Calamity Crown

Chapter 166 Manifestation and Absolute Domain!

Heat wave rolls back!

Flame billows!

Before the scorching palm wind fell on Goethe, he was swept back by the raging flames.

The flames of explosive level instantly enveloped Modo Pavilion.

'Flame Palm' Mo Duo Pavilion was burned to charcoal by the flames without even humming.


Four male and one female martial arts representatives exclaimed.

The student representatives of the four major martial arts schools were even more stunned.

The two men in suits were pale and trembling with fright.

Before the war, no one expected such a result.

Even Yi Yuan, the representative of the "Dongcheng Martial Arts School" who made a clear analysis, only thought that Goethe would last a little longer, but he never thought that Goethe would win.

But now, Goethe not only won.

And it was a crushing victory.


"It turned out to be 'Sage'!"

Zot, who was acting as the referee, stood there muttering to himself with an expression of disbelief.

As a member of the safety committee of the '10th Unlimited Fighting Competition', it's not that Zote has never seen powerful boxers, warriors, and even powerful fighters.

However, this was the first time he had seen a fighter who could reach the level of 'Manifesting the Holy Spirit'.

Mastering a secret martial arts can already be called a fighter.

And wanting to 'show the saint' is a realm that can only appear after raising a secret martial arts to the extreme - because not every 'secret martial arts' has the potential to 'show the saint'.

In the same way, fighters who can reach the state of "showing the saint" are all one-in-a-million.

In the entire Luteng City, there are probably only a few people who can reach this level.

That was a big man who was far out of his reach, but now it appeared in front of his eyes.

The member of the safety committee recalled the scene when he met Goethe, just like being in a dream.

On the other side of the students, Liu Xin with twin ponytails quietly asked Li Yuan beside her.

"What is 'Sanctification'?"

"That was the traditional name before, and now everyone calls it..."

"Absolute domain!"

Li Yuan replied, but her gaze was fixed on Goethe.

There was a hint of surprise in her cold eyes.

And Liu Xin on the side opened her mouth wide——

"Hey hey!!!"

"Absolute Domain?!"

"Didn't the principal say that the strong in the 'absolute field' don't need to participate in the qualifiers at all? As long as they sign up, they can directly represent the city in the competition?"

Liu Xin yelled loudly.

At this moment, Goethe walked up to the two men in suits.

"'Shan Ke Clothes'? 'Golden Gong Instant Food'?"

"Yes, yes, sir."

Facing Goethe's question, the two men in suits nodded and bowed repeatedly.

"Tell your bosses that I will have an appointment with their boxers tomorrow."

As he said that, Goethe walked up to the representative of 'Deming Real Estate' without giving them a chance to answer.

At this time, the representative of 'Deming Real Estate' was still staring at the burnt 'Flame Palm' Moduo Pavilion in a daze.

Obviously, the other party couldn't accept the fact.

But when Goethe stood in front of him, the other party quickly recovered.

"Your Excellency, this is all a misunderstanding!"

"'Deming Real Estate' is willing to compensate!"

Facing Goethe, the representative of 'Deming Real Estate' directly bowed and saluted.



"I want a weapon stained with the blood of the descendants of the 'Martial Saint'—just to observe."

Hearing the first half of Goethe's words, the representative of "Deming Real Estate" felt a sudden shock.

You must know that every weapon stained with the blood of the descendants of the "Wu Sheng" is a sky-high price, and many forces are chasing after it, even the "Deming Real Estate" can't guarantee that they can get it smoothly.

But after hearing the second half of Goethe's words, the representative immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Watching and owning are two different things.

With the influence of 'Deming Real Estate', if Goethe wants to observe a thing or two, he can still do it.

"Just to observe?"

The representative reconfirmed.

"Just watching."

Goethe said with certainty.

Then, he pointed to Zot.

That meaning couldn't be more obvious, endorsed by the safety committee of the '10th Unlimited Fighting Competition'.

Immediately, the representative made a promise.

"I'll arrange it as soon as possible—no more than three days at the most!"

The two representatives of 'Shanke Clothing' and 'Jinluo Instant Food' looked at each other with emotion on their faces.

If it is just to observe the weapons stained with the blood of the descendants of the 'Martial Saint', the two of them can do it too.

However, now is obviously not the time to speak.

We'll have to make other arrangements.

Goethe saw everything in his eyes, and there was no doubt that he had achieved his goal.

It is fake to challenge the two boxers, but it is true to find more [Blood Honor] with the strength of the other party.

Without stopping any longer, Goethe turned and walked towards the car that came.

When passing by Zot, Goethe said directly.

"Let's go, treat me to pork belly chicken."


Antique streets, deep alleys.

As soon as I walked in, the strong peppery smell hit my nostrils.

The shop is not big, with four tables.

The one with Goethe and Zoe sitting in the far corner.

The milky white soup in the casserole is rolling over the charcoal fire, and the chicken pieces stuffed into the pork belly rise and fall with the soup.

"Boss, give me fried bean curd and cordyceps flower."

Goethe raised his hand in greeting.

The fried bean curd is crispy and delicious.

Goethe chewed one piece first, then picked up one piece with his chopsticks and put it into the pot. After rolling the soup four or five times, he took it out and sucked it into his mouth.

The crispness is still two points, and it is full of rich soup, especially the peppery taste, which really whets the appetite.

After the Cordyceps flower was put into the pot, the milky white soup turned golden, and the pork belly was pierced with chopsticks. After a while, the chicken nuggets were all dyed golden. Chew the meat and bone together.

The pork belly is dipped in ginger sauce.

Pork belly is cold, ginger juice is hot.

Just neutralized.

Then, Goethe picked up the bowl of soup, stirred it a few times with a small spoon, and drank it all in one gulp.

The heat mixed with pepper began to spread from the stomach to the whole body, dispelling the coldness of early spring.


"One more pot."

As Goethe spoke, he raised his hand to signal the boss.

"Okay, just wait a moment."

The boss responded.

Goethe put down his chopsticks and waited patiently, while Zot, who was sitting across from him, was still slightly dazed.

Until now, the member of the safety committee couldn't believe that he had dinner with a fighter who had stepped into the 'absolute realm'.

In particular, Goethe's casual appearance gave Zot a slight illusion: this is an ordinary diner.

However, the image of the flames engulfing Modo Pavilion emerged in his mind, which made Zot understand what he should do.

"Your Excellency Goethe, 'Deming Real Estate' has already settled the prize money in the boxing pool. They think that 90 million is not an appropriate number - 200 million is just right."

"Do you need a card, or cash?"

Zoe asked.


Goethe said bluntly.

"Then I'll transport you back to the hotel."

"'Shan Ke Clothing' and 'Golden Luo Instant Food' contacted you through the safety committee, expressing that they are also willing to find a weapon stained with the blood of the descendants of 'Wu Sheng' for your observation-hoping to get your approval understanding."

"The representatives of the two of them also said that as long as you are willing to forgive them, they can work together to find a 'secret weapon' for you. It is not incomplete, but it can also reach the state of 'manifestation'."

Zot continued talking, keeping his eyes on Goethe.

After finding that Goethe wasn't angry at all, he was relieved.

When he received the news just now, Zoter almost quit his job—he is just a laborer, just selling his labor and time, although in a sense he is also 'working his life', but it is only in his life It's just a paragraph, and it's not meant to be 'closed in an instant'.


The bonus given by the supervisor is really too much.

The safety committee member thought about the mortgage and couldn't help but accept it.

After all, if the bonus is in hand, half of the mortgage can be paid off immediately, which greatly reduces the pressure for him—his wife can also relax a little bit, at least, he can take his wife to a restaurant for a good meal on weekends. of.

"What do you think?"

Although Goethe didn't show anything on his face, Zot asked cautiously.


Goethe nodded.

Zot was overjoyed.

The bonus is here!


It seems that Goethe had such a plan long ago?

After being apprehensive, Zouter's quality as a member of the safety committee returned again.

Immediately, he thought of the information he had read before: the blood of the descendants of the 'Martial Saint' was rumored to contain the great secret of Shattered Void.

Regarding this information, Zoter was noncommittal.

Because there are many speculations in the data, but there is no real record.

However, some things have substantial records.

For example: Among the descendants of 'Wu Sheng', there are really some people who are born with the ability to set foot in the 'Absolute Domain'.

"Can you be born to step into the 'absolute field'?"

"Well, in the information I've read - the eldest son and youngest daughter of 'Wu Sheng' were born with the 'Absolute Domain'. I don't know what level they reached, but according to the information, the two were born at the age of seven. And when he was six years old, he defeated fighters who set foot in the 'Absolute Domain'."

Zot softly told Goethe what he knew.

"The power of blood?"

Goethe narrowed his eyes slightly.

In the "Anchor World", Mrs. Burns once said that the children of some powerful superhumans are born with superhuman powers - almost the stronger the supernatural, the greater the chance that the children of the supernatural will obtain Extraordinary power.

Of course, this kind of power is at least an extraordinary person who has completed three baptisms and has his own path.

"In the 'Secret Realm' in front of you, has the 'Mad King' completed three baptisms?"

Goethe guessed.

In the previous three 'secret realms', although the 'Mad King' was already extraordinary, he obviously didn't have his own 'road', but was constantly groping.

And here, the 'mad king' has such a path.

However, the groping did not stop.

The opposite of!

The other party started a bolder 'experiment'!

Think about why the other party won the title of 'Wu Sheng'!

'Secret martial arts'!

The opponent created a 'secret weapon'!

Goethe had no way of knowing the original purpose of the other party in creating the 'Secret Weapon'.

But in the bottom of my heart, I already had a guess.

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