C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 3 Chapter 74: Kill the king

"The Wind King voted for Odin? Or is Odin the Wind King?"

Yemengarde stared at the wind dragon whose power was rapidly rising. This was by no means the power of the sky and the wind, but belonged to Odin, who appeared suddenly but was inexplicably strong.

After the death of the Black King, Odin appeared for the first time, immediately showing the terrifying strength enough to crush the first generation, and carrying the gun of judgment Kungunnir.

During the war, the two wind kings never appeared, and many dragons suspected that Odin was the wind king. But it is impossible for the first generation to have this kind of strength, and it is even more impossible to create a weapon that violates the logic of causality like Kungunir.

Yemenga realized early on that she must be missing some key information. From the White King's rebellion, the death of the Black King, to the appearance of Odin, there is a lack of history in the dragon clan, and even the first generation does not know the lack.

"King? Stop joking. The first generation who enjoys the name of the four monarchs is just a hypocrite, just a vassal who played every family in their respective fiefs under the rule of Nidhogg.

The true emperor never shares power with people, like Nidhogg, and his Majesty Odin. "

Lin Fenglong didn't answer, just looked at Yemengade sarcastically. He is the raven who swept the world for Odin, followed by the dragon servant of the wind king.

Odin's power was blessed on him through the mask, but it did not have the effect of "cross-dressing".

The dragon body has not changed significantly in appearance, and is still only slightly higher than the human body. But internally, the body has been fundamentally altered at the genetic level.

Dozens of new protein macromolecules have reconstructed bone and muscle tissue, and the strength, toughness, and regeneration ability have been improved several times, and even the structure of the nervous system has been effectively optimized.

The power of the alchemy matrix in the body skyrocketed at the same time, linking the outer swords Grammer and Revatin, inspiring their power beyond the limit.

The dark red blood on the Gramer sword seemed to come alive, and the blood-colored ghosts of the ancient dragon and the half-breed awoke from the sword.

The withered thorny vines and dead leaves that wrap around the hilt of Raivadine's sword gave birth to emerald green shoots, which were then used as fuelwood for dark flames.

Lin Fenglong tried to release Jun Yan once. The tyrannical fire snake was obedient like a kitten, and its color changed from orange to red and black.

The flames erupted, and Yemengarde flashed through the 6,000-degree high-temperature flames, but Grammer and Revatin had already slashed at her arms at the same time.

The scythe of the **** of death resisted the attack, and the blade was directly broken by Grammer, and the dark sword cut a deep scar on her right shoulder.

Heck, this guy's speed and power far surpass her.

Using Jian Yu to manipulate a large number of iron pieces to interfere with the wind dragon, Yemengade immediately withdrew.

She recast the sickle, made the blade wider, thicker the blade, and shortened the blade length. Then, the scales on the body surface were transformed into metal with the word spirit to improve the protection ability.


Lin Fenglong noticed that the people in the academy were installing weapons, and their claws lightly tapped the ground. There was no sound, but the whole white land was completely cracked, and a barren and broken manor land covered the original Nibelung roots.

There was only one silver moon in the middle of the night, and the soft moonlight shone on the hundreds of iron coffins outside the abandoned manor.

Hundreds of sharp claws covered with scales pierced the coffin board at the same time, tearing ragged gaps on the iron board, and the dead servants woke up and returned to the world.

These things are waste, and in the process of capturing Heroic Spirits, there is a mixed-race that entered the Nibelungen. They were affected by the spiritual illusion in the Nibelungen and degenerated into dead servants, and were buried in the Nibelungen together as cannon fodder.

The identities of these dead servants, from Viking pirates, secret parties, crusaders, to heresy judges, bandits and bandits... all eras, all regions, everything.

Seeing these Deadpools who were moving and dressed in rich and varied clothes, the academy commissioners were stunned and thought they were on the filming site of a strange time-travel drama.

The piles of Dead Servants ran towards the academy position in the chaos, and the distant Viking battle song was heard in the sky behind them, which made their dragon-likeness deepen rapidly.

"Load cloud bombs and the blood of the Holy Infant! Quick!"

Mance ordered.

Two heavily armored vehicles lift the canopy at the rear of the car, and inside are miniaturized missile launchers.

The Armament Department provided micro-sized cloud bombs and an experimental version of the "Blood of the Holy Child" especially for this operation. This thing is a highly toxic alchemy bomb. After the warhead explodes, it will produce a highly toxic mist made of dragon blood culture extract and smelted mercury. It has strong adhesion and is stable in high temperature.

But the Deadpool motley crew suddenly and neatly stopped 200 meters away from the line, and all Deadpool lined up on that line like lambs.

More than 700 pairs of golden eyes stared at the hybrids who were ready to launch individual missiles at any time, and the atmosphere was extremely quiet.

This is the dragon's warning, let them not move, let alone delusionally take the dragon into a pot. In this mess, they are the weakest party, just sit there obediently.

Luo Yin and others also dug to the bottom of the palace, only to find dozens of dead servants' bodies. There is no Xia Mi.

Chu Zihang's heart was a mess, how could it be like this. This time he should act with Xia Mi, even if the potential risk of Odin's brand is extremely high, it is better than the current situation.

"It's good if you don't see the corpse. The space in Nibelungen is chaotic, and the junior sister is still alive, but we don't know the location for the time being.

Although she stepped into the White Palace, she was not necessarily in this palace. "

Luo Yin comforted Chu Zihang who was on the verge of losing control, but he couldn't help but have a lot of bizarre conjectures in his heart.

Xia Mi is officially enrolled, and Yemengard attacks the Detroit train station building and steals confidential documents. Xia Mi disappeared in the white palace, and Yemengarde reappeared. No way......

If that's the case, they have to go in and stir up this dragon civil war.

Constantine watched the battle of Yemengard with a strange expression, and the Seven Deadly Sins and the Red Dragon Armor were both activated.

Since he used to be a dead house, his knowledge of other first-generation species mainly came from Norton's dictation. Only during the final melee, brothers and sisters met more often.

Norton often ridiculed that the power of the mountain king, Yemengard, was so weak that even the best next-generation warriors couldn't match it, which was even a popular dragon joke at the moment.

And because he always wanted to play in the world, Yemengarde was reluctant to condense the burly dragon body in the form of the "Snake of the Atrium".

Constantine has always felt that there is a serious element of exaggeration in this, to this day.

In line with the friendship between the dragon kings, he would not be idle to help Yemengade hammer the wind dragon, it is better to test the enemy's strength through Yemengade. This time, I felt that Yemeng was dying.

This strength is similar to the unarmed him who just woke up. But he was unable to hatch a huge dragon body because of the restrictions set by Nidhogg, and Yemengar had insufficient strength and sufficient time, and Constantine couldn't think of a reason for him to keep his human body.

Over the abandoned manor in the distance, Lin Fenglong, blessed by the power of Odin, easily pressed Yemengade to fight.

Grammer and Leiwatin slashed at Yemengarde hundreds of times with gusts of wind and thunder, her metalized dragon body was covered with scars, and the scythe of the **** of death was severed and re-condensed dozens of times.

Lin Fenglong only had some scratches on his body, and the mighty power blessed by Odin's mask showed no signs of weakening.

"Yemengard, I hope you hide your cocoon a little more."

He tightened his broad dragon wings, his high-density muscles tightened like an engine chain. When the Word Spirit is activated, after Time Zero is weakened by the Royal Domain, it can still provide about five times the acceleration effect.

Lin Fenglong used stabbing for the first time. In the blink of an eye, the two giant swords stabbed 16 times from multiple angles.

The tip of the sword and the sickle collided many times, making a deafening roar, and finally made a dull flesh-piercing sound.

Grammer pierced Yermengard's right shoulder, the tip of the sword protruded from behind, and the blood was alive and greedily devoured the blood that belonged to the king.

Lin Fenglong pressed against the hilt of the sword and retreated all the way according to Yemengade, constantly smashing the earth wall temporarily condensed by the Dragon King.

Yemengarde lifted the handle of the broken sickle and stabbed Lin Fenglong in the heart, but was entangled by the tough thorns that Levatin had grown.

At the same time, Chu Zihang confirmed that Xia Mi was not in the ruins, gradually calmed down, and watched the battle with everyone.


The airflow erupted under his feet, and in mid-air his speed reached the edge of the speed of sound. The fire burned the black robe that concealed his identity to fly ashes, revealing the cyan-black dragon incarnation.

Chu Zihang landed heavily on the pile of Dead Servants, blasting a pit more than half a meter deep, and the three Dead Servants died on the spot. Without hesitation, he took off again and headed straight for Yermengard, who was in danger.

Luo Yin: It's broken, Chu Zihang is also guessing like that!

Facial paralysis looks cold and cold, but she is actually a woman who cares about the feelings of others. He did not communicate with his companions, and suddenly attacked, there was only one possibility: Chu Zihang could not tell everyone his conjecture about Yemengad's identity, this was his "private matter".

Caesar was even more shocked at this moment, his expression was weird, he was dying, and Chu Zihang turned into a dragon! Chu Zihang attacked at this time. Could it be that he wanted to slaughter three dragons at the same time?

Caesar and the college commissioners turned to look at the remaining four men in black robes. Are you all dragons?

Constantine didn't speak, ignoring their gazes.


Lin Fenglong flew into the sky against Yemengade, blocking her from the ground rich in earth elements.


Yemenga opened his mouth and spit out the pure black dragon breath of the earth element in his rage, powerful enough to turn aviation-grade alloys into shreds.

The realm of the dust-free land opened immediately, and the wind wall and vacuum took the breath of the dragon at a super close distance from the central hell.

The distance between the two dragons is only 30 centimeters. In the space less than one foot, the dragon's breath is destroyed on the left, and the vacuum field is tenaciously expanding on the right.

Lin Fenglong took out the Gramo, and the dragon's blood splashed. He gathered his strength, and the blade of his sword was pointed at Yermengard's heart. Here, He is unavoidable.

Just as he was about to decide his life and death, a black-red flame column with a diameter of one meter hit the field of the dust-free land from 30 meters away. The field collapsed unexpectedly, and the flame column hit the edge of Lin Fenglong's left wing.

The remnant flames are like magma from a volcanic eruption, with the extreme high temperature carbonizing the Dragon Wing in local areas.

Lin Fenglong, who was attacked, kicked Yemengade away violently, and the two dragons fell to the ground at the same time.

In mid-air, Lin Fenglong hurriedly sent out four cyan thunders, attacking the sneak attacking thief. Chu Zihang threw out a few large fireballs to hit back with precision, and at the same time ran towards Yemengarde's landing spot.

Luo Yin was very relieved at this moment, and he looked like a fire mage. As for Caesar, he was finally convinced that this thing could not be Chu Zihang. He and Chu Zihang have always been on a five-to-five basis, at most four or six.

Just as Caesar was about to report to Mance, Susie's sword had already touched his lower back.

"How to act?"

Susie didn't think of the reason why Chu Zihang suddenly acted, because the truth was a bit magical. It is not wise to help one dragon against another, and Yermengard has a strong criminal record.

"Let's go. We'll kill Odin's lackeys first, then Yermengard."

The three jumped at the same time and attacked Lin Fenglong from the ruins of the palace. Constantine put on the red dragon armor, spread out the metal dragon wings and flew over, and glanced at the academy commissioners in the sky.

Mance and Guderian stared dully at the metallic red dragon soaring in the sky, and they knew that times had changed.

Lin Fenglong noticed that the situation had suddenly deteriorated, but he was determined to solve Yemengard today. He recited the Dragon Mantra and gave orders to the Heroic Spirits.

Chi and the other seven dead servants left the dragon Managalm to meet the attacking four.

Luo Yin and Susie didn't release their bloodlines, they could only be superhumans for more than three minutes, and they couldn't make big moves to fight elite monsters. With the blood of A+ level, the two cooperated to meet two high-level Deadpool.

Constantine was in charge of one dozen five, and Kazama Liuli confronted his ancestor, Chi.

"Xia Mi, where are you?"

Chu Zihang asked Yemengade, and the voice of the dragon turned into a low and majestic voice.

Yemengarde suddenly felt that things were going to go bad. This idiot is as hard as a rock when it comes to feelings, he can't be so keen on this matter...

In the past, the human identity she gave up playing was all self-exposure. Could it be the death of the society this time?

"Shrimp, what shrimp, didn't see it!

Humans who have embarked on the road of conferring gods, help this king to kill this next generation, and the rewards are great! "

Chu Zihang stared at Yemengade, and the more he looked, the more he felt that there was a big problem inside.

One person and one dragon formed a temporary teammate and faced Lin Fenglong together.

Lin Fenglong tilted his head and looked at Yemengade and Chu Zihang with a strange expression. Yemengade is well-deserved.

Xia Mi condensed her scythe to attack Lin Fenglong, Chu Zihang moved synchronously behind her, and the flames on the verge of eruption wrapped around Long Hua's limbs.

Lin Fenglong stabbed with both swords at the same time, and the slightly injured left wing was rapidly regenerating and recovering.

When Xia Mi was about to lose her support, two large fireballs flew towards Lin Fenglong from above and from the right side.

The dragon wings fluttered lightly without making a sound. Lin Fenglong avoided the attack and appeared behind Chu Zihang like a teleportation.

The two swords passed through the flames and slashed towards Chu Zihang, but he was difficult to resist with the red-burning village rain.

The dragon body twisted, and he slashed again with his sword. Chu Zihang immediately fell and flew backwards, exposing his vital body.

The scythe of death brushed his body, blocking Lin Fenglong's double swords. In the gap between the handovers, Chu Zihang released the pillar of fire, hitting Lin Fenglong's most vulnerable dragon wing directly.

"Quite outstanding strength, worthy of the coffin of dark gold."

Lin Fenglong commented casually, and the two swords slashed the pillar of fire. He suddenly threw the sword of victory, Leiwatin, which seemed to be conscious, and attacked Chu Zihang on its own.

When the time was zero, Lin Fenglong held Grammer in both hands and attacked Yemengade.

"You have a good eye for picking people."

Feng Long sneered in a low voice.

Xia Mi, who was at an absolute disadvantage, did not have the energy to refute, and could only stare at Lin Fenglong with fierce eyes.

Accelerating to the extreme, Lin Fenglong continued to use continuous thrusts, which were simple and effective, and pierced Yemengarde's dragon body one after another. And Chu Zihang was entangled by Leiwatin, and the extremely sharp and strange thorns released by the sword were difficult to burn.

Yermengard condensed layers of metal and earthen walls in front of him for defense, and turned to the left at the moment Lin Fenglong rushed forward.

The spectacular orange-red dragon's breath suddenly enveloped Yemengarde's dragon body, and the sickle and tough dragon scales collapsed together in the dragon's breath.

Yermengard, who was attacked by surprise, was pierced by Grammer just after escaping the dragon's breath.

"Skull, what are you doing!"

"Odin's Messenger~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Is your promise still valid?"

There was an obvious difference of opinion between the two heads of the giant dragon Managalm, Skull and Hati. Just now, it was the dragon's breath of Skull that attacked Yemengard.

"Didn't you promise to give the lord another chance?"

"It's no use giving a hundred chances!"

"The Wolf of the Sun" Skull roared, biting at Hattie who disagreed.

The battered Yermengard realized that the tide was over. So far, only the backup plan has been activated in advance.

The dragon seemed to smile at himself. Chu Zihang thought it was probably an illusion.

"A monarch would rather die than make a subject to Odin."

Ye Mengjia said lightly, and stabbed Lin Fenglong's heart with both claws. At the same time, Grammer ran through her heart.

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