Calamity Crown

Chapter 146 'Clinic'!

"It's coming in!"

"It hurts, it hurts, take it easy, take it easy!"

On the ground floor, the 'oasis' was temporarily converted into an empty room in the infirmary. Astrid was suturing Goethe's abdominal wound, but when the steel needle just passed through Goethe's abdominal muscles, Goethe cried out for pain.

"You are a ruthless person who single-handedly killed King Jock VI, and then stuffed your intestines back. Shouldn't you be unmoved at this time?"

Astrid couldn't help but said.

"It's different. I can bear bullets, but I feel inexplicable pain from injections and stitches."

Goethe said with a straight face.


"Hiss, it hurts!"

Amidst a series of shouts, Astrid put down the needle and thread in her hand and looked at Goethe helplessly.

"Why don't you use analgesics?"

The lady suggested again.

"don't want."

"I'm weak-willed."

"It's hard to quit something that's addictive."

Goethe shook his head immediately.

He knows very well that his willpower is not very strong, once it gets contaminated with something, it will really be over—so, be sure to stay away! Be sure to stay away! Be sure to stay away!

Humans themselves are not creatures with strong willpower!

Even the most self-disciplined person is only because of a higher level of temptation!

And when faced with temptation?

Resistance is just a drop in the bucket.

Even, there will be inner demons, and they will fall into an irreversible and terrifying situation.

So, stay away from it in the first place!

The farther away the better!

I have seen too many Goethes in my hometown, and I know this all too well.

Therefore, he will not use analgesics.

Instead, choose the 'Pain Transfer Dafa'.

Just now he had started fantasizing more in his mind.

But it was too painful to rely on fantasies alone.

There must be something practical——

"Estride, go to the audio-visual room and get the fifth videotape in the third row on the second shelf, as well as the TV and VCR by the way."

Facing Goethe's order, Astrid was full of doubts.

Still, the lady complied.

When the power was turned on, the video tape was put in, and the picture and sound appeared on the TV screen, the lady was stunned.

"High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking method..."

"Hurry up! Sew up quickly!"

"Oh, alright!"

Astrid came back to her senses, and her hands speeded up to sew.

After about five minutes, a wound that ran through Goethe's entire abdomen was closed.

Only, it was stitched.

Not to the extent that the intestines will flow out.

"The rest will be left to Camilla."

The woman said while wrapping the bandage.

"Is she reliable?"

Goethe asked.

"Compared to other doctors, she is quite reliable, and she is the best doctor I know. I can't think of anyone else who can treat an injury like yours except her!"

"not to mention……"

"She's nearby!"

Astrid said, she walked towards the cab.

Goethe did not stop the other party.

He was hurt more than expected.

Even with nearly six times the physical fitness of ordinary people, the injuries to the viscera are still difficult to heal on their own, let alone a few pieces of intestines have been broken.

He can also walk on the ground, which is already incredible in the eyes of Astrid.

Goethe adjusted his sitting posture, took out the necklace and ring he took out from the palace of the 'Doomsday Fortress', and made a pendulum.

'Is Camilla reliable? '

The pendulum remained motionless.

Goethe thought for a while, and changed the term.

'Is Camilla a danger to me'

The pendulum began to rotate counterclockwise, giving a negative answer.

This made Goethe slightly relieved.

Then he asked again.

‘Is there any [Bloody Honor] nearby? '

This is not the first time Goethe asked. Before, Goethe tried such a "time-saving and labor-saving" answer, but the pendulum did not move, but this time it was different. Following his inquiry, the pendulum began to move clockwise It turned, which made Goethe happy.

"I didn't have it before, it should be true, or because the [Blood Honor] existing at the highest point of the 'Doomsday Fortress' affected my divination of other [Blood Honor]."

"And now there are, it is very likely that the gathered predators are carrying weapons contaminated with [Blood Honor]!"

Thinking of this, Goethe immediately used [Enlightenment Type V (modified version)] to drop a nearby map.

He began to divination the approximate location with the pendulum.

Soon, there will be a harvest.

Just less than 2 kilometers away from him.

Moreover, according to the self-positioning of [Enlightenment Type V (modified version)], this distance is still approaching.


'Clinic', white exterior wall, red cross.

A town with a single power furnace and 15 rooms.

There are no weapons in the town, even the residents of the town do not carry any weapons, the only weapons they rely on are two 'Defenders' - but even these two 'Defenders' are painted differently from other 'Defenders' , but with white spray paint, and a red cross on the chest, and the rotary machine gun is hidden behind it.

‘There may be death in the clinic, but no killing is allowed! '

That's what Camilla's father said.

After Camila took over the 'clinic', she upheld her father's beliefs-even if her father was shot dead by a predator who came to treat him.

"Doctor! Doctor!"

"The patient in Room 2 needs a blood transfusion!"

"Doctor! Doctor!"

"The patient in Room 4 needs surgery!"

"Doctor! Doctor!"

"The patient in Room 7 is dying!"

Nurses ran up to Camilla and said anxiously.

"The patient in Room 2 asked him to add more money, or he would die."

"The patient in Room 4 asked him to add more money, or he would die."

"The patient in room 7 gave him an electric shock, remember to double the money!"

Camilla, who was suturing a patient's broken leg, said without raising her head.

The nurses immediately dispersed to do so.

Camila straightened her waist after completing the last step of suturing.

"Go to the front desk and pick up the bill."

After saying these words, Camila, who was wearing a white coat, with her blond hair coiled up, a mask and glasses covering her real face, raised her arm, and the blood-stained gloves were immediately replaced by the nurse beside her. .

The doctor ignored the patient and started walking towards Ward No. 7.

Camila was never worried that the other party would 'run away'!

Unless the other party does not want to receive treatment next time!

Although the wasteland is chaotic, there is one thing that is generally recognized——

Don't offend the doctor!

Especially a doctor with superb medical skills and no malice!

Coincidentally, Camilla is such a doctor.

Therefore, everyone obeyed the rules tacitly.

of course there are exceptions.


"Where's the doctor? Where's the doctor?"

"Come and save me!"

A man was being carried in by four or five looters, but the man was yelling loudly, and there was no visible injury, even though he was covered in blood, he looked very scary.

"Please go and arrange..."


Before the nurse could finish her words, she was knocked to the ground by the man's slap.

"I'm dying!"

"You still let me line up!"

"hurry up!"

"I want a doctor!"

The man shouted loudly, and Camilla, who had just entered the ward, came out again and said to the nurse.

"Carry him to Ward 13."

"And you, you can go in together."

Camilla said so.

The raiders immediately carried the man inside, followed by Camilla.

After about a minute, Camilla came out.

The doctor still held his arms high, let the nurse change the blood-stained gloves, and then walked towards the No. 7 ward again, but this time, he was stopped again.

A strong man in leather armor stood in front of Camilla.

The other party lowered his head and looked at Camilla maliciously.

"Please let me go."

Without waiting for the other party to speak, Camilla spoke directly.

"you do not know me?"

The strong man was taken aback.

"Who are you?"

Camilla asked.

"I'm a friend of Lord 'Joker', and the first Bazel who responded to Lord 'Joker''s call to start a war against the 'Fortress of Doom'—the man known as the desert butcher, is me!"

The strong man gave himself a thumbs up.

"Have not heard."

"Step aside."

Camilla said indifferently.

"You're embarrassing Master Bazel!"

"Do you want me to yell out what you just did?"

"That's not in keeping with your reputation...uh."

"Desert Butcher" Bazel said threateningly, but before he could finish speaking, he felt a chill in his throat, and was pushed into room 7 by Camilla.

The moment the door was closed, blood started gushing out just as Camilla calculated.

The nurses in the room took no surprise and started to clean up the corpse.

Camila treated the unconscious predator in Ward 7 with a cold face.

"He was bleeding profusely and we spent all the blood in the blood bank to save him - remember to ask him to pay."

Camila glanced at the bloodstains on the ground that could not be cleaned up in a short time, and after making a few more cuts with a scalpel on the predator, she began to quickly sew up.

"Also, the money for stitching is included."

Camilla raised her arms habitually as she spoke.

While the nurse was helping to change the gloves, the doctor suddenly asked.

"Who is the 'clown' that fool said just now?"

"I heard that the person who completely provoked this scuffle is a terrible guy!"

"And, he also assassinated Jock VI!"

"Not only Jock VI, several commando captains of the 'Doomsday Fortress' were also killed by him!"

"There are also those famous predators, he also killed several of them!"

"He's a terrible guy anyway!"

The nurses chirped.

At this moment, they are on the edge of the battlefield. They don't know exactly what happened in the battlefield, but they have heard too much news from the mouths of some predators who participated in the melee but were injured for treatment.

Most of them are about "Joker" Jack.

Needless to say, that was a villain!

A villain who enjoys playing with people's hearts and killing others!


It seems to be able to release the demons in the heart and become a terrible wolf to devour others.

The mighty Jock VI was eaten by this demon.

The other party seemed dissatisfied, and even ate half of Jock VI's guards.

It is rumored that the other party is also very interested in smart people, and the 15 people in the research team of the 'Doomsday Fortress' have been sucked out of their minds.

Such news came from the mouths of the predators one after another.

At first, the nurses were skeptical.

But now, nurses have become convinced.

Because, all the predators who come to the treatment are saying so.

Camilla didn't believe it.

She frowned.

"The guy who is no different from the previous villains."

Saying so, the doctor walked out.

But when the door opened, Camilla froze.

The 'clinic', which was noisy before, is now silent.

Because, there is a man standing in the lobby of the 'clinic'.

A man with a cracked mouth and a penetrating smile, painted like a clown, was looking around.

Everyone was silent like a cicada, not daring to breathe.

It wasn't until Goethe looked away that he dared to take a slight breath.

And Camilla, who just dismissed Goethe, felt a tremor inexplicably when she saw Goethe's crazy face at this moment.

Especially when she and Goethe looked into each other's eyes, and found that those eyes were so calm, as calm as a lake, and after the waves were calm, her heart beat even faster.

That face was clearly insane to the extreme.

But why are your eyes so calm?

Why do tranquility and madness appear at the same time?

Moreover, the extreme sense of contrast is strangely coordinated.

People you've never seen before.

People who never imagined.

Suddenly, Camilla panicked.

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