Calamity Crown

Chapter 164 Organize the 'Warrior'!

Green vines, star hotel.

In the largest suite, Goethe was lying in the bathtub, looking contentedly at the 'money' piled up on one side of the wall—a 10w pack, 100 packs in total.

This is all the 'compensation' he received today.

Of course, there are also people who are tough.

Still, a good beating is fine.

You can also earn an extra income.

"Cry today, laugh tomorrow, don't ask anyone to understand..."

Goethe raised his head and hummed a little tune from his hometown.


Ding dong!

After casually wiping with a bath towel, Goethe, who had put on a bathrobe, opened the door.

"Good evening, Goethe."

The knife-faced Zot greeted and pointed to the room.

Goethe didn't refuse, and let the other party walk into the room sideways.

As soon as he entered the door, Zot saw the 'wall of money'.

"Wow, that's amazing."

"It seems that you have gained more, Goethe, than you imagined!"

Zot admired, then walked to the sofa and sat down.

The member of the "Unlimited Fighting Competition" safety committee took out a cigarette and handed it to Goethe. Just like in the morning, Goethe took the cigarette, but did not light it, but put it on the side of the table.


Amidst the sound of the lighter, the flame jumped several times as the cigarette twitched.

A large amount of smoke spewed out from Zote's mouth, and began to cover the opponent's face.

"Goethe, do you know 'Deming Real Estate'?"


By the time he got the compensation in the afternoon, Goethe had already obtained information about the five major martial arts gyms, four martial arts schools, and three major companies in Lvteng City, among which 'Deming Real Estate' was one of the three major companies.

It is also the leader of real estate in Luteng City.

Zot didn't speak right away, but took another drag on his cigarette.

The 'No Limit Fighting Championships' safety committee member looked baffled.

After about two seconds, the other party spoke.

"The other party offers to fight you - if you don't want to fight, then you have to give up your ticket to the 'Tenth Unlimited Fighting Competition (Qualifier)', if..."


Goethe readily agreed.


Zot froze.

The member of the No Limit Fighting Competition' safety committee thought he heard it wrong, and immediately reiterated: "I mean, the fighters under the command of 'Deming Real Estate' are offering to fight you!"

"I said, yes."

Goethe spread his hands.

"Do you know who that boxer is?"

The other party emphasized.

"I know, 'Flame Palm' Moduo Pavilion."

Goethe replied.

In the document obtained in the afternoon, there is detailed information about the other party.

Born in the Moduoge Martial Arts School, he is very talented. He emerged at a young age. He has a fierce and tough fighting style. At the age of thirty, he has become a fighter. He swung his palm once and lit the twenty-two candles in front of him.

"Then you still..."

Zot didn't know what to say.

Although his mission here was only to serve as the safety committee of the '10th Unlimited Fighting Competition', he came to inform Goethe that it was none of his business whether Goethe agreed or not.

But Goethe's willingness to agree still made Zot curious.

However, as a qualified member of the safety committee, Zoter controlled his curiosity well.

He didn't ask any more questions.

"The boxing match will be at 12:00 noon tomorrow. It will not be open to the public. It will take place at an unfinished construction site of 'Deming Real Estate'. The competition system is 'life and death system'!"

Zoe added.

Enterprise boxing matches are different from other levels of fighting competitions. Most of the time, they will not be made public. Only some famous spectators will be invited, and the number of people will be strictly controlled.

At the same time, the competition system is more cruel.

Basically life and death.

Go up, the winner lives, the loser dies.

Of course, such a boxing match will also be accompanied by some prizes.

"What are my odds?"

Goethe, who had a simple memory, asked directly.


Zot reported an exaggerated figure.

"I press myself to win!"

Goethe pointed to the 'Money Wall' not far away. '


There are rules in boxing that you can't force yourself to lose, but force yourself to win?

Fighting at any level is encouraged.

Because this will make the contestants work harder.

Many people are happy to see this.

"Goethe, do you have anything else to ask?"

Zoe asked.


Goethe shook his head.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, I and other members of the safety committee will pick you up and put the money into the boxing pool... Then, good night, I wish you a good dream."

Zot obviously wanted to say something more, but in the end nothing was said.

Although the opponent has the name of a member of the safety committee of the '10th Unlimited Fighting Competition', in the end he is just a part-time worker and an errand runner.

real boss?

It would never appear in front of an 'unknown' boxer like him.

As for the sudden appointment of 'Deming Real Estate'?

Although Goethe was surprised, it was also reasonable.

After all, 'Smart Real Estate' is also a real estate company.

Even, maybe it is the "little brother" of "Deming Real Estate". The younger brother has been cleaned up, and the big brother will naturally come forward.


"In the 'secret realm' in front of me, the connection between enterprises is even closer than imagined!"

Goethe made such an exclamation.

His eyes were on the direction of the door.

Although the cautious Goethe stayed in a star hotel, he still needed his eyes.

[Spirit of Blood Raven] has been monitoring the entire corridor.

At this moment, a room cleaner pushing a cart appeared in the corridor.

Immediately, the other party caught Goethe's attention.

Except for special circumstances, the cleaning staff of the hotel usually only clean in the morning, and late at night?

Basically will not appear.

Under the gaze of [Spirit of Blood Raven], the other party pushed the cart to the door of Goethe's room.


He took out a small card and stuffed it in through the crack of the door.

There are no pictures of beautiful women in my impression, let alone a phone number.

There is only one line: one hour later, on the roof.

Goethe glanced at the card, but threw it on the ground without picking it up.

The experience in his hometown told him: Don't pick up the cards on the roadside!

Pick up the phone in the room——

"Hello, I'm room 8808."

"I need a supper."

"Yes, it's normal, not drinking new tea."

"I want a smooth chicken porridge, water chestnut cake and two ginger milk, one with red beans and one with coconut meat."

After explaining to the front desk, Goethe leaned on the sofa and waited quietly.

However, before supper comes.

One came first.

The other party was wearing a wide hoodie, a mask, and a huge hood covering his eyes, and came straight to Goethe's room.

Ding dong!

"The door is open."

Goethe said so.

After hearing Goethe's words, the 'guest' hesitated at this moment.

But in the end, the door was pushed open.

Goethe sat on the sofa and looked at each other.

The other party did the same, standing at the door and looking at Goethe.

Neither side spoke.

Both parties want to rely on patience to seize the initiative.

However, Goethe clearly has the upper hand.

Goethe was never short of patience, especially when it came to taking the initiative.

But the other party can't.

A faint smell of blood emanated from the other party.

Goethe's eyes aimed at the opponent's arm, and the opponent subconsciously put his right hand behind his back, and when the opponent came back to his senses, he had already completed this action.

Suddenly, the other party sighed.

"I have no ill intentions."

"I just thought we could be friends."

The other party said this, his voice was masked, and it was a little hoarse.

Goethe was noncommittal.

He had been stabbed in the back too many times, and those were all done by so-called 'friends'. As for this kind of stranger who met for the first time, who said he was a friend?

That's more.

Seeing Goethe's attitude, the other party took a deep breath.

"'Deming Real Estate' annexed everything left by 'Smart Real Estate', so, according to the secret rules among 'enterprises', they must get rid of you or absorb you into their subordinates."

"'Raging Flame Palm' Mo Duo Pavilion will definitely execute you in the cruelest way tomorrow."

"I can fight in your place!"

After the other party finished speaking, he looked at Goethe.

"Play instead of me?"

Goethe raised an eyebrow.


The other party nodded, and took off the hood and mask.

Immediately, a face of Goethe appeared.

Moreover, with a sound like popping beans, the opponent's figure also began to adjust to be the same as Goethe.

After a few seconds, Goethe looked at each other, feeling like looking in a mirror.

Crack, clap!

Goethe couldn't help applauding.

"You fight instead of me, why?"

"You don't want to be brave, do you?"

Goethe asked with a smile.

"a part of it."

"What's more, I need someone to sneak into the 'Deming Real Estate' - as long as I win the Mordo Pavilion, then you can enter the 'Deming Real Estate' openly."

The other party was quite calm.

"What if I disagree?"

"Will you force me?"

Goethe asked.


"I will take out the corresponding chips and trade with you."

The other party shook his head.

"Oh, that's how it is!"

"I want to see the weapon that once killed the descendants of the 'Martial Saint' - you don't need to give it to me, I just want to see it."

Goethe put forward his request very simply.

"You also believe in those nonsense?"

Contempt appeared on the other party's face.

To be honest, I don't know if it's an illusion, but when the other party looks at him with contempt, Goethe always has a feeling that the value of ridicule is a bit beyond the standard.

As for the nonsense the other party said?

It is an urban legend that belongs to the 'secret realm' in front of me.

Rumor has it that the 'Martial Saint' shattered the void, but left the secret of shattering the void in his blood.

Once this secret is mastered, great power can be gained.

as well as……

Shatter the void.

"Well, I believe, I haven't seen it, so I need to see it for myself-and, if you don't want to be caught, get away or hide."

Goethe said suddenly.

The other party froze for a moment, then picked up the card on the ground and rushed into the bathroom of Goethe's room.

Whoa, whoa!

The shower was turned on.

Water mist clings to the frosted glass.

And Goethe closed the door—


Kicked away.

A man broke in, and the other party ignored Goethe, his nose twitched, and his eyes were full of doubts.

Then, I saw the 'money wall'.

Immediately, greed appeared in the opponent's eyes, and without any hesitation, he drew out his dagger and rushed towards Goethe.

Immediately afterwards——

A figure was thrown out of the window on the top floor of the hotel, dancing and screaming.


In the middle of the night, an arc was drawn, and finally there was silence.

Zot, who had just left not long ago, came back again.

The member of the safety committee of the '10th Unlimited Fighting Competition' looked at Goethe helplessly, sighed, and said——

"The guy you threw down just now is a bounty hunter, he is hunting..."


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