C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 5 Chapter 41: reversal (top)

Do not go gentle into that good night.

The sunset is twilight, and it should still burn and roar.

Angrily, angrily that the light will pass away.


The extreme cold spreads in the sea water, and the frozen blood mist is still in the flawless ice cubes, like a cinnabar painting scroll splashed with ink.

Leviathan struggled to break into the night created by the black dragon, swinging his long tail at full speed and rushing to the sea.

The white giant whale suddenly stopped swimming. His body is surrounded by an extremely cold field with a range of tens of meters, an absolute forbidden area for life.

But at this moment, in his extremely cold domain, an abrupt heat source, a powerful life, appeared!

In the clear golden pupil of the beluga whale, the shadow of the devil was clearly reflected.

The pure black dragon scales are no different from the nightmarish black dragon. He has a black wing behind him, and there are only incomplete dark golden stubble on the other side. The intense light released from the vertical pupil even shocked the next-generation ancient dragon like Leviathan.

Angers also looked at Gu Long, who was called "Leviathan" by the Academy, and found that the Academy had missed too much.

The appearance of Leviathan is that of a white sperm whale, and its size can barely be classified as a giant species. The notable difference between him and the sperm whale is that the white dragon scales covering the whole body exude a gorgeous pearl-like brilliance.

The second is his eyes. They are not pea-like eyes like whales. The round eyes are quite large.

When your bloodline is high enough to ignore the dragon power of the beluga, you may even think this thing is a little cute.

Angers knew what kind of creature the Dragon King was. No matter what flaws they have, but the majesty that is deeply rooted in the blood of the first generation, this big whale has nothing to do with it.

If Leviathan is indeed the name of a dragon king, they must have given the name to the wrong dragon.

Angers cut through the ice with a jackknife and attacked the beluga whale surrounded by elemental turbulence.

The elemental turbulence caused by the powerful spiritual power is the prototype of the royal domain. After the white whale's word spirit was weakened by the turbulence, the ultra-low temperature could no longer penetrate the dragon scales.

Moby Dick's big eyes were full of terror, but at his speed, he couldn't shake off Angers at all.

"I would never let the students see this picture. If I could go back alive, I would probably have to resign."

With such thoughts floating in his mind, Anger cut open the scales on the back of the beluga whale with his bare hands, and the blood of the dragon gushed out like a spring.

The painful beluga swung its long tail desperately, and the black thug clinged to his back, inhaling the scalding blood of the next-generation dragon.

The transformation of the body of the Black King bloodline requires a lot of nutrients, and the dragon blood of the Beluga can make his evolution more thorough.

Beluga could clearly perceive the devil on his back, and his heartbeat became stronger and more violent every second. That is a more noble creature than Him.


Above the sea, Yamal finally regained its power and turned to sail in the stormy waves set off by the black dragon.

The girl with fluttering red hair carried the black dragon's breath three times in a row. The steel deck in front of Eri's body has turned into a twisted and rusted "metal swamp" that seems to have been eroded for hundreds of years.

Lu Mingfei could hear it clearly, and Huiliyi's breathing became more and more hoarse. If it weren't for the effect of the serum, she would have run out of control at this moment.

Senior Brother Facial Paralysis has been using guerrilla tactics to interfere with the black dragon, but the black dragon's physical strength is endless, and the strength and speed even show signs of rising during the battle.

Even the terrifying wound that was carbonized by high-temperature lava fell on the black dragon like an insignificant flesh wound, and it healed in less than half a minute.

To deal with this kind of boss, they need the light skills like Ultraman, and they blow up the black dragon with one shot. But the problem is, the black dragon is the one with the "light technology"!

At this moment, their greatest hope is Caesar.

The **** Caesar clings to the back of the black dragon and climbs up with turtle speed. I don't know what method he used, but the black dragon did ignore Caesar's existence.

In about a minute, Caesar would be able to climb up to the black dragon's cervical vertebrae and attack the back of his head.

The next breath was brewing in the black dragon's huge mouth, and the rapidly waving dragon claws and the bone spurs pouring down like a torrential rain blocked Chu Zihang's attack route.

In the shallow sea, there was a huge neighing sound of whales, and the sound was full of pain and fear.

Leviathan! Why did He appear at this time, as an enemy or friend with the black dragon?

When the back of the white whale was exposed to the sea, everyone noticed that a black dragon more than two meters high stood on Leviathan's back.

The giant whale stirred up huge waves dozens of meters high, and the sea water turned into white frost beside him.

The black dragon changed the direction of the element's breath, and the magnificent beam of light slammed into the huge head of the beluga whale.

Angers took off with the speed of the beluga whale, and the exaggerated acceleration was enough to shock the best pilots in an instant. Because of the lack of the thrust of a dragon wing, his thrusting direction is an unpredictable curve, like a ghost at super high speed.

The extreme cold released by the beluga froze the huge waves more than twenty meters high in front of him, and the high wall made of ice crystals shattered like tiles in the beam of light spit out by the black dragon.

The sea is constantly being lifted, frozen, and broken, and belugas can freeze tons of seawater for defense every second.

Yan Ling canceled!

The black dragon issued laws based on instinct, and even the beluga whale, whose power of speech spirit was comparable to the first-generation species, could not be exempted.

The ice wall collapsed, and the meteor-like black dragon claws fell from the sky, hitting the beluga whale head-on.

The violent blow of the black dragon almost knocked the beluga whale weighing dozens of tons out of the sea.

The people on the yamal shuddered. If it is hit by the full force of the black dragon, this super icebreaker, which is not afraid of icebergs, may sink directly.

At the end of the black dragon's attack, the strong light generated by his breath disappeared, revealing the dragon slayer's bone-piercing body.

Moby Dick's presence was outside of Angers' plans. But it was the perfect cover for him.

He was close to the lower edge of the beam of light and approached the black dragon. The newly born dragon wing was torn by the turbulence and had a lot of wounds, and he used the blind spot of the black dragon to approach more than 300 meters.

Draw the knife!

The small pocket knife exploded in the high-speed vibration, turning into a fog-like dark red long knife.

The speedy Iai Slash cut a bone-deep wound on the black dragon's chest, and the poison carried on the jackknife spread to the surrounding bones.


That jackknife let everyone know the identity of Angers.

His power has undergone a qualitative change compared to the previous state of blood bursting. Except for the missing dragon wing, his body is no different from high-level dragons, and it is not the same concept as the dragon-like signs that appear when blood bursts.

Luo Yin explained to Chu Zihang the limit of the blood bursting technique. Even if all human nature is sacrificed, it is impossible to obtain the power of the Dragon King.

The current state of the principal is by no means the legendary fourth-degree blood burst~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He must have undergone other essential changes.

There were countless question marks in Lu Mingfei's mind. The headmaster's dragon body at this time is eight-point similar to the body structure of his dragon transformation after the transaction.

But everyone immediately put their concerns behind them. Heck, everyone's details are not clean, let's go out alive and explain them one by one!

When the deadly bone spurs hit, Angers had already bounced off the reaction force of the slash, inciting the dragon wings to fly towards the black dragon's head.

The black wings that covered the sky and the sun shrouded him, leaving only a gap in the center.

Angers rubbed the edge of the black dragon's bone spurs and jumped out of the gap, the bones supporting the dragon's wings shattered in the rubbing.

The beam of light in the black dragon's mouth has reached the edge of eruption, facing Angers who have nowhere to help.



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