C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 16: After customs clearance

The little sister suddenly jumped off the train, which made Crow and Yaksha groan in their hearts.

But upon closer inspection, it turned out that the place where she jumped off was a platform, and the platform quickly disappeared into darkness.

In the last car, the hour hand of a clock began to rotate in the opposite direction, and there were 5 minutes to 0 o'clock. The iron doors separating the carriages are locked.

"That is to say, if you have to fight from the back of the car to the front of the car like this, and get the grand prize that Weiwei said, maybe you can get out."

After the crow finished speaking, he glanced at Yaksha and kicked the eager idiot.

"Why do you look so excited?"

"After the promotion, the chances of fighting are much less."

Yasha was moving his limbs and saw that the finger tiger on the right hand of the crow was glowing. After a few seconds, it returned to dim, but the knuckles were thickened by a small circle.

Enhancement level increases by one.

"Is it because you beat the blonde? Get weapons based on your loneliness, beat others to strengthen your weapons, and go to the next car.

It does feel a bit like playing a game. "

Yasha: "It's a bit like a side-scrolling fighting game, Contra or something."

He was thinking, if the nail clippers continued to strengthen, what would the nail clippers become? A nail clipper that cuts iron like mud?

The clock resets to zero, the door lock of the carriage opens, Yaksha shrugs and walks forward first.

The crow followed, but before entering the door, the small horn in the car suddenly warned him not to move forward, only one person could enter.

Gamemaster Fenrir urgently added a patch, he forgot to ban team battles earlier. If the game evolves into a multi-person fight in the small train, then the martial arts competition he organized will basically fail.

The crow was still confident in Yaksha's fighting ability, smoking a cigarette in the last carriage and waiting for his opponent to arrive.

He can be regarded as a half-dog-headed military strategist of Yuan Zhisheng, and Yasha is a pure thug.

The crow knew that the young master recruited him and Yasha just to appear "close to the people". Neither of them has a surname of eight, and their bloodlines are okay, but they are only above average.

Their only advantage is that they have been fooling around on the streets since they were young. The young master who just returned from studying in the United States needs **** like them. Unexpectedly, six or seven years have passed in a blink of an eye, and many things have changed, and Yuan Zhisheng has no idea of ​​changing people.

The crow estimated the situation ahead based on the sound, stood by the door at the right time, and hid his body in the corner of the door.

The door was open, and a tall man in sunglasses, who looked like a bodyguard, walked into the last compartment with his stomach covered.

Fatal Strike!

The crow hooked on the waist in the corner swept a low kick and ended the fight in half a second. His strength is controlled very accurately, cracking, but it will only crack a little bit, and it will not shatter.

The Mongolian half-blooded strong man said it was a martial arts game, but the crow didn't think so. Just let the opponent lose the ability to resist, there is really no need to use too complicated tricks.

Besides, he won't be able to use too high-end moves.

In fact, this family provides quite superior teaching resources. It has hired teachers at the level of "exemption from all teachings" from many dojos, and the teachers from the family's direct line are even better.

Although it is far from the esoteric traditions that are unique to the parents, it is not a big problem to be proficient in a single genre if you study hard for a year or two.

However, desperate gangsters like them go through the same process every time. If you are not serious, you will not be able to learn, you will be scolded by teaching, use fatal blows on teaching, and be kicked out.

If Yuan Zhisheng didn't catch them, it is estimated that sooner or later, the two would have to be punished to guard the main shrine and become members of the violent priest group.

The crow, who quickly ended the battle, left the last carriage and waved to Yasha who was about to finish the next level.


Fenrir was lying on the golden mountain, watching the battles in the carriages with a large color TV.

The little train itself has only 13 sections, but was stretched many times over in the Nibelungen.

Ten minute rounds, five minutes rest. The winner moves forward, the loser backs up, until jumping off the platform from the last car. Or go all the way to the bottom of the gate, see the warrior Wei Wei who is guarding where she is, defeat Wei Wei to get the ultimate reward set by Fenrir, or lose everything and start over.

When picking players, he specifically picked those who seemed to be good at fighting, and the vast majority were mixed races.

In order to enhance the fun of the game, some special props will randomly appear in different compartments, such as medicine for wounds and gold coins to strengthen weapons.

Every ten carriages, there will be elite monsters with different numbers, as well as sickle weasels with different numbers. The nine-head dealer was forced to change careers, from a cross talk actor to a martial arts actor.

In the spirit of cherishing game props, except for Fang Tianhuaji, which was sent to administrator Weiwei, the other players had no sharp weapons in their hands. The game stops when the player loses the ability to resist or is about to die.

Fenrir felt that it would be great if he could make a game like "Origin". The management of this dragon worker is really too laborious.

Not long after the game, Fenrir noticed two interesting people, the two drunkards he met at the back of the car while controlling the corpse.

The martial arts they used, Vera-sensei had never taught anything similar, they should be of different schools.

The main skills are fatal blows, finger swipes, eye poking, stumbling, strong headbutts and elbows after grappling, and feints that serve the above actions.

After long-term training on the streets in the early years, the two have brushed the proficiency of these core skills to the full level, and there is a sense of beauty when using them. It's a pity that there is no beer bottle in hand, and the taste is a little worse.

When you log in to the game, ask Mr. Vera for advice.

While watching, Fenrir gestured with his oversized claws, and found that with the size of his dragon body, he could probably only use a fatal blow against the Sea King or the Black King.


Yaksha held the two heads of a three-headed ghost car bird like a chicken's neck, and one person and one bird rolled back and forth on the floor. To deal with this kind of thing, he can't use many very effective tricks.

The head of the strongest bird among the ghost car birds kept pecking at Yaksha, and the sharp beak exuded a dark golden color.

It's unreasonable to play a fighting game with this kind of shit.

The neck of the ghost car bird is extremely long, and the number of joints is particularly large. Yasha tried to break the neck of the ghost car bird, but found that the cervical vertebra of this thing was as flexible as a bearing, and it could not stop at all.

After fighting for a long time, he finally had a flash of inspiration. Yaksha rammed the car door against the half-human-high three-headed ghost car and bird, dragging its left and right ends to defend against its own attack.

In the strange call of the ghost car bird, Yasha crossed his hands and quickly tied the two bird heads to the chest of the bone bird.

The alchemy-treated ghost car bird was still alive, whining and poking at Yaksha with its bone wings, but it was much easier to deal with with only one head.

Yasha passed the level with a little difficulty, and after opening the door, he found that the opponent in the next level was already waiting for him in his seat.

It was an old man in a dark blue kimono, leaning a little lazily on his seat. After seeing each other's appearance, both of them were surprised.

The former head of the Fengmo family, Fengmo Kotaro.

"Patriarch of the Wind Demon?"

"I am no longer the head of the family, and I have lost the name Kotaro."

This common name can only be used by the owner of the Fengmo family.

Two years ago, he was impeached for some trivial matters such as eavesdropping. After a magical operation, he was directly usurped the throne, and the junior Fengmo Taisan took over the position of the head of the family.

All this has to be given by someone, but unfortunately Kotaro Fengmo couldn't catch his tail.

After more than a year of stalemate with a thick face, his influence is getting weaker and weaker, and he has no choice but to retire.

Luo Yin felt that the old Fengmo was stinky and tough, and his behavior was a standard Showa man, which was not conducive to him infiltrating the Sheqi Bajia, so he had to abdicate.

After Luo's vigorous publicity in Sheqi Bajia, Lao Fengmo has completely died because of his personal life style and has become a marginal person in his family.

After retirement, the old Feng Mo regained his hobbies when he was young, and met young and beautiful girls everywhere, but was threatened by his wife with a knife every three days.

The frustrated old man came out for a drink at night, and was caught off guard by a certain Dragon King's fun-loving train at the subway station. Facts have proved that people do not have the most unfortunate time, only the more unfortunate time.

He couldn't call him the head of the house, and he couldn't call him Kotaro anymore, and Yaksha's head twitched.

"Mr. Taro, why are you here too?"

The old man is the old man. Do you think I'll tell you that in order to relieve depression, my former owner drank alone in an izakaya until three or four o'clock, because he couldn't get a taxi and forgot to bring his mobile phone, so he had to take the subway.

"I don't know, I was suddenly pulled in to play this inexplicable game. Take a break and start playing in five minutes."

"Mr. Fengmo, you are here, did you just lose?"

It will not be a simple role to be able to defeat the old Fengmo Kotaro.

The old man shook his head.

"It's a girl from the Miyamoto family. Generally, I don't do anything to women, let alone juniors."

So you mean, it's okay to beat me up, right?

"Mr. Fengmo, do you know where this place is?"

"I have a clue. Have you heard of Gao Tianyuan and Ye Zhiyuan?"

Yasha: "The two high-level clubs in Shinjuku? Do they have anything to do with this place?"

"never mind."

Fuuma Kotaro was a little tired. This guy is not very smart, and it may not be difficult to team up with them to escape the special space called Nibelungen by the secret party.

At this moment, the crow in the carriage following Yaksha was a little stunned when he saw the three-headed ghost car and bird that was tied by the neck. Bullying a disabled bird might not be nice.

"let's start."

When the old man saw the hour hand returning to zero, he spoke to Yaksha.

He took out his weapon, and it turned out to be a small chain hammer without spikes. The spherical round hammer is estimated to weigh three or four pounds, and the chain is very long.

As a professional old ninja, he is very good at using the alien weapon such as the Chain Scythe, and the chain hammer has many similarities in usage.

"Take out your weapon. Don't worry about hurting me just because of who I am."

If you were the head of the family, I might still have scruples. I didn't feel sorry for you, old man, if I didn't use weapons! Rather...

Yasha twisted and pulled out a nail clipper. The +11-strengthened nail clipper was twenty centimeters long. He turned the knife used for sharpening the nails on the back, and it could barely be used as a folding knife.

Kotaro sneered. For a moment, he laughed again, laughing at himself.

Are you envious of my weapons? In exchange for loneliness.

In less than ten rounds, the crow, who couldn't get close to the chain hammer, was knocked down by the old man with two hammers. Fortunately, he protected the vital point, otherwise the pain would not be the back of the hand.


Five hours later.

Yasha lay on the floor of the little train like a dead fish, not wanting to move forward at all.

If this is a game, then the brain capacity of this game is probably about the same as that of Pai Daxing.

The levels are designed to be uninspired and completely repetitive. The elite monsters in different compartments are all those monster birds, only the number of heads is different. If he kept brushing, he could probably see dozens of ghost car birds.

The so-called wound medicine effect is very bad, and there is no magical function like game props. After all, Fenrir's alchemy level is really limited, and he feels that he is too good to be able to make wound medicine.

Coupled with the fifteen-minute round of high-intensity fights, not only Yaksha, but most of the players began to lose momentum, huddled in the carriage and gave up their advance.

The player in the last car jumped onto the platform and decided to lie down in the darkness. Isn't it just waiting for the next train, this rotten game, don't play it anymore.

Fenrir found that the game flow he designed was too long, and he did not have a function that forced the player to go to the next level.

There are also many players who meet and negotiate in a friendly manner, one party directly admits defeat, and agrees that the next party will admit defeat when they meet.

The younger brother Long has urgently added a patch. Players must fight to win or lose, otherwise the two of them will retreat a car together.

As a result of this move, the players started a pleasant exhibition match, which was no less intense than the pushing and shoving among the kindergarten children.

Fenrir finally understood at this moment why his sister let him directly play human games. The game he made himself was really bad, and no one wanted to play even when he was trapped.

Of course, there were also several serious players who finally arrived in the second carriage and were about to face Fenrir's final boss.

The crow and the old man are resting in the carriage, waiting for the game to start. The last level is a two-person battle. The two who arrive here will not fight, but will fight side by side.

The crow was not surprised when the car door opened and the strong man named Weiwei walked out. When he first saw it, he felt that this guy had problems all over his body.

Fenrir manipulated the corpse guard, stammering out the childish and middle-of-the-line lines, and the crow and Kotaro were not listening at all.

Fenrir used the newly learned martial arts, danced Fang Tianhua halberd vigorously, and rushed towards the two with clumsy steps.

Fuuma Kotaro threw a chain hammer from a distance~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and twisted the blade of the halberd with a chain. He looped the chain around the iron rod behind the saddle, lowered his body, and used his weight to unbalance the corpse who was rushing forward.

The crow lowered his body in a tacit understanding, approached Fenrir at the moment when he was out of balance, kicked his left knee hard, and slammed the tiger in the crotch of the corpse guard.

But Zombie Shou still looked paralyzed, he didn't hit the move at all, and hit the crow with a non-standard collapse punch, which made the latter stunned.

Fenrir thought that his martial arts had made significant progress, but in fact he was still ramming force.

After fighting for a long time, he found that the two could not win against him. But he wanted to give players some encouragement to actively play the game.

Kotaro, who was running around, saw Fenrir suddenly vomit blood and convulsed, and jumped off the train.

The two came to the first carriage in a daze and saw the ultimate prize.

Oversized bags of potato chips and anime figures, and especially written in crooked words: "You can only choose one."

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