C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 5 Chapter 40: suddenly look back


Angers was slapped so **** the back that he nearly lost his balance and fell into the river under the Bridge of Sighs.

He was holding a black-covered, square Bible in his hand, with a maple leaf bookmark on the third page of Exodus.

"As a theology student at Trinity College, your book looks like it's fresh from the store."

Menek teased mercilessly. He knew that Angers' strategy for dealing with exams had always been overnight raids, and this young man could break a night into dozens of them.

"It won't work like this. I suggest replacing the props with poetry books, Gibran, Rilke. Lighter than the Bible at least."

The tall and tall Menek leaned against the railing of the Bridge of Sighs, which happened to block most of Angers's sight.

Angers simply turned around and watched the Kang River flowing quietly.

Menek leaned back against the railing, watching the people come and go on the bridge.

a long time.

"What are your plans for coming here today, Lord Count?"

Menek did not answer, and the two of them faintly touched from the corner of their eyes.

"That should be my question. Why are you here, Principal?"

Menek, in his twenties, was flamboyant and dazzling like the sun under a clear sky.

Angers, however, was already full of silver hair, and his iron-like black suit could not hide his old state.

The bridge was bustling, singing, laughter, whistles and arguments came from all around. It fell silent in his ears.

"Angers, you are going to die. Like us."

In the clear river water under the bridge, a dim and blurry image emerged.

The thugs covered in black dragon scales are sinking weakly into the deep sea. The power of the dragon's blood subsided little by little, and the dark red blood mist was entangled in the water.

The broken dragon scales fell off or faded from the body surface, revealing the human body that was repeatedly pierced and bloody.

Angers raised his head dazedly and looked across the bridge.

On a bench under the shade of a tree, sat a young Chinese man. He lowered his head slightly and wrote stop and stop on the letterhead.

The Indian girl in the long white dress sat on the lawn and softly played a bone piccolo.

Some sleepy ashes leaned against an oak tree, cigars in their mouths, and pondered over the gun design drawings.

The two energetic guys, nicknamed Chief and Tiger, were playing on the lawn and running faster than an antelope.

When Angers looked carefully at the teachers and students who came and went, he realized that their faces were all familiar.

"According to the ideas of you and the elders, I created a half-blood academy. Angers Academy."

"You are so thick-skinned."

"Liar. It's Cassell College."

The scenery around him gradually became blurred, and only the sound of the wind in his ears was still clear.

"There are still Lionhearts at Cassell College. I was headmaster and teacher there for almost a hundred years, and young students sent dragon after dragon to the grave.

But maybe, it's time to end it. "

Angers stretched out his left hand, but it was a pitch-black dragon claw, with elegant lines and ferocious bone spurs.

Angers knew that his bloodline had long been contaminated by something suspected of being the blood of the Black King. Angers didn't know who the boy who claimed to be the devil was, but he probably had a connection with the Black King.

For Deadpool, his blood is more alluring than the next generation.

Over the years, he has rarely participated in front-line tasks, not because of aging, but to cover up the abnormal blood.

The power of his revenge against the dragons originally came from the supreme of the dragons. If that "devil" is the resurrected Black King, then everything he does is nothing but a joke.

not only that.

The secret party has always been opposed to the split doomsday faction, and the doomsday faction has been hidden from the world for a long time. But he began to cooperate with the top leaders of the Doomsday faction more than 20 years ago, and the product of the cooperation plan was Lu Mingfei, a man-made dragon slaying weapon.

But now Angers is more and more suspicious of Lu Lincheng's rhetoric, is Lu Mingfei's situation really as simple and clear as he said?

Within the secret party, the ambitions of the Gattuso family are clear, and even the Laurent family, who has long supported him, has hidden problems. The secret cooperation relationship with Henkel is also not strong.

In order to achieve the goal of destroying the dragon race, he can cooperate with anyone.

Revenge is not a straight road, but a forest. The Avengers get lost in the woods and eventually forget where they came from.

Maybe he was lost a long time ago, but he just went on his own way.

Angers has always been clear that Luo hides a lot of tricks, and there are some very outrageous things. But he wasn't much better himself.

"The metaphor of the ship of Theseus becomes a horror story for those who have lived a long time.

A ship is tinkering on a long voyage until the original parts are all replaced...  

Walking on the so-called road of justice so far, am I more like a dragon than Angers in 1900? "

Anger's tone was frivolous, as if joking.

He turned his head to look at Menek, the left half of his face was covered with pitch-black dragon scales, and the molten golden vertical pupils were full of cruelty and indifference.

Time is the blade that destroys everything. Whether it is body, soul, belief.

Menek: "Then stop here. Our unfinished business will eventually have a hero reach the end."

The Bridge of Sighs is indeed a fitting name.

Angers' consciousness was even more blurred, and he walked behind Meignac to the other side of the bridge.

The day was bright and bright, the grass was green under the big tree, and his friends waved to him in the past.

The ghostly dragon-like signs slowly faded from Angers, and he seemed to be young again. Until he turned his head and looked to the other side of the bridge.

Under the dark sky, there are dense marble tombstones. He remembered all the names on the tombstones, all the faces that were once alive.

They did not die for Angers, but for higher convictions.

A bit of coldness brought Angers back to his senses. He remembered that his students were still fighting at the moment.

The night that shrouded everyone's heads has not yet ushered in the dawn. If they died here silently, even their tombstones would be empty.

At the next funeral, no one put their hands on the Bible to recite the eulogy, and no one released the pure white dove of peace.

His mission is not over yet~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He cannot let the young students go to the grave with him.

Angers stopped, turned around, and walked to the other end of the Bridge of Sighs.

The sky was so gloomy, there were only tombstones on the soil, and the smell of blood and rust came to me. But that was his home.

People like him have no place in heaven for a long time.

"Never come back."

"Until the end of the world."

Angers responded softly to Meignac without looking back.

The signs of dragon transformation that subsided reappeared at this moment, and it was several times more violent than the third blood burst.

The beating heart is pumping the blood of the new Supreme to every corner of the body. When Angers reached the end of the Bridge of Sighs, a dark dragon wing spread out from his left shoulder.


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