Elixir, an artificially engineered dragonborn, can perform large-scale gene editing in a gentle way, implanting powerful dragon genes into the human body.


Its blood is rich in the power from the king of the ocean and water, which can make the hybrids below the A-level blood ascend to the sky in one step, but using it like that is a bit of a waste.


Devouring the keel, attenuated cologne fetal blood, high-purity Dragon King serum, and even the blood-blasting technique are all ways to improve the bloodline.


And let the human who has almost no dominant dragon gene cross the barrier and become a hybrid. This is a miracle that elixir can achieve.


In Luo Yin's eyes, the "world-shattering" auction items can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, and the secret party also has similar technology.


And these ugly giant leeches in jars are the final bargaining chips in the hands of the evolutionists.


"You are all here for this, right?"


Luo Yin looked at the distinguished guests closest to the stage with some malicious intent.


Ochinez, Sonia, Vishniak, Ekaterina. . . . . . Those old and dying industry oligarchs are, without exception, clones.


Organ failure, disease-ridden, dragon blood is the last straw they can grab. In order to regain their youth, they can do anything.


Grab huge fortunes from them with the so-called panacea, elixir, and strap these life-greedy vampires to the chariots of evolution. Replace the original owner with clones, and manipulate the puppets to hold the giant groups of various industries in their hands.


The distinguished guests did not answer. But their suddenly disordered breathing and heartbeat, and the uncontrollable excitement in their decaying bodies, had already told Luo Yin the answer.


Twenty years after the fall of the seriously ill giant, greedy beasts devoured his corpse wantonly and reigned on the ruins of old times.


And the aging beasts were deceived and enslaved by more cruel and inferior things, and offered money, soul and freedom for false life.


They were even so sad that Luo Yin had a sense of black humor, these honorable walking dead were even sadder than the dead servants in the frozen warehouse.


All the guests here, including Bunin, don't matter.


Luo Yin closed the catalog and returned it to Bunin, then turned to face the canned leech on the big screen.


"I'm tired of these pointless tricks, cryptic code names, fancy prologues, bluffs before negotiations...


If you're looking for an ally, invite.


If you are looking for an enemy, draw your sword. "


Bunin suddenly realized that the auction link he carefully designed according to the order of the "monarch" was completely useless.


The situation here has been controlled by Luo Yin in the most violent way. This young man had no intention of communicating the way they designed it, much less following their rhythm.


Before meeting their leader face to face, Luo Yin would never put his bargaining chips on the negotiating table. That's the respect he deserves.


In the dead silence, a drop of sweat slowly flowed down from Bunin's forehead, frozen into ice grains.


The big screen went out and it was pitch black.


"After violently destroying a shelter, we openly interrupted our carefully planned auction...


Mr. Luo, can I interpret this as a declaration of war against us? "


The voice from the sound was so old that it spoke like a weathered stone statue in a monastery. He spoke slowly and heavily, with a heavy nasal voice, mingled with heavy breathing.


"It doesn't hurt to be a guest in the dragon's lair, and be vigilant. As for the shelter, what kind of shelter."


Suddenly, hundreds of red spots appeared on Luo Yin's back, densely packed like a red sunflower.


"You can try."


"So what?"


The red dot moved away from him and aimed at every guest in the venue, except Elizabeth Laurent.


"You are free."


The guests present couldn't make up ten complete consciences, and threatened themselves with their lives. Do they think that Luo was the reincarnation of Jesus?


As for Susie. . . . . . That would have to be quite absurdly heavy firepower to break through the domain of Jian Yu.


"Cough cough... Don't be nervous, just kidding."


All the red dots gathered behind Luo Yin again, but no guests thought it was just a harmless joke.


"Forgot to turn on the camera? Don't just turn on the microphone."


Luo Yin pointed to the still dark screen.


"Don't be in such a hurry, we are waiting for your arrival in City 23."


The old man's voice stopped, but Luo Yin was still being targeted by hundreds of guards, who were hiding in the ice field near the venue.


At this moment, many guests sincerely hope that Bunin can pick up the microphone and continue to preside over the interrupted auction. But they knew that was an unrealistic expectation.


"I don't know what order you received. But I advise you not to do that."


Luo Yin pointed to his ear, reminding Bunin beside him.


Bunin heard a word through the headset, "Kestrel". It means doing your best to attack.


With a sophisticated smile on his wrinkled face, he turned his head to look at Luo Yin. The smile slowly turned into a wry smile.


"I just have no choice."


Bunin made such a mouth, but made no sound.


The ether transformed into dark red needles that destroyed his vocal cords before he could make any sound.


The only people who can threaten Luo Yin here are the immortals made with the blood of the Dragon King on stage.


Bunin reached for the remote control with the built-in clapper sound, but only when he acted did he realize that a piece of iron had penetrated his chest.


It turned out that when he first started thinking, everything was over.


Bunin saw the gunfire in the sky, but did not hear any gunfire.


He knelt down weakly on the icy ground, the four elements surged around him like a tide, and the illusory realm separated a tranquil realm from reality.


How unlucky, how could he encounter such a monster.


"Christina, Christina..."


Blood poured out of Bunin's throat, and he murmured his daughter's name silently.


"Christina, she's particularly beautiful in her twenties, with long pale blond hair, blue eyes, and grew up in Tartar?"


Luo Yin thought of something and asked casually.


The dying Bunin seemed to be returning to light, half kneeling and dragging his body, struggling to get close to Luo Yin.


"She won't have anything to do with the evolutionists anymore. I persuade her to leave here and maybe go to school in Kassel."


"Secret Party, don't, don't..."


Luo Yin roughly guessed what Bunin meant.


"Try, if she really wants to go, I can't stop her."


Seeing that Bunin's expression gradually changed from hideous to confused, Luo Yin couldn't help but have a question in his mind.


Christina, is this Bunin's daughter, or is it another Bunin's?


The real Bunin is either dead early or the top of the evolutionary faction. Either way, the results were not very good.


"Feel sorry."


Luo Yin maintained the original realm and walked towards Susie in the dense rain of bullets. Tens of thousands of bullets turned into piles of iron **** in Yanling's furnace.


The steel bars and braces in the venue twisted like crazy snakes, piercing the arms of the guards, and excruciating pain stripped them from the doping frenzy.


The steel shards guarded Susie's body, and the flying alchemy blades slaughtered the dragon subspecies beasts that invaded from all around the venue.


Luo Yin spit out the ancient bell-like dragon text, and the sound waves echoed in the wasteland. That is an order.


The permafrost burst apart, and the awakened corpse guards drilled out of the ground, sensing everything alive nearby.


These tireless killing machines can still execute orders without compromise after a long period of migration and lurking. All they need is careful patching and maintenance after the fact.


The sound of gunfire around her slowly diminished, and Susie ordered a heavy motorcycle from a certain guard. Luo Yin sat on the back seat of the motorcycle and put his arms around Susie's waist for safety.


"We're going first, we'll be waiting for you in City 23!"


Luo Yin shouted loudly at Patriarch Laurent. The two rode together in the roar of the engine and drove away along the rails.




The old housekeeper always felt that Miss Elizabeth's face under the veil at this moment must be as black as it gets.


After a long time, Elizabeth nodded. Just trust him and move on.


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