C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 7: Live the way you hate the most

On November 28, Caesar's birthday, the protracted investigation finally came to an end. Because there is little conclusive evidence, no one will face jail time or other severe penalties.

But at the urging of the remaining core members of the family, Pompeii was ousted. At the same time as he lost his position as the head of the family, he also lost his main source of income, and now he can only buy this Playboy to cherish the old days.

Mr. Frost, the former acting head of the family, went to the Himalayas, where he will spend several years in spiritual practice, trying to find peace of mind. The few seconds when Mr. Romulus turned into a dragon took him a lifetime to heal.

"So after a circle, Caesar was the biggest winner, tsk tsk.

The Senate stabbed Caesar in the back, but was assassinated by all. This wave, this wave is called a turn offensive. "

Luo Yin and Susie strolled along the boulevard in Kassel, looking at the academy monsters coming and going. They have not yet realized that only by jumping out of the academy can they get out of the road.

Now that they are no longer the petty underground organization that they used to be, there is nothing to be afraid of. Not only has he mastered the core technology of alchemy technology, but also has a large number of talents within the organization, and the assets are also beginning to take shape.

"Don't forget, there is a dragon outside, and it is the most mysterious wind king. Caesar, the acting head of the family, is not so easy to do."

Susie didn't feel relieved.

According to "Friedrich"'s last words, he was the Dragon Servant of the Wind King. Just over a day after he died, there was a dragon attack in the Gattuso Senate, and even a fool could realize the connection.

A powerful dragon king who is known for his speed and perception wandered out of the sight of the secret party, and it was like a cloud over everyone's heads.

"Caesar and Pompeii are under heavy protection at the moment, but it's not a long-term solution. So we're going to visit the professionals."

Luo Yin and Susie passed through the area of ​​the teaching building and the laboratory building. From time to time, the old professor's dragon roar and the sound of explosions caused by misoperation could be heard.

He is just an ordinary C-level student, and Susie has been out of school for more than a year, and not many people in the academy know them. Only some people found out that they were going to the principal's office, and they were a little curious.

Luo Yin pressed the flexible lock on the door and released his bloodline with a genial expression. You want to drink my blood?

Huoling shrank shamelessly in front of the blood pressure, and obediently opened the door. It is the most flexible tradition to open the door until you have enough blood, but it is all flexible instinct to save your life.

Luo Yin, who entered the door, was not in a hurry to go upstairs, and patted the east and the west. Is the principal's afternoon tea rare? When he looked back, he could take photos to stimulate Ye Sheng.

"Headmaster, good afternoon."

Susie greeted her and sat on the right under Angers' gesture. The old gentleman did not look into what was in the metal box on the girl's back.

Luo Yin sat down unceremoniously on a revolving sofa chair and slid to the mahogany desk. This is Flamel's usual seat, and there are two drops of chili oil on the armrest of the chair.

Angers took out a small pot of black tea, spread the tea leaves evenly into the cup, and moved slowly and leisurely.

"I can remember every student in Kassel, but I really don't have much of you."

The principal lifted the beeping kettle and poured boiling water along the wall of the cup. The glasses were covered in mist, and out of the corner of the eye turned towards Luo Yin at the table.

"To put it simply, Odin has the ability to modify memory and tamper with reality, and its scale is worldwide. I lost to him once, so neither you nor the vice-principal can remember who I was."

Luo Yin spoke quite frankly.

"At that time, I was the leader of Kassel. Alchemy was slightly inferior to Flamel, and I was able to top three Chu Zihangs in the executive department.

You care about me eight times more than Lu Mingfei. This office is almost my second home. You have appointed me to be the successor of the principal, and you are about to pay tribute to the new year. "

Seeing the sincerity in the young man's eyes, Angers seemed to slap the kettle on his face.

"Speak the truth."

Two cups of steaming black tea were pushed in front of Luo Yin and Susie, with a fragrant aroma.

"This, wouldn't it be that kind of black tea?"


Before the headmaster could react, Luo Yin had skillfully added six cubes of sugar to the black tea, which, in Angers' view, was a lethal dose.

"Don't you think the added sugar is a bit too much?"

"The tea is bitter, add more."

"Do you usually never drink tea?"

"I drink milk tea, and I like coconut fruit, pearls and meat."

Susie calmly stepped on Luo Yin's foot and got down to business.

Originally, Luo Yin wanted to go to the meeting alone today, which was more imposing. But Angers' record of killing the next generation without injury not long ago made Luo Yin a little worried. Friedrich was hanging on the wall behind Angers and watching him drink tea.

This old guy is hiding more than just a little bit.

"Principal, is the dragon who appeared in the Gattuso Senate and the dragon who created Xia Zhi's mourning the same one?"

Angers' right hand that turned the teaspoon stopped, and the atmosphere suddenly became condensed.

"Basically sure."

"his name?"

"The sky and the wind are the most mysterious thrones, and the secret party has buried them zero times, and their real names are unknown.

He once sneaked into the Xixia royal family under the pseudonym Li Wuyue, and could be called Li Chengwei. Combined with later archaeological discoveries, he may have been in the seal of the native mixed race for a long time. "

"What about his twin?"

Angers glanced at Luo Yin with some surprise, there are not many mixed races in the world who know the concept of twins.

"Never showed up."

"Seal, does it suppress the ability of dragons to move, but doesn't kill dragons?"

"That's understandable."

Angers brought up a few pictures restored with CG technology on the tablet, a set of eerie "soul-suppressing" instruments.

"Very few of the originals have survived, it's more or less like this."

Angers used to feel very puzzled about the seal. Even if the first generation has a cocoon, it will take hundreds of thousands of years for the Dragon King to recover from the cocoon, so the secret party has always killed the Dragon King directly.

But Gattuso's disaster made him realize that there was something special about Li Wuyue, and he was resurrected much faster than other dragon kings. The mixed-race forces at that time may have experienced a lot of lessons before they thought of how to deal with the seal.

"Was Li Wuyue really killed in 1900?"

"I can clearly hear his position. At such a close distance, he can't dodge Rhine. In the extremely high-level Word Spirit Realm, even the Dragon King can't violate the element distribution and use time zero."

Luo Yin was thoughtful. If it is Yanling Rhine, all the elements in the domain will rise wildly, and they will all be ignited in an instant.

But when Norton released Rhine, Odin still used his body to open up the realm at close range for defense. Does this mean that Odin is a higher-order existence than the Dragon King?

And Li Wuyue... This Dragon King took up to 110 years to resurrect from the cocoon, and it is hard not to think of the power of the sky and the wind on speed.

But assuming he has such a formidable ability, why is his trace in history so scarce? Yemengarde almost unified Europe and Asia.

If Li Wuyue has been under seal, the alchemy of ancient China is too strong. Moreover, the Dragon King with extreme speed and perception ability will be captured and sealed by humans, which is also very strange.

Luo Yin was almost certain that the Wind King had some very exaggerated flaws. For example, Constantine has no dragon body, Norton has insufficient strength, Yemengad has little strength, extremely low moral standards, and is hot in love.

The mysterious whereabouts outside of history may be completely afraid of exposing weaknesses to other dragon kings.

"Thanks to the principal for the information. If you retire and publish your autobiography, it will surely sell well."

Angers sent a small amount of censored information to Luo Yin, which was considered a favor. He knew very well that the opportunity to execute the traitor was provided by the student in front of him.

Five seconds passed, Luo Yin took a sip of black tea and added two more pieces of sugar, and didn't mean to leave.

Susie pushed the thin document to Angers, which turned out to be an investment agreement. Funding object, Kassel Academy.

Funded by 3A Workshop, a scholarship was established at the Kassel Academy to motivate students who have achieved excellent academic results.

Angers held down the agreement calmly, while Susie exerted her strength secretly, tightening the paper.

"I want to be a school manager."

Luo Yin said abruptly.

What he hated the most was the school board, but now he wants to be one of them.

Angers was taken aback.

"This academic scholarship is just for meaning, if you can become a member of the school board, you will not be disappointed with our support for the college.

I just hope that the principal, after accepting our support, can write a short letter of recommendation to the school board. "

Angers' thinking is a bit messy, and the prospective graduates are quite the school managers, which is a bit outrageous.


"I don't think it's good enough, so I'm here. Principal, shouldn't you give us a warm welcome? I'm young and lovely, but I don't have any bad intentions. After taking office, the school board has one more supporter of yours."

The principal leaned on the back of the chair, and Susie held a teacup in one hand, ready to fire at any time.

"Which one is standing behind you? Norton or Constantine?"

Angers went straight to the point.

Although Pompeii was hiding, according to various clues, Angers had already guessed the situation of the Senate after the incident. He doesn't need a second Gattuso, that's the bottom line.

"Constantine, an ordinary dead house technician. Not standing behind commanding, but a united front."

"No talk."

"I can understand, in your eyes, headmaster, all dragons should be tied together and dealt with by Big Ivan.

But dragons are a race, not a specific individual. It was Li Wuyue and Friedrich who created Xia Zhi's mourning, and according to the speculation of later generations, the human force in that disaster was also very strong, wasn't it?

In order to fight against a more powerful existence, there is space for cooperation between us and dragons. "

"They're not human. There's no space as you say."

The situation of the conversation was worse than Luo Yin expected, and he felt that he had succeeded in angering the principal. I hope Susie doesn't play today.

"Cassel College has been determined to cultivate the enemies of dragons from the very beginning. The position of this college will never deviate."

"I can't see it. At least the equipment department has converted to Constantine."

Luo Yin sprinkled a few photos on the table, which were the team building of Walter Alheim's department.

There are three statues in the center of the hall, Chu Zihang on the left, Ahura on the right, and a 1:1 replica of the red dragon mecha in the middle. A group of muscular men in white coats prayed beside the statue, and immediately began to eat burgers and fries. The scene was as evil as a 78-year-old president going up the ramp.

Constantine's armor was repeatedly mentioned in Mans Rundstedt's mission report, and a few seconds of video were provided as proof.

The academy was shocked by this thing, and handed it over to the equipment department for technical analysis. As a result, these people were directly affected by their beliefs and became mad believers of the Red Dragon God.

Director Akadura firmly believed that this was the prototype of the first aircraft. According to his original words, "this is the key for mankind to survive the third shock."

Angers' facial muscles twitched violently. One thing to say, this group of lunatics is probably the only believers in the world of explosions and mecha gods.

"The equipment department does not count as Cassell College."

hiss! In order to win the war of words, the old guy fired Cassel from the Equipment Department in one sentence.

"Principal, you dare to cooperate with wolves and poisonous snakes, and use the devil's butcher's knife to slash at dragons, but do you think that all dragons cannot cooperate? And you can't trust dragons, and you can't trust me?"

Angers: When did we get to know each other so well, is it in your imagination?

"You have never experienced the darkest years of the secret party. I glimpsed a corner of the old times in that sudden disaster. Humans can only use the corpses of their companions to slash at the Dragon King.

It is the development of hot weapons and the construction of human civilization that make slaughtering dragons seem like a business on the table. But even with a 1 in 100,000,000 chance, I wouldn't risk going back to the dark ages. "

A file was handed to Angers by Luo Yin, Jung von Herzog, and just the information on the cover made Angers pupils dilated.

"Slaying dragons has always been a business. In the name of dragon slaying, mixed races can develop weapons, hoard arms, and trample on human nature.

You have seen the power of divine condemnation. Assuming that one day the dragons become extinct, the spirit of speech, alchemy, and genetic technology, the space-based weapons will become the tools for the hybrids to realize their privileges, and the swords that they wield against the same race.

A hybrid like Herzog is far more potentially harmful than the Dragon King, but the behind-the-scenes can let him exist. "

Angers flipped through the files quickly, and many of the key information was blacked out, but it did not prevent him from seeing Herzog's terrifying ambitions.

"Then do you think you are righteous?"

"No, I'm not Justice, and neither are you, Headmaster. Power corrupts, and absolute power absolutely corrupts.

In other words, any individual who holds ultimate authority becomes a part of evil. People cannot eliminate the natural tendency of the powerful to oppose the weak, and we can only choose the least bad one. "

Two people, more than a century apart in age, face off in awe in the office.

Susie felt a big headache. Luo Yin said that it was a peaceful exchange before she came, and she felt that it was about to nucleate and level the scene.

"Principal, for revenge, you selectively ignored a lot of things. The extinction of dragons can't solve the problem, and the day when dragons become extinct is the beginning of the war.

With your knowledge, you can't think of this. I can understand that for 110 years for a mission, no one else can fit anything else into their hearts. You know there is something wrong with the secret party, but you only want to see the end of the dragon race when you are alive. "

In the history of Kassel's schooling, no one has ever drank the warm and educational afternoon tea of ​​the principal in such a ghostly manner.

"After the extinction of the dragon race, the hybrid will become a new dragon, causing new wars, hatred, disasters, and the next Angers will appear, aiming to destroy the hybrid.

What can be done to slay the dragon? What is Lu Mingfei's existence? If this knife breaks, will the principal feel heartache? "

The original world, explode!

The three simultaneously broke through the suppression of the precepts, making the fat house in the attic black. Looking at the direction, Oh Huo, the opportunity for my promotion has finally come.

The jackknife was only two inches away from Luo Yin's shoulder, constantly cutting through the ice-cold elemental flow. This jackknife can ignore most fields, but Angers can't, his right hand is stuck in the realm and cannot move forward.

Eight long swords are cut vertically and horizontally in the office, compressing the principal's activity space.

Susie sighed, her graduation certificate is estimated to be gone.

Angers interspersed between the sword's edge, using a jackknife to cut dozens of gaps on the surface of the original realm, and stabbed Luo Yin's joints at the moment when the realm collapsed, but was firmly blocked by the rapidly emerging bubble world.

Luo Mou once again used the word spirit with strong special effects into a big turtle shell.

With a ruthless heart, he thought of the vital point of Angers. Taking Susie's sword, Luo Yin stabbed it on the principal's mahogany desk, making Angers' heart tighten.

Another sword pierced through the principal's secret wine cabinet. An unknown bottle of ice wine shattered, and the air was filled with a sweet, fruity smell.

Trick, prick, prick, famous wine, tea, coffee beans, the principal's enjoyment small vault, snapped, one third of it was gone.

"Stop! Stop!"

Angers stood by the windowsill, with his back to his most cherished wine cabinet. He finally realized how low this person's bottom line was.

In fact, what Luo Yin said was a big stone in his heart. The fundamental reason for Angers' firm attitude was that he did not believe in Luo Yin's ability. Of course, the prestige of the principal was also a part of the reason.

A grass-roots team led by a senior with only a few years of history, isn't it nonsense to talk about the future of hybrids. But he is a little shaken now~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Even if I recommend it to you, why do you think you have a foothold in the school board? "

"Technology, we have technology. If you don't agree, all the alchemy items authorized to Kassel and the Secret Party will be taken back. Isn't it a liquidated damage, you can afford it.

On the contrary, after we became school managers, the first major measure was to separate the Alchemy Equipment Department from the Equipment Department. From then on, ours is the secret party's, and the alchemy technology has directly flown over 20 years. "

"What exactly do you want?"

"Face, right to speak, make some changes."

"Working with the Dragon King, hooking up with the Henkel family, and wanting to be a school manager in Kassel. I don't think you can be trusted."

"Support us now, not only fully compensate the principal for the loss of your collection, but also provide an additional small treasury of 5 million per year."

Angers was a little moved.

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