Calamity Crown

Chapter 177 Kickoff and Surprise!

Looking at Goethe in front of him and the invitation letter on the table, the staff of the safety committee of the '10th Unlimited Fighting Competition' were a little confused.

Although the 'Unlimited Fighting Competition' is held every ten years, they were still in school when the last competition was held, but as the people in charge of registration for this session, they don't know everything.

On the contrary, they tried their best to watch all kinds of materials and videos of previous games.

Therefore, they knew that in the last session, the first player to walk to the sign-in for the qualifiers was at 5:13—the opponent also entered the venue at 0:00.

But it took more than five hours of fighting to successfully register.

And the eighth?

It was nine o'clock in the morning before the first registration.

The seventh is at seven o'clock in the morning.

Sixth, fifth, fourth...

The memories in the minds of the two staff kept moving forward, and suddenly stopped at the first session.

In the 'First Unrestricted Fighting Competition', some people also completed the registration when the zero o'clock bell rang.

That player is...

'Martial Sage' Zhao Jingjue!

Created the 'Secret Martial Arts', founded the 'First Unlimited Fighting Competition', and finally shattered the void, the 'Martial Saint' Zhao Jingjue!


The two staff gasped.

They stared blankly at Goethe.

When Zouter came running, the two came back to their senses.

One person is responsible for registration and stamping.

One person is responsible for telling the precautions.

"Goethe player, please wait in the waiting room for the other players to assemble. A lottery ceremony will then be held."

The staff pointed to the player lounge which was temporarily converted from the park's sales point.


"Can I use the equipment inside?"

Goethe glanced at the temporary lounge, and his eyes lit up when he saw the sausage machine, popcorn machine, beverage machine, and especially when he found that there were still a lot of raw materials.

"Of course, food, water, etc. are prepared inside, and the contestants can take them by themselves."

The staff member said immediately.

Goethe walked towards the players' lounge happily.

Zot followed behind with a complicated expression on his face.

"I thought it was going to be hard."

The acting branch president of the Lvteng City Safety Committee smiled wryly.

"I'm the first one, and I seem to be very strong, and there are fifteen people after that-why take the risk of choosing me, who seems to be easy to mess with, instead of choosing the soft persimmon behind?"

As Goethe asked back, he quickly turned on the sausage machine, popcorn machine, and drink machine.

"Aiming for advantages and avoiding disadvantages?"

Zot muttered to himself.

"It can also be said to be bullying the weak and fearing the hard."

"How do you get this drink machine?"

"Zot, can you do it?"

Goethe successfully opened the sausage machine and the popcorn machine, but the drink machine was a little different, and he couldn't get it right.

"give it to me!"

"I worked part-time in a drink shop before—hey, I'm from the Wuguan!"

Zot patted his chest with a smile, and then, the interim branch president of the Luteng City Safety Committee looked at the TV screen in surprise—the contestant room had sofas and TVs in addition to food and drinks.

There are two TV sets, one is fixed at the door, and the other follows the players.

At this moment, on the TV at the door, three figures stood there.

Two men and one woman, wearing strong clothes.

The two men were wearing finger-severing gloves, and the woman was holding a long sword.

"It's Zhentian, Longxing and Juying Martial Arts Hall."

"They, together with Tianshuang and Sihai Martial Arts who gave up the invitation letter, are collectively known as the five major martial arts schools in Lvteng City."

"Zhentian Wuguan is good at palm techniques, Longxing Martial Arts is good at boxing, and Juying Wuguan is good at swordsmanship."

Zot explained for Goethe.

Then, the sub-chairman of the interim Luteng City Safety Committee sighed.

"If Tianshuang and Sihai Martial Arts hadn't given up the invitation letter, it would be a breeze to pass the preliminaries given the familiarity of the five major martial arts halls."

In fact, it is.

No matter Zot knew it, so did the people ambushing around him.

The moment the three of them stepped into Chengdong Amusement Park, an ambush appeared.

There is no need for a TV broadcast, Goethe can see more clearly with the vision of [Spirit of the Blood Raven]——

Whoosh whoosh!

Hidden weapons such as sleeve arrows, throwing knives, and locust stones shot towards the three of them in the martial arts hall like raindrops.

The clothes of the woman holding the sword fluttered, and her body was light. The long sword in her hand was like a shuttle on a loom. It shuttled quickly, and the tip of the sword could fly the hidden weapon every time.

The two standing on both sides used both fists and palms.

The boxer is powerful and has a violent personality. Every time he not only catches the hidden weapon, but also throws it back in the direction the hidden weapon came from.

The palmist is soft and erratic, seeing all directions and listening to all directions. Whenever there is a sudden hidden weapon passing through the boxer's defense, he can always make up for it in time and knock the hidden weapon away.

The three of them knew each other well and cooperated skillfully, so many hidden weapons couldn't do anything for a while.

I could only watch the three of them approaching the registration office step by step.


With a bang, a figure jumped out of the shadows.

The steel knife in his hand was raised above his head, and he slashed down heavily.


The long sword in the woman's hand in the Juying Martial Arts Hall was raised, but as soon as the two touched, the light and agile long sword nodded like a snake, and quickly tapped three times on the steel blade.

Immediately, the steel knife was knocked crookedly, and the knife holder couldn't control his body and fell from mid-air.


Make the boxer punch out and hit the knife holder.

The latter flew four or five meters away, reckless.

But then a long sword pierced through.

Unlike the slashing with the steel knife just now, the owner of this long sword is obviously on guard. The long sword is not entangled with the long sword of the woman in the Juying Martial Art Museum. The pace is fast forward and fast, and every sword attacks the enemy's vital points, but Every time the woman's long sword in the Juying Martial Art Museum was turned slightly, the opponent was forced to retreat. After three quick moves, the sword holder was injured.

The other party made a false move, backed up again, and shouted——

"Everyone came here for the invitation letter, now there is no need to talk about benevolence, justice and morality, everyone shoulder to shoulder"

With a cry, more people came out from the surrounding darkness.

While breathing, an almost airtight encirclement was formed.


Faced with such a siege, the man who used the fist in Longxing Martial Arts roared, and instead of retreating, he rushed into the encirclement alone. Immediately, the people around were overjoyed, and quickly separated from the encirclement, ready to solve one first.

But before this small encirclement circle was formed, the Boxer of Longxing Martial Arts suddenly hugged the nearest ambush, as if swinging a sledgehammer, smashing left and right.

In an instant, the small encirclement was smashed into a bigger hole.

This made the other people in the encirclement have to distract their attention, and it also gave Juying Wuguan and Zhentian Wuguan a chance to breathe. With a loud shout——

"Open the mountain!"


The dull palm wind made the scalp numb, and a pair of fleshy palms hit the ambusher beside him heavily, and the latter immediately flew up like rolling wood and rocks, hitting more people, a group of people with strong force It became a ground gourd.

Immediately, the encirclement was also broken.

The two encirclements were breached at the same time.


The woman from the Juying Martial Arts Hall shouted, holding a sword in one hand, and grabbed the pale-faced Zhentian Martial Arts Master with the other, and rushed forward.

Obviously, the slap just now made the envoy of Zhentian Martial Arts lose his combat effectiveness.

The boxer of Longxing Martial Arts followed after, holding the dead ambusher in his hand, waving it non-stop.

"Stop them!"

"They're dying!"

Someone in the ambush shouted.

But before he finished speaking, he saw the long sword in the hands of the woman in the Juying Martial Arts Hall turned into a prickly pistol, and the blade was frosty, piercing through her chest.

The lurker who just shouted looked down at the long sword on his chest in disbelief, and immediately fell to the ground as the long sword was pulled out.

The woman in the Juying Martial Arts Hall also swayed.

Then, the two people including the woman from Juying Martial Arts and the envoy of Zhentian Martial Arts were picked up by the boxer from Longxing Martial Arts. He rushed everywhere, completely ignoring the fists, feet and swords coming towards him.

bang bang bang!

Ding ding ding!

The boxer who hit the Longxing Martial Arts Hall with his fist and foot felt defeated.

The sword hits the boxer in Longxing Martial Arts like hitting metal.

"Iron cloth shirt!"

Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

But the attack did not stop at all, but intensified.

Gradually, the Longxing Martial Arts Museum caused scars to appear on the boxers.

Iron cloth shirt is not a panacea.

If you exceed the upper limit, you will still be injured.

One wound, two wounds.

Gradually, the boxer of Longxing Martial Arts turned into a blood gourd, but the boxer still carried his two companions firmly and rushed to the registration office.

"Sign up for Zhentian, Longxing, and Juying Martial Arts!"

The boxer shouted loudly.

Three invitation letters fell on the table.

The attack stopped instantly.

According to the regulations, once the invitation letter of the contestant landed on the table, it was considered as having successfully passed the preliminaries.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a secret martial art as the 'Iron Cloth Shirt' in Long Xing Martial Arts Hall."

"Also Zhentian Martial Art's 'Secret Martial Arts. Mountain Opening Palm' is also very powerful."

"Combined with the 'Secret Martial Arts. Sancai Sword' of the Juying Martial Arts Hall is really skillful, and they obviously made a careful plan-using the boxer of the Dragon-shaped Martial Arts Hall as bait to attract people around, but it is actually a layout , 'Kaishan Palm' opens the gap, and 'Sancai Sword' kills and establishes power."

Watching the broadcast on the TV, Zot couldn't help but admire.

Goethe took out the sausage from the refrigerator noncommittally.

The coordination is real.

It is true that there is a plan.

But being able to break through so many ambushers is...


In the [Spirit of the Blood Raven]'s field of vision, only one-third of the ambushers took action, and more people just watched from the sidelines.


It may be because of the scruples about the force of the three.

It is more likely to be concerned about the power of the three martial arts schools.

After all, in the arena, it's not about fighting and killing, but about the ways of the world.

It's like grilled sausage, not only has the original flavor, but also black pepper.

The former is meaty and crispy.

The latter is spicy and tempting.

Especially when the heat reaches a certain level, when the skin of the casing cracks with a 'snap', exposing the fat and tender meat, it is the most delicious time for a grilled sausage.

Goethe picked up bamboo sticks and skewered two, and then put more sausages in the oven.

"It's a pity that there is no charcoal fire, otherwise it will be more delicious."

Goethe said so.

Zuo Te nodded and said nothing.

The sub-chairman of the interim Luteng City Safety Committee once again attracted his attention to the TV.

A total of seven people appeared in front of the Chengdong Amusement Park.

The six men in black armor and black helmets held long spears, bows and crossbows on their backs, and long swords on their waists. They were murderous all over their bodies.

A person in a long white dress, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a cute face and a ball head, is looking around curiously.

"This is the registration place for the qualifiers in Luteng City?"

"Yes, miss."

said one of the six.

"Well, let's hurry up and sign up, I can't wait to meet the guy."

The girl said immediately.

"Yes, miss."

The man among the six answered like this.

There was no change in their voices or intonations, just like the spears in their hands, every shot was just right, no more, no less... fatal.

For every shot fired, one person was killed.

As for the people ambushing around, no matter if they were hidden weapons or weapons, they were useless against the black armor.

As for attacking the girl?

The ambushers couldn't see the girl surrounded by six people.

Obviously there are only six people, but they seem to be like thousands of horses, making the ambushers terrified.

go ahead! go ahead!

The six people in black armor walked forward like hell ghosts, leaving behind a lot of dead bodies.

"Army formation?!"

Zot exclaimed.

When the girl took out seven invitation letters and put them in front of the registration staff with a smile, she blurted out a word——

"The Qin family!"


"Does anyone in Luteng City know about our family?"

The girl gave Zot a surprised look, but then stared straight at Goethe.

"Your name is Goethe?"

The girl gritted her teeth and stared, trying to make herself look a bit fierce, but her eyes couldn't help but glance at the sausage in Goethe's hand, and the corners of her mouth almost leaked.

Goethe said nothing.

The girl took two steps forward, stood in front of Goethe with her hips akimbo, and said in a louder voice while twitching her nose.

"Tell you, sister Xie Wan and Xie Ling will not marry you, they asked me to tell you..."

"Do you want to eat sausage?"


As soon as the girl took the sausage from Goethe, she stuffed it into her mouth.

"It's so hot and big."

The girl was about to burst into tears, and Goethe immediately handed over a glass of iced drink.

"Thank you... Uh, let me tell you, even if you please me, it's useless. Sister Xie Wan and Xie Ling are..."

"Would you like to try the pepper sausage?"

Goethe handed over another sausage.


As soon as the girl took it, she completely forgot that she was burned before, and was about to stuff it into her mouth.

The leader of the six armored soldiers at the side hesitated for a moment, and softly persuaded.

"Miss, Madame said you could only have one apple for dinner."

"A boiled egg in the morning, chicken breast and broccoli at noon, and apples in the evening—I'm not fat anymore!"

The girl glared at her retainer.

The soldiers stood there expectantly, not knowing what to do.

Zot quietly walked up to Goethe, without moving his mouth, explaining with a humming sound.

"The Qin family moved overseas to Yinhuan Island eighty years ago. The current patriarch, Qin Wulie, killed the seven pirate kings with Lieyang Palm and Lihuo Jue. He is known as the number one master overseas. Beauty, and then... the number one overseas beauty gained more than 200 catties after marriage, and the two sons she gave birth to are also fat, so strictly control her daughters and prohibit eating all fattening foods."

Hearing such an explanation, Goethe smiled a little more.

"I have freshly popped popcorn here, would you like some?"

Goethe said to the girl.

"it's not good."

As the girl said this, she leaned over honestly, looking at the popcorn in Goethe's hand with bright eyes.

Goethe handed it over with a smile, and asked softly when the girl had taken two bites and the whole person squinted her eyes happily——

"Can I see your gloves?"

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