C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 48: new society

Seven years ago, Yuan Zhisheng was still a passionate mountain boy. He had just come into contact with the world of mixed races, and learned of Amaterasu's heavy responsibility.

Many elderly people in this family feel disdain for this hairless head of the three families. In addition to participating in the mission of killing ghosts one after another, Yuan Zhisheng was once very depressed.

At that time, while still communicating with several other clan masters, Yuan Zhisheng became interested in seniors and "enemies" like Kassel Academy and Angers. After that, he went to study for two years, and returned to his family with a new look as the head of the family.

Compared with her brother, the reason why Huiliyi applied for further education was very simple, she just didn't want to go to work.

In the past, her world was only the size of a room, and there were only a few people in her life.

When Eri Yi first came into contact with the vast world, the experience was quite good. But as the world around her becomes more complex, and the eyes of relying on her, fearing her, and admiring her continue to increase, the girl's yearning and longing for this world gradually shatters.

If I go to the University of Tokyo to study as my brother said, because the distance is too close, I will still be disturbed by various things, so I will simply run away.

Anyway, in today's family, the existence of ghosts is completely an open secret, and she doesn't need her protection very much. Even if there are some problems, Hui Liyi will just fly back and cut people.

Career is important, but if the time of playing games is delayed because of underworld work, then it should be too bad.

She was far away in Kassel, her two older brothers were in charge of hard work, and her father couldn't talk about her.

The first step in entering the school is to pull the roommate into the water. If two people play together, not only will the joy be doubled, but it can effectively reduce the guilt of wasting time.

"If you lose to me, don't cry."

Xia Mi's eyebrows were like two crescent moons, and she confidently took over Huiliyi's spare game console, and the two began to compete online, "Street Fighter".

What kind of game is this, it seems to be quite simple, just press the buttons, corresponding to different actions. As a dragon king with serious defects in strength, Yemengarde has the peak learning and imitation ability.

After only a few tens of seconds, Xia Mi successfully started the game and accepted the challenge of Huiliyi.

The first game was a tough win. What, it turned out to be just this level, and the Dragon King surpassed it in a minute or two.

Xia Mi smiled and picked out a Mothra doll, signaling the start of the next round. She didn't notice the pitiful glance that Eriki accidentally showed.

In the second round, Eri Yi manipulated Chun Li, continued to use fists and feet to level A, and slowly rubbed Kasuga Ye Sakura's bloodline. The rigidity of getting stuck on the point again and again left her with no chance to fight back.

In the end, with the classic fan Hua K.O. opponent, Eili Yi locked full blood and won.

As a Dragon King, she just seemed to be released by a human, and she has not yet discovered it.

Xia Mi was still smiling, but her blood pressure had risen a little.

With her learning ability, the average player will be easily surpassed by her in just a few minutes. But in the face of literal Street Fighter monsters, Dragon King welcomes a 21-game losing streak.

It wasn't until the 22nd round that Eiliyi slipped the button because her fingers were sweaty, and Xia Mi finally got the second kill.

The underworld girl patted the Dragon King's shoulder with a solemn tone.

"Your level has almost reached my brother's level. Xia Mi is really suitable for the game."

Um? Is this some kind of strange game level? Your family's status is not determined by the game's strength, right?

"Would you like to try another game? "Dragon Origin", have you played this?"

Hehe, I am a Dragon King, am I afraid that you will fail?

When logging in to the account and seeing each other in the game, Xia Mi's eyes felt blinded.

The mysterious star player with the first level in the entire server, [Monster]. Level 39, bloodline A+, good words, top alchemy equipment and the latest skin.

[Senior Brother in Fire, Burglary and Prevention], level 11, bloodline B, hypnotized by the spirit of words. Traveling player in whiteboard gear.

Xia Mi's family conditions are not very good indeed. Obviously, the game talent is very good, but it is difficult to use this kind of kryptonite ability alone.

Don't look at me with that kind of pity! The Dragon King's family has gold and silver mountains, but it is not convenient to take them out. The only way to exchange Nibelung's things for money is to buy things for Fenrir and hire hunters.

Suddenly, the two hairs on Xia Mi's head stood up like antennae.

Don't compare yourself to humans, Yermongaard. The moment you start the comparison, you have already lost.

"In this case, we can only play the arena mode. Xia Mi, do you try to play two games first?"

Hui Liyi clicked on his competitive badge, fair mode, 8th in A-level. Although her reaction awareness was excellent, her lack of skills prevented her from being graded S rank.

The Dragon King pressed dumb hair and read the rules of the arena. Never found it before, this seems to be a good place to get information. Fair play, it's your choice.

So, one night in mid-July, the hybrid finally remembered the fear of being dominated by pure-blooded dragons.

win! win! win!

She doesn't need weapons, and she doesn't have complicated fighting routines, but a pair of small fists is faster and more powerful than slashing.

Another 5-second K.O. opponent, Xia Mi pretended to blow her fist, and her level jumped from F to C in a 19-game winning streak.

It was another three-game winning streak, and she even defeated a B-level player across the ranks. Xia Mi's game name and battle replay even appeared on the big screen, and a new arena star was rising.

But after getting his wish and defeating Eriyi in fair mode, Xia Mi saw her roommate lit up with a pair of star eyes.

"Xia Mi, you really are amazing! Join my club!"


The two took off their helmets and went offline together. Uesugi Eri Yi took out a stack of application forms from the witch costume, and applied for the student club.

"I want to create a student club dedicated to playing games! I'm still thinking about the name, but I think it would be good to call it the Monster Club. I'm the first president, Godzilla!"

Xia Mi was completely confused. Aren't you supposed to be a super hybrid, don't you have bigger plans in your head?

"I went to the Lionheart Club to inquire about them. They are terrible. They practice asceticism every day, and there are often real sword training among the members. Eriri doesn't like that kind of club!

As for the student union, they like to organize some complicated cocktail parties, dance parties, sailing, surfing competitions, etc. It is too troublesome. Why don't everyone stay together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ eat snacks and play games? "

Because they have ideals, Miss! That guy, Chu Zihang, is practicing swords every day, and in his mind, besides killing dragons, he is killing servants.

"In "Dragon Clan: Origin", no one has cleared the level of the Dawn of Fire dungeon so far, which is inappropriate.

If we form a team of top-level professional players and take over all the first achievements in the game, there will definitely be many people in the community!

Xia Mi, you can be the vice president, part-time technical guide, and there are many monster codes to choose from. "

When you talk about games, even Chinese is a lot of time!

The Dragon King declined for a while, saying that she had to think about it.

Looking at the time, Xia Mi found that she had been playing games all night.

I have to work overtime to make a plan to destroy the world... It's not impossible to have a game first.

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