C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 30: what did you find

He shouldn't have cleaned up so thoroughly in the first place.

The list that Luo Yin flipped over in his hand was the list of personnel from the research institute affiliated to the Demons when Dr. He was still alive.

Because of the leak of Deadpool Breeding, the Luojia hidden under Genji Heavy Industries was directly destroyed. After Luo Yin and Fengjian Liuli took over the Ghosts, they also dealt with a large number of evolutionary medicine production personnel, basically killing them, so as to avoid future troubles.

Dragon serum is a commonly used high-end research material and drug. Because it is extremely difficult to separate and extract, every time the purity of the dragons and serum from serum is higher, the price of the serum will soar.

The high-purity dragon king serum that can be used to resist the poison of most dragon blood is many times more expensive than gold.

Dr. He used to purify the serum of Deadpool's fetus and use it to relieve the dragon blood poisoning of Uesugi Eriyi. He is undoubtedly a talent. But he did not understand alchemy, and only thought of serum as an antidote.

Using dragon blood to prepare low-purity serum, Boss Luo's staff can also do it. I had extracted a little earlier and repaid the comatose Passy for a few days.

But the Nibelungen Project (pseudo) requires a completely different level of serum.

The principle of seroadaptation is a bit like a vaccine. Through multiple adaptive "self-poisoning", combined with the implanted alchemy circuit, the body can produce compounds that can resist the poison of dragon blood.

If the quality of the serum is not good enough, for example, a certain trace compound is not separated, it is entirely possible to adapt to half of it and be directly poisoned by dragon blood. This way of dying doesn't sound very decent.

Luo Yin crossed out the names on the list one by one. Dead, dead, mad, paralyzed, concrete piles...

Dr. He's huge research team, now there are only five people, may be useful. Two are missing, two are imprisoned, and one is working for him. Hope they are of some use.

The research team he hastily set up is really incomparable to the long-term accumulation of the secret party. If they cooperate, they will cause a lot of trouble.


Meguro Eio was sentenced to 22 years in prison for intentional injury and trafficking of illegal drugs.

Linton, his cellmate, was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

They were both researchers of Naluga. When Deadpool leaked, they were lucky not to be in the research institute. In addition, there was no life in their hands. They were sentenced to heavy sentences and became inmates.

The two have been angry all the year round in prison, and at first they were eager for Lord Wang Jiang to take them out. Within two days, the news came that the general Wang had died, and immediately the ferocious ghosts descended.

At this time, they realized that they were destined to sit in prison.

The two of them never imagined that they, who had gradually become accustomed to the prison meal, could suddenly be fished out. Although only for a few hours.

The separate meeting room is spacious and brightly lit. The two sat on the chairs, both uneasy and expecting in their hearts. I don't know who would come to visit someone like them.

Luo Yin spent a lot of money to get the prison guard to close his eyes. When entering the door, the monitoring of the interview room has stopped working.

A young man who has never met. The two former researchers shuddered.

"You know your worth, and you should be able to guess what I'm here for. I need you to do some of the things you used to be good at."

Without a word of greeting, Luo Yin went straight to the point.

He took out a soft mask from his pocket and put it on slowly. Pale white Gongqing Noh mask, painted with a scary smiling face.

The brightly lit meeting room suddenly became extremely gloomy at this moment, and the temperature seemed to drop a lot.

Luo Yin crossed Erlang's legs, crossed his hands on his knees, hummed a strange song in a low voice, and the white mask that was close to his face showed a hideous smile.


How did they join the ghosts under threat and temptation, how did they break through their own bottom line step by step, trample their conscience, and indulge in the dream of power and evolution...

Those distant, abyss-like memories came back to the two of them.

Luo Yin didn't need to say a word. The image of the general Wang is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and just pretending to be able to scare many people out of heart disease.

The two hands clenched the prison clothes tightly, their muscles trembled, and their pupils were slightly enlarged.

Agreeing to this invitation means getting out of prison, but going back to the old business; refusing and going to jail.

Meguro Eio fell to his knees, his forehead almost touching the ground.

"Lord Wang Jiang, I will continue to be loyal to you until I die!"

Then you are done.

Luo Yin looked at Linton who was still hesitating. The thin man's eyes flickered, and beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead.

He held up his glasses, got up from the chair, and stepped back step by step with his body tensed until he leaned against the corner of the wall. He didn't want to go back to that crazy atmosphere again.

Luo Yin got up, walked towards Meguro Eio, who was kneeling on the ground, and patted his shoulder gently.

"Mr. Meguro, I suggest you go back to the prison and get a good education and reform. Also, when you speak, you can stand."

Luo Yin took off his mask, rubbed it and put it in his pocket. General Wang, it's very useful.

"Little Linton, come with me. I'm not interested in evolutionary medicine. It is said that you have prepared the serum injected by Patriarch Uesugi before?"

"Yes Yes!"

The kneeling Meguro Eiko's brain became empty, he threw a fist at Luo Yin, and Luo Yin twisted his wrist and knelt back to the ground. With a happy face, Xiao Linton followed Luo Yin out of the meeting room.

"Going on medical parole. You reported seven or eight kinds of severe illnesses, and at least half a year of rescue."

As long as you spend enough money, any nonsense proof can be created, and even complicated procedures can be simplified to the extreme. Samaria would hack into the backend database and help with some retouching.

After getting in the car, Xiao Linton finally couldn't help but ask, "I, is this freedom?"

Luo Yin looked at Xiao Lin with the eyes of an idiot. Do you think I look like a cabinet prime minister and still give you the whole amnesty.

"Temporary. Depending on your performance, help you get some commutation of your sentence. You will be able to live more comfortably when you return to the prison in the future, and your daughter's tuition may be resolved. It all depends on your performance."


Under Samaria's search, Luo Yin spent a few hours to find the two people whose whereabouts were unknown, and repeated the trick.

Ito Rana fled to the Kyushu area incognito, became an underground doctor, practiced medicine without a license, and was honored to be a part-time worker.

The other is hopeless. When Luo Yin found him, he was trying a small amount of the newly-made evolutionary medicine, which belonged to not forgetting his original intention. After being knocked out by Luo Yin, he was thrown to a station in the Eighth Family of Sheqi.

In addition to the researcher Masaichi Takahashi who was recruited from the Tokyo base very early, Luo Yin "recruited" a total of three former Dr. He talents.

Whenever he encounters difficulties, Dr. Herzog's ghost can guide Luo Yin and provide selfless assistance.

Three old researchers, a group of non-mixed-race talents who have known the existence of the dragon race for less than a year, and Fenrir, who donated blood for free, are the executors of Nibelungen. Hopefully they can make serum that meets the requirements of the protocol.


"It's an incredible substance, and it's not too much to call it a magic medicine."

Little Linton watched the small tube of serum in his hand under the light. The appearance of the Dragon King Serum is like flowing amber, with a strange glow surrounding the edges.

500 ml of dragon's blood, the qualified extract for the first attempt, was only 4 ml, and the output ratio was 125.

In addition to nutrients, Dragon King serum is rich in dozens of hormones in specific proportions, and a large number of protein macromolecules unique to Dragon King.

If a non-hybrid species is injected with Dragon King serum, there may be various benign effects on the body, provided that the serum purity is high enough.

While the team was in charge of extracting the serum, Luo Yin went to Fenrir twice again, and the current dragon blood reserve was 9 liters. 9 liters of blood for three days off, Fenrir is currently not dissatisfied.

He originally thought it was not a big problem, but if it was always this kind of terrifying output ratio, the Dragon King would have to call the police.

"Let's start experimenting."

Luo Yin originally considered making Olivia a volunteer, but quickly dismissed the idea. He has confidence in his own technology, not necessarily with these people.

The three dragon-blooded mice were injected with 0.5 ml of serum, and their value soared a hundredfold in an instant.

As soon as the serum started to work, they became extremely excited and ran around the incubator. Muscles swell, blood flow is accelerated, and the body's metabolism is accelerated dozens of times.

It may be an illusion, these three mice seem to have become better-looking. Does Dragon King Serum still have this function?

Ten minutes later, the physical signs of the three mice became relatively stable, and there were no adverse symptoms. At least the serum itself is not poisonous.

In the second step, the unactivated dragon blood was injected according to the ratio of 30:1, 20:1 and 10:1 respectively. When the dragon's spirit is excited, the activated blood will become more poisonous, and there is no rush to try.

The mice were not implanted with alchemical circuits, and the experiment was just a test of the serum's effectiveness.

The three dragon-blooded mice started to convulse violently at the same time. Not long after, No. 3 foamed at the mouth, vomited blood and died. No. 1 and No. 2 entered the second stage, with symptoms of dragon transformation, severe fever, and steam emitting from the body surface.

Five minutes later, No. 2 failed to hold on, and went to the west. Only No. 1, who injected the least amount, was still holding on, gradually stopped convulsing, and stood up strong.

Half of mouse No. 1's face is covered with rough scales, and two small eyes glow dangerously.

Snapped. No. 1 fell to the ground, kicked his legs and died. It died suddenly. Detoxification, but not completely.

Luo Yin's look at several people became very dangerous. For this serum, he also purchased five high-precision biochemical analyzers with a lot of money. As a result, this is your result?

Can't you inherit even a little bit of Dr. Herzog's research spirit?

The way he looked at Xiao Linton was especially dangerous. Believe it or not, the boss, I will help you to punish you, bastard.

Luo Yin vigorously "supervised" the serum preparation team and continued to study the vascular structure of Managalm by himself.

Using recycled metal to imitate dragon blood vessels and integrate with the original human blood circulation system is not very difficult. In some places that he has not been exposed to, he has to turn the book to learn.


The man with the unshaven beard leaned down low and tapped the keyboard with his fingers.

The slightly long hair is lacking in care, and it is messy like weeds. The original delicate and lightweight gold-rimmed glasses have been replaced by some wanton bright orange frames.

Words like "mad scientist" and "middle-aged unhappy uncle" pop up in anyone's mind when they see this man for the first time.

Shio Miyamoto bit a cheap cigarette in his mouth. He was more like chewing than smoking. The only significant difference between him and the homeless person is that there is no odor on his body, only the smell of smoke.

The engineering genius Miyamoto Shio, who used to treat people politely and dress meticulously, has evolved into this. He is the human being who understands the nonsense of life best.

Because of that Lord Luo's operation, the most miserable of the eight patriarchs was Old Taro Fengmo, followed by Shio Miyamoto.

He was in control of the resources of the Yanliu Research Institute and was entrusted by Yuan Zhisheng with the important task of "searching for the gods". Shio Miyamoto has been conscientious for several years, and his search in the sea, land and air has never slowed down for a while.

However, in the era when Tachibana Masamune was in power, there were no secrets in the eyes of the ghosts, and the progress of the work was extremely poor.

After that, Luo Yin found the well of hiding the corpse and started the holy corpse. When Shio Miyamoto rushed to the scene, he only saw tons of alien and ghost tooth dragon viper corpses in the red well.

At that moment, Shio Miyamoto's life, dignity and soul were all shattered into pieces. He knows that "God" has a 99% probability of being dealt with.

God is just below the red well, and the red well is his long-term management site. Miyamoto Zhixiong let unknown people take away the holy corpse under the eyes of the family, and he became a joke.

The old man Yuan Zhisheng did not dismiss Shio Miyamoto because of this, but only criticized and punished him. But Shio Miyamoto, who is very demanding of himself, can't get past the level in his heart.

So, more than a year later, Miyamoto has become what he is now.

In this family, many people feel that the mental state of the head of the Miyamoto family is worrying. After the daily work is completed, Shio Miyamoto spends his spare time looking for "God".

Although the holy corpse was lost, it was already a fact that the family acquiesced, and the resource investment was reduced by 95%. But Miyamoto still believes in that 1 percent chance.

It can be said that he is the only one in the Eight Clan of Sheqi who hopes that the White King is still alive. That way, he has a chance to make up for his mission.

Miyamoto insisted on analyzing the data returned by the screening detection device every day, and he would work overtime by himself if the investment of resources was insufficient. If the financial allocation is not enough, he fills in it with his own salary.

If his own employees can have this kind of work spirit, Boss Luo can laugh so hard that he can't find the North.

Miyamoto took a sip of the cold, strong tea mixed with the smell of smoke in his mouth. The computer separates the audio as usual, and he wears a headset listening to the murmur of the deep sea.

Once something becomes an obsession, it cannot be stopped.

Miyamoto stared at a pair of dead fish eyes, and the black eye circles like a panda showed his powerful liver power. The researchers who were on a lunch break didn't bother the director, they knew that Miyamoto was looking for God again.



Miyamoto turned up the volume and further analyzed the audio.

Suspected heartbeat. Trace the source.

The Japan Trench, with a depth of more than 8,000 meters.

Periodic muffled sound, loud enough to be transmitted from the trench to the detector. Dragon, it's a dragon!

Miyamoto got up like a spring, overexcited, and almost died of cardiac arrest.

He released the isolated muffled sound through the institute's speakers.

"I found it! I found it!"

Miyamoto yelled, his voice hoarse.

"Kami sama! It's God, God is still hidden at the bottom of the sea! We're going to kill him!"


"You say it again, what did Shio Miyamoto find?"

Luo Yin immediately received the internal news from the Eight Clan of Sheqi.

"He found a **** in the Japan Trench~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sheqi Bajia, is it a polytheism? Luo Yin put down his phone and looked at the sky.

The serum preparation process on his side is finally on the right track, and he should be able to try human injections soon.

At this juncture, the Sheqi Bajia, will you fix this for me?

Hey, if you find traces of dragons on the bottom of the sea, normal people will think about the direction of the ocean and water. It can only be said that the White King is indeed the eternal nightmare of the Eight Clan of Sheqi.

Shio Miyamoto found something, but that thing alone cannot be "God". It is necessary to talk to him.

"Ya Yan, delay the news of Miyamoto, don't be too forceful."

Luo Yin pondered that Tokyo is indeed a treasure. The density of this dragon is absolutely lethal.

He wants to slow down the actions of the Sheqi Bajia, prepare himself for battle, and then throw the information to the secret party at a critical moment. This operation, he is somewhat skilled.

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