"As an amateur, your observation skills are good, but you still missed a few things, like the seat cushions of the chairs, and my boots.

But don't worry, there is no monitoring and monitoring here, and there are people around me. "

"As long as you are here, Major, I have nothing to worry about."

Luo Yin's vigilance is normal. Such occasions where old silver coins expose themselves are often accompanied by silence afterwards.

"Then you can just turn around and leave."

Pompeii took the lead in this conversation, since Royin knew almost nothing about him.

Herzog mentioned in his notes only a few times Major Bondarev, who came from the mysterious family that sponsored doctoral research.

Luo Yin didn't know what happened between them. A mature conspirator would not explain the criminal plan in his notes. But people who can mix with Herzog can't be a good thing.

"You said someone was following me, is this a kind reminder?"

"Objectively, it really doesn't do you any harm."

"I killed your companion, do you have anything to say?"

Pompeii: "Don't be tempted. The relationship between Dr. Herzog and me is not a companion in any way. You should know that someone like the Doctor doesn't share the throne with anyone."

The two looked at each other calmly in the luxury prison suite, without a word. After a long time, Luo Yin nodded.

Pompeii pointed to his black trench coat, Luo Yin understood, to make sure there was no monitoring equipment.

Luo Yin took off his windbreaker and hit the chair with a muffled sound, which surprised Pompeii.

A pocket revolver, two needles, a pen with headphones, lighters suspected to be miniature bombs, and many small metal pieces that Pompeii could not recognize... Luo Yin took out a canteen from his trench coat.

Taking off his blue shirt, he hides two poisonous alchemy daggers and strange white bone blades.

Pompeii: The person in charge of the body search on Caesar's side must be dismissed immediately.

The two who met candidly got up and approached, and slid their hands tightly across each other's trousers until they reached their ankles.

Pompeii was magnanimous, and Luo lost his equipment again. One thing to say, Pompeii really wanted to send him a curse.

The two turned around and sat down, Luo Yin's expression was very natural. As a full-fledged alchemist, it makes perfect sense for him to carry an arsenal with him. One of the great advantages of alchemy equipment is that it is very convenient to disguise it as a portable accessory.

"The major should be a Russian."

"It's not difficult for a half-breed."

Pompeii looked solemn, straightened his back, and with his right hand, he pushed his blond hair back into a big back, "Товарищ, привет! (comrade, hello!

"Before and after World War II, the Gattuso family supported Germany."

The stallion just smiled and didn't respond. The Senate doesn't care about the faction of the human war, whoever is stronger and can bring them greater benefits, they will support whoever.

By assisting Germany, the family built the most advanced genetic research team and the most abundant human gene pool in the world at that time, but the German madman just wanted to use this project to forcibly prove the superiority of the Aryan race.

After the war situation was reversed, this promising project was suspended on a large scale, and some of the results were recovered by the Gattuso family. Many of the project's technicians were captured after the defeat, including the most prominent Dr. Herzog.

After learning that the research of the gene bank project was secretly inherited by the Soviet Union and continued to develop, Pompeii was assigned by the family to investigate the Black Swan Port, and gradually became the largest sponsor of the project.

It was also at that time that Pompeii came into contact with people in power no less than the Gattuso family and had the opportunity to break free from the family.

"It's not as good as this. We share some valuable intelligence with each other, and we can also choose to answer some questions."


"The person following you is the real secret party."

"What is the real secret party? Is Angers fake?"

Pompeii waved his hand.

"With the mixed-race learning and construction ability, don't you think the current secret party is pitifully weak? In this era of explosive development, the secret party is just an academy, a few elite departments with several hundred people, plus a hundred people. Many elders."

Luo Yin could not deny this. With the current apparent strength of the secret party, in his opinion, it does not have the ability to properly solve the first generation.

"Cassel College is just a bridgehead for the establishment of the various branches of the Secret Party. The main background of each faction is sinking under the sea like an iceberg.

The idea of ​​evolution, the method of evolution, is by no means exclusive to Herzog or you.

Moreover, the secret party in history had a serious split due to the battle of ideas. A powerful faction was no longer recognized by the mainstream and was hidden in the world. "

This sounds like a mature businessman's approach. It doesn't matter who slays the dragon, but who gets the keel is important.

There is nothing wrong with a dragon slayer becoming a dragon. Taking the essence and discarding the dross is called sublation.

If Pompeii is not fooling him, it means that quite a few families in the secret party are studying the so-called "Road to Conferring Gods" and have made achievements. At the same time, there is a faction with different ideas, so they parted ways.

In this way, Angers, who only thinks about slaying dragons, is a good comrade. This is the real fundamentalist dragon slayer.

"Why are you staring at me, because of the holy corpse?"

Pompeii: "Answer me first, the situation of the Fire King Gemini."

"One jumping alive, one cocooning."

"It's the holy skeleton. The key, you failed to complete the evolution. It was a very crucial experiment, and it was important for different factions.

Moreover, a table of mahjong was playing well, but a newcomer suddenly came, and it was normal to be annoying. "

"Dare to use the White King Sacred Skeleton as an experiment. The Secret Party has the Black King Sacred Skeleton? It's not surprising to think so. The White King can create a living body like the Sacred Skeleton, and the Black King should be able to."

"It's not that simple, but you can almost understand it. The Mountain Kings and Twins?"

"One was indeed not found, and the other cocooned."

Pompeii shook his head. According to this trend, the four monarchs will never die, and the plans of the Doomsday faction will collapse.

"Pompeii, when did you discover the true identity of the Dragon King?"

"I suspected Herzog early on, before I saw him. But I wasn't sure until the day I bombed him."

"What if it blows up wrong?"

"His way of doing things is no different from that of a dragon. If it's wrong, he's doing things for heaven. The heir of the Beowulf family?"

"With me, life is happy, and I don't want to think about it. As long as the ransom is high enough, it's not impossible to put it back."

Pompeii: "I'm watching a joke, what to put it on."

"Why on earth are you telling me this? For Caesar?"

"Bingo! Caesar always doesn't understand the depth of father's love, but he will understand one day. In dealing with the wind king, my help to him is limited. After all, I am also a descendant of the **** dragon king."

"What the **** is the Gulweiger family?"

"Mixed-blooded wealthy."

"I remember the name of every half-blood family in Europe and America, and there is no Gulweiger among them."

Pompeii was silent and pointed to his head.

He said that there was a split in the secret party, and an important faction has since disappeared.

"My lover should be in a hurry. Let's end the pleasant first meeting. If there is anything else you want to communicate with, you can go to Passy."

Pompeii waved goodbye to Luo Yin dashingly, and his serious expression suddenly collapsed.

On extremely rare occasions, the world may occasionally grow as wonderful as Pompeii. He is a natural actor, leader, and conspirator. His elders all expect him to be emperor, but he just wants to be a stallion running around the world.

If it weren't for the wonder of the world, Luo Yin would never have been able to fight someone like Pompeii in his entire life.

When he was about to go out, Pompeii suddenly spoke again.

"Although I don't think you can do it, don't kill Lu Mingfei. Even if you kill him, it won't solve any problems, but it may make things unmanageable."

Luo Yin can now see that Lu Mingfei is everyone's father. Angers held the path like his own illegitimate child. A mysterious team was controlling and protecting him at all times. Even a riddler like Pompeii would respect him three points.

But Luo Yin's intuition told him that this kind of love was probably not because of love, but more similar to caring for expensive ingredients or cherished weapons. For example, Herzog treated Eriyi like his own daughter, in order to give her to the holy corpse as a sacrifice one day.

"He doesn't have any bad intentions. Why should I kill him?"

"Some things, just by their existence, are evil."

Pompeii closed the door as if nothing had been said.

Luo Yin, whose brain was running wildly, even forgot to put on his shirt. The guard saw him come out of Pompeii's room with his clothes off, and his expression was very strange.


After several consecutive days of exploding liver and running around, Luo Yin slept for 12 hours in a row, sobered up, and began to organize his thoughts.

The mixed-race world is like an onion, peeled one layer and another, so hot that tears flowed from both eyes, and found that the innermost is all black.

He sometimes misses the time when he first entered school, when he earned 10,000 or 20,000 yuan, and he was able to play high-intensity silly music for most of the day.

Now that I know too much, I am unhappy.

Yemengarde, who was hiding in Chu Zihang's head, Fenrir, who had not yet appeared, Li Wuyue, who was dormant, and Odin, who did not know where he came from.

Now I know that the inside of the secret party is broken like scum, and one can hide one by one. In comparison, the night watchman is simply a white lotus flower.

The current situation can be called a thousand threads, but things still have to be done one by one.

"Constantine, can you rely on the spiritual realm to forcefully control Chu Zihang? For example, make him lose all his mobility?"

The Dragon King of the Dead House has become accustomed to his status as the "first-generation reference standard", but this question still surprised him.

You also think too much of the first generation. Just standing there can make a high-blood hybrid incapacitate, so how many times can he be killed by Constantine?

"No, it's about the same for low-blood races. Why ask that?"

"The high bloodline of the Gattuso family comes from the bloodline of the Wind King, and Li Wuyue seems to make them unable to move. But there are two exceptions that are out of control, and their bloodline at the time was not as high as Chu Zihang."

"If that's the case, I've got a clue."

Constantine scoured the knowledge from his bleak career as a dragon king, and he was really impressed.

"Dragon Servant. There are many ways to give blood, but this is the most troublesome one, and my brother almost never uses it."

"Is there any difference?"

"The most advanced way of giving is a pure spiritual ritual, forcibly promoting the blood of others through laws. That is, from top to bottom, from the transformation of the spirit to the body, this kind of power is no longer the category of the first generation."

Luo Yin was impressed again, Yanling, making a phone call, the phenomenon that appeared on the ninja Shudoku Mai.

"The second is the gift of fetal blood. When the cocoon is hatching, a part of the fetal blood with power is taken out, which can be used to create high-level ethnic groups. The success rate of evolution is relatively high, especially for ethnic groups from the same lineage.

According to modern sayings, the highly active fetal blood is equivalent to the gene pool of the Dragon King, and it will violently modify the bloodline of the hybrid to complete the bottom-up evolution.

The worst way is to drink the highly poisonous dragon blood of adult dragons, about ten out of ten can produce a Deadpool, and tens of millions can successfully evolve one. "

The last estimate is the normal state of the dragon age. The adult dragon is so big, it throws some blood out and sprinkles it with water. Luo Yin did not hesitate to ask Constantine if the probability of evolution would be higher if he gnawed at him.

"Where's the dragon servant?"

"It is a special gift of fetal blood. The fetal blood is treated with alchemy rituals, so that it contains spiritual laws that cannot be disobeyed. After taking this fetal blood, it is possible to become a dragon servant of high blood.

It is said that this spiritual order is not limited to individuals, and is even passed down to future generations. "

"It is said? Have you never used something so useful?"

"Where is it useful. The hybrids in the Dragon Age are very obedient, why do they make so much trouble? Taking out the autologous fetal blood itself will cause damage, and the processing of the alchemy ritual will be depleted. Does fetal blood cost no money?"

Luo Yin thought for a while, yes. But this approach is very modern.

Li Wuyue quietly created the huge dragon servant family Gattuso and achieved absolute spiritual PUA, but she was overturned by Pompeii for some unknown reason.

"Can the alchemy ceremony of the dragon servant be cracked?"

Excluding the conjecture that is not his own, Caesar and Passy are out of control, and there is a big problem.

"I tell you so much knowledge, don't you have anything to show?"

This well-off is getting less and less cute.

"Give, give, this month's share is all given to you."

"The curse planted by the Wind King can only be cracked by other thrones. There has never been a mixed race bestowed by two bloodlines in history. After all, our family relationship is not very good, but theoretically it can be cracked this way~www. wuxiaspot.com~Luo Yin's idea opened up. The gene of another dragon king was introduced to wash away the blood of the wind king. Human genes are vulnerable in front of the wind king, but dragons are different.

"What are the effects of the two gifts?"

"I haven't seen it before, I can't imagine it. There is a high probability that the bloodline will get out of control. Of course, stable individuals may appear by coincidence."

Gulweiger, it turns out that it is really a mixed-race giant, too proud.

Friedrich once called himself a god, as Odin's subordinate, that is, the Asaph in Norse mythology.

And Gulweig is a goddess from the Warner Protoss. She has powerful magic power and can still be resurrected after being killed three times.

Regeneration corresponds to water among the four elements.

Caesar's mother, Gulwig, is of the Sea King's race.

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