Calamity Crown

Chapter 160 Some people use it as a bondage, while others use it as a support, but I...

The originally imprisoned miners were swapped with Svetlaland rebel soldiers.

The rebel soldiers who took off their armor and weapons were taken into the previous mine.

But not all.

Three people were released.

They also gave them the horses and dry food that originally belonged to them—these three people went to the 'Xueyuan City' to report the news.

It was also because of the departure of these three people that the entire exchange process became quite simple, and the rebel soldiers led by Svetla cooperated very well without any struggle.

They think it's all temporary.

Soon, when the 'duel' comes, they will not only be free, but also be respected and honored.

The miners who had regained their freedom would not cause trouble. Under the arrangement of Art, they returned to their respective rooms to rest, rejoicing that they survived the catastrophe.

Afterwards, the sentries and patrols were all completed under Yate's arrangement.

After doing all this, Art came outside Goethe's tent.

Not only Goethe, but all the soldiers of Hallest lived in tents, set up camps one by one according to the arrangement of the army formation, and formed a fortification relying on two mines.

"Master Goethe?"

"Come in."

The bold Yate yelled, and walked in after getting a positive answer from Goethe.

The sub-captain of the Grand Duke's Guard bowed in salute.

It is different from the polite etiquette before.

It's a kind of politeness after approval.

When Goethe issued a "duel invitation" to Enos with the "Svetla collar" as a bet, the sub-captain of the Grand Duke's Guard truly regarded Goethe as a Ke family—because, Goethe's style, It's exactly the style of the Ke family.

"Master Goethe, you were looking for me before?"

At the gesture of Goethe, Art asked after sitting down.

"Is there a 'Bailey Bear' in Svetla territory?"

Goethe asked directly.

Now that it has been decided to break the situation with a "duel", the core of the first step of the baptism ceremony "sharpening" related to soldiers must be prepared.


"'Berry Bears' are distributed throughout the northern border, of course there are in Svetla Territory, and it is summer, which is the time when Bailey Bears are most active-do you need me to help you find a Bailey Bear?"

Art guessed what Goethe was thinking almost instantly.

"Is it difficult?"


"Three... no! Two days!"

"Within two days, I will definitely help you find a healthy and fierce Bailey Bear!"

Facing Goethe's inquiry, Art immediately gave a guarantee.

Moreover, the rough captain immediately got up and left the tent.

The curtain of the tent fell and then raised again.

Sheila walked in.

This lady with multiple identities looked at Goethe with a very strange look.

After about a few seconds—

"The 'Legacy of the Mad King' is not within Svetla's territory, is it?"

While talking, Shira stared at Goethe closely, trying not to let go of any expression on Goethe's face.


Goethe rolled his eyes.

Sheila frowned.

"Are you raising doubts?"

asked the woman of multiple identities.


"If you have nothing else to do, go and rest now."

Goethe said angrily.

Unexpectedly, when Goethe finished speaking like this, Shila showed a smile.

"Sure enough, the 'Legacy of the Mad King' is within Svetla's territory, otherwise, you wouldn't have rushed all the way from Lust to the northern border, and changed the original route of choosing 'Soldier' ​​to ' Warrior'—these are things that only change after you confirm some information that only you know."

This lady with multiple identities showed a look that was not what I expected.

Goethe didn't even bother to speak.

After seeing Goethe's appearance, Shila became more and more convinced of her guess.

She reached up and grabbed Goethe's sleeve, and looked at Goethe with pleading eyes.

"Don't forget your promise!"

"Big deal, big deal... I just want a little less."

"And, I promise I won't do anything against you—I swear!"

As she said that, Sheila swears and swears.

Goethe looked at Sheila who raised her hand to swear, and inexplicably, a whalebill stork plucked its own feathers to give away appeared in his mind.

so similar.


Goethe readily agreed.

Xila jumped up happily, as if I was very smart and couldn't hide anything from me.

Then, just keeping jumping happily, he left the tent in a bouncing manner.

"Sheila's teacher must be very hard, right?"

"The reason for 'dead'."

"There is a high probability that I don't want to face such a smart 'Sila'."

Thinking about it, Goethe couldn't help but shook his head, got up and opened the tent curtain.

Swart was coming from a distance with a pot.

"Hey, supper!"

"I found bacon, potatoes, turnips, onions and bran bread in the back kitchen of the miners."

The sheriff smiled and put the pot in his hand in the middle of the tent, and then took out a dinner plate, spoon, and sliced ​​bread from the cloth bag behind him.

The potatoes were stewed very badly, the kind that became puree when pressed with a spoon, so that the soup became thicker, but with the radish in it, the thick soup was dyed a light yellow, But what whets the appetite the most is that the fat from the bacon floats on the top layer of the soup, turning the originally pale yellow soup into a golden yellow.

Goethe took a sip.

The saltiness is moderate, and then, I used my favorite way of eating - soaking the bread in the soup, letting the bread absorb the soup, and then putting it in my mouth for a sip.

It melts in the mouth, the aroma of the soup is mixed with the taste of wheat, and even the bran becomes delicious.

"Come on, try this."

Swart took out two roasted onions and handed one of them to Goethe.

The skin of the onion is charred black, but the inside is soft and crunchy.

Not contradictory.

It is a kind of fresh and tender feeling after being cooked.

"how did you do it?"

Goethe was very curious.

He has made onions, and the baked onions are completely soft, and it is impossible to achieve this level of softness and crispness.

Swart smiled smugly.

"Yes, grease!"

"Before roasting, cut a slit on the head of the onion, and drip the fat little by little. Only in this way can the onion keep a little bit of crispness-this is a secret recipe in our family!"

"My mom taught me that!"

Swart is very proud.

Goethe didn't speak, because his mouth was already full of food.

Still, a thumbs up.

It took more than an hour to eat this supper.

It wasn't a long meal. In fact, at Goethe's eating speed, he finished eating in ten minutes. The reason for the long meal was that Swart was talking about some miscellaneous things beside him.

There is life and there are dreams.

It wasn't until this time that Goethe discovered that Swart actually had the dream of becoming a 'sailor'.

"Not a sailor?"

"Probably want to travel around the world."



The sheriff laughed to himself as he spoke.

"Who didn't have any wild dreams when he was young?"

Saying such words, the sheriff began to pack the tableware, and when he walked to the tent curtain and Goethe raised the curtain, the sheriff asked in a voice that only two people could hear.

"Are you sure?"

"If you're not sure...just run!"

"Let's go to Faber!"

"It's really impossible to go to Ludeshi!"

"Just live, don't be ashamed!"

Goethe laughed.


"Leave it to me."

Goethe said so.

The sheriff stared firmly into Goethe's eyes, looking at those calm eyes without any waves, the sheriff nodded, then turned and walked towards the miner's kitchen.

Walking is much easier than before.

Goethe restrained his smile, and his expression became serious.

People have feelings.

It is difficult to remain indifferent when others treat you with sincerity.

'You are not suitable to be a killer, you are suitable to be a cook! '

When he was in his hometown, his instructor ate the noodles he cooked, and once commented on him like this - because the instructor exempted him from a punishment and allowed him to keep his fingers intact, so he used his own The insignificant points were exchanged for ingredients in the club other than nutritious meals, and they cooked a meal for the other party.


"I'm not fit to be a killer."

"Not suitable for being a cleaner."

"Even less suitable for being a bounty hunter."

"In the beginning, I really just wanted to be a cook, open a small night stall, cook my own specialty dishes, surrounded by two or three stools, put a TV and a radio, the TV should be on, but the sound is muted , turn the radio up to mid-range..."

"Unfortunately, I came here on the first day of my retirement."

Goethe subconsciously touched his trouser pocket.

However, it was empty.

No cigarettes and no lighters.

He could only lie down on his back, leaning against the bag full of coins.

Involuntarily, Gegil Ke appeared in his mind.

Then, Emlei K, Smlei K.

Next up, Scrooge K.

Finally turned back to Swart.

He felt sincerity from these people.

Such sincerity made it impossible for him to turn a blind eye.

His fingers touched the [Mad King's Ring] on the index finger of his left hand.

The cooldown time of the three dim stars is [2 days 09:59] the longest.

Therefore, he chose three days.

He hopes to give himself a little more chance.

Even if you fail in the face of the new 'secret realm', you still have a chance to stand up.


Goethe took a deep breath, and looked at the white star that was like cream, exuding alluring brilliance.

[Yes/No Consume 2000 gold grams to open the 'Secret Realm'? 】



After the affirmative answer, the light and shadow flickered in front of his eyes.

Lines of text began to appear.

【Entering the 'secret realm', judging...】

[Holding the 'secret key', the judgment is passed! 】

[The original holder of the 'Secret Realm' has died and is being judged...]

[Determine the original identity is dead! 】

[The new holder will start over with a new identity! 】


In a trance, Goethe stood in a dilapidated house.

Everything around already stinks and musty.

However, an invitation is different.

The material is high-quality and the workmanship is exquisite. Even if it is stained with blood, it is still difficult to hide the luxury. I saw the words on it——

Tickets for the 10th Unlimited Fighting Tournament (Qualifier)!

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