C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 4 Chapter 34: burning cassel

For the Dragon King, that should have been a small wound that should not be a concern. But at this time, the wound seemed to be under a vicious curse, and the spoiled dragon blood kept pouring out of the wound.

The wound on Li Wuyue's solemn face was like a gap in the most perfect jade.

Can use time zero under his power suppression? He hadn't seen it for more than a hundred years, and it seemed that there had been a change in this bug that he didn't know about.

Time zero exploded oppositely, and Angers, who was proud of his speed, became the slow party at this time.

Even in the state of the third blood burst, his physical ability is still far inferior to that of the Wind King. Li Wuyue was just swaying violence at will, acting like a child's tentative slapstick, Angers was already tired of dodging.

In his sight, Li Wuyue turned into four or five vague figures, and the intertwined and superimposed offensive was like a torrential rain.

The only thing that can make his opponent feel jealous is the folding knife in his hand with a blade that is no more than 20 centimeters long, and Angers clearly knows this.

On the battlefield, Angers did not have time to consider the consequences of blatantly using the blood burst. Behind him is his school. It's hard to say if there will be Cassell tomorrow if you don't put it all together now.

Between the iron-gray scales, Anger squinted his eyes, analyzing Li Wuyue's behavior. With that kind of speed and strength, once he was hit in the head once, he would lose his fighting ability.

Angers changed his movements, changed his folding knife to a reverse grip, and passed by Li Wuyue, who was swooping. The blade of the jackknife passed through Li Wuyue's claws, pulling out scorching sparks on the arm full of cyan dragon scales.

The accompanying force pressed Angers to retreat all the way, and the wrist bones were whimpering under the enormous pressure. And where Li Wuyue stepped, the ground was deep, and every step would crush the stone slab.

At this time, the first group of teachers and students who tried to fight back finally arrived at the square in front of Valhalla, but the sight before them made them hesitate.

Because the speed of action was too fast, Li Wuyue and Angers were just two shadows moving at a high speed in the beam of the searchlight.

Angers' image was captured by high-speed cameras deployed around the campus. But in the eyes of most students, it was just a dragon with a burst suit, and the pocket knife was even more suspicious.

"The strongest people, drink the muscle potion! Avoid the suit dragon, reload and shoot!"

The German bald head roared. Manstein knew about the existence of blood burst from his father, but he did not expect the effect of this "technology" to be so exaggerated.

Norma judged that it was the principal, so just trust her judgment.

At this time, the director of the Ethics Committee's blood pressure was already bursting, and blue veins burst out on his shiny bald head. Usually students break the window glass Manstein can count for hours, but this dragon is actually tearing down the school!

The students quickly loaded alchemical bullets engraved with silver and red patterns, and the students holding metal riot shields in front drank the potion.

They know that the function of this alchemy potion is not to make them fight against the Dragon King, but to try their best to let them endure an attack by the Dragon King.

"Except for the position of the suit dragon, cover shooting!"

With the roar of gunfire, hundreds of "flowers" bloomed in the square. The dense elemental turbulence makes the square full of completely different elemental effects. Sandification, frost, electricity, and flames destroy the ruins of the Hall of Valor.

Shooting is a compulsory course in Kassel, and the level of freshmen is enough to win prizes in provincial competitions. As long as they can keep calm.

Norma could barely capture Angers' position, and they had to aim and fire as soon as they received the order. Most students have already guessed the identity of the "suit dragon" in their hearts.

Angers walked through the dense artillery fire, occasionally getting hit by stray bullets. But Li Wuyue was more affected than him.

The opponent's time zero may only have half the effect left, and the acceleration effect is becoming unstable.

"You're afraid. You're afraid I'll drop you and kill your students."

Li Wuyue looked at Anger's movements and said.

Only Angers could hear his words, and in the ears of others, the speed was like a dense explosion of thunder.

Angers slashed across the jab to defend Li Wuyue, but it was a fake. The Dragon King made an incredible instant change of direction, swept past Ang's body at a high speed, and punched the tower shield in the hand of a student, as if ignoring the distance.

Li Wuyue's eyelids twitched imperceptibly when she saw the muscle monster number 3 flying high. What's up with this school, bodybuilding school?

"Shrink the line of defense! Heavy firepower!"

The muscled version of Manstein issued the last order, and was knocked backwards by Li Wuyue's heavy punch.

Only those who have experienced it once will know how heavy that fist is. The thick muscles that swelled several times seemed to have been hit by a meteorite, which was sunk inward, the surface tissue was broken in mid-air, and the bones were broken into several pieces by the remaining force.

In the continuous sound of air explosions, the students in charge of the defense in front flew backwards like meteors with the riot shields in their hands, and their life and death were uncertain.

Facing the firepower of two heavy machine guns and twelve micro-charges, Li Wuyue closed her eyes. Dustless erupted, and the spreading vacuum blew all attackers away.

"Support Team 1! Shoot!"

The teachers and students of the second base rushed to the Hall of Valor. At the forefront are the limping Lu Mingfei and the big guy Fingal.

Professor Rundstedt's face was ugly. Compared to Dragon King's vacuum zone with a diameter of twenty or thirty meters, his Yanling with a diameter of two meters is like a children's version.

Li Wuyue looked indifferently at Anger who was trying to hit the vacuum field, and stepped towards the second group of teachers and students, stepping like a rock, excluding all attacks.

"No inner ghost, give me some reliable cheat codes."

Lu Mingfei's face twitched with pain, and he didn't have a good face for a certain demon.

"You know, Something for Nothing."

"Change your sister! I will be transformed in public, and I will definitely die socially."

"Have you seen Ultraman? Run to the corner of no one, shout, and transform into battle. And that old guy is not afraid of the death of the society, what do you have to be afraid of, brother?"

Lu Mingfei glanced at the heroic appearance of the principal and was full of complaints. This academy really masters the transformation skills per capita.

"Free prostitution, do you understand the kind of cheat code for prostitution? One more punch and I'll be hiccups, and I won't be able to do business in the future."

Lu Mingze's expression was a little unbearable. How did his silly white sweet brother grow into this step by step?

"Thegathering. It is equivalent to providing you with unlimited blue bars. Because it is a free prostitution, it can only be used for ten minutes, dear. Remember to call me before Kassel is completely destroyed."

Blue bar? The problem is that he is speechless. No, he would do that.

Lu Mingfei turned on his phone and typed in Thegathering. A mighty force poured into his brain, giving the illusion of omnipotence. But he only has one skill bar, Yanling Don't Die.

Shuai Zai's face darkened, he turned on the selfie camera, and kept meditating to himself not to die, not to die, not to die.

"What are you doing?"

"I take a selfie. Before I die, I will record the heroic appearance of myself fighting the Dragon King."

The two muscular men stood side by side, carrying a large shield like a door panel and rushed to the dust-free land. They know that their task is to be the sandbag of the Dragon King and create opportunities for the principal to counterattack.

Group 2's cover shot began, again with silver bullets.

Li Wuyue's expression was a little surprised. In his cognition, there should be very few alchemy items made by humans, what is the matter with this amount.

The turbulent flow of elements knocked out the ripples that spread layer by layer on the surface of the vacuum, and the huge dust-free place became a failure, quickly drawing Li Wuyue's physical strength.

Yan Ling switched back to time zero, Li Wuyue dodged the shot and blocked Angers' sneak attack. But the difference this time was that the two large shields with the same door panels were simultaneously pushed towards Li Wuyue's face door from the front.

Fingal saluted Angers. Your faithful dog, come to the rescue.

Li Wuyue slammed Fingal's shield with both fists, but the effect made the Dragon King a little puzzled.

There were two deep-set fist marks on the surface of the alloy shield, but Fingal only took a small step back. With the bronze throne fully open, and with the second blood burst, he could easily swing this special shield that weighed nearly half a ton.

Boom boom boom boom!

Close-to-body continuous blows sound like heavy artillery bombardment. Li Wuyue could sneak up on Fingal from behind, but he didn't want to do that.

The terrifying power and speed of the Dragon King made Lu Mingfei feel that perhaps the Ora Ora of the Platinum Star was nothing more than the same.

In one thought, it was hundreds of heavy blows, and the dense fist marks on the shield were like the surface of a space star.

Fingal bared his white teeth covered in blood. compared to exaggerated power. The strengthening of the bones and internal organs of the bronze throne is severely mismatched. He felt inside his body, all cracked.

Li Wuyue vibrated her dragon wings to accelerate, twisted her body to gain momentum, and swept her right paw with a big swing, hitting the heavy shield from the center.

The high-strength alloy was also bent under the unbearable force. Behind the shield, Fingal, whose body shone with a metallic color, vomited blood and knelt on the ground.

Truly, a desperate enemy.

Before Li Wuyue made a fatal blow, Lu Mingfei rushed forward and blocked Li Wuyue's second punch. Fractured carpal, fractured radius, and lost feeling in arm.

But the activated "Don't Die" showed a self-healing power against common sense, and immediately snapped back Lu Mingfei's broken bones.

Angers used a slashing slash with an inverse cassock full of murderous intent, and the small folding knife unleashed a resolute ferocity, slashing at Li Wuyue's left shoulder.

It's nice to be able to fight alongside the students, even if I end up dying here. Angers looked at Lu Mingfei who was striving to support him, there was a trace of undetectable fluctuations in his eyes, and some thoughts in his mind became shaken.

"Warm up, that's it."

Kassel's teachers and students are supporting from all directions, as if they don't know the horror of the Dragon King.

Li Wuyue dodged the slash and stepped into the sky. He looked down at the ant colony-like hybrid, his tone indifferent.

The kingdom of pure spiritual composition expanded exponentially, covering the entire Valhalla Square, and continued to expand.

Under the pressure of the apocalypse, nearly 70% of the students in the square fainted, and the rest began to have difficulty breathing.

"All B-level and above students of bloodline, inject adrenaline and support the battle! The rest retreat! Bring the information out here!"

The leading professors and senior commissioners gave orders loudly. Many of the professors can only retreat, they are better than experience, but blood is not an advantage.

Time zero, on.

Under the shroud of light, Li Wuyue waved her hand lightly, and his action made Angers' pupils shrink.

When avoiding the blow of the scourge, he once increased the time zero to 150 times, and that was Li Wuyue's limit. He just maintained a 60-fold acceleration just now, retaining his physical strength.

150 times the speed of the field, even he can not open for a long time, that kind of speed can even drain the spirit of the Dragon King.

"Just now, we were just warming up."

The black dragon with a wingspan of more than six meters passed from a low altitude, and the machine guns in the two dragon claws poured a torrent of bullets towards Li Wuyue. For Caesar, the gun was more comfortable to use.

Three girls jumped off the dragon's body. Because they lived far away, they used Caesar's artificial dragon body as a means of transportation.

Uesugi Eri Yi, who is wearing a little yellow duck pajamas, has a little dark circles around her eyes. Recently, she has had a lot of liver games. The second generation, Xia Mi and Nuonuo, were carrying oversized anti-equipment sniper rifles.

If the dragons in suits are still within the acceptable range of teachers and students in Kassel, then the dragons with two machine guns are completely beyond their limited imagination.

"I am Caesar, and I am driving a special alchemy vehicle provided by the alchemy workshop.

All the student council members who can still fight, please follow me to the last moment! Even if Kassel is scorched, this land will not be occupied by dragons! "

Hey hey hey, don't fool around with "special alchemy vehicles", there must be a limit to special ones.

With Caesar's proficient driving skills, you've been in a mobile phone armor for more than a day or two. Are we really going to the same college?


Two minutes ago, Chu Zihang finally opened his eyes.

His routine was very regular. He was sleeping when Li Wuyue invaded, but a certain dragon king was not.

Perceiving Li Wuyue's breath, Yemenga suffered a cardiac arrest. How could it be him? That guy is the most terrifying, and his fighting ability has always been in the top two. She has no possibility of winning.

The first thought that popped into Yemengarde's mind was to run with the upper body. When Chu Zihang woke up in an unfamiliar place, he might have thought it was sleepwalking.

Yemengjia did some tricks to make Chu Zihang sleep soundly amidst the sound of artillery fire and the ringing of his mobile phone.

But after watching for a while, Cassell's group was unexpectedly very firm. Angers who can use time zero, an artificial dragon body that has never been seen before, and a girl whose words are outrageous.

Yermengard's mind had changed, and she was going to try it. Let’s just say, which Dragon King doesn’t have a lofty ideal yet?

At the end of the hard power crane, she also wants to be the eldest sister of all dragon kings.

The awakened Chu Zihang felt bad when he saw hundreds of new messages and missed calls on his phone.

The Yanling Armament was activated, and Chu Zihang jumped out of the window, using the wall as a fulcrum to jump, turning into a zig-zag bright line of fire in the night sky.

After Caesar, the Lionheart president arrived on the battlefield.

Chu Zihang tried his best to keep his face paralyzed, and gave orders to the members of the Lionheart Club, without explaining why he stayed close but arrived late. He couldn't say that he slept so hard that he didn't hear the explosion.

Li Wuyue in the sky looked around at the human beings who did not have the slightest sense of awe~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The so-called dragon slayer elites should all gather here. This is very good, it reminds him of how he destroyed the young elite of the secret party more than a hundred years ago.

The dragon king who is high in the sky recites the ancient and low language. With Li Wuyue as the axis, the airflow hundreds of meters in radius became his servants.

The secret party has never recorded this word spirit, but just as soon as he started singing, the power of the word spirit far surpassed that of the Wind King's Eye. The highly compressed air rotates and accelerates around Li Wuyue's body, and the pale tornado stretches from the ground to the sky, which is the prelude to the natural disaster.

One, two, three. Three pale tornadoes showed a wonderful appearance, entwined and stacked on top of Li Wuyue's head.

Word Spirit Judgment.

A girl who didn't wake up threw a comb at the tornado, and the huge tornado began to shake violently and stabilized again.

Then throw another one, and I will throw it again.

Li Wuyue lifted the spirit of words.

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