Calamity Crown

Chapter 263 Alienation Upgrade! (Seeking a monthly ticket~asking for a subscription~)

Goethe rubbed the tip of his nose with surprise in his eyes.

However, then he subconsciously looked down.

The brass-like 'Mad King's Ring' was filled with a different kind of light.

Fog once again shrouded the space that was darker and deeper than night.

This time, though, the fog wasn't gray.

But a strange white.

Moreover, it is extremely rich.

The secret realm representing 'folk customs' began to flicker.

Not just life.

And there's...


It's like the sun that should be warm has lost its temperature, but it still brings an inexplicable light.

It's contradictory and weird.

Under Goethe's gaze, the light of the stars is finally constant.

Words begin to appear—

['Secret Realm' is being upgraded...]

[Judgment failed! 】

[‘Secret Realm’ Alienation Upgrade Judgment…]

【Judgment successful! 】

[Determining the alienation of the 'key' holder to speed up the 'world', helping the world to complete the alienation upgrade, judging...]

[Judgment passed! 】

[The holder of the 'key' gains a trace of alienated 'power of the world'! 】

[Alienation of the 'power of the world' and the holder of the 'key' are fused, judging...]


Hoo, hoo.

The gust of wind rang in his ears, and Goethe realized that he had turned into a seven or eight-year-old child in the sense of bumps. At this moment, he was riding on a giant bear.

The giant bear is more than three meters high on all fours, and it runs extremely fast.

This made the child Goethe extremely excited and joyful.

Every moment is cheering loudly.

The sun rises and the sun sets, and Goethe, who looks like a child, is just playing around all day long.

In the evening, the giant bear carried Goethe back to the tribe that he had seen once and remembered in his heart.

After the giant bear put Goethe down, he returned to the forest, and Goethe fell into a deep sleep.

Half asleep and half awake, a piercing voice sounded.


The tribe was besieged by countless wolves.

The leader and the men of the tribe took up arms and confronted the wolves.

The women of the tribe took their children and the elderly to retreat to the canyon deep in the forest.

The pack of wolves spotted the retreating old and weak women and children, and immediately started chasing them.

The tribal leaders and men went to battle immediately.

Sticks, bone sticks, and stones are their weapons.

Every blow caused the bones and flesh of these wolves to be shattered, and their internal organs exploded.

But the wolves did not back down.

They chased the old and weak women and children of the tribe step by step.


The childlike Goethe faced the chasing wolves, picked up the stones on the ground and was about to fight, but was stopped by the old people. The old people stood up and formed a human wall, letting the children and women go first.

They may not be able to fight.

But they were able to delay the progress of the wolves.

The wooden stick in the hand can become a weapon.

Fists and teeth can also be weapons.

When they were devoured by the pack of wolves again, the old people fought back in their own way.

The woman continued to flee with the children.

The fleeing children watched the old people willingly buried in the mouth of the wolves, but also to drag the wolves, tears flowed down unconsciously, and whimpered from their mouths.

The childlike Goethe gritted his teeth.

The stone in his hand will be crushed by him.

When someone wanted to stay behind to block the advance of the wolves, Goethe stayed.

Around him stood a dozen or so children of about the same age.

Some women also stayed.

The wolves swarmed, and Goethe waved the stone in his hand, killing one wolf after another until the stone in his hand shattered, and he chose to bite—the hot wolf blood stimulated his stomach and nerves.

He was already far stronger than his peers, and his body became stronger and stronger.

What was even more frightening was that his teeth became sharp and his palm nails became sharp.

He could tear a wolf apart with one claw now.

He can kill a wolf with one mouth.



There are too many wolves in the pack.

He eventually collapsed.

He fell among the wolves, and just as the wolves were eating him, he heard the roar of a bear.

He looked in the direction of the roar in surprise.

Then the eyes dimmed.

A huge white wave bit the back of his neck, and his neck broke directly.

At the last moment, he saw the giant bear again.

No longer the one that carried him.

It was the giant bear that covered the sky and the sun when he was born.

Looking at the tribe that suffered heavy casualties, the giant bear roared again and again, and rushed into the battlefield.


After that Goethe didn't know.

He woke up from the hallucination, he instinctively raised his hand to touch the back of his neck, his face was pale, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was panting heavily.

Whew, wheeze.

The scene of just dying is too real.

So real, he almost thought he was really dead.

The next moment, the text continued to emerge——

[Judgment passed! 】

[The holder of the 'key' completes the alienation essence! 】

[The 'key' holder 'Human' is alienated into 'Human (Black Iron. Alienation)'! 】

[Humanity (Black Iron. Alienation): The traits of the long-lived species hidden deep in the soul, after being fused by a trace of world power, there is a trace of alienation that you don't know at all, and the remaining traits become complete and special , you become smarter, you can master more skills in an instant, and you can also have a stronger and faster body than others, and your recovery speed has also become faster again, and you have even begun to touch a little bit of it in a real sense The special talent of your ancestors - now you, of course, are not the so-called longevity species, but you have talents that ordinary people can't match, and at the same time, you have more possibilities! 】

[Effect 1: Heart +1.0, Skill +4, Body +4]

[Effect 2: Hand-to-hand combat (Extraordinary III→Extraordinary IV)]

[Effect 3: Celtic Blood Sacrifice. White Wolf (alienation. Incomplete)]



"Is it because of the 'all things return to one'?"

Goethe guessed.

Then the whispers appeared in his ears again.

The pain came as promised.

However, there was no pain as imagined.

Not only because of his adaptation, but also because his [body] became stronger and stronger, and his [heart] made his nerves more and more tough, able to endure such pain.

In a shorter time than before, Goethe completed the promotion of [Unarmed Combat].

[Unarmed Combat (Extraordinary IV): You, who are talented and hardworking, have broken through the limit time and time again. Now your unarmed combat has stepped into a wider world, and you are still moving forward]

[Effect: body +7.0 (basic, beginner, proficient, proficient, expert, master, unparalleled 0.1, extraordinary +0.5, extraordinary Ⅰ+0.6, extraordinary Ⅱ+0.7, extraordinary Ⅲ+1.5, extraordinary Ⅳ+3), skill +6.9 (Beginner, Skilled, Mastery, Expert, Master, Unparalleled 0.1, Extraordinary +0.5, Extraordinary I+0.6, Extraordinary II+0.7, Extraordinary III+1.5, Extraordinary IV+3)]

[Extraordinary Ⅳ: Beyond ordinary skills, another breakthrough opened up a whole new world for you. When you attack with bare hands, you will get an additional "chariot-level" attack effect. When facing invisible objects, you will also will have the same effect]

[Armor-piercing: Your hands are the most dexterous and deadly weapons, even against heavily armored enemies, you can still give them a fatal blow; when you face armored creatures (including but not limited to Armor, force field shield), the extra damage of 'chariot level' will explode in the opponent's body with the attack effect of 'dynamite level']

(proficient option omitted)


Goethe was a little unaccustomed to the gradually familiar pain.

He still remembered the feeling of dying when he broke through the extraordinary in [Unarmed Combat] for the first time.

And now?

It turned out to be a bit 'tasteless'.

More importantly, the feeling of limit is still absent.

To put it simply, advancing from the current [Unarmed Combat (Extraordinary IV]) to the next level is still not the ultimate level at this stage, and special effects like [Armor Piercing] cannot appear.

And the demand for [Bloody Honor] has changed to 8 copies.

"Eight servings?"

This number is not rare.

Goethe temporarily chose to give up.

He looked at 【Celtic Blood Sacrifice. Wolf】.


To be precise, it is [Celtic Blood Sacrifice. White Wolf (alienation. Incomplete)]

[Celtic Blood Sacrifice. White Wolf (alienation. Incomplete): In the Celtic school of more ancient times, change has always been considered one of the first mysteries, and many Celtic priests have tirelessly studied it. When the children raised by the she-wolf led the army, these priests suddenly found that their own group was powerless to resist. They retreated while fighting. No matter how powerful the blood sacrifice technique was, they could not defeat that terrifying guy. The brothers did not obey the rule, and the opponent had to open up the battlefield again, which gave the ancient Celtic priests a chance to breathe, and they began to specialize in the changes of 'wolves'! And the secret technique in your hand is not complete, it is only a part of the year, but deep in your soul, the soul trait of the immortal species has made it undergo an extraordinary change, it has obtained an "ancient" Gift', compared to the research of those priests, it should have become perfect, but for you who have seen the 'ancient', it is still incomplete]

[Effects obtained: 1, Transformation, 2, Claw, 3, Wolf Poison, 4, Wolves]

[Transformation: You will be able to transform into a werewolf and a wolf. When transforming into a werewolf, [body] will have an extra +30%, and you will get sharp claws and teeth that can resist 'severe' level fur and 'severe' level attacks (According to the combination of [Body] and 'Ancient Gift' at the current stage), and when you choose to become a wolf, the speed will be an additional +100%, and the recovery speed of physical strength and energy will be accelerated by 50%, and the recovery speed of injuries will be accelerated by 20%]

[Sharp Claws: The claws of the ancient breath, make it sharp and sharp, the wounds of creatures injured by your claws will become difficult to heal, and will continue to bleed, and you need to complete three rounds of [heart] judgments with you, starting from the first At the beginning of the second round of judgment, the opponent's heart judgment will be +1 each time. When the third round of judgment is completed and the opponent still cannot get rid of the claw effect, the opponent's wound will quickly rot, deteriorate, and lose its vitality. When one of the three rounds of judgment passes , the wound will expand, and after two passes, more blood gushes out, and after three passes, the wound begins to recover slowly]

[Lycanthus venom: The saliva of the ancient breath stains the teeth, and the creature you have bitten will fall into the poison judgment. The other party needs to complete two rounds of judgment of +0+1 with your [heart]. When the opponent fails to pass two rounds of judgment, the opponent will fall into a short-term "chaos" state. When one round of judgment is passed, the opponent will only suffer "strong" level poison damage. When you lick your paws, the paws will also have wolf poison judgment)]

[Wolf pack: the call of the ancient breath, when you become a werewolf or wolf, the nearby "wolf creatures" will obey your orders (including but not limited to wolves, werewolves, alienated dogs, etc.)]

(Note 1: When transforming into a werewolf, it will continue to consume stamina)

(Note 2: During the full moon, there will be no violent transformation)

(Note 3: This secret technique cannot be upgraded, but it can be completed)


"Wolf's poison, sharp claws, fur?"

Goethe narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at the mark in front of him.

There is no doubt that the alienation this time is due to his experience in hallucinations.

The blood of those wolves made the originally incomplete [Celtic Blood Sacrifice.Wolf] reach a point where the Celtic priests thought they were perfect, but the alienated [Celtic Blood Sacrifice.White Wolf] was not whole.

At least, it is incomparable with the last white wolf that appeared in Goethe's memory.

The opponent delivered a silent, fatal blow.

Goethe is still fresh in his memory.

Thinking about it now, it can still make Goethe feel the shadow of death shrouded in an instant.

"Should it be something like 'Bayerbane', 'Claw' or something higher?"

Goethe guessed.

He looked at the 'Mad King's Ring' again.

The above text jumps.

[Determining that the 'secret realm' is being upgraded...]

[The holder of the 'key' will not be able to enter the 'secret realm' with the 'key' for a short period of time]

【Reopening time: 29 days, 23 hours and 55 minutes】


"Alienation upgrade is also a kind of upgrade?"

"It's just that compared to the normal promotion that directly improves the original core strength of the self, the alienation promotion pays more attention to...experience?"

Goethe made some judgments based on the upgrades of [Unarmed Combat] and [Kyle's Blood Sacrifice. Wolf].

Such a judgment is naturally insufficient.

But at this stage, Goethe has no better way.

It was like when Sheila got up from the bed in a daze, muttering, 'Goethe, you are stealing again! ’ and other words, the same as when he walked into the study and fell headlong into Goethe’s arms.

He pushed Sheila.

Sheila closed her eyes and continued to mutter.

"You smell like someone else's perfume."

Goethe froze.

He looked down at Sheila seriously.

After confirming that Sheila was only talking in her sleep, she was slightly relieved.

However, immediately, Goethe reacted again.

What am I nervous about?

What's there to be nervous about?

Thinking of this, Goethe's body trembled, and Shira immediately flew to the side.

Taking Goethe's [Skill] at 17.7 at the moment, it is very easy for Sheila to stand there firmly, but in mid-air, Sheila babbled and turned around in mid-air, which destroyed Goethe's original idea of ​​letting Sheila stand still. The plan to stay by your side will instead be knocked on the desk.


Sighing, Goethe raised his hand and hugged Sheila back.

"You villain, you even stole my cake."

Sheila muttered again.

Then, there was loud snoring.

Goethe looked down at Shira who was hugging him tightly, and then leaned back in the chair completely.

Since there is no other way.

Then let her go.

With this thought in mind, Goethe closed his eyes and planned to take a nap.

But the next moment, Goethe opened his eyes.

Sheila was purring so loudly.

Goethe frowned slightly, then narrowed his eyes again indifferently.

A moment later, a grunt far louder than Sheila's was heard.

The two grunts were low and high, like a duet.

The two slept more heavily than the other.

The grunts grew louder and louder.

Margarita Marg, who couldn't sleep at all because of her uneasy mood, opened her eyes completely. She stood up from the bed and wanted to knock on the wall with her hand.

But then I felt that this was not ladylike enough.


Ladies need patience.

Margarita Mag told herself so.


Its daybreak.

When Goethe and Sila were sitting at the dining table in good spirits, Margarita Marg's face was sluggish, and the red blood in her eyes was even more shocking.

"Hey, woman who drank horse urine, did you steal chickens last night?"

Sheila looked curious.

"Who is to blame?"

The second daughter of the Tulip family asked angrily.

"It's definitely not my fault."

"I went to bed early."

"You can't blame Goethe either. Goethe sleeps more soundly beside me than me."

Sheila spoke plausibly.


The second daughter of the Tulip family clenched her fists, she wanted to punch Shira.


Of course she knew that the two slept soundly.

The snoring made her sleepless all night.

The Archduke, Simlei, Emlei, and Gejir on the side cast questioning glances.

The small town girl sitting next to Gejir looked at Shira with envy.

"Just fell asleep."

Facing the eyes of several people, Goethe explained truthfully.

He actually wanted to wake Sheila up with a higher snoring sound at first, but he didn't expect that he actually fell asleep, and he still slept until dawn.

This surprised Goethe.

But the people present were overjoyed.

"come on!"

The Grand Duke gave Goethe a thumbs up.


Smalley placed a bear sausage on Goethe's plate.

"Need me to teach you some poses?"

A sly smile appeared on Emler's face.

As for Gagil?

Quietly, a potion was passed from under the table, and he gave Goethe a look that any man could understand.

The only person at the table who didn't understand was Nina.

She looked at her brothers puzzled.

Also confused was Most Modeus George, the son of King George VI, compared to his father, he was really very simple.


Just as Goethe was about to explain, at this moment, footsteps sounded outside the restaurant.

According to the rules of the Ke family, breakfast is not allowed to be disturbed unless it is urgent.

After the five Ke men, Grand Duke, Goethe, Simlei, Emrai, and Gegil, looked at each other, Goethe and Simlei stood up one after the other and walked out of the restaurant.

Emlei and Gejir cooperated with each other, telling jokes to amuse Nina and attract the attention of others.

Dining room, hallway.

Skirs, captain of the First Division of the Grand Duke's Guard, stood there.

Seeing Goethe and Smalley coming out, they immediately bowed to greet them.

Then, the captain of the guard lowered his voice and said——

"The 'Keeper of Secrets' is here."

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