C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 63: Storm (2 in 1)

The flames poured into Deadpool's visor, making a terrifying stinging sound, but there was no fluctuation in the golden vertical pupils.

Sizzle! Two dark gray long tongues pierced through the red armor at the same time.

The forty-centimeter long tongue stretched and ejected, and hit Luo Yin's eye sockets hard under the ninth-order instant blessing. The curved barbs on the tongue cut off his white scales and a layer of skin.


Tian Congyun cut off the carapace of Deadpool's face, and the blast blew it upside down.

The second Super Deadpool revealed its true colors. The violet-blue face was covered with tic-tac-toe cuts, a dark red and black word "prisoner" was engraved on his forehead, and the notch was deeply embedded in the scales.

Luo Yin made a mistake because the other party looked like a person before. Something like Deadpool can't be analyzed in a normal way of dealing with enemies.

"Wu! Wu! Wu!"

The queued Dead Servants let out a deafening roar at the same time, and the spear and Naginata in their hands slammed into the ground.

The red armor on their bodies grows blue-black lines, like prominent blood vessels. In the roar, the bodies of Deadpool soldiers transpired with blood mist, their bodies swelled, and the red armor softened and deformed, as if they had grown up with Deadpool.

Super Deadpool, disguised as an ordinary soldier, ripped open the red armor with his claws, revealing his body mixed with purple and black.

It replaced the bone spurs in various parts of the body with poisonous blades, and at this time, these blades were broken through the skin scales by the growing bones, revealing a faint blue edge. Its bloodline is inferior to that of the woman in white, but it has gone further on the road of not being human.

"Who is coming, sign up to come!"

"Before the king, no name is required."

The white-robed woman's quiet voice echoed in the palace, and she couldn't tell where she was going.

"Then how does your master usually issue orders? That one who looks like Sadako, go and kill someone for me?"

no respond. Trash talk won't work on deadpool with a sick mind.


At the same time, the Dead Servant Legion swung the heavy weapons in their hands and pointed at Luo Yin. Dozens and hundreds of jins of armored soldiers stepped on the ground at the same time, charging down from the stairs of the palace, and hundreds of cracks spread on the floor tiles.

No. 2 Super Deadpool launched a shadow, and disappeared. The woman in white walked around Susie, looking for a gap to break through the sword formation.

Super Deadpool has multiple voices like pure-blood dragons, but also cannot use two voices in a stack.

Luo Yin had thought before that if the Dragon King can use the time zero superposition to use hundreds of times the speed of sound to slash, or use the bronze throne to superimpose immortality to achieve the King Kong's indestructibility, then it would be better for him to give up the dragon slaying business as soon as possible.

The original world, burn!

Luo Yin, carrying a large fireball with a diameter of 8 meters, collided with the Deadpool Legion head-on, and flew backwards in a violent explosion.

As he expected, the dragon claw inlaid with the blade seized the "mistake" and launched a sneak attack from the back, but could not make an inch in the package of the earth element.

It suddenly realized that this was a trap, and before Luo Yin could attack, Deadpool No. 2 actually disconnected the blade embedded in the seam of the five fingers and became invisible again.

On the other side, Susie also had a headache. The Divine Speed ​​​​Word Spirits are indeed open and hanging. The other party knows that Jian Yu is a powerful but consuming Word Spirit. He has been dodging at high speed and resisting Feijian with miscellaneous soldiers.

And once Susie released the black sword to protect herself to attack and kill, she would immediately attack.

"Luo Yin, how long can you maintain your bloodline?"

"A minute and a half."

"Then I'll use that one and leave it to you later."

That, oh, that is.

Luo Yin left the charging Deadpool Army behind and turned to run towards Susie.

Sixteen black swords flew up at the same time, flying 360 degrees around the girl's body, getting faster and faster.

Susie threw away the small sword used for melee combat, her eyes were lowered, and she devoted all her attention to the manipulation of the Sword Royal Domain.

Sixteen Han swords changed direction at the same time. Forward, reverse, fly up and down.

They dance with each other, pulsate and undulate, but do not interfere with each other, giving birth to a strange sense of melody.

The Black Sword did not stop accelerating in the ever-changing flight trajectory, easily breaking the sound barrier. The air was expelled outward to form a blade wind, and the center of the thin air field even felt a little suffocated.


The moment Susie raised her head, the black sword had already cut out an almost perfect phantom around her, and the extremely thin curved silver line was the sharp edge of the sword.

The storm formed by the black sword and the domain of Jian Yu were simultaneously supported to the extreme, and within fifteen meters in diameter, it was cleaner than the dust-free land.

Luo Yin stood behind Susie, quite frightened. At this speed, a big pig will be separated from flesh and bones in one second, cut into thin scorpions in two seconds, heated in five seconds, and scorched to ashes in ten seconds.

Susie stepped towards the Deadpool Legion step by step. Those red-armored soldiers who were not afraid of death slammed into the wall formed by the sword's edge, and were cut into a dozen pieces in an instant. Then it was twisted into pieces mixed with flesh and bones, and sprinkled on the "comrade" behind him.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Deadpool spit out a loud rumbling sound, and raised the swordsman full of rotten aura to smash into the pure black blade storm. All the weapons were cut out of dense gaps at the same time, and then they were broken and shattered, and the fragments splashed out of the field like rain.

What the **** is this arrogant way of playing!

The woman in white hooked with one hand on the top of the girder of the palace. From the perspective of time zero 50 times the speed, the slash of the blade still looked extremely dangerous. Time zero will not change the kinetic energy of both parties. As long as she is rubbed by the sword, she may fall under the follow-up slash.

Deadpool No. 2 suddenly appeared. Its body is further alienated, and the remaining consciousness is also disappearing.

Yan Ling advanced, diamond world!

The pure golden arc of light flickered in the air at high speed, as if condensing the twisted light into an enchantment that protected itself.

"Treasurer, die!"

It spat out such words fiercely from its interlaced fangs, and the word "prisoner" on its forehead seemed to come alive and twisted on its scales.

Luo Yin was taken aback, you actually can talk.

Guao's chanting sounded above his head, and the dust-free land about the size of Passy slammed into Susie's field. Kassel College's textbook of spirituality, once again dying.

Luo Yin cut his wrists, and the high-purity dragon blood closest to the White King sprinkled on the sixteen black swords. The Alchemy Array was fully activated, and the metal buds grew fiercely.

They transformed from a three-foot-long Han sword into a three-meter-long straight sword, with blood-colored stripes spreading and beating on the surface of the sword. The hilt of the sword was transformed into a shape similar to the dragon's head.

When the two domains collided with Blade Storm, an arc-shaped gap was cut at the same time. This stems from the realm of imitation arrogance.

The Vajra Realm and the Dustless Land began to show signs of domain fusion, forming a near-absolute defense that was at the same time an invincible spear.

"If you can't hold it, don't force it, I'll run away behind your back."

Susie's golden eyes were full of bloodshots, and fine blood beads were oozing from the scales of her whole body. Even with the Word Spirit Armament to reduce her stamina consumption, maintaining this level of offensive has reached the brink of her body collapsing.

"I'm in charge of clearing the field, and the rest is left to you."

The two super dead servants stood side by side on the edge of the sword domain. The golden light arc and the sharp wind mixed together, still unable to break through the storm of the blade, but kept retreating.

How did she do it, a speech spirit of this level should have drained her physical strength within ten seconds.

The Dead Servant Legion was smashed to pieces, and the mutilated pawns rolled and wailed on the ground. They seem to be under a strange curse, and the wounds that were cut open on their bodies not only did not heal, but showed signs of "withering".

The scales are ashes, the flesh is dried up, and the bone marrow turns into poisonous water. Although the 16 swords are all arrogant, the alchemy field of 8 of them is designed according to greed. On the basis of the power of sucking, Luo Yin added the mark locking and disintegration power similar to Word Spirit and Judgment.

The black sword will temporarily absorb and preserve their life, reducing the physical consumption of the sword bearer.

The woman in white felt that the situation was not good, Yan Ling switched back to time zero, and disappeared at extreme speed.

The ferocious black sword broke through the protection of the enchantment, and plowed out 8 deep visible scars on the body of Deadpool No. 2, but it still failed to kill it.

At this moment, Susie changed the shape of the field. The spherical blade storm turned into a column, and sixteen black swords spiraled to kill the injured Deadpool.

The blade of the sword swirled and danced like a blooming metal lotus.

In the tenth-order instant realm, in one tenth of a second, it sent out more than 200 slashes with the special-shaped blades all over its body.

The collision between the slender black sword and the dark blue blade produced splendid sparks and electric light, the blade cracked, and more than 800 bones in its body also cracked at the same time, and the internal organs wrapped in scales began to bleed heavily during the high-frequency collision.

The silver thorn hit Susie's back, but it seemed to pierce the boundless sea water, and the distance of less than two meters was stretched hundreds of times.

"Saint Seiya, you won't be defeated twice by the same move."

Susie's back was giving birth to fan-shaped bones, her pupils turned red gold, releasing overwhelming coercion. In Luo Yin's perception, it was no less than the pure-blooded dragon named Yemengarde.

Her bloodline is further purified, this is an involuntary burst of blood, and the overly strong dragon spirit is already hungry.

"Enough, stop now."


Luo Yin patted Susie on the back and activated Pandora, and Susie, whose bloodline was slightly suppressed, was somewhat awake. In just five seconds, this Pandora device was on the verge of being scrapped.

The sword domain was shattered, and 16 black swords shot randomly in the ancient palace. One of the swords pierced the waist of Deadpool No. 2 and hung it on the towering column of the palace.

The dragon-like symptoms on Susie's body subsided more slowly than before, and the fierce dragon spirit was not willing to be blocked again.

It's crazy, I have to ask her to do a good psychological counseling after I go back this time.

Luo Yin carried Susie, who was on the verge of coma, on her back, smelted a tough metal belt from the ground, and tied the girl firmly to her back.

Damn, miscalculated!

The touch from behind was like a big steel hedgehog. The girl's fair arms were like two big pliers stuck around his neck, the body under the black shirt seemed to be wrapped in a set of steel armor, and the bone spurs that had not completely subsided poked at his back from time to time.

This is completely different from what is written in the novel, it's a good post!

Second half, start.

Luo Yin's mental pressure was reduced a lot after spending a minute in the sword control field, and by the way, he collected a lot of combat data with his mirror pupil.

The elements of water and wind are condensed at the same time, and the extremely cold north wind rises in the Nibelung Palace.

Following Luo Yin's footsteps, Tiancong Yun Jianfeng condensed frost and turned into a cross-shaped sword. The wind element strengthens his perception, and at the same time quickly transmits the low temperature to every part of the palace.

He jumped up abruptly and attacked the Deadpool who was nailed through the column, and the ice crystal cross sword shattered its head. The woman in white did not come to the rescue.

"It seems that the dog-legged friendship between you is not very good."

"He is useless himself. He has received the gift of his master, but he is still an incompetent beast."

The woman flickered and moved around Luo Yin like a ghost, and her voice was erratic.

The reason why Time Zero is the upper-level word spirit of the moment lies in its continuity and the proportional increase of the five senses. Thus enabling the user to obtain incredible mobility.

The two 1.5-meter-long rapiers kept stabbing towards Susie from all directions, but their speed plummeted when they invaded the original realm. Not only because of the overlapping bubble world within the domain, but also because of bloodline suppression.

The bloodline of the other party at this time is even higher than that of her who received the gift.

Among all the dragon kings, only the black king and the white king master the absolute spirit and penetrate the five elements. The original world can be regarded as a word spirit, or it can be regarded as the product of his failure to evolve the White King.

Only in this field, Luo Yin is the master of the elements. A world bubble similar to Nibelungen is also fleeting.

"Your bloodline, like hers, is only temporary."

The woman said softly, her tone calm.

"In other words, you want to delay time and bet on me falling first?"

Luo Yin walked up the broken stairs of the palace with a smile, and the ice beneath his feet kept thickening. He pulled out a Han sword from the ground, holding two giant swords, and swung it to resist the stab of Deadpool.

"Fast-running enemies like you are the most annoying. Attacks are as weak as mosquitoes, but you can't kill them. If it wasn't for Nibelungen, I really couldn't kill you."

The temperature in the palace had dropped to minus fifty degrees, transparent ice ridges hung on the dome, and the dead servants corpses all over the place were frozen into lumps.

"I'll tell you a secret, the way out of Nibelungen, I found out very early. After all, it's not the first time I've been trapped."

Time passed minute by minute, and the entire palace turned into a country of ice and snow, and the frozen ground was as smooth as a mirror. Deadpool still maintains four attacks per second, accelerating his physical consumption, but her sword speed is rapidly decreasing.

This level of Deadpool, even for the Dragon King, it would be very distressing to die.

"I can still maintain the field for half a month. I bet you will freeze it into a popsicle first."

Luo Yin said nasty words, kicked the head of a frozen Deadpool, and watched it explode on the wall like a watermelon. Well, it's already frozen.

Thaksin walked in the Nibelungen Palace on foot, without revealing that his bloodline was about to get out of control. Every second, his consciousness became more tyrannical, but the action of the dead servant was also declining in the extreme cold.

More importantly, the momentum and mentality of both sides are undergoing subtle changes.

The woman in white finally appeared, and she stopped the field of time zero.

"Are you considering changing jobs? I also have a lot of dead servants working under me."

"For us..."

With every word she uttered, her voice became deeper and more majestic.

"Death is not terrible. As long as it is for the return of my clan."

Boss Luo suddenly felt respect in his heart. What a successful and thorough ideological construction within the clan!

If his employees are so loyal, there is no reason to worry about it.

The wide membrane wings pierced the skin and spread out behind the woman with blood. Her body was completely out of human form, her limbs turned into slender claws, and the overlapping scales grew into slender feathers.

The two stabbing swords merged into one in the field of alchemy, transformed into a tangled monstrous weapon, a double-spiral spear mixed with silver and blue.

She inhaled half a ton of extremely cold, dry air at a time, strengthening her body functions to the limit.

Seeing the other party's appearance, Luo Yin wondered if he would give himself wings, but thought that there was someone behind him.

The original realm condensed a icy storm, rolling towards the dragon shape whose speed climbed to the extreme. After the weakening of the original realm, the opponent's speed is still more than four times his.

At the moment of the collision, the spiral spear stabbed Luo Yin six times in a row, but it could only break through the scales, not the internal organs.

He waved the imitation version with his left hand and arrogantly slashed at Deadpool's dragon wings. Tian Congyun returned to a very light moon-white blade, and the stab at close range was as fast as a streamer.

The spiral spear left dozens of holes on Luo Yin's body, but those wounds were repairing at an abnormal speed.

"You are about to become our kin, are you considering changing jobs?"

"Gambling, willing to admit defeat. I bet myself to cut off your head first."

The tyrannical self-healing power of the eight-headed snake ensures that he will not be pierced through his body, but it also means that he is not far from Deadpool.

The original realm is quietly smelting the broken metal on the ground, and the alchemy formation "Yellow Spring" is taking shape. Hurry up, hurry up...

On top of the dome, Deadpool folded its membrane wings and dived towards Luo Yin like a falcon. The spear was continuously recovered and stabbed, and penetrated his left abdomen with three consecutive strikes, but Tian Congyun also cut off 1/3 of Deadpool's right membrane wing.

She attacked Susie's throat with her left paw, but was blocked by Luo Yin's shoulders, and his sharp phalanx was stuck in the body with his closed keel joints.

The two hideous faces were only twenty centimeters apart. Undefended, Deadpool continued to repeatedly attack the same spot with the spear until it penetrated the internal organs.

Tian Congyun cut off Dead Servant's left arm, and at the same time, Luo Yin's liver was basically broken, and it was difficult to heal in a short time.

The Yellow Spring Alchemy Array finally took shape. Tiancongyun stabbed the dragon body temporarily obtained by Deadpool, and the cells and tissues were directly killed and turned into ashes, which could not be healed.

Luo Yin continued to smelt the enlarged version of the alchemy circuit of the sword and crossbow, and it was difficult for the opponent to dodge the metal projectile with 10 times the speed of sound.

Falling into Deadpool is a very strange spiritual experience. The subconscious knows that something very bad is happening, but the nerves are full of extreme excitement and pleasure.

Deadpool, who lost an arm, lost his balance significantly. He was continuously hit by salvoed metal projectiles, the membrane wings were cut off from the root, and the wound was directly necrotic.

Luo Yin's offensive stopped, and he was forced to start suppressing blood.

At this moment, he misses the holy corpse so much. If you're still around, it's not enough to play such a thing.


The severely wounded Dead Servant laughed wildly. The winner of this gamble is her!

The dust-free land rises, and she steps slowly toward the pathetic tyrant. She will tear her enemies to shreds with the tyrannical wind.

The body weakened rapidly, Luo Yin calculated the way back. The exit of this Nibelung should be the center of the dome.

With the help of air cannons, Tian Congyun cut open the roof. Then it will depend on whether there are any enemies outside Nibelungen.

Suddenly, the "arrogant" alchemy field tore a crack in the dust-free land, and the black sword attacked from the rear, stabbing Dead Servant in the center with a chilling heart.

Susie let go of Luo Yin's neck~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and landed lightly.

"Let's clean up the mess together."

In such a tragic situation, an embryo-killing A-level hybrid is enough to determine the outcome.

Luo Yin leaned on Tian Congyun in front of him, and Susie awakened the four swords of arrogance with a nerve-ripping headache.

I'm really unhappy.

Deadpool pulled out the black sword in his chest and jumped to the exit of Nibelungen, his highly dragonized body was collapsing.

Five swords out!

The first sword cut off the right claw, the second sword cut open the waist and abdomen, and the third and fourth sword cut off both claws.

Clouds of the sky pierced through the head, and the Nibelung roots shattered. The white bone sword fell on the stairs of the apartment building, making a crisp sound.

"Thanks for your hard work."

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