/8 speed, but spectators are still only able to see blurry lines and phantoms.

With sincerity and sincerity, there is nothing else in your heart except the enemy in front of you. Snow and wood chips exploded in groups in the bamboo forest, and the withered and yellow bamboo knots were cut into hundreds of neat and smooth sections.

I only heard the roar of the sword, but did not see the shape of the swordsman.

Although it was not the first time he had seen it, Luo Yin was still amazed by Chu Zihang's amazing fighting instinct. But Junior Brother Chu, he has indeed gone a long way on the road of melee mage.

The sound of the sword stopped. Chu Zihang raised the violently trembling Murakami, and Angers' figure was clearly reflected on the body of the knife.

The 128-speed continuous slash did not pose a fatal threat to the principal. He just looked at the torn trench coat with some distress.

In the state of opening the eighth-order moment, he can cut out about 16 knives. Angers also increased time zero to the limit of the server, 50 times the speed.

256 times the speed, the tree cutter 16 consecutive cuts!

When Chu Zihang rushed towards Angers like a lion, all the spectators couldn't help holding their breath. The whole process of the knife match may be less than 0.1 seconds, but the outcome is decided.

The snow cracked dozens of criss-crossed knife edges, withered bamboos with a radius of ten meters burst open one after another, and the yellow leaves swayed by the gust of wind fluttered and shattered.

There were clear dewdrops on Murakami's body, and Chu Zihang exerted force on his wrist to shake off the reddish blood. At the neck of Angers, a slender mouth of blood slowly cracked.

"You've improved again."

The paralyzed face trembled slightly. The dark red blood from his chest escaped like ink, and after the dark red folding knife was thrown, it pierced through his heart.

"The winner is, Headmaster!"

Snow, bamboo forests, and swordsmen in white collapsed and dissipated. Only Angers waved to the cheers of the audience.

On the ladder list, "Principal" is still in the first place in Jin Cancan, and "Mura Rain" was surpassed by the third "Sonic" after dropping points. The principal's next exhibition game is a week away.

In the small attic, Angers slowly took off his helmet. 108 winning streak, refreshed.

"Older people in their 130s should not be addicted to playing games like young people."

The greasy old man slumped on the chair, and there was a large box of heavy oil and spicy barbecue on the mahogany work table that Anger cherished. Angers looked at him silently, without speaking.

"Che, you really think that I don't like the position of the principal of this broken academy. When I finish eating, I will leave quietly."

"Leonardo, don't you have any clues about this game that suddenly appeared and some unreasonable settings in it?"

"I have a clue for a hammer." The old man happily chewed a piece of spicy and crispy bone.

"Maybe it's my charisma that moved game developers, and people can see at a glance that I have the potential to be a principal."

Angers shook his head helplessly. As one of his few friends still alive, it was difficult for the vice-principal to be serious for so long a year.

"That game helmet, can you really crack it?"

"No. But the conclusion of the equipment department is correct. 90% of the functions of the game helmet are realized through alchemy technology."

"But aren't you Flamel, the pinnacle of contemporary human alchemy."

"It's Flamel, not Superman. There's nothing good about being the strongest, and there will always be all kinds of inexplicable jobs that come to you.

But you can rest assured that the game helmet is not dangerous, this can be confirmed. The player is autonomously unidirectionally connected to a huge dream-like place, with no other suspicious modules. "

Ang nodded. "Dragon Origin" is more than just a game, it is a chess piece pushed to the table by a certain force. Although I do not know the full picture of this force, they are menacing.

Last week, an investigation team dispatched by the school board of trustees entered the workshop and was directly closed. "Dragon: Origin" is not just a game for Cassell College, but for the entire world.

It will be available in North America and Japan before June, and nearly two dozen large hybrid families have already struck distribution deals with the mysterious developer. According to the developers, Cassell Academy is just their test suit of choice.

Several spokespersons on the school board were quite popular, especially Frost, who did not want to be named. In the game, he was designed as a very vulgar villain NPC, and Caesar also praised it.

The radicals of the executive department applied to use Norma~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the game party, but only obtained a large amount of false information. The other party has an amazing wall of information, and he does not hide his strong muscles in the slightest.

As for the application to activate Norma's legendary war personality, they do not have this permission.

"Leon, in fact, they contacted me anonymously through the Internet to discuss some important matters."


"Profit sharing. They proposed two options, a one-time buyout or a percentage of profits."

"Huh?" The vice-principal couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

"Intellectual property license fee. They sincerely apologize for the unauthorized use of Cassell College's scenes and character materials in the game, and will pay a reasonable fee for this."

Outrageous, does the other party really treat this thing as a game?

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