C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 67: About dreams and justice

Chi twisted his neck back 270 degrees, found that he had twisted a little bit, and punched himself in the head again, and finally came over.

Kazama Liuli cautiously jumped a short distance away, and the long knife was unsheathed, emitting a dangerous cherry-red light.

A huge amount of adrenaline poured into the blood of the whole body, and hundreds of bones made a sound of adjustment and reorganization. In three seconds, he transformed from a TV idol star into a humanoid Tyrannosaurus rex.

This nameless demon sword was seriously damaged in Hongjing, but because of the deep feelings of using it all the year round, Luo Yin was entrusted to repair it.

He smelled a familiar scent on the guy. A ghost, an unbelievably strong ghost.

Shouldn't this kind of work be the job of that stupid brother, he always felt very weird when he came to be the ghost killer.

Stab it!

The long knife collided with the red arm, pulling out scorching sparks, and there was a terrifying harsh sound. The sound was like forcibly cutting a metal ingot with a hacksaw, making your teeth sore.

Chi proliferates multiple layers of white scales and bone fragments outside the hands, and the bone fragments protrude from the gaps of the scales at the same time, forming a staggered white blade wheel.

Fengjian Liuli's face turned black. The opponent's strength and speed are similar to his, but his word spirit is simply cheating.

Eight consecutive violent slashes collided. Others on the same floor could only see blurred shadows and flickering sparks. One person was hit by the bone fragments flying out of the red collapse and was seriously injured on the spot.

"Your bloodline... this familiarity."

Chi tilted his head in thought, but couldn't remember anything. The fuchsia blade was stuck in the bone of his upper arm, rapidly regenerating bone against the force of the wind.

There's no pleasure fighting this guy, it feels like a butcher is chopping frozen ribs with a dull kitchen knife. And it is hard to cut it apart, and the ribs will grow better on their own.

In the wind, he avoided Chi's kick, but Chi's right foot had quietly extended a willow-shaped claw blade of more than 30 centimeters, and the elongated blade cut a large wound nearly an inch deep on his chest.


Chi stood on the spot, not chasing.

"You have the potential to kill me, work harder!"

"Then don't hide!"

Kazama Liuli continued to take deep breaths and moved her hands and feet. After being a star for a long time, the muscles have become a little dull.

"I want to die, but my body doesn't want to. The fist has already been punched out, and the message is in the brain."

Chi's body kept launching vicious attacks, but there was no emotion in his eyes. Some people are alive but long overdue, like him.

"Then, satisfy you."

Fengjian's right hand slid across the blade, and the hot dragon's blood seeped into the radiant and demonic blade. The power of this sword is no less than that of a spider cut, and it was an alchemy weapon that flowed out of the main house when Uesugoshi burned down the shrine.

It is said that it is likely to be the famous demon sword in history, Muramasa, who once cast a curse on the Tokugawa family. Luo Yin said he repaired and strengthened the knife with some messy technique, hoping he didn't cut corners.

The demon sword grows recklessly in the field of alchemy, the edge of the blade gradually transitions from cherry red to blood, and the blade turns into a crescent shape with a gap.

The alchemy field, which originally only enhanced the sharp effect, was mixed with a spirit more suitable for killing. The tip of the knife chiseled into the marble floor and eroded a large piece of stone powder.

Kazama Liuli attacked from the front, approaching Chi's side like a teleportation, and the posture of slashing the blood-colored long sword was like swinging a pure metal bat.

His swordsmanship is not as strict as Yuan Zhisheng's, but closer to the bite of a beast or a dragon. To deal with this kind of enemy, what he needs is absolute violence, and he even hopes to have a tungsten steel hammer weighing several tons in his hand.

The right hand was firmly pressed on the back of the knife, pressing the opponent to keep retreating until the whole body sank into the wall.

The blade was pressed into Chi's arms, cutting his shoulders, and Yaki's regeneration ability was suppressed by at least 40% by the alchemy field.

Chi towards the wind showed an approving smile, and the male star immediately poked his eyes with his index finger.

Kazama Liuli jumped back again.

Chi had scaled shields proliferating on his upper arms and abdomen, his ten fingers extended into bone claws similar to Wolverine, and his two calves became extremely thick, and the thickened muscle fibers were like springs cast from alloys.

His eyes have not yet fully regenerated, but Kazama can sense that Chi's "eyes" are falling between his eyebrows. He wasn't talking nonsense, the body that was eroded by the power of words seemed to have an independent consciousness.

boom! boom! boom!

Chi lowered his body and shot back and forth like a white missile in the hotel. Because the speed was too fast, a large white net seemed to appear in the space.

Kazama felt like he had become a nail, being rammed into the ground by a sledgehammer. The closed keel trembled and even cracked during the repeated impacts.

Even he had never used this attack method before, and the emperor's body could not stand this violent collision like self-destruction.

Chi shot vertically towards Fengjian Liuli, both hands hammered towards the edge of the knife without hesitation, and the chopped dragon scales and knuckles quickly regenerated.

The stone floor shattered, the two of them smashed through the ceiling, and then smashed through the ground below, all the way to the second floor.

Chi's body grew sticky, corrosive white silk like dragons hatch, touching everything in the hotel that could absorb nutrients. The living, the dead, the dry stuff, the furniture, the weapons...

The gunmen seized the opportunity, and the intensive suppression and strafing from top to bottom provided Kazama Liuli with a chance to breathe.

Embarrassing enough. Wiping the oozing blood from his forehead with the broken white long sleeves, the anger in his heart gradually grew stronger.

Chi's claws pierced into the hard skin shallowly, tearing off all the dead tissue on the surface of the body like undressing, exposing the brand-new scales and knotted muscles below, and waving his hand to cut off the more than one meter long hair neatly.

To a certain extent, this guy is more of a nightmare than Orochi. After all, Orochi doesn't have enough time to alienate his body to such a degree.

"Liu Lizi, daddy!"

Out of nowhere came a shout of support, and then the support became one after another, and some hunters who didn't know the inside story also started to cheer.

Kazama Liuli is a monster, and many of them know that.

But more importantly, he is the star of the Elf group! After this scene, Liu Lizi has to rush back to the studio to play with Yui Xingyuan and Shun Oguri!

The corner of Luo Yin's mouth, who was passing through the surveillance, twitched. What is the upper beam not straight and the lower beam crooked! When the current leader appears in youth idol dramas all day to brush his face, it is hard not to deviate from the ethos of the ghost group.

In addition, this is the super word spirit recorded by Sheqi Bajia, is it Yaqi... Be sure to get it, this is the ultimate Gou Ming Yanling. With this thing, he might be able to grow his heart back.

"How long will our backup be in place?"

"Something went wrong." Olivia hesitated.

"The sniping point we selected for the snipers seems to be blocked. Someone entered there early."

1,500 meters away from the hotel, Mai Shudoku observed the battlefield in the scope.

She couldn't quite figure out why she wanted to get involved in this chaos. According to the boss's words, there are two very annoying guys biting each other. If the weaker one is directly swallowed, it will be more troublesome to deal with the stronger one in the future.

Jiu De Mai had been shriveled by that thin-looking man, when she was still in the state of "giving". She should have been gloating when she saw this monster deflated, but she couldn't laugh at all now.

"Potato chips, according to the boss's goal, obstacles like Odin must be destroyed, right?"


Su Enxi watched the duel between the two monsters with a pale face. It would be nice if a playback bar with fast-forward and pause functions could appear on the real-time recording interface, which would be pretty cool to look at as a sci-fi action movie.

Today, the world of monsters shows them the tip of the iceberg.

Shudoku Mai did not continue to speak. If there are such perverts even in the heroic spirits, how powerful should Odin be?

On the second floor of the hotel, Chi Zheng looked at Kazama Liuli in disappointment. I'm sorry, I can't give you a good one.

Let's try it. Yanling · Dream Tapir.

Liuli in the wind was startled. There was not much resistance at all, and the opponent was recruited. With the blood of the other party, it is said that it is not difficult to temporarily resist the invasion of the dream tapir.

Chi stood in the deep pit that was knocked out, and his face was very peaceful, and even a faint joy appeared on his face.

What the hell, the nightmare tapir is obviously used to create the deepest nightmares.

Kazama clenched the long sword in both hands and approached Chi carefully. Fragments in the dream tapir field are also passed into his mind from time to time.

Chi's memory has been cleared, but there are still remnants of subconscious fragments deposited deep in the brain, unexplored areas. These fragments are activated, rearranged, and constitute the most horrific nightmare.

A child of the Uesugi family, a suspicious bloodline, a dark night in the mountains, a deep dungeon full of suspicious bloodstains.

The Tachibana family's month reading fortune, dark red long hair. The extremely sad eyes, the sharp pain that the blade repeatedly pierced through the body.

Tears of joy flowed from the red closed eyes. So beautiful, so happy.

In order to prove his worth, he escaped from the dungeon, challenged the fate of the moon, and was directly divided by the powerful power of words. The main body was locked back in the dungeon, festering and regenerating year after year, enduring endless pain.

But at this moment, the pain is so sweet. Within ten seconds, Chi Jiang experienced all the top nightmares, from loneliness, failure to severe pain, back and forth three times.

His smile grew brighter. So this is me, I used to be such a person. In the dream, the color of blood was so bright, and Tsukiyomi's grim voice made him outline the appearance of his hometown.

Kazama Liuli saw Chi laughing and crying, even as a former mentally ill patient, she was panicked. This person, this person doesn't have that kind of hobby, right?

The blood-colored long knife angrily slashed at Chi's neck artery, but extremely thick scales were produced there. Chi, who was dreaming, held the tip of the knife with both hands at the same time, and opened the long knife a little bit.

This, what is this! Sleepwalking?

Fengjian Liuli faced the huge consumption of maintaining the dream tapir, and used all his strength to use the knife. The dense blood shadows made the atmosphere of the entire floor extremely depressing.

And Chi's "sleepwalking" style of play seems to have become more and more proficient, and the word spirit that gave him the power of strange regeneration has not been turned off. This completely violates the general law of the release of words and spirits.

"Come on, Liulizi! You can do it!"

"Idiot! Hit him with alchemy bullets, he doesn't seem to move!"

Two blue veins popped out of Fengjian Liuli's forehead. In the future, it will be ordered in the ghost group, and star chasers are not allowed to chase after their own leaders.

Hundreds of silver bullets wrapped Chi's body, and the high-concentration elemental turbulence partially invaded his body, pressing Yaki's power of words to the lowest point.

Fengjian rushed forward and took the opportunity to cut off the red right arm with a knife.


Dark red bullets penetrated through the cracks of the broken scales and bones, and the pure spirit of the poison poured into Chi's body.

But the next second, Jiude Mai, who was relaxed and ready to finish work, turned pale.

At the left abdomen where Chi was hit by the Sage's Stone bullet, the poisoned and necrotic large muscles, part of the bones, and internal organs were wrapped in the fragmented bullet and detached directly from the body.

A large cloud of grey-white tissue mixture fell to the ground and reduced to a pool of ashes.

Kazama Liuli turned his head and glanced in the shooting direction. He wasn't sure who the bullet was targeting.

The ninja's hands trembled slightly, and re-aimed at the twisted life. On the communication channel, potato chips also stopped eating.

At this moment, they fully realized that the so-called Hall of Valor was a gathering of the most peak monsters in the history of mixed races. This kind of thing is released in groups, perhaps even more terrifying than some dragon kings they have observed for a long time.

Shude Mai calmed down and loaded the second bullet. She now understands why the boss knew her sniping ability and let her carry two bullets. This time, she will directly shoot the bullet into Chi's eyes, and the other party can't throw his brain away.

Although the Sage's Stone didn't kill Chi, it did hurt him. Chi's left abdomen was gouged out with a large hole of fifteen centimeters in diameter. A normal person would be ready to eat with this kind of injury.

The dense white threads on the floor continued to deliver nutrients to Chi's body, and the damaged organs and lost arms were being repaired.

And Chi was still indulged in the dream, with gentle eyes and a warm smile on his face, hugging his mother who was terrified and delayed. Do it again, have one more dream, and he might be able to live.

Fengjian Liuli slashed towards Chi's spine, hitting Chi's spine all the way. Sweat dripped like rain, and the bug-like word spirit of the Nightmare Tapir consumed quite exaggerated physical strength.

One knife after another, the blood shadow fell on the same spot repeatedly, cutting into the bone marrow. The red body, the spine proliferation and strengthening is like a super alloy, should it be said that it is the blood descendant of the holy skeleton?

The second bullet hit Chi's eyelids with precision, but it shattered. The eyelids that look like ordinary people are actually made up of thin scales and thin bones.

Chi opened his eyes and woke up.

Kazama Liuli finally cut off his spine, only to find that black mist was emitting around Chi's body.

Having been active in the human world for too long, coupled with serious injuries, Nibelungen is recalling him. The curse of the land of death began to erode his body.

With red eyes, he stretched out a finger towards Fengjian Liuli.

"Dream, let me have another dream! I beg you..."

Fengjian Liuli, who was terrified of the cold in his heart, stabbed him in the head again. He never thought that one day he would be frightened by a neurotic.

The thick black mist condensed into something like a door, and the Viking war song of the vicissitudes forced him to control him, and his body with a broken spine crawled into the door like a bug.

Chi's fingers clasped into the ground, unwilling to return to the coffin.

"My descendants, I beseech you to release my soul."

Fengjian Liuli wanted to rush into the black mist, but Luo Yin's reminder came from the group of snakes.

"Don't be impulsive! There must be an ambush inside."

The hotel was in ruins, and Fengjian Liuli was breathing heavily, and his heart was numb.

In the command room, Luo Yin's eyes were rarely very gloomy, suppressing his anger.

The so-called heroic spirits were once proud beings. They shouldn't end up like this.


Caesar took off his gaming helmet and straightened his slightly messy blonde hair. Four hours have passed and it is still being repaired.

The impact of the 350 million bounty is huge and almost everyone knows it. After the resolution of the school board, the college issued a notice to all faculty members to prohibit participation in the war between the two sides.

The crime rate in Chicago has risen 2,000 percent in the past four hours. He even felt like he was in some kind of crime shootout game.

14 gas explosions, more than 30 car accidents, two official exercises... The Gattuso family used a lot of resources to control public opinion in this chaotic war.

This is absolutely not normal.

The design publisher of "Origin" is Albert Alchemy Workshop, and the workshop also settled in the new hunter network. The New Hunter Network was attacked, and Origins went offline for the first time for a long time. The logic is still pretty obvious.

The second largest shareholder of the Albert Alchemy Workshop, his name is Caesar Gattuso. He used $500,000 in personal pocket money to buy a 25% stake in the workshop in its early days.

This investment was made entirely by him and has nothing to do with the Gattuso family. Judging from the situation in the past few years, this may be the most successful investment in his life.

Caesar stood up and pushed the door out.

"Master, do you have any arrangements for this afternoon, do you need any assistance?"

The butler bowed and asked.

"Just to see how an investment is doing and worry about losing money. No help."

By the way, let the game re-launch as soon as possible. Caesar added in his heart.

Ten minutes later, on the night watchman discussion area, "Dick Tweeted More" posted a post, publicly questioning the unreasonable order of the school board.

The text is mixed with such rude words as "conspirator in the gutter", "blind man who maliciously twists the truth", "inactive guy get out as soon as possible".

At the end of the post, I suggested that the teachers and students of the whole school, especially the players of "Origin", build a building, jointly sign, and impeach a certain school manager for a "stupid order" as soon as possible.

Within five minutes, the post had already covered hundreds of floors. "Musun Rain" represents the Lionheart Club and supports Caesar's initiative.

Soon, the president of the game club took a large group of fans to report at the bottom of the post.

Frost, who was enjoying afternoon tea, received a notification from Passy, ​​and his blood pressure soared by 100%. Pompeii was roaming outside, and the Senate continued to lie in the freezer after issuing the order.

This means that if this joint impeachment is successfully held, the only person who will be backstabbed by his own heir can be him, the acting school manager.

The problem is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he really doesn't know anything! Why did the Hunter Net offer a reward, why did the Gattuso family help them, why Pompeii was in a bad mood and disappeared completely, and Frost didn’t even know a hair!

Why, why is he responsible for wiping his **** and taking the blame?

"Delete post, delete post!"

"Sir, the only people who can delete posts on the Night's Watch Forum are Angers, the Night's Watch, and the Minister of Student Information. The principal and vice-principal may not be on your side."

Frost noticed that Caesar had launched offline protests. He made it clear that the nasty signs of a school board's dictatorship had to be stopped immediately.

"What about the Minister of Information, call him here!"

Percy glanced at the phone.

"Minister of the Information Department, five minutes ago he registered as an A-level hunter on the new hunter.com. The code name is 'The Dragon Slayer of Flame.'"

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