A knock on the door.

"Just push the door. This is the game, and you have this permission."

Susie is in the ice cellar in the game, where all players are currently prohibited from entering. The "ice cellar" was empty except for Fafnir's keel and the giant alchemy array, and Luo Yin didn't know what was in it.

She pushed open the antique wooden door embedded in the wall and stepped into an endless wasteland.

This is Alchemy Fantasy's private plot except for the game. The game map has not yet been developed. Luo Yin circled a place here as his office.

In immersive dreams, the speed of thinking is faster, and the load on the liver is also much smaller. And all the information only exists in the core of Samaria, with good confidentiality.

The sky here is blue and dark red, and the crimson sun above the horizon illuminates the huge wreckage of buildings on the ground, as well as the layers of swords, armor, and dead bones.

Sitting on a pale spine, Luo Yin stretched out his fingers to depict the alchemy circuit on the illusory screen, and wrote his thoughts at will. The dragon skull beside him was playing rock music from the 80s and 90s.

Seeing Susie come in, Luo Yin waved his hand and switched the office scene to a fairy tale world with rainbow bridges and cotton candy clouds.

Susie's face darkened, she clicked on the settings, set the scene to a pure white grid, and finally felt comfortable.

On the left wall are the game account updates that Luo Yin focuses on, and at the top is Eiliyi who is attacking "self".

The front workbench also displays the fan drama, the design interface of alchemy items, the latest intelligence analysis and the work reports of the employees.

On the right wall, a red frame displays a number of names and their images, including Odin, Lu Mingfei, Wang Jiang, Fingal, Angers, Pompeii, etc. There are 17 tasks to be completed on the back.

"Did you replace the liver with an alchemy liver too?"

Luo Yin looked at Susie with a shocked expression. You can also point out the skills of Tucao.

"Actually, it's okay, it's called a liver with multiple uses. Samaria helps with tasks that require a lot of computing power, and I just need to give the final judgment."

Susie pointed to Eri Yi who was on a mission.

"Through the game, tell her the cruel truth almost in an explicit way, is it really okay?"

"Let's not talk about work, let's go for a walk together, everyone is under a lot of pressure recently."

All the irritating mysteries dissipated together, and a white sand beach with a gentle sea breeze evolved in real time from the dream.

The foam of the waves soaked the white sand slightly, the edge of the sea was dyed golden red by the setting sun, and the broad coconut leaves swayed, casting whirling shadows.

Luo Yin and Susie held hands, leaving clear footprints on the beach. The girl hummed a song softly, mixed with the wind, and her voice was a little hazy.

"Considering safety reasons, it is not suitable for traveling recently. Let's make up for it in this way for the time being."


Just walking on the beach quietly, not much communication, but not embarrassed.

"Did you take this scene from the movie? It's too beachy."

Luo Yin spread his hands.

"The places I've been to are only a small part of the world. When I no longer need to work, I can consider traveling around the world and collecting materials on the spot."

With a ding, Samaria's task to be solved is reduced by one.

Luo Yin subconsciously reached out and shrank back.

"Come on."

Boss Luo looked at Susie with a smirk and opened the notification sent by Samaria. It was this, the encrypted note left by General Wang.

"The content is 94% decoded, and the remaining 6% of the content has provided possible guesses.

The files 'King General'/'Tachibana Masamune' have been automatically merged into 'Dr. Jung von Herzog'. New target, 'Major Bondarev'. "

Luo Yin briefly browsed the information, the more serious his expression became, the more question marks he saw in his mind. A string of mysterious numbers in the notes was determined to be a coordinate range, falling within the Arctic Circle, which is the North Pole again.

He felt that by killing Orochi and taking away the holy corpse, he might not only disturb Herzog's situation. In this world, corrupt and dark things are richer than Luo Yin imagined.

"I think it's her right to let Eriri know the truth, and she should know too.

You have also witnessed the speed of her growth with your own eyes. This girl's heart is far more sensitive and tough than her appearance.

Of course I could continue to keep her in the dark and make Tachibana Masamune a decent person, but it's not necessary.

What's interesting about the game is that it's a reflection of harsh reality. Players can try countless times, and the ending of failure will not affect the future of reality. "

"But when Eriyi realizes the cruelty of the world and grows up, do you think she will still trust you? Will she definitely choose to be our ally?"

Susie asked mercilessly. You now look and feel like another black-hearted behind-the-scenes boss!

"Then we have at least gained a clear-headed friend who is particularly capable of fighting."

The current chief thug glanced at his mouth, people with complex brains are trouble. Thinking too much will only affect the speed of drawing the sword.


In Miami Beach, Lin Fenglong walked out of the seaside wooden house where he stayed and opened the door to welcome guests.

Passy was a little surprised to see the old man's appearance. The image of the other party and the family's intelligence files was quite different. With a straight hunting suit and a pair of large angular sunglasses, he looked like he was only fifty or sixty years old.

Even as the chief secretary, he didn't know much about the "important informant" of the family, and Pompeii only told him this person, so that Angers could not find out.

"Mr. Lin, the meeting has been arranged for you."

The secretary with neatly blond hair bowed slightly to Lin Fenglong, placed a pure black cylindrical device under the big sunshade in front of the door, and turned to leave, putting on earplugs with his back to Lin Fenglong.

Lin Fenglong sat down leisurely against a plastic chair and crossed Erlang's legs. The cylindrical installation slowly casts light and shadow of tall and thin human figures under the umbrella.

"I expected to see Mr. Pompey."

"I can't find him for the time being, so I can only wake up my old bone. The younger generation in the family has a strong personality, which made Mr. Lin laugh."

The man's solemn face slowly became clear, his face was covered with chisel-like wrinkles, his skin was as pale as paper, and his deep-set eyes exuded a faint golden light.

He was sitting on a large mahogany chair, his body wrapped in white robes could be said to be sturdy, and his serious aura was like that of an ancient ascetic.

"Agrippa, we haven't seen each other in almost a century? It's a pleasure to see you alive."

"'93. In 1917, when I was dying of old age, and wanting to witness the Gattuso family's prosperity, I lay in a **** freezer dormant.

Also, I'm Delta now. Names lose their meaning when almost no one in the world remembers you anymore. "

The Gattuso House of Elders, one of the chief 12 elders, Delta. It was hard for Lin Fenglong to remember what Agrippa looked like at the time, and now there is only a ghost-like creature left in front of him.

As he struggled to utter the words, life was returning to Delta's body.

"I envy your lineage. Time seems to stand still for someone like you or Angers."

"After all, I'm only 138 years old, I'm just a young man, and I still have to live."

Lin Fenglong said with a smile.

"Hahahahaha!" Delta laughed, the blood vessels on his face ruptured, and the waiter on the side immediately wiped off the blood.

"Let's get down to business, I don't know how long I can stay awake with my body.

The pension that the family gives you is enough for you to live comfortably for thousands of years, but you are putting aside the days of retirement, but it shows that something really went wrong. "

"The king of the earth and the mountain has indeed left the nest. He must be traced again, and the awakened ancient dragon cannot be allowed to move outside."

Lin Fenglong cut to the chase. The dragon king lurking in human society, the wind king is enough, the sneaky guy Yemengade must be eliminated. The complete Hela is the natural enemy of Odin and must not appear.

Delta suppressed the unhappiness in her heart. Caesar must obtain the title of dragon slayer, which is an important part of the plan, and only such honorable people are eligible to be crowned. The fire king's hunt has failed, and the mountain king cannot afford to lose.

"You say that, it means that you have a way to find the mountain king?"

"It has been sorted out, and then handed over to the family. I wish the young master to win."

Lin Fenglong smiled. The Dragon King knows nothing about the habits of his brothers and sisters.

"The Gattuso family has always remembered their friendship with Mr. Lin. You should know that Angers has not given up looking for you for so many years, and the family has paid a lot to keep you.

Why did you suddenly come to the secret party's territory? "

"Deal with a little trouble and warn the little guy who came out of nowhere."

"The Samaritans? They're not little ones."

"Just unplug the new hunter net."

Delta tapped the tabletop with thin fingers. He disliked this man very much, Friedrich von Long.

This man brought an incredible gift to the Gattuso family a century ago, and gave the secret party the key to its rise during its weakest period.

Gattuso was able to get out of Sicily, from a second-class family to a giant in Italy, and even mastered the core discourse power of the secret party after World War II.

But he is the stain of Lionheart, Lin Fenglong must have played a disgraceful role in that disaster, and traitors are always unpleasant.

He also has deep connections with the deep net of hunters, and has sold intelligence to other mixed-race forces.

Archaeologist, intelligence broker, traitor, gift... This person seems to have many layers of skin, and he can't tell what's hidden inside.

Delta hesitated for more than ten seconds before finally speaking.

"Three weeks. You have three weeks to deal with them. During this time, as long as the bottom line of the secret party is not touched, the family will block the secret party's actions, and the records detected by Norma will be deleted."

Lin Fenglong stood up and gently held the illusory light and shadow. The light and shadow dissipated, he greeted Percy at the door, and returned to the cabin alone.

The index finger of his right hand turned into a slender claws, and Lin Fenglong stepped into a cloud of black mist.

In front of the ruined manor, there are densely packed cross-shaped branches, and the direction is a little skewed. In these tombs, there are humans and dead servants.

In front of the tomb, there are densely packed coffins. Three dark gold, twelve silver blue, and countless iron coffins.

Lin Fenglong opened the two coffins, one gold and one silver. The dragon body of the woman on the left was completely mutilated, and there was a sword-shaped puncture wound in the center of the head, while the head on the right disappeared.

"It's a pity, you couldn't wait until the day you set foot on the battlefield as heroic spirits."

Two days ago, when they returned, only the woman was left with a sound, and she kept mumbling: "Sword, sword..."

They used to be the most courageous fighters in the world, but Lin Fenglong can't remember the story of each "heroic spirit" very well.

He sealed the coffin and began to dig a pit, bury the coffin, fill it with soil, break branches and insert a cross, all in one go. The habit of inserting a cross was acquired after he went to Italy.

As for the dead servant who became frozen minced meat, let it rot naturally outside. Lin Fenglong didn't have the leisure to bury them one by one, he was just curious about what kind of attack would have this effect.

The Gattuso family has completely turned into a monster, and the ghosts who are huddled in the dormant warehouse and lingering on are more unbearable than the most evil devil in the world. It is indeed the "seed" he carefully selected at the beginning.

There is often a ridiculous argument in the secret party that Angers is the beneficiary of the Xiazhi mourning incident, otherwise the current leader must be Menac, and of course the first school director will also be the Cassell family.

The biggest beneficiary of that accident was undoubtedly him, or the Wind King's lineage. He was the first to wake up after the Rhine outbreak, cut off the "egg" that was transported out, visited the Cassel family, and then spent a year finding the owner's cocoon.

In that era when the secret party was at its weakest, Lin Fenglong alone held the legacy that was enough to shake the world.

But he knew that after the demise of Cassell, there would be another family who would carry the banner of the secret party, such as Beowulf and Laurent, and the hybrids would kill like bugs.

To meet the prophesied day of his return, he needs a voice in a mixed-race society.

This spokesperson cannot be a veteran family of the secret party, otherwise it will be easy to gain insight into his details. In addition, they must have dragon-like ambition, not afraid of blood on their hands, and love power.

In 1904, Lin Fenglong came to Sicily with a boat and was warmly welcomed by the local mafia.

At that time, the Gattuso family was very famous, and the title of the owner was still "father". In the middle of the night, fresh animal heads would be stuffed into the enemy's bed.

Fierce young men often dressed in costumes, danced into the enemy's home, blasting the heads of all enemies with double-barreled shotguns.

Although Lin Fenglong is a foreigner, he quickly entered the top of the family with the advantage of "mixed blood". Within a few months, he was able to meet the then-Patriarch, Cassius, now the "Alpha" of the Senate.

More importantly, seeing that devilish human, Romulus.

Romulus, whose original name was probably Leonardo, was born at the end of the Renaissance, so he worshipped Roman culture so much that he changed his mediocre name to the creator of Rome.

Excellent blood, coupled with Dong's special word spirit, made his lifespan unbelievably long. When Lin Fenglong saw him, Romulus was over 200 years old, his body shrunken like a sun-dried vegetable, but his eyes were still full of ambition and greed for life.

Lin Fenglong finally found his ideal target. The moment he offered the fetal blood of the King of Wind, Romulus swallowed the fetal blood without hesitation, and survived the erosion with that withered body.

The evolved Romulus shed his old shell, gained fifty years of youth, gave birth to dozens of offspring, and secretly killed individuals with unstable bloodlines. The Gattuso family has since become a member of the "noble" bloodline.

He also provided some incomplete dragon alchemy techniques for the Gattuso family, including injecting deadpool serum to prolong life, and how to refine the sage's stone.

After the Gattuso family became famous, Lin Fenglong disappeared for many years.

He gave away most of the wealth in his hand, leaving only the most precious part.

And those who receive the gift have no way of knowing the hidden price of this gift.

Those who are rotten will be born again. The dead will surely return~www.wuxiaspot.com~ When the abandoned family returns to the throne, he will share the glory.

Lin Fenglong hummed a folk song lightly, and lifted the dark gold and silver-blue coffin lids one by one. Pairs of golden pupils illuminated the gloomy sky.


The water of the Rhine quietly returns to the north



banshee with her song


brought down this catastrophe

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