Calamity Crown

Chapter 194 Strive to be sure!


When Goethe and Art punched each other, and the latter grinned and took a step back with his palms in his hands, Goethe raised his eyebrows—although the two sides were competing, they both reached the point.

Goethe did not use many secret techniques and breathing techniques.

Art also didn't use the 'warrior' technique.

It is the match of 【body】.

There is no doubt that Goethe's [body] still has the upper hand when facing Arter who has been baptized three times.

Yate is not a parallel importer with three baptisms. Although it is not three extreme baptisms, he has also completed one.

Therefore, Goethe was able to assess the strength of himself and Kendalls in more detail.

In fact, in the last punch, Goethe completed one-third of the preparations for the decisive battle again.

It was only when Art suddenly punched again that Goethe responded.

But it is different from the previous momentum.

This time, as soon as he touched Goethe, he felt that Art's fist was powerless.

Not weak and weak.


Gained strength.

This made Goethe puzzled.

Facing Goethe's doubts, Yate was full of admiration.

"Your really great!"

Art wanted to find a more appropriate word to describe it, but after thinking about it for a long time, he chose to use the most direct one.

Moreover, after saying this sentence, the admiration on the face of the Grand Duke's Fourth Guard Captain disappeared, leaving only a touch of pain and the corner of his eye constantly scanning Silin.

Silin on the side had a faint helplessness on his face.

Silin, the ninth captain of the Grand Duke's Guard——following the return of 'Gejir' a day ago, this ninth captain also appeared in the camp.

Different from Art's armor and long sword, this lady's gown, hood, and although she has a thin sword at her waist, the staff in her hand that is as tall as a person is even more eye-catching.

Orange-red hair, eyebrows, deep-set eyes, and a soft face, but Goethe was taken aback when he changed from the 'Girl' look back to his own for the first time.

Because, before that, Goethe did not recognize the true identity of the other party.

Heartbeat, smell.

There is no flaw at all.


It is exactly the same as Gejill.

At the same time, Goethe also knew the 'occupation' of the other party after three baptisms: Warlock!

Goethe was naturally curious about yet another profession appearing in front of him.

But it's different from the somewhat familiar Art.

Sirin avoided Goethe a little.

In other words, Silin is not used to talking to strangers.

But to your own people?

Silin was quite tolerant.

After seeing Yate's painful appearance and constantly shaking his hands, Silin raised his hand and cast a radiance.

A faint radiance enveloped Yate.

By the way, Goethe is also wrapped in it.

Goethe could clearly feel his physical strength recovering.

And Art?

Zheng Chong Silin showed a foolish smile.

The rough face of the fourth captain of the Grand Duke's Guard immediately became a little silly.

Under such eyes, Siling smiled at Goethe, bowed politely, and turned to leave——with the departure of the other party, an invisible barrier was broken.

This is a barrier set up to prevent prying eyes.

Art wanted to chase, but he didn't dare to chase.

Finally, scratching his head, he looked at Goethe with a wry smile.

Goethe rolled his eyes.

At this time, Goethe had already seen what Art wanted to do.

Get close to Silin in the name of being injured.

Looks like a good approach.

It's a pity that Silin saw through it.

"Do you think I'm cowardly?"

asked the fourth captain of the Grand Duke's Guard.

Goethe nodded without hesitation.

Immediately, Art stared, but immediately sighed.

"20 years ago, when I saw Silin for the first time, I fell in love with her—you know? At that time, Silin killed a group of bandits with a wooden stick and saved her. Reckless me."

"At that time, I had completed my first baptism, but I accidentally fell into a trap, my whole body was paralyzed, and I was hung on a tree by those guys, ready to disembowel myself."

"When the dagger touched my skin, Sirin appeared."

"In an instant, the world is bright..."

Art sat aside and chatted with Goethe.

Goethe listened with great interest.

Not gossip, just plain curiosity.

Then, there was an unexpected harvest——

"Are you saying that I have been secretly in love with Silin for 20 years and dare not confess, that is too cowardly?"

"It's not that I don't want to..."

"I dare not!"

"She is a born warlock—a powerful existence that can become a professional without baptism!"

"And, as the years go by, her blood is getting stronger and stronger, and it will only get stronger!"

"but me?"

"Even if I tried my best to complete three baptisms, my potential has already come to an end, and it is impossible to advance again. I may not be able to see it now, but as time goes by, after old age and frailty, I may even hold a sword Stop moving!"

Art told a piece of information that Goethe didn't know.

"Natural Warlock?"

"Well, a born warlock!"

"Some second-tier professionals, or even descendants of higher-level professionals, are naturally extraordinary—called warlocks!"

"Silin's father is said to be a nobleman from Faber. He met Silin's mother by accident, but he abandoned them when Selin's mother was pregnant——MD, bullshit Fabol nobleman, a group of roosters in heat!"

As Art said, he became annoyed and hammered the stone beside him heavily.


The stone split directly.

And the fourth captain of the Grand Duke's Guard was still aggrieved.

"Sooner or later I'll go to Faber and find that bastard, and hang him up and give him five thousand lashes."

"You might as well just kill him."

"That's too cheap for him. You don't know Sirin at the time. You don't like men, you can't even laugh. I was beaten 267 times to make Silin laugh. This is the first time I saw Silin. laugh."

"If it weren't for this bastard, would I have been beaten so many times?"

Art plausible.

Then, the conversation changed.

"So, Goethe, don't misunderstand Silin. It's not that she doesn't want to pay attention to you, but she doesn't know how to get along with you."

"She's a really nice person!"

Goethe nodded wisely again.

Art immediately laughed and continued with the long description.

Goethe remained silent.

For a man like this who is caught up in himself, it's best not to say much.

At this time, you can sigh the magic of love.

But there is absolutely no denying his efforts.


Friends may not have to do it.

Knowing this, Goethe was the listener for an hour.

Afterwards, on the topic of "Silin", it ended with a smile on Arter's face and a dynamic sentence - "I can definitely touch her", thus ending.

"That fellow Kendall's sword is fast!"

"But with your body, Master Goethe, as long as you restrain his speed, that guy has nothing to worry about, he can kill him with one punch!"

Art talked about the topic that Goethe cared most about.

"How fast is his sword?"

Goethe asked.

"can not say it clearly."

"I haven't really played against him, but when he played against 'Skess' before, he remained unbeaten in ten strokes-of course Skess didn't make a full shot, and he had both hands intact at that time."

"Though Skirs once said of him, saying..."

"Kendi Erce has the potential to advance from a 'swordsman' to a 'swordsman'."

"But that was before!"


"It is estimated that there is only one arm left, and it has been abandoned for so long. Half, no, one third of the strength is not bad!"

Sikes, the first captain of the Grand Duke's Guard, is also the strongest one in the Grand Duke's Guard.

At this moment, following the Grand Duke to the border, he is the best guard around the Grand Duke and the guardian knight of the 'Ke Family'.

"A second-tier professional?"

Goethe murmured softly.

Goethe was noncommittal about Arter's optimism.

He has never thought of victory before thinking of defeat.

Habitual planning for a rainy day.

Especially under conditions.

Involuntarily, Goethe looked at the ring of the Mad King on the index finger of his left hand.

At sunrise tomorrow, it will be the day of the duel.

The 'secret realm' of the three dim stars has all been cooled down.

The white star also has a cooling time of [46 days, 15 hours and 00 minutes].

Besides these four secrets, gray stars also appeared in front of Goethe.

[Yes/No Consume 10,000 gold grams to enter the secret realm? 】


Goethe directly chose no.

He has no money.

Moreover, when the gray star could enter, Goethe felt palpitations inexplicably.

As the [heart] became stronger, Goethe believed in his intuition.

He knew that he would face great danger entering the gray star at this stage, just like the joy he felt from the heart when he looked at the white star.

The 'secret realm' represented by the white stars is what he needs most.

Unfortunately, the cooling time is too long.

As a last resort, Goethe looked at the three dim stars.

Same as when entering before, it still consumes 500 gold grams.

This relieved Goethe, who was worried about any additional conditions.

He now owns 1750 gold grams, 6 silver cords, 5 and a half copper horns, including 1000 gold grams borrowed from Sheila and 300 gold tickets from Swart, which is enough for him to re-enter the 'secret realm' of the three dim stars up.

So here comes the question?

Which one should I start with?

The right choice is half the battle.

Goethe had tried divination before.

But the mysterious elements of the "Anchor World" are too strong, and the [Shadow Snake Tail Devouring Technique] doesn't work at all.

"My purpose of entering the 'Secret Realm' basically remains the same, it is still [Bloody Honor]!"

"If possible, by the way, accumulate the conditions required to complete more baptisms!"

"That place is full of madness like a 'wasteland', there are too many uncertain factors, give up first!"

"The city hides mystery and appears as an urban legend. When it finally leaves, it makes too much noise, which may cause unnecessary troubles. And his adoptive father in name, just hearing the name makes him feel bigger. Trouble!"

"Hestings, who was the first to wear the 'Poirot Marple' vest, is much safer. Although there are still some remnants, the general direction has been resolved, and 'Poirot Marple' has royal advisors status, Andinand also inherited the position of Grand Duke, and Graz Jr. became the king—it seems that it will be easier to enter here again."

"Moreover, [Blood Honor] is the legacy of the Dark Dynasty, and there must be [Blood Honor] in the treasure chests of the royal families of various countries!"

After divination lost its effect, Goethe began to analyze rationally.

In the end, during the final third of the duel, Goethe chose to return to the 'secret realm' he entered for the first time.

Patting the dust off his body, Goethe headed towards the camp.

"Goethe, what are you doing?"

Art was taken aback.

"Have a meal!"

Since you are going to travel far, it is natural that you need to have a good meal.

Especially considering the cooking skills of one of the maids at 11 Kimmel Street...

Goethe frowned slightly.

He suddenly felt that his analysis had missed a rather crucial point.

Therefore, when Goethe chose to enter this 'secret realm', the 'anchor world' was already dark.

Hesitated for hours.

analyzed several times.

Goethe finally chose here.

For this reason, he did a lot of psychological construction for himself, and ate an extra dinner.

However, when Goethe actually returned to No. 11 Kimmel Street, he was taken aback.

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