I, who was supposed to destroy the world, played games with a human girl for a week.

They did not do any of the investigation of the academy, the assassination of Luo Yin, the sneak attack on Angers, and the theft of the ice cellar.

After the "Origin" Arena was upgraded to A-level, Xia Mi began to hide her strength. Play a game every three to five, and make mistakes from time to time.

Seeing so many outrageous humans in a short period of time, she decided to temporarily become a dragon with her tail tucked. If I knew earlier, I shouldn't pretend to be A-level, it's too eye-catching.

As for why she has been playing games, Yemengarde thinks it's the Black King's fault. She discovered early on that when she imitated humans, it was easy to get too deep into the play. When "Xia Mi" is tempted by the game, she will also be tempted involuntarily.

The same goes for the overly complex relationship with that human being, which was not her intention. All of these are stumbling blocks for Nidhogg in order to weaken her overly powerful potential.

If for thousands of years, she had spent all her time on learning the language and alchemy, Lord Yemengarde would have long been on the top of the four monarchs. What kind of alchemy throne, extreme speed and extreme cold, she can get all of them.

"Xia Mi, the day after tomorrow is the admission counseling arranged by the college, where do you want to go?"

Chu Zihang sent a message. He was just recovering from a serious injury, and the facial paralysis remembered his agreement with Xia Mi that he must be the one for the admissions counseling.

Great! Finally, I have waited for this day, and I, Lord Yemengade, have a chance to serve you all.

"Six Flags Amusement Park! I've wanted to go there for a long time. If the college admissions counseling is concerned, is there no need to pay for the entrance fee?"

"Well, no need."

Chu Zihang searched for the introduction of the amusement park, and immediately shuddered. The fastest roller coaster in the world, the Serpent at the Atrium. Not good.

Luo Mou, the dog-headed military adviser who was peeping at the screen, couldn't sit still.

"Junior sister went to Six Flags for what else? Isn't it just to ride the roller coaster. If you go to sit or not, it's shameful not to sit, and it's even more shameful to vomit.

Your perfect character that kills the embryo with cold face and warms the male boyfriend has to collapse again. Isn't the lesson in Beijing painful enough? "

Chu Zihang hesitated, he wasn't really afraid of riding a roller coaster...

"Why don't you go to the amusement park? Xia Mi seems to want to go."

"At this moment, you must establish the prestige of your senior brother! Do you know the three holy places of dating?"

Facial paralysis shook his head, beyond the scope of knowledge.

"Cinema, Ferris wheel, aquarium. The Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, established in the 1930s, was once the largest indoor aquarium in the world, and everyone who went there said it was good.

Memorize more manuscripts in advance, explain more interesting knowledge of small animals to junior sisters, show your fraternity for marine life, and accidentally expose your knowledge. "

"Then what if Xia Mi really doesn't like it?"

"You are a two-group admission counselor, Uesugi Eriyi is the other group, and the principal goes out in person. At the critical moment, the principal takes the blame, and the principal likes to see small marine animals.

With the rich experience of the old hooligan, he can understand in a few seconds and everything will be fine. "

At this moment, Chu Zihang was deeply shocked by Luo Yin's wisdom (li, righteousness and integrity).


Chicago Shedd Aquarium, the gate is a tall structure with a Roman style, neat and solemn white columns, and a thick and elegant gatehouse.

Of course this is not the point, the point is, what about a roller coaster as big as me?

Xia Mi stood suspiciously in front of the gate of the aquarium. This is not the first time she has doubted whether she has been exposed, these humans are playing with her.

I am the king of the earth and the mountain, only roller coasters ride me! How can I exert my strength in the aquarium, and I am not the king of the ocean and water.

With a bright smile, Angers leaned against the pillar of the gate early, and the thick tortoiseshell-framed glasses blocked his sharp eyes.

Shedd Aquarium, Angers visited once when it just opened. At that time, it was still the largest in the world. The interior of the aquarium was distributed in various venues with reference to the garden-style design, which was very trendy at that time.

It's old now, just like him. When it comes to the biggest and best aquariums in the world, people now think of Australia and Singapore.

Even for travel-like occasions, Angers still wears black formal attire. Huiliyi next to her was wearing dark jeans, a white sweater and a pair of women's sunglasses. There seemed to be an entire century between the two.

In the aquarium, someone has already arrived first.

In the large artificial coral reef area, Luo Yin and Susie walked along the long glass corridor together. Wearing glasses, he has a very low sense of presence, and Susie is under the protection of Samaria.

"Don't read it, we have never been here before. You just got lost in the polar region. No matter how familiar you are with the introduction, you can't hide your guilty conscience, boss."

Susie ruthlessly exposed Luo Yin's "revisiting the old place" plan.

"Okay, I surrender. We used to be, um, comrades-in-arms. I've always been in charge of forging swords for you, and you help me cut people everywhere.

Other couples have a lot of sweet memories, all kinds of anniversaries. When we talked, it was all about which sword was easy to use, and where we cut someone or something strange together on a certain day, a certain month, a certain year.

Doesn't that sound out of place. Just now I have the opportunity to get to know each other again, so I thought about changing it. "

Susie's dress is always so simple, 89% of the year in sportswear and 10% of the time in combat clothes. Today is the remaining 1%, finally less serious. It took her 10 minutes to put on some makeup, which she learned in a crash course on actors in Tokyo.

"Luo Yin, you said before that we seem to be in a good situation at the moment, but in fact there are crises everywhere. If it's just to pretend to be a normal couple, it's actually okay."

"Why are you acting like a female version of Chu Zihang?" Luo Yin couldn't help but complain.

"If it's just the boss, Chu Zihang is still very useful. But now we are in the aquarium, dating the three holy places, you really make me terrified.

Look at the starfish over there, don't you think it's cute? "

Susie glared at Hai Xing, Luo Yin felt that the big star-like creature seemed to take a half step back.

Does this really count as a date? Boss Luo felt like a monk in an ancient temple who was transforming the murderer.

Who discovered Susie's germ-killing potential, oh, it was him. That's fine.

In the colorful jellyfish area, Lu Mingfei stared at the jellyfish swimming around, all kinds of jellyfish, without saying a word for a long time.

That's the downside of being uncultured, and he racked his brains to think, "Hey, SpongeBob SquarePants, let's go catch jellyfish!"

In order to repay Zero's kindness to visit him, Lu Mingfei invited the Queen of Vacuum to play in the aquarium, and Zero really agreed.

As a result, the two sat in front of the jellyfish area for seven or eight minutes without saying a word. When the Tucao machine encountered three no-girls, it shut down directly.

The petite Zero, wearing a gorgeous pure white dress with a small white flower on her chest, seemed to take this trip very seriously.

And Lu Mingfei, who was more than twice her size, wore a very ordinary jumper, pretending to be studying the guide map, to resolve the embarrassment of being speechless.

But in fact, he didn't feel so embarrassed. As long as he was with Zero, he felt calm and natural, as if the two had known each other for many years. He vaguely felt that Zero felt the same way, but Lu Mingfei knew it was definitely his own illusion


"May to August is the breeding season for seahorses, during which the mother seahorses lay their eggs in the pouches on the father's abdomen.

The male will fertilize the eggs in the bag. Daddy seahorses keep the fertilized eggs in the brood sac until they develop and then open the brood sac and release them into the seawater. "

Are you Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang? Why do you want to spread the knowledge of hippocampus parenting to me?

Xia Mi carefully observed the structure of the aquarium, calculated its weak points, and looked for opportunities to destroy the elites of the academy. Although I will go to the shark area after a while, it seems that it is still not enough.

It has to be said that Chu Zihang's biological skills are very deep. From common marine fish to spider crabs and seahorses, he can tell why. This oceanographic foundation is comparable to that of a Dr. Qiao family.

At least Huiliyi was very happy to hear it. He was responsible for applauding when he explained the wonderful things, and even wanted to reward him with two coins.

Chu Zihang explained the knowledge of the hippocampus, staring at the small things in the water tank swimming slowly, as if a gate was opened in his brain.

He looked at the girl beside him and felt that this scene was a bit familiar.

When Shilan was in middle school~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he and the head of the dance troupe did an extracurricular thesis on marine animals, and the two visited the aquarium. At that time, I seemed to be talking about the knowledge of hippocampus.

There seemed to be other vague scenes in my head. He went to the cinema with a certain girl from Shilan, and even to her house, all for business reasons. Chu Zihang couldn't remember the girl's face.

The memory is too long, it seems that something went wrong. The girl's blurred face slowly overlapped with Xia Mi.

Yemenga, who was about to make a big move, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Damn, did this person suddenly regain his memory?

Principal Angers, who seemed to understand something, grabbed the curious Eri Yi's hand and turned to the turtle area. It's nice to be young.

Chu Zihang stared into Xia Mi's eyes, and suddenly felt that this face was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Yemengad is ready to go, ready to kill this human being.

"Should we try and start a formal relationship?"

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