If someone told Angers two months ago that a game would cause panic in the secret party elders, and they would argue endlessly at the all-hands meeting, he must have thought it was nonsense.

The trigger for everything is the "Dawn of Fire" checkpoint that is open to students during the free day. Constantine, Samson, the seven deadly sins, storm torpedoes... The other party's understanding of the dragon slaying operation is as deep as if he had experienced it himself.

This is tantamount to face-to-face mockery. The secret dragon slaying operation carefully planned by the secret party is similar to eating popcorn and watching action movies in the eyes of game developers.

In addition, Norma could not find the other party, and the other party refused to publish all technical details and content sources, and the sensitive nerves of the elders' society were stirred. It seems that someone wants to jump on the stage and compete with them.

On April 1st, at this somewhat strange time, the Council of Elders convened a full meeting after a long absence. This is no longer just an academy event.

The first agenda item of the meeting was to accuse Angers of a major mistake in the command of the Dragon Slaying operation. If he hadn't handed over key tasks to Lu Mingfei, there might be a first-generation keel lying in the ice cellar now.

The second item on the agenda of the meeting accused the Executive Department of major dereliction of duty. Operational intelligence completely leaked...

Angers has long been used to this. Before the elders can act, they have to routinely degrade the real power faction of the academy to the extreme, and then throw out their own decisions.

The old Beowulf had lost an heir, and still had no brains. All day long know shouting war, war! We need war!

Frost, the old hermaphrodite, would talk about the pride and wise decision-making of the school board, implying that the headmaster was old and confused and always wanted to make him Angers abdicate. This guy really doesn't know anything.

The results of the discussion at this meeting were rare and relatively uniform. The main war faction occupied an absolute majority, and even several scholars and veterans were worried about this emerging force.

The next discussion is nothing more than how much resources should be invested in the investigation and confrontation of this unknown force in this chaotic situation where the dragons are concentrated and recovered.

At the same time, in the alchemy workshop, Luo Yin had put Samaria on standby with full power. So far, he has spent nearly a hundred days of his life.

"Samaria, show me your life."


Luo Yin put on his helmet and connected to the access port reserved in the alchemy matrix. His consciousness is at this moment with his creation and above Samaria.

Samaritan's thinking mode and speed of thinking have long exceeded the scope of human beings, and the part that Luo Yin can understand is very small. He can only see macroscopic action patterns and give immediate instructions.

"Release the prohibition on network attacks. Intrusion into the Kassel Academy's intranet."

In just 30 seconds, Samaria, who had been liberated with some functions, easily disintegrated Norma's defense, but did not destroy or steal the information of the academy. It was just an uninvited visit.

At the moment of "defeating" Norma, Samaria reminded Luo Yin that something more powerful was beginning to awaken. As the Academy's key to information security and intelligence support, Norma really isn't that simple.

In the conference room, the big screen that was playing the replay of Dragon Slayer suddenly went black.

Immediately afterwards, several large high-definition pictures were continuously displayed on the screen. Mr. Frost, the representative of the school board, put his arms around different middle-aged women in their 50s, and the smile on his face was brighter than the sun.

"Sorry, I made a mistake, I made a mistake." A slightly hoarse magnetic male voice came from the sound, and it was difficult to distinguish whether it was a human voice or a synthetic voice.

"Norma, I'm so sorry to break into your home. Can I borrow your projection equipment?"

"My name is EVA. Such a slight apology is not enough to offset your rude actions, Samaria."

In the conference room, on the side of Angers, a phantom blue girl appeared on the ground, and her illusory long hair fell into star-like light spots. She seemed to have just woken up, her eyes confused and angry.

Samaria controlled a camera, and Luo Yin finally "saw" the scene in the conference room. Gee, there are a lot of acquaintances.

On the other side of the conference room, a mysterious figure in pure black suddenly appeared in mid-air. A golden shimmer shone from under the delicately patterned iron mask, and the pure black linen robe was gently floating.

"Iam, Samaritan."

On the black screen, a line of characters is typed out one by one.

"The joke is not funny. Expel him, EVA," Beowulf ordered sharply.

Most of the veterans here are aware of the existence of EVA, which is the "war personality". But witnessing her existence with her own eyes was quite a novel experience.

"I can't be your enemy in your home field. I'm here for peace, not war. Making games is just to provide opportunities for communication with you, not to show off swordsmanship."

"If it's a game you made, is the alchemy workshop your industry?" Angers asked.

"You can think so. Please let me introduce myself first, you don't have to be in such a hurry."

Various alchemy items began to scroll on the big screen. Permanent memories, silver bullets, groups of snakes, blood bottles, swords and crossbows... The beginning is something that the alchemy workshop and the academy have cooperated with, and then a large number of unseen items appeared, until the last "Dragon Origin" Gaming helmet.

"We are Samaritans, and we never hesitate to share our knowledge and help others. As long as the people who are helped can pay reasonable remuneration, such as money and knowledge.

I believe that everyone in the secret party has long guessed that the core of the Samaritans is alchemy technology. We are the direct inheritors of the dragon alchemy, preserving the most comprehensive dragon text and absolutely orthodox alchemy technology. "

As soon as the words fell, all the elders looked at a fat man in the corner. "The Terrible Teacher Flamel", watching Westerns on the tablet, with a can of potato chips in hand.

"Flammel! Pay attention to your identity!" Beowulf roared, patting the long table with his right hand, and a clear palm print appeared on the table.

The vice-principal was so frightened that he quickly took off his earphones. Angers and this violent madman were a little worried in his heart. The difference is that the process of being killed by Angers will be very fast, and being beaten by Beowulf will be very painful.

He quickly kept up with the plot, put on an aura of shared hatred and gritted his teeth.

"Where did the arrogant villain come from, how can the secret party be a place where the rats can run wild! Flamel is here, I think who dares to call themselves alchemy orthodox, is it possible that you learned alchemy from the King of Bronze and Fire? ?"

This Liangshan hero-style call made Luo Yin applaud the vice-principal's bravery.

Elder Turing on the side poked Flamel's stomach and reminded softly: "Flammel, don't you think that this Samaria is too similar to EVA?

And in the history of the secret party, the most complete inheritance of Longwen and alchemy is the Flamel lineage. "

The fat house was stunned for a moment, and then realized that something was a big deal. He miscalculated the situation, and the elders would suspect that he was involved in it.

"Hey, my loyalty to the secret party can be seen from the sky and the earth! I have made merits for the academy, I have shed blood for the dragon slaying, you can't doubt me like this!

If I had taken an apprenticeship, would I have forgotten it? "

"Is it possible that it is your classmate, or even the teacher?" Turing asked in a low voice.

The vice-principal was taken aback. Master said that they were a single lineage, but maybe they lied to him.

"Stop guessing." Samaria the Iron Mask interrupted the commotion in the conference room.

"The world of alchemy is wider than the secret party imagined. Three years ago, our organization observed and thought for a long time, launched the Albert Alchemy Workshop, and contacted everyone in the secret party.

In order to express our friendship, we have cooperated with you on many alchemy items at a very low price. As far as I know, items like silver bullets, swarms of snakes, swords and crossbows have been fully assembled in the executive department, saving the lives of many operational specialists around the world.

The game "Dragon: Origin" developed by us is also very popular among the students of the Secret Party. All of this should be enough to demonstrate the sincerity of the Samaritans. "

"Then what is your purpose? Is it just to make money?" Frost questioned.

"Bingo! If you don't make money, do you want to slay dragons? The collective recovery of the Dragon King is like a large-scale RPG game~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The difficulty always increases gradually, you should know this.

If it weren't for some accidents, it only took a bullet to solve Constantine. He was just a child who had just woken up. Compared with some important roles, he was not worth mentioning.

If you guessed correctly, the next dungeon should be the King of the Earth and the Mountain. Then hide the Sea King or the Wind King, Odin or something more terrifying at the bottom of the gate. As for the White King, there is no place for him in the new world.

Such a difficult game should be left to professionals like the Secret Party. You are in charge of the charge, and we are in the saddle. You're fighting for the throne, and we'll be content to make some money.

Oh, and Elder Turing, I wish you an early success in your research. "

The room was full of noise, but Samaria had finished her declaration.

"When we meet again in the future, I hope everyone in the secret party will not regard us as an enemy."

The light and shadow collapsed, and the projection on the wall became a black screen again. It seems that no one has visited, and it seems that a great change has taken place.

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