Calamity Crown

Chapter 125 Probing! (Seeking subscription~asking for monthly pass~)

In the first-class carriage, at the same time as the sound of gunfire, there was a loud shout——

"Don't move!"


"Whoever calls again, I will kill him!"

The threatening voice, the revolver in his hand and the body of the guard on the ground train made everyone in the first-class car quiet, and then, the robber in the lead immediately winked at his subordinates.

The three of them walked towards the special compartment.

The remaining two were holding two guns to intimidate the passengers, and their eyes were fixed on the direction of the special compartment at all times.

Borrowing the eyes of [Spirit of the Blood Raven], Goethe saw everything in his eyes.

"Trouble is coming."

He sighed.

There is no doubt that the robber in front of him is coming for him.

This train from Lust to Hallest was not traveling in the desert, there were towns around it as supplies, and there were patrolmen guarding the road along the road, and there were no valuable items on board.

Simply put, it is not suitable for robbery.

What's more, the three people in front of them didn't act like each other.

How could the robbers be so honest when they took control of the carriage?

Not only did he not pay any attention to the belongings of the passengers, but he also looked nervously in the direction of the special compartment.

And on the second day on the train, Goethe knew that he was the only one in the whole special class compartment.

Therefore, these robbers came for him.

As for which force?

Goethe didn't know.

There are too many people in the 'Church of Flesh', the 'Keeper of Secrets', and the North Territory, especially the latter, who don't want to see him anymore.

You know, that Grand Duke Scrooge has children.

Now suddenly a person comes to share the inheritance, what do you think these children will think? What will be done?

Of course I hope that Goethe disappeared on the road.

The three armed robbers carefully approached the carriage where Goethe was. They raised their revolvers, obviously intending to fire a salvo to test the reaction in the carriage.

There was no waiting for them to pull the trigger, though.

An invisible figure passed over their necks.

Puff puff!

The dexterous, fast, and invisible [Spirit of the Blood Raven] easily won the triple kill.

The three robbers clutched their necks, their eyes widened and they fell limply to the ground.

The remaining two robbers who had been paying attention here immediately roared.

"If Goethe Wayne doesn't want these people to die, just come out obediently!"

one of them yelled.

Such a name-calling call naturally confirmed Goethe's previous guess.

These people came for him.

[Spirit of the Blood Raven] passed through the door of the corridor, but did not attack immediately, but was suspended in mid-air, allowing Goethe to clearly see a figure leaping from the crowd.

This figure was light and elegant, yet murderous. It seemed to be dancing, and before the two robbers could react, they were kicked.

Bang, bang!

Amidst the muffled sound, the two robbers fell to the ground, not to mention blood holes appearing on their chests, and their faces turned purple rapidly.

And the figure that landed lightly tapped the heel of the shoe, and the narrow blade pierced from the front of the shoe immediately retracted.

The sudden attack and corpse caused the crowd to scream again.

A middle-aged man with a tense face took out a pistol from his arms and pointed it at the passenger who had just shot suddenly. However, a revolver was the first to hit the middle-aged man on the back of the head.

"Sir, I advise you not to act rashly."

"Otherwise, my hands are shaking, but I will catch fire."

Amidst a playful voice, a man in his early 30s with a clean face stood up, greeted the previous passengers, and then muttered in a low voice: "I said there must be a hidden guy? The two of them stood There is obviously a problem with the position, many of which are blind spots, unless there is one more person here, otherwise, it is impossible to control the entire carriage."

"However, they are obviously novices. Among the guys I captured, only rookies would rob a train with only a gun, without even preparing any explosives."


The previous passenger knocked the kidnapper unconscious among the passengers with a knife, and raised his hand and pulled off the kidnapper's windbreaker, which was obviously out of character.

When the explosives inside were exposed, the face of the man with the gun turned pale.

"I knew it would be dangerous!"

"I shouldn't have followed!"

"I should have stayed in Lust!"

The voice of the man with the gun was crying.


The passenger in a sarong and veil commented on his companion, then, ignoring his companion's nagging, he turned around and walked towards the special compartment.

At this time, naturally there is no need to hide.

Besides, she had had enough of the hard beds in the first-class carriages.

She wanted a soft bed and a separate bathroom, preferably with hot water.

The train conductor behind him finally came back to his senses, and blew on the whistle vigorously.

drop! drop!

Amidst the loud and piercing whistle, the train conductor, who had just shrunk his head and dared not make a sound, shouted loudly at this time: "Hurry up and watch this guy, and deal with the corpse immediately, pay attention to those crows on the roof, don't let them damage How did these crows get here? Sure enough, the crows brought bad luck, and that’s why we suffered all these misfortunes!”

In the voice of the train conductor, the two pushed open the door of the special compartment.

In the special compartment, Goethe sat there, not surprised when he saw Xila and Swart walking in.

In fact, on the first day, when Goethe used [Spirit of Blood Raven] to investigate, he found two people.

Even if the two made a disguise.

However, in the eyes of acquaintances, the two are still too conspicuous.

However, what surprised Goethe was that Swart, who had a big beard, turned out to be very young after shaving his beard, and his face was fair, not handsome, but not ugly either.

Even, there is a little bit of bookishness.

"I grew a beard to make my career as a sheriff easier."

"After all, there are too many people who judge people by their appearance."

When Swart saw Goethe, he immediately smiled.

Immediately, the bookish atmosphere disappeared, and a wave of wretchedness began to emerge.

"You already found us?"

Sheila asked with a grim expression.

"No, I just found out."

Goethe flatly denied it.

He would never admit the fact that butter cookies tasted better after seeing Sheila gnawing on the bread while eating them.

Sheila stared at Goethe, and Goethe responded frankly.

"You see what I said, as long as we stay in the first-class compartment and don't go to the special compartment, even Goethe won't find us!"

"Damn robber!"

"If it weren't for them, we would have been able to follow the northern border smoothly!"

After confirming that there was no problem with her plan, Sheila immediately looked at Swart proudly.

Swart: ...

I'm afraid she is not a fool!

How could such a person possess extraordinary power?

Is it because stupid people have stupid blessings?

Swart thought silently in his heart, but for his own safety, the sheriff did not say it.

"Why did you follow?"

Goethe asked.

"You're not here, I'm not safe in Lust."

Swart said so.

Ever since he knew that the high priest of the 'Church of Flesh' might not be dead, the sheriff has been restless, even if Morey promised that he would protect him.

Believe Morey?

forget it!

He knew something about Morey.

It's not that Morey didn't work hard enough, but that the more he worked hard, the more accidents would happen.

So, Swart decided to save himself.

Then, subconsciously, I thought of Goethe.

Then, the sheriff was going to go to the north with Goethe.

In the eyes of the sheriff, the northern border is very dangerous, even more dangerous than Lust, but with Goethe, the sheriff believes that the danger can be saved.

After all, the previous Goethe was safe and sound every time.

The inexplicable confidence in Goethe gave the sheriff the choice at the moment.

Of course, there is one more thing: intuition!

That kind of innate intuition made the sheriff feel that he could only live by following Goethe.

And Sheila?

"We are friends and I worry about you."

"And we were also afraid that you would refuse, so we secretly followed."

Listening to the words of this lady with multiple identities, Goethe rolled his eyes.

Compared with Swart's honesty, Sheila undoubtedly lied.

The other party was not worried about him, but worried about the "mad king's legacy" he had promised.

Seeing the other party pulling his sleeve with one hand, he felt aggrieved, but he didn't dare to say it, he was just worried about his poor acting skills, and Goethe didn't expose the other party. He sat on the sofa, looked at the two and asked——

"Do you know what we're going to face?"


"The crazy revenge of those inheritors in the north!"

Sheila raised her hand first to answer.

This woman of multiple identities is proving herself.

"Sheila, where's your teacher?"

Goethe asked suddenly.


Sheila had a sad look on her face, and then she realized that she blinked at Goethe and asked, "Why did you ask my teacher?"

"It's okay, I just feel that you are lucky."

Goethe meant something.

Then, without waiting for Sheila to look again, she looked at Swart.

"Those guys are temptations, right?"

"A real opponent may appear soon!"

Swart analyzed, and then, when Goethe nodded in agreement, the sheriff immediately said: "How about we run? Go to Hallest by another road!"

Nodding Goethe couldn't help but glanced at Swart.

Swart immediately laughed.

The sheriff thought he had just said the wrong thing.

Unexpectedly, Goethe did not refute, but——

"How to run?"


Hearing Goethe's words, the sheriff perked up, and immediately began to describe his plan in full.

Goethe did not listen to Swart's plan in detail.

He just looked at the two of them.

Swart dare to speak.

Sheila dared to listen.

these two people

One is a fool who is 'good luck' but complacent.

One is a coward who has a good mind but only wants to escape.


If it becomes 'bait', it should be able to catch many people, right?

Especially that idiot, if he uses it well, it may have miraculous effects.

Immediately, Goethe's gaze at the two softened.

Swart, who was happily talking about his plan, noticed Goethe's gentle eyes, and immediately shuddered - he had seen similar eyes, and every time Goethe showed such eyes, someone would always be unlucky.

This time...

It can't be me?

Swart guessed in his heart.

Goethe turned his head and looked out of the car window.

The train had already stopped by now.

A patrol of 50 people appeared beside the train.

However, this patrol is not a police patrol.



The leading officer, noticing Goethe's sizing up, immediately showed a cold smile at Goethe, then raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up and slowly scratched across his neck.

Goethe laughed.

He tapped lightly with his fingers on the sofa.

next moment--

The group of crows that were standing still on the top of the train rose into the sky.

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