C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons

Vol 5 Chapter 42: reverse (below)

On the back of the black dragon, the bone spurs are intertwined like spears and swords. A lurking ghost raised the sword in his hand.

At this moment, the hunting knife "Dick Tudor", which represents the highest power of the Gattuso family, unleashes a unique edge. Hunting knives are smelted in the realm to resemble a Roman dagger, but with a sharper point.

Caesar held Dick Tuido high, and the dragon-like body swelled further, jumping up just before the bone spurs shot out, and penetrating Dick Tuido through the back of the black dragon's neck joint.

He was dormant for a long time on the black dragon's mountain-like body, and finally waited for the opportunity to erupt.

Caesar squeezed out all the strength of his body, and the muscle fibers cracked in the force beyond the limit.

The dragon's blood mixed with the marrow fluid spurted out, dyeing Caesar's body red, like a gladiator fighting a liger in the Colosseum.

The sudden severe pain caused the black dragon to twist his body violently, and hundreds of spear-like bone spurs covered and fired in a disorderly manner.

Caesar, who lost his footing, fell from the dragon's spine. He did not have the strong maneuvering power provided by the dragon's wings. He was pierced by bone spurs and fell to the sea.

But he has already created an opportunity to reverse.

The elemental breath that deflected the direction passed Angers, and he flew at the edge of the black wing, and every time he took a step, he crossed nearly ten meters. Angers had already crossed the last defensive line when the black dragon flicked his claws to block.

Angers clenched the illusory Atkan sword and leaped up in the dazzling light.

At this moment, his figure broke away from the posture of a man and a dragon, and turned into a pure black arrow that went forward, piercing the left eye of the black dragon with the gust of wind and knife light.

Pale golden liquid spewed out from the dragon pupil, followed by bright red dragon blood, soaking the broken golden pupil.

The poison that is deadly to dragons spread in the black dragon's left eye. Angers cut the whole dragon's pupil in half, and from the black dragon's eye socket, he slashed towards his right eye.

The long knife collided with the dragon's claw, and Angers was shot high into the air under the terrifying impact.

The black dragon's extremely powerful spiritual domain is enough to perceive and predict most of their actions, allowing him to protect the other dragon pupil the moment his left eye was destroyed.

Dick Tado's lethality is too weak. Caesar, who fell to the sea, felt pity.

This knife was his birthday present when he was very young, and it is a pair of swords with Passy's "Augustus". At that time he did not understand what the knife represented, nor did he like its name.

"Dictator", dictator, dictator of the Roman Empire. There are only a few consuls in history who have been granted the power of dictators by the Senate under special conditions, the most famous of which is Gaius Julius Caesar.

In addition to the extremely tough metal material, Caesar had not found other special features of Dick Tutor. Until the face of a super-giant dragon like the Black Dragon.

Its alchemy field, in addition to giving the sword the most basic tenacity and sharpness, the real core ability is actually "invisible" in the spiritual field.

Yanling·Mizhao avoids the visible eye, while in the realm of Dick Tuoduo, it avoids the invisible eye. When the black dragon's eyes were attracted by the Yamal and the Leviathan, Caesar, who was extremely nervous, climbed the dragon's spine without a sound.

Weapons in the name of dictators were cast for the purpose of stabbing the king and killing him, which contained some evil tastes.

Although Caesar has always disliked tricks such as stealth and assassination, it is impossible for a mixed race to have the ability to fight head-on with a black dragon. It's almost meaningless to use regular swords to manicure the black dragon.

Except for the principal. But Caesar was not sure whether the current Angers should still be classified as half-breed.

The falling Caesar did not hit the ice. He slammed into the lifeboat's air cushion, and the bone spurs running through his body tore large holes in the air cushion.

Even with the cushioning of the air cushion, he still lost consciousness for a moment, with multiple bone fractures all over his body.

Almost at the same time, Caesar heard two consecutive gunshots. Nuonuo used the only two sage stone bullets to aim at the huge wound created by the principal.

The strength and hardness of the Sage's Stone cannot even penetrate the eyelids of a black dragon. The bullet must penetrate the body of the black dragon, integrate into the circulatory system or directly hit the vital point to be effective.

Nuonuo turned around and pulled Caesar up, dragged him from the edge of the air cushion to the lifeboat, and checked his injuries.

The first bullet roared into the black dragon's left eye socket, smashing into crumbs on the edge of the scales.

Nuonuo's second shot lost his head due to Caesar's impact, and the azimuth deviation from the aiming was more than fifteen meters, but he was lucky enough to hit the bull's-eye!

The speed of the black dragon dodging was too fast, and the wound on his left eye just hit the second bullet that was offset. The dark red hand-polished warhead pierced into the depths of the dragon's pupil, and the highly poisonous structure of pure spiritual elements was released from the fragmented warhead.

"This bullet may be my luck for the rest of my life..."

Nuonuo murmured, rudely pulled out the bone spur stuck in her boyfriend's body, and carefully placed it aside. Caesar was impaled like a big hedgehog.

The teeth and spines of higher dragons contain deadly neurotoxins that can paralyze and kill the target within minutes.

Caesar's resilience allows him to withstand the massive hemorrhage from penetrating wounds, and the spreading toxins can kill quickly.

"The yamal is stocked with detoxification drugs, which may work..."

Nuonuo pressed Caesar's wound with one hand, turned the direction and drove back to the Yamal.

Caesar, who took a sigh of relief, launched the second word, Frostfall, and froze all the wounds simply and rudely.

Whenever Caesar felt stronger, a new outrageous situation would strike him. So much so that he often felt that he was a player behind a version of the game.

With the current level of the headmaster, Caesar felt that Angers did not need Cassell College, and he could kill all dragon slaying tasks by himself.


The black dragon's left eye stopped regenerating, and the light in the dragon's pupil became more and more dim, until it was completely extinguished.

In the eyes of Chu Zihang/Yemengjiade, the number of "eyes" on the black dragon began to increase sharply at this moment.

They wouldn't expect a single bullet from Nono to kill the black dragon.

For dragons, the Sage's Stone is indeed a deadly poison~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but the strength of the poison is always a relative concept.

Hoping to use the sage's stone refined from the keel of the second-generation species to kill the black dragon that may be superior to the first-generation species is as unfeasible as trying to use pesticides to fight against the Guangzhou cockroach.

But the poison was enough to cost the black dragon an eye, perhaps permanently. If the toxin can spread to the brain, they finally ushered in the hope of making a comeback.

For the first time, the black dragon, who was caught in a rage, lowered his body and assumed an offensive posture.

His majestic body rolled in the black sea, like desolate islands, with more painful roars coming out of his mouth.

------off topic-----

The speed of coding is very slow these days, and I am considering catching a few more cats to write.

You must be kind to your eyes, cervical spine, and lumbar spine. The durability of these body parts is really not enough.


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