Calamity Crown

Chapter 191 On How to Improve the Success Rate!

Where there is light, there is shadow.

Under the calm water surface, there is a turbulent undercurrent.

The glamorous Tesin royal family has too much filth behind it.

Naturally, some people were born to deal with such nasty things.

However, most of them are Ronald Modeus George's 'motley crew'.

There is also a 'regular army' known to the 'Night Watch', trained by Mossaryk Modeus George.

And the real elite has always been in the hands of George VI.

Their names are not known.

Their behavior is also hidden in the shadows.

There is only one unified name left: hyena.

Number 31 is a 'hyena'.

This time, he brought three 'puppies' into the northern border and hid in Enos' entourage. is activated.

The smoke bombs were taken out.

Number 31 knows it all.

As for who did it?

No. 31 does not know.

He just reported the truth, and then, based on the situation in front of him, he judged the most favorable plan and started to implement it.

Just like always.

"Head dog, we have found out that there is a Bailey bear in the lonely mountain cave 10 miles ahead!"

31-1, 31-2 stepped out of the shadows quickly, reporting in a low voice.

"Head dog, the target has been resting, and there is no suspicious person around."

The message of 31-3 is sent back at the same time.

No. 31 nodded slightly.

Everything is as he expected.

Although the King of the North is terrifying, "Hyena" has been collecting information about the "Ke family" for so many years—after countless people died, some information gradually became clear.

For example: when the "Ke Family" was baptized for the first time, he had to fight Bailey Bear alone with his bare hands to obtain Bailey Bear's heart.

When I got this news, 'Hyena' directly dispatched half of its dogs, leading their pups, to kill all the 'Bailey Bears' in the north and cut off the inheritance of the 'Ke family' from the root. .


Got it!

The King of the North set a trap, and the Hyena suffered heavy losses.

Afterwards, it was found out that the king of the North deliberately leaked the news that countless people had died. The leader of the 'Hyena' was even more angry and vomited blood.

All the 'hyena' dogs led their puppies to rest for two years before gradually returning to life.

Also after this battle, all the'hyenas' have a sense of fear towards the northern border.

Number 31 is no exception.

According to his previous style, he would definitely kill the 'Bailey Bear' first, so that Goethe could not complete the baptism in a short period of time, and then arrange the killing.

But when I think of the King of the North.

The plan on the 31st has become conservative: wait until Goethe kills 'Bailey Bear' and is exhausted before doing it.

This has a higher success rate!

Even if it doesn't fit the hyena style.

"No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 take turns to guard and monitor Goethe."

No. 31 said.

"Yes, head dog!"

The three pups sprang into action immediately.

Number 31 is to close your eyes and meditate.

But I don't know why, but there is always a feeling of uneasiness in my heart.

This uneasiness is also one of the important reasons why he has become conservative.

Quack, quack!

A crow crowed in the distance.

The ominous black is so conspicuous at night.

"Damn Northern Crow!"

No. 31 frowned, but did not act.

In addition to the cold, ice and snow, and pine forests in the north, the most animals are rabbits, foxes, wolves, bears, and crows.

Especially rabbits and crows, there are too many to count.

When I was in Bode, not to mention seeing thousands of flocks of crows, even if hundreds of them appeared, it was enough to attract people's attention and become the big news of the day-there must be a certain newspaper reporting 'disaster Advent' nonsense!


That's just...


A sudden scream interrupted No. 31's thoughts.

This 'hyena' immediately stood up and used a 'secret technique' to contact his pups 1, 2, and 3.

As a result, No. 3 did not answer.

"No. 1 and No. 2, return to the 'camp'."

After giving the order, No. 31 fled into the shadows aside.

No. 31-1 and No. 31-2 puppies quickly returned to the 'camp', and the two who didn't see the head dog didn't panic at all, but dispersed and hid quite skillfully.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Number 31 stared around in the shadows, but no one appeared at all.

Suddenly, that bad premonition reappeared.

For no reason, he felt that many pairs of eyes were staring at him.


But it was a crow.


crow? !

No. 31 was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted.


quack quack!

Before the order from the bottom of my heart was issued, four or five hundred crows rushed towards the hiding places of No. 1 and No. 2.

A pup who has completed a baptism is not a weak hand, but a strong one compared to ordinary people. Even facing a team of 10 fully armed soldiers, he can still go back and forth. If Properly arranged, it can be easily taken down.

But that's with people.

Facing the sudden crow, No. 31-1 and No. 31-2, who thought they were facing human enemies, were caught off guard.

And this means the end of the battle.

Because Goethe put poison on the crow's paw.

Not all crows, just a few.

The toxin isn't deadly either, just paralyzing.

But that's enough!

31-1 and 31-2 were swinging daggers more and more slowly, and the bullets in the revolvers had already been fired, and the crows swooped down one after another, taking away more flesh and blood from the two of them.

It's over!

When No. 31 saw this, he knew that his two puppies were finished.

Without any hesitation, No. 31 dropped a bomb on the spot, and immediately changed his hiding position—since the crow is the opponent's eyes, then the opponent must have seen his hiding place, and staying where he is will only be passively beaten.

As for saving the puppies?

It's even more unnecessary.

Once the 'hyena' loses the shelter of the shadow, it will face death.

What's more, the head dog is still there, and there are a lot of puppies.

quack quack!

But before No. 31 could stand firmly in the new hiding place, a group of crows rushed down, the black was mixed with a few wisps of bright red, and a breath of death rushed towards the face, almost instinctively, No. 31 ran away again.



Boom boom boom!

Ten explosions in a row.

'Hyena' No. 31 head dog was badly injured.

The legs are gone.

Half of the upper body is gone.

However, the physique of completing three baptisms and the additional 'secret technique' kept No. 31 alive.

He stared at the only remaining eye, looking for Goethe.

That's right!

It is Goethe!

If he still can't react by this time, he doesn't deserve to be the No. 31 dog.


Blood gushed out of his throat along with coughing.

Dog No. 31 didn't care.

He knew he couldn't survive.

Unless the leader appears, otherwise, he will only die.

But he would rather die like this.

Because, the leader will definitely save him when he appears, but he will definitely be punished if he fails in the mission. Facing such a punishment, he would rather choose to die now.

Of course, it would be great if he could catch Goethe before he died!

Unfortunately, Goethe did not show up at all.

It was the crow that fell!

quack quack!


The ominous tweet was mixed with the unwillingness of No. 31 when he was dying.


Eventually, the explosion overshadowed everything.

Number 31 blew himself up with a secret technique.

After submerging the oncoming crow, No. 31 was smashed to pieces.


The battle is not over.

Four figures suddenly appeared from behind. They had a clear purpose and went straight to Goethe who was hiding on one side.

Dog No. 32 looked at Goethe's slightly surprised eyes and couldn't help smiling.

"Do you know why 'Hyena' has a 100% mission completion rate?"

"Because, we usually prepare two groups of people!"

"Master Goethe, are you surprised?"

Dog 32 asked politely.

Unlike the silent and succinct type 31, the 32 is more willing to talk.


Enjoy the taste of the winner even more.

The three puppies under him surrounded Goethe expressionlessly.



"But I doubt it. How did you get your so-called 100% mission completion rate?"

"Just because you use two waves every time?"

Goethe asked back.

Immediately, the No. 32 dog's face sank.

"Hyena" is of course not really 100% mission completion rate.

After the last time the northern border fell into the sand, the myth of the 'hyena' was broken.

And now?

Facing Goethe's question, the other party only thought that Goethe was mocking them.

Immediately, the No. 32 dog laughed.

That malicious smile.

"very good!"

"Master Goethe, you have angered me!"

"I was going to give you a decent death!"


"I'll let you experience the most humiliating way of death—I heard that you are a clean freak, right? You can't stand facing a slut like Enos, so how about another man?"

Dog No. 32 speaks disgusting words.

The three puppies rushed up.

It is still a short sword and a revolver.

The revolver shot at close range, and the short sword pierced the vitals.

Goethe didn't dodge, a layer of invisible force field appeared on the surface of his skin, when bullets and daggers pierced the leather armor, ripples immediately appeared in this layer of invisible force field.

The bullets and daggers of the three puppies were blocked.

The [Shadow Serpent Dagger] in Goethe's hand passed over the throat of one of the pups.

The remaining two puppies did not back down and continued to attack wildly.

In the end, the force field shield brought by [Spiritual Armor] was broken.

And there was only one pup left.

There were also 6 shallow wounds on Goethe's body.


The pup rushed up again.

Goethe raised his hand and drew out [Sly Spear], activated [Burst Shot] to headshot the opponent with one shot.

The head of the last pup was blown away.

But dog 32 is clapping.

slap, slap

"Skillful [Spiritual Armor], but after being broken once, it takes 12 seconds to build!"

"And these crows, you spent a lot of time raising them, didn't you?"

"It's a pity that there are only so many left now."

"Master Goethe, do you have any cards left?"

"If not……"

"I'm about to make a move!"

No. 32 licked his lips, looking impatient.

Goethe was silently counting the time.

3... 2... 1!

When No. 32 rushed up, it was just right—


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