C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 12: Merry Christmas (Part 2)

After working in the isolated Black Swan Harbor for more than ten years, Dr. Herzog gradually lost his sense of time and space.

On the first Monday of every month, he receives the latest research material, as well as quite a few telegram news about the outside world.

It's all about the cold war going, the old Moscow bullshit, and some tidbits that can be read over and over again.

Only the icebreakers that arrive twice a year give Herzog the illusion of a festival.

Vodka, chocolate, canned fresh meat, cigars... and the most important experimental material, numerous tissue samples of unknown higher organisms.

Herzog had never seen the great creature with his own eyes, and he could only barely outline the "dragon" in his brain. Majestic, ancient, mysterious.

In his view, the research results of Black Swan Port may surpass the world for a century or more.

Extremely mature cloning technology, uninterrupted heating and water supply systems in polar regions, dragon genome deciphering project...

Therefore, it is difficult for the doctor to believe the words of Major Bondarev. The elegant and powerful KGB told him that the great country that had defeated his homeland was about to end its curtain call.

How could a country that can support Black Swan Harbor and many similar institutes collapse so easily?

But Bondarev brought so much evidence that Herzog had to believe it. Black Swan Port is about to come to an end, along with the times.

"Doctor, are the results of the genome deciphering sorted?"

The Major interrupted Herzog's thoughts.

"It's all here. If all goes according to plan, within ten years this incredible project will be complete."

The Doctor was amazed. This project is so amazing that he has only completed a small part of it.

"Christmas is only a few days away, hurry up. We will inherit the property of Black Swan Port together, Moscow, New York, Tokyo, the whole world will welcome us."

"Major" proficiently pronounced his lines, engrossed in playing the role of a careerist as a noble KGB.

"What about the children in the orphanage? Are they treasured possessions?"

"Just bring the embryos. I can understand if you have feelings for those children, doctor.

After all, you can't get along with those boring nurses, soldiers, and researchers, and Black Swan Harbor really doesn't have much entertainment.

Those mixed races, you can actually bring one or two, but it's a little troublesome. "

"Bondarev" saluted the doctor, pretending to visit the institute, and at the same time carefully writing the report on the 11th city.

This so-called "Black Swan Harbor" is a pirated product. In his opinion, it is a big circus, and everyone is a clown to please the monarch.

Except for a fake researcher who was placed inside in advance, everyone else, from nurses and soldiers, to orphanage children, including the genius Dr. Herzog, are replaceable products.

They live in this isolated miniature city, naively thinking they are still living in the 90s.

Herzog is undoubtedly a genius in the genetics of the dragon race, and he alone can hold the title of three tenured professors of genetics at Kassel Academy.

The committee tried to replace him, but found that the effect of the newcomer was not good, and had to switch back to Herzog.


The doctor was left alone in the dean's office of the orphanage, thoughtful.

In his eyes, the children of the orphanage are good experimental materials and toys. Life in Black Swan Harbor is too boring, and these mixed-race children are like potted plants planted in the backyard and carefully maintained all year round to the Doctor.

But as the major said, when they went to the outside world, these children became mere burdens. And when the child grows up, it will gradually become disobedient and become an unqualified toy.

Anton and Khorkina are the best looking among the children of the orphanage, and their bloodlines are excellent. When they grow up, they will be like the children of nobles.

But this kind of thing is still precious in this port, and in the outside world, "Anton and Khorkina" may be as numerous as weeds.

Herzog made a decision in his heart, there is absolutely no need to bring it. If he misses a certain toy one day, just clone another one.

But for some reason, an illusion often appeared in his mind. Herzog always felt that he should have had more interesting toys, a boy or two for a girl.

He took a walk in the corridor, secretly enjoying everyone's flattering smiles and amiable expressions.

When the children saw the dean, they would immediately quiet down and stand up straight, hoping to be appreciated by the dean. When the dean was in a good mood, he even gave a child a whole bar of chocolate.

Herzog walked leisurely to the end of the corridor, suddenly a little dazed. He has lived here for more than ten years, but he has almost no impression of this room.

Open the cold heavy iron door, and there is only an empty iron bed. The iron bed was equipped with a compulsory restraint to control the mentally ill, but it was somewhat tattered and splashed with a few drops of blood.

Was it used as a ward before he came to Black Swan Harbor?


Christmas Eve, warm, cheerful and carefree.

Men smoked cigarettes, nurses wore new dresses, and young men, women and children danced and sang in the hall.

Herzog, as usual, delivered a short speech, and everyone applauded vigorously.

Next year's supply will come as normal, the ration of spirits and cigarettes will increase, and heating will still be available 24 hours a day.

When the children grew up, he would pick out the best ones and send them to university in Moscow.

The motherland is still prosperous, and all those dedicated to Black Swan Port are heroes of the country.

In a speech similar to last year, Herzog felt a little tightness in his chest after he finished speaking, probably because the heating was turned on too high.

He left the hall and let the young people indulge in the last joys of Christmas Eve.


"Wait another fifteen minutes, and when Christmas comes, let the Black Swan Harbor come to an end."

The doctor stood in the cold wind and answered Bondarev with an indifferent expression.

"Those children, who are you going to take away?"

"no need."

"I have a hunch that our cooperation will be very pleasant."

"Major" smiled and lit the Doctor a cigarette with a lighter using jet fuel.

The two stood side by side in the snowy haven, clinking glasses with icy vodka.


"Major" glanced at his watch, the time was up.

Doctor: "I don't know yet. How do you plan to bury Black Swan Harbor?"

"It's so simple, so simple that you won't believe it.

MerryChristmas, Dr. Jung von Herzog. "

The moment Herzog turned his head, the "major" suddenly drew his gun and shot through his left chest.

Gunshots echoed across the snowfield, but no one answered.

The Doctor wriggled on the floor for a few seconds, losing his voice.

"Stop pretending, you're not dead. Your heart is ectopic, and the gun just rubbed your left lung."

"You, you, who are you?"

Herzog stared at Bondarev, the KGB major who claimed to be the last descendant of the Tsarist family.

"Me? I'm just an ordinary wage earner, an impostor like you."

Bondarev's military boot hit the doctor hard in the right abdomen.

"You scumbag, do you know how much money you made me lose? I bet that you will take Khorkina away, how beautiful that girl is.

No one's going to bet you're going to send some kid to college now, because everyone knows you're a hopeless liar and scum. "

Bondarev was slow to give the doctor a fatal blow, but kept kicking him with his military boots.

"You know how hard it was for me? It took me a long time to get the position, to learn Russian with a special accent, to go to old-fashioned KGB special training, to take an actor's course.

As a result, you are about to be replaced after only two years, and you made me lose a lot of money even in the final bet. "

Herzog's eyes changed from shock and resentment to pure confusion.

"You, what are you talking about?! I don't understand what you are talking about!"

"This year is 2010, not 1991. It's been almost twenty years since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It's hard for you to understand, isn't it?"

Bondarev kicked the Doctor again, because clones have no human rights anyway.

"11A, stop playing, go as planned.

It's your own fault that you lose money in the game, and even if the doctor takes away a child, he is more likely to choose Anton. "

Herzog turned his head with all his might, and saw a person stepping out of the door, an ordinary research assistant.

"11B, you probably didn't make much money, I remember you bet 500,000, betting that the doctor has awakened.

And when it comes to the child that the Doctor is most likely to take away, it is none other than Renata. "

"But that child is long gone, isn't it? Her name isn't Renata anymore."

The two men, code-named 11A and 11B, communicated calmly. They both lost the game this time, and it was a bit humiliating.

In every replica of the Black Swan Harbor, there is a Dr. Herzog.

The clones were copied with words, infused with memories, and then transported to various isolated micro-cities, and continued to complete the research by inheriting the research results of the previous generation Herzog.

On the first Monday of each month, the doctor will receive the latest research results of other clones and complete academic exchanges.

Despite being clones, these Herzogs, without exception, are all scum and liars, just to varying degrees.

Don't underestimate the Doctor just because he's a clone, that's the committee's advice to every team.

In 1998, there were serious out-of-control incidents in 3 cities. Herzog, code-named 3c, had already discovered that he was a clone, and neatly killed "Bondarev" and the soldiers who monitored him, and injected ten times the dose of homemade evolutionary medicine.

The evolved 3c killed half of the hunting team, fled for nearly 80 kilometers in the ice and snow, and finally degenerated into Deadpool and was killed.

The research assistant code-named 11B, because seeing 11e Herzog always looking at room zero, he was suspicious, thinking that something was wrong with Dr. He, and made the wrong bet.

"Am I a clone?"

11e Herzog's expression twisted into a twist.

Impossible, how could this be?

He has always advocated the philosophy of ghouls, and only by constantly eating the value of others can he grow stronger.

But the conversation between the two in front of him kept suggesting that Dr. He was just a working man under some people. Without his knowledge, he was devoured by others with all his value.

"Yes, yes, cloned. How did it take you so long to think of it? 11e, you will embarrass us like this. This kind of purity can't even make it into the top ten among your peers."

"Who is the real me? Is it him, are you sent by him?"

"You take yourself too seriously. Herzog No. 0 died the year before, and he didn't even complete his mission.

He blew up Black Swan Harbor with the real Bondarev on Christmas Day 1991. The organization felt that this tradition was very ceremonial, so it continued to be used.

This is No. 0's biggest contribution. So, again, MerryChristmas! "

11B shrugged and fired at a speed that was unrecognizable to the naked eye, and Dr. He separated with his head.

The wound was burned and solidified in an instant, no blood flowed out, and the doctor even retained consciousness.

11B handed Dr. He's head to 11A and put it into a cryogenic box for preservation.

"What do you want to do!"

11A and 11B looked at each other in surprise. The seniors are not nonsense. Doctors in this state can still speak.

"Doctor, your brain is said to be very valuable. Although we don't know how to use it, the alchemists of the organization seem to be very good at it."

Before 11e could continue talking, 11A closed the lid.

He tore off the nanomaterial fake skin on his face and went back to the ballroom with 11B.

The anaesthetic gas passed through the ventilation pipes, causing everyone to fall to the ground and faint. They were pre-injected with neutralizers, plus high blood, only mild discomfort.

"This Khorkina is in good shape, and I feel that it can last at least three years."

"Three years? In three years, hopefully we haven't lost our jobs."

In the hall, the two walked among the fallen clones, checking the status of the organization's property.

"Anton can't do it. It's obviously not like 15 years old. Give him a shot."




"This Sergey is barely usable."

"No, it's easy to get into trouble."


The alchemy bullets distributed by the organization are very easy to use. They can explode high temperature in the body, and they will not even bleed after destroying the heart, which is clean and easy.

"Phew, call it a day."

The two piled up the corpses and threw them into the incinerator one by one, and finally threw them into the headless clone Herzog.

"The No. 11 City Recycling Project has been successfully completed, and the research materials have been uploaded. In addition to the doctor, Anton, Sergey, Soldier C1... A total of 14 people are missing."

11A counts the heads to report.

"What, Sergey is out of stock? It will take three days to arrive. Is your logistics department reliable?"

There were scoldings from the mobile phone, accusing their action group of not cherishing expensive clones at all, and the clone Sergey obviously has a shelf life of up to five years. 11A hung up.

11B heard the news and increased the amount of anesthetic gas more than ten times.

The two men of the action group sat side by side on the cold steps smoking cigarettes, waiting for the organization's shipment to arrive. They were responsible for getting 11f Herzog installed and the institute back up and running.

"It's a shift, it's a shift, and this time it's my turn to be Bondarev. Major KGB, and the Tsarist family, it's really enough."

11B smiled and patted his colleague on the shoulder.

"You have a good time in acting class."

11A scowled, he had to be stuck as a researcher in the birdless Black Swan Harbor until his next shift.

There's nothing weird about taking shifts, after all, he looks exactly like 11B.

"By the way, have you heard about the new clone researcher?"

"That alchemist? I'm dying of laughter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It doesn't work at all."

The organization seems to have found a very talented young alchemist, and professionals speculate that the person's ability to see Longwen far exceeds that of other hybrids.

The plan was stopped in the middle of the process. It seems that there was a problem with the raw materials?

11A: "It is said that the original version is still lost, and as a result, we can only make clones without memory. The so-called super vision ability cannot be copied at all. In fact, I suspect that such ability does not exist at all."

"Didn't you say that it was an alchemist of C-rank bloodline? It is impossible for a C-rank to have super spiritual vision ability. It is estimated that the alchemy team is defrauding funds."

"Indeed. Dr. Herzog's genetic evolution method is more reliable."

"Dr. Herzog."

"Respect him."

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