C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 69: kleptocrats

Constantine's red dragon tail placed the dead Qing on a charred ground, and the high temperature destroyed all the alchemical circuits buried in her body, as well as the core matrix in her heart.

The black trench coat was burned by the flames, and only half of the World Tree emblem was left behind. The symptoms of dragon transformation completely subsided, her complexion was peaceful and serious, and the dark golden alchemy rope was retracted to her side.

Constantine dismantled the red dragon's armor, and the searing components reassembled into a metal cuboid. He looked at the wreckage and the dead Qing, and felt a little disappointed in his heart.

The elder brother's vassals and soldiers all died in the war, and the loyal dragon servants died in battle to protect the king after awakening again and again. The last noble descendant of bronze and fire left in the world, a human, also fell into this fate.

Constantine often thinks about one day, when he returns to his hometown in the extreme north and kills Odin, what should he do after that?

Open the Bronze City in the extreme north together with your brother, and re-establish the battle flag of the dragon clan? Or kill Luo Yin, occupy his organization, and integrate into human society. The latter sounds good, but it's not his style, and he doesn't have that mind.

So he stopped thinking and continued to smelt and cast, doing some senseless maintenance for the seven deadly sins.

A big hole was burned in his sportswear by lightning, and he was a little embarrassed. Constantine put the dead Qing in a large suitcase and dragged them back together.

Luo Yin breathed a sigh of relief, at least he left a whole corpse.

He thought to himself, if the Dragon King shook the ashes of the ancestors of the Cassel family, wouldn't he have digged up the ancestral grave of the academy indirectly?


At Luo Yin's request, Constantine put the dead Qing into the freezer for safekeeping.

"Have you found the reason?"

Roy asked.

Constantine shook his head with a puzzled expression.

"It's really the power of the Nibelung. But this unreasonable way of moving can also speak in multiple places at the same time, at least I can't achieve it."

Nibelungen is also called the land of the dead. The so-called "country" generally means at least relative territory.

Making nibelungen is a rather cumbersome process, especially time consuming. Migrating Nibelungen is indeed feasible, but it is absolutely impossible to be so convenient, it is like opening a portal.

"What's even weirder is that when I tried to enter Nibelungen through the black fog, I was rejected, and I could only forcibly destroy the 'door' with a condensed spirit."

The expression of the Dragon King of the Dead House was rather unhappy. That guy Odin feels like a high-ranking dragon, and he really doesn't have the key ability.

"Isn't it normal that the Nibelungen cannot enter? Except for those who are actively absorbed into it or those who carry the brand, the Nibelungen is not open to life."

Luo Yin asked. The "shadow world" of the Nibelungs has long been a mystery to hybrids.

"That's for you. It's very common between monarchs to visit each other's Nibelungs, get into a fight and then run away."

Luo Yin: I didn't understand, but I was shocked.

"In simple terms, Nibelungen takes the initiative to pull people, which is equivalent to opening the door and letting guests go. People who have come in and out once will automatically leave a mark in their minds, which is equivalent to a key with a tracking device.

But for the first generation, just kicking the door directly is fine. Of course there are exceptions, that **** of Yemengarde likes to sneak in and pick locks..."



Constantine immediately stopped the process of recalling the good old days.

A doubt in Luo Yin's heart finally landed. Is that thing really a first-generation species? And it sounds like this person's skills are a bit weird.

"In short, it can prevent me from entering Nibelungen, if there is a first-generation seed in it that is against the door to prevent me from entering, or my authority is not enough."

Constantine did not continue.

It's weird no matter what. Could it be that there is a first-generation breed that drags Nibelungen around all day long, does not come out to fight, and is busy opening the portal for Odin's heroic spirit with Nibelungen?

This also sounds too cheap. But if this is the case, it's understandable that Constantine doesn't want to see such a shame when he enters the door...

As for the lack of permissions, how is that possible? Although Constantine stayed home a bit, he was a real first-generation breeder, and he followed Norton to "kick the door".

In today's world, how can there be a higher bloodline than him? Hahahahahaha.

The more Konstantin laughed, the more he felt that something was wrong, and then he found that Luo Yin was also looking at him with strange eyes.

"Old Kang, you said 'insufficient authority' just now. Can I understand that you cannot forcibly enter the Nibelungen of a stronger bloodline than yourself?"

"That's it. But, no kidding, it's impossible."

The Dragon King of the Dead House smiled on the surface, but his hands were shaking a little. No, not possible.

He saw with his own eyes that the White King was executed, and the dragon of despair that covered the sky and the sun died amid the cheers of the people. If not, there will be no long chaotic wars after that, nor this new era.

Luo Yin also pondered uncomfortably in his heart, obviously he had estimated Odin's strength very high before...

Black King? That's ridiculous. If Nidhogg hadn't died, the dragons would never have mixed into what they are today. But it does not rule out resurrection.

It is not impossible for the White King. Maybe there is more than one holy skeleton, but just like the seven dragon balls, a complete white dragon can be summoned by collecting all seven, and then killed by the white king with a sword.

"Old Kang, after the dragon dies, what will happen to the Nibelungen?"

"After the death of the second-generation seed, it will collapse directly. The kingdom they created is very fragile. The first-generation seed is unclear and has never really died. But when it is cocooned and asleep, the Nibelungen will become dilapidated and disordered."

"Where is the Nibelungen of the Black King?"

Roy asked. He reckoned it was in the North Pole.



"When he was alive, his Nibelung roots covered the entire earth, and the expanded area was much larger."

Boss Luo spat out a mouthful of strawberry milk. I'm really sorry, but I've seen too little of the world as a human being.

"Shouldn't the Nibelung be something like the Dragon King's private residence? I always thought that the size of the Nibelung that could cover a small county was the limit."

"It is said that it was built by him and the White King, and it was assisted by peak alchemy technology."

Constantine looked like a salted fish.

Don't look at me with a look of trash, just listen to the so-called "four monarchs", and he is not a heavyweight like the half monarch and the black king.

"Could Odin be the returned Black King?"

"Impossible. I fought with you wearing the mask of Odin. It was not the power of the Black King, but a power never seen before. The power of each Dragon King has remarkable characteristics."

Luo Yin took a sip of strawberry milk fiercely. The long-term communication with Constantine has fully educated him, don't expect the Dragon King to know more about the history of ancient dragons than Du Niang.

"Olivia, express your opinion. Judging from your expression, you probably have some thoughts."

The chief manager opened two panda eyes caused by burst livers, showing a wise look.

"Although I don't know anything about Nidhogg, Odin, these big guys, but there is an idea boss you can listen to.

Boss, when you were defeated by Odin last year, because of memory modification, most people regarded me as the leader of the force. Under some special external forces, although I am not the leader, I can also issue orders. "

"Exactly! In the dragon civil war, Odin should be the victor. But because your brothers jumped too early, it is unclear what the outcome of the war was and what Odin gained."

Constantine:  …

Luo Yin paused and continued:

"Assuming that after the death of the Black King, the Nibelung root that was large enough to cover the whole world only decayed but did not disappear. Perhaps one of Odin's trophies is the kingdom of the Black King!

He occupied the Nibelungen of the Black King and gained boundless territory. But swallowing this legacy may have a huge price, such as being unable to leave the Nibelungen, and even the passage through the Nibelungen and the present world is very difficult.

That's why Odin needs Valhalla and the Hunter's Net. And only this Nibelungen, which covers the whole world, can create a portal with a function similar to the black mist for those heroic spirits in the coffin. "

After the death of the Black King, Odin stole Nidhogg's kingdom and took the world full of remnants of a great civilization for himself.

According to this line of thinking, who are the heirs of the other legacy of the Black King?

Undoubtedly, the most precious of these "legacy" is the blood and bones of the Black King, and even the keel cross. Others, possibly the Black King's weapons, treasure troves, books, harems (crossed out), etc.

Thinking about it like this, Boss Luo suddenly felt that he had only chewed a small piece of the white king's bones, and his strength plummeted.


The battles at various major strongholds have basically come to an end.

Kazama Liuli was slightly injured, the enemy was seriously injured and disappeared, and 9 people died in the stronghold.

Fingal disappeared quietly, and the entire church stronghold seemed to be washed by missiles. The enemy's situation was unknown, and 17 people died in the stronghold.

Constantine was slightly injured, the female body suspected of Cassell's ancestors was being frozen, and 30 people died in the stronghold.

Vera was slightly injured, but her heart was severely traumatized, and 0 people died in the stronghold.

Luo Yin was watching the battle in the command room, rubbing his chin, trying to figure out how this world famous painting-like fighting scene was caused.

Vera has lost her murderousness since stepping down as Beowulf, indulging in office dramas all day, and teaching (beating) Fenrir in games.

According to her needs, Luo Yin customized a set of alchemy armor with excellent ductility for Vera. The silver-white soft armor can be perfectly combined with the fine shield-shaped scales on her body, and has basic characteristics such as insulation, high temperature resistance, and filtering toxicity.

In the field of alchemy, he chose the "debilitating" power derived from the judgment of the Word Spirit.

In hand-to-hand combat, this alchemy field will continue to add a variety of negative states to the enemy who attack soft armor. Such as muscle soreness, weakness in the legs, sudden cough, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc.

However, the two Dead Servants who attacked Vera were both the owners of the Divine Speed ​​Chain Word Spirit. What fighting skills is a joke under the speed difference of dozens or hundreds of times.

These two dead servants seem to have very little residual intelligence, and they have been beating Vera all the time, leaving other soft persimmons in their hands.

Because he couldn't keep up with the fighting rhythm at all, the Beowulf player decided to rot.

She squatted on the floor in the center of the hall and curled up into a ball to protect her vitals. She used the blood of the ancient dragon to the extreme. The scales on her body were super thick, and she used immortality to increase the strength of the scales to the level of titanium alloy.

The alchemical soft armor is wrapped with metal scales, which greatly improves its toughness and can also defend against various sinister tricks.

Luo Yin stared at the large gleaming solid object in the surveillance, and understood why the Beowulf family was called the diehard in the secret party.

Vera's gesture, um, yes, like a diamond pangolin.

For more than half an hour, the two Dead Servants chopped up this flashing iron lump at least tens of thousands of times from different angles and with the posture of swallowing mountains and rivers.

Luo Yin estimated that the alchemy field of the armor had dozens or hundreds of slight "abnormal states" on them, so that the two Dead Servants became weaker and weaker.

In the end, Deadpool's body's poisonous blade was broken everywhere, his eyes were red, his bones were weak, his five internal organs were depleted, his whole body was weak, and he kept saying some vicious curse in his mouth, and his nose was still running.

Vera, whose defense is full, is also close to collapse. A normal person would never experience such torture as her in their lifetimes.

For half an hour, her whole body seemed to have been poked tens of thousands of times by a sharp toothpick, and she once wondered if she had turned into a human-shaped shower.

Susie, who was a firefighter who ran from multiple bases in the city, finally arrived, killed one with a meat grinder-style sword attack, and the other slipped away, finally ending this hell-like torture that brought both sides at the same time. fighting.

Seeing Vera's completely autistic eyes, Boss Luo knew that it would be impossible to dispatch "Blizzard Iron Dragon (Diamond Pangolin in a short time. It is estimated that a large amount of compensation for mental damage will be paid afterwards.

Only in the first confrontation, up to now, 35 people were killed and 11 people were seriously injured and possibly disabled. The new site hunters are yet to be counted.

As for the cost of the war, Luo Yin didn't want to see it at all. After reading the report, it is not ruled out that the alchemy heart will also have a myocardial infarction.

But they are on the defensive, and the results they have achieved are remarkable.


Hunter.com's 350 million reward, after the prize pool issued 25 million, the speed began to decline rapidly.

While the Super Hybrid and the Dragon King resisted the raid, a large number of scattered hunters obtained weapons and other facilities with rich functions, and under the predicament of being unable to cancel their accounts, they spontaneously launched an effective counterattack against the hunters.

There have been a lot of posts on Hunter.com reminding you not to participate in this hunt, and a number of them have been deleted and more have appeared.

A profit-seeking group like hunters can take risks for hundreds of thousands of heads. But when the probability of losing his little life exceeds 50%, he begins to consider whether it is too late to defect now.

At six o'clock in the evening, Hunter.com also opened a way to purchase arms and other facilities, mainly by integrating the arms dealers and local gang forces already on the website. But in terms of variety, quality, and efficiency, it can't match its younger competitors.

In Luo Yin's view, this is really a foolish move. Not only is the effectiveness insufficient, but also exposed the weakness of the internal organization of Hunter.com. Their material production and logistics capabilities are not comparable to the new website that is backed by the Henkel family.


"Mr. Lin, don't be impatient. How is the current situation?"

"Everything is going well. Within a week, the new hunter net will definitely be removed. So what's going on on your side?"

Lin Fenglong's tone was calm, and he couldn't hear the current trend of erosion and the anger he was suppressing.

He had just received the information that the two hunters' hunting teams were solved by the intern commissioner of the Kassel Executive Department before they started. At present, there is no news.

It shouldn't. It has only been more than a day since the start of mobilization of manpower, and it has been less than 12 hours since the launch of the bounty. With the influence of the Gattuso family in the academy and the secret party, it will not be so fast.

"It's just that some young people in the family are ignorant and don't understand the family's love for him. Wait a few hours and everything will be business as usual."

Gattuso's Gamma ended the call.

At the same time, there are many people in the family senate who wake up and preside over the situation, because if this incident collapses, it will bring shame to the family forever, and it will make other families in the secret party question their power.

Lin Fenglong confirmed the situation with a gloomy face. Under the severe emotional fluctuations, the human appearance he had been performing all showed signs of "peeling", and messy blue-black scales gushed out from the old wrinkled skin.

The severely injured Chi had almost regenerated, only the broken spine healed slowly. But Lin Fenglong had already noticed that as he lived longer, there was a problem with Chi's controllability.

Qing, Qing did not return, not even a body. Someone, no, there was a dragon blocking the power of the Nibelungs.

He couldn't figure out why he couldn't even escape because he could remotely control thunder and lightning, and he had extremely fast Qing.

As for the four silver coffin-level Deadpool, only one is still alive. One became minced meat, and the other two were beaten by some kind of terrifyingly powerful fire-based word spirit into charred black people who were missing parts everywhere.

Lin Fenglong realized that he completely misestimated the strength of the enemy. This organization even has the potential to compete for the throne.

He tapped the coffin board with his knuckles, pondered for a long time, but gave up his plan to wake up the master.

With his strength, enough is enough. The key is how to fish out the real head of the opponent, and he will lead the team and drag it into the Nibelungen to be decapitated.


In the hall of the executive department, Manstein and Schneider looked at the masks with wide eyes, and said nothing.

The bald head felt that he saw a hint of confusion from Schneider's mask. This is normal because he is also confused.

After reporting the situation again, the school board of directors initiated a second discussion, and at the same time alerted the four school board members and asked them to stand by at any time.

Not long ago, the thorny student of the Gattuso family, their proud heir Caesar, led the students to launch a protest march. Caesar stood in front of the Hall of Valor where the principal usually spoke and started his speech.

That scene once gave them a vision of the city-states of Greece and Rome.

"Return the rights of the Academy to the Academy!

Cassel has never been the property of an individual family, it belongs to all those who care, love and yearn for this college.

If greed and selfish people are allowed to hold the college's mind and hands, then the Kassel College will not live up to its name, it is better to die as soon as possible!

All students have the right to know the truth, to judge right and wrong for themselves, and to obey their hearts and act justly.

We don't need anyone else to represent us, we don't need someone else to define justice for us, we don't need..."

The young Italian man stood on the podium and gave a generous speech. His blond hair and strong pectoral muscles greatly enhanced his appeal.

Under the stage, there was also a horse boy from the Student Union playing PinkFloyd's "AnotherBrickintheWall" as the background music.

The protest situation here is about to get out of control, and Mr. Frost, on behalf of the school board, sent the results of the meeting and ordered the executive department to continue to exercise restraint.

Afterwards, old Frost rushed to have an intimate conversation with his nephew. Caesar took a look and found that the family was really anxious about this matter, and the feelings were good, so he directly locked Uncle in the room.

Manstein received a second order from the school board, and his blood pressure rose again.

But within five minutes, Mr. Pompeii, the real owner of the Gattuso family, made a video call.

He was pouting and twirling, facing a wavy blonde in retro '60s clothing. The Pompeii owner said that what Frost was talking about was bullshit, he fully supported what Caesar did, go to his mother's school board!

Professor Manstein, finally the **** checked out - the turtle can't live anymore. People in the Gattuso family were afraid that there was no serious illness, and the family began to run a multi-party system on a trial basis.

Angers is still missing, Manstein's father is still fishing. Intuition told him that they were involved in some **** of a conspiracy and power struggle. Love whoever this matter, he went to play cards with Guderian.


"Pompeii, you've crossed the line."

"Yo, Alpha, you're not dead yet!"

Pompeii crossed Erlang's legs and looked at these immortals. Three ghostly sculptural figures looked at him from left, center, and right at the same time, making it look like a tribunal.

"Caesar is still young, and he occasionally makes mistakes, which we understand. But Pompeii, you shouldn't."

"Is that Lionheart traitor the ancestor of the Gattuso family, you want to protect him like this?"

"Pompeii! Do you want to wake up Mr. Romulus and let him tell you about the glory of the family!"

The handsome middle-aged man slapped his mouth. It's a pity that the old monster isn't dead yet.

"A major accident was found at the test site in Tokyo, and the most crucial sacred skeleton was missing. You think it was done by the Samaritans.

Their composition, the time of their rise, and the time when the proving ground went wrong.

It happened that they moved the cake of the hunter's net, and you want to let Lin Fenglong be the vanguard and tell their details. Nice trick. "

The three elders looked at the smiling Pompeii in silence. People like them are actually very afraid of a madman like Pompeii.

They calculated their interests and played cards one by one. And someone like Pompeii would kick the flop and slap opponents in the face with a wooden plank.

"Pompeii. If fate is so good, why don't you embrace it?"

Alpha's pupils like stagnant water were facing Pompeii, and he couldn't tell whether it was confusion, envy, or something else.

"Don't talk about fate with me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Only when I die somewhere in the world, with spirits and women around me, will I meet my fate at that moment.

As for the emperor, let Caesar sit down. He will be an excellent leader. "

Pompeii leaned back in his chair, speaking words that the ghosts couldn't understand. When they lay in the dormant capsule, they were destined to be different from Pompeii.

How could anyone not want to be emperor, how could anyone not yearn for the pinnacle of power?

"So be it. If Lin Fenglong fails, it means that he is not worthy of being our ally.

But after that, Pompeii, the king of the mountain, and the collection of sacrifices must obey the will of the family. "

Alpha gave in.

Pompeii got up, turned his palms toward the elders, slightly bent his palms, and gave a military salute. Immediately, he turned off the projection happily and ran out of the conference room with dancing steps.

"Honey, I'm done! Is your sister here?"

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