Calamity Crown

Chapter 265 Goethe: I'm just a simple young man

In the small meeting room, the empty meat bowl was brought down by the waiter.

A kind of nut unique to the north and some fruits brought from Faber were placed on the table.

Goethe picked up a nut and rubbed it with his fingers. He didn't open it and just played with it.

He leaned back on the sofa, with his other hand resting flat on the armrest, his eyes quietly watching the two captains of the 'Keeper of Secrets', Schidr and Simik Zorlens, waiting for the two captains. answer.

Schidr and Simik Zolens looked at each other.

After the two were silent for about a second, Schidel finally spoke on behalf of the two.

"The 'Keeper of Secrets' can take out Jin Ke..."

"There is no shortage of money or food in the northern border."

"Remember, you only get one chance."

Goethe interrupted the other party's words and emphasized.

After speaking, Goethe put the nuts in his hand heavily on the table.


The voice is neither high nor low.

But it represents Goethe's dissatisfaction.

This is naturally shown to the two people on the opposite side.

And in fact?


Before the northern border was lacking.

But with the emergence of the Bear Castle Arena, the northern border has already solved the urgent need, and there will be no shortage of money in a short time, but in the long run?

There will be no shortage.

Even, as time goes by, the northern border will become richer and richer.

As long as Goethe's plan is followed, the speed of his wealth accumulation is enough to make the surrounding countries dumbfounded.

As for food?

With the support of enough gold grams, the grain reserves in the northern border will also become sufficient.

Especially after obtaining the hidden channel of the Tulip family, the purchase of grain has been put on the agenda, but it will be done in a more secretive way.

On the surface, it was business as usual in the North.

Goethe had already prepared it, and he would not let go of certain things until he had stored food for the entire northern territory for at least three years.

This is determined by the acuity of the surrounding countries.

If the other party is sharp, it is three years.

If you are slow... this time is preferably ten years.

This is not something that happens overnight.

It needs to come little by little.

Slow and sure.

Moisten things without sound.

But what is needed from the 'Secret Keeper' now is not.

He looked at Schidr, waiting for another answer from the other party.


"The knowledge possessed by the 'Keeper of Secrets'."

"Three baptisms, the 'soldier' ​​has completed the first-order inheritance!"

Schidr immediately added.

"Only the first level?"

"That's not enough."

Goethe raised an eyebrow.

"This is the limit that the 'Keeper of Secrets' can come up with. Starting from the 'Master Chief' of the second rank of soldiers, the subsequent advancements are all secrets - restricted by the contract of the 'Mad King' Majesty, even if we want to It is also impossible to take it out, unless the people in the north are willing to sign the 'Keeper's Pledge' to join the 'Keeper of the Secret'."

Schidel explained with a wry smile.

"So that's how it is."


"What about your secret art inheritance?"

Goethe was full of pity.

However, as soon as the topic changed, they began to change their bargaining chips.

For the Northern Territory, which has the baptism inheritance of "Warrior", the baptism inheritance of "Soldier" is still a must, just like the secret art inheritance at the captain level of "Keeper of Secrets".

All of them are quite lacking in the North!

Because [Volibear Breathing Method] and 'Warrior' complement each other.

If you want to go far enough on the road of 'warrior', you need to improve the [Volibear Breathing Method] to a very high level during the first baptism, and achieve the first extreme baptism.

But it is not so easy to improve [Volibear Breathing Method].

Not only [Volibear Breathing Method] requires extremely high talent, but also requires a high degree of fit with oneself.

Under such a premise, it is rare to be able to reach the limit during the first "warrior" baptism.

The simplest example is Sikes, the first captain of the Grand Duke's Guard.

Sikes was also known for his outstanding talent in the northern border back then, but in the end he still didn't reach the ultimate level of "sharpening" in the first "warrior" baptism ceremony.

As a result, one step behind, step by step behind, when wanting to maximize the power of the 'Warrior' third-order [Prisoner Blood], he had to rely on the blessing of 'magic medicine' to barely achieve it.

But also because of this, left a sequela.

Basically lost the possibility of advanced 'Legendary'.

As for the remaining captains of the guard?

Basically, they are around the second level.

And according to the Grand Duke's original words, "Sikes is a person with legendary potential", so, if possible, Goethe wants to obtain stronger capital for the northern border.

Even if it can't be strengthened at one time, it must be able to increase a little bit of foundation.

Goethe understands the truth that a pile of sand makes a tower, and a pile of armpits makes a fur.

"Our inheritance?"



When Schider was about to say something, he was interrupted by Simik Zorlens on the side. The captain of the 22nd team of the "Keeper of Secrets" agreed to Goethe's request without hesitation.


Shidel looked at his friend in shock.

Secret technique inheritance is the foundation of a person.

Even the root of a family.

"I am the only one in the Zuolens family, so I have the final say."

"I am willing to use Zuolens family's [Sword Breathing Method] as one of the bargaining chips in exchange for assistance from the northern border."

Simic Zuolens said and looked at Goethe.

Goethe nodded with a smile.

"I will pass on your request to my uncle."

"I have no guarantee that I will succeed in convincing my uncle."

"But I can guarantee that I will do my best, because I have seen your sincerity."

After speaking, Goethe got up and walked outside.

Smlik followed.

When the door behind him was closed and Smreck manipulated Qi and blood to form a soundproof barrier, Goethe immediately asked.

"How about 【Breathe of the Sword】?"

"Very strong!"

"Getting started is also very simple, but after that, it requires extremely high talent-people who use this breathing method can develop an unimaginable affinity with the long sword in their hands. The long sword itself breaks through the shackles of its own materials, and has been promoted to an unimaginable level."

"The first ancestor of the Zuolunsi family reached this level. Although he killed the legend at the third level, although he died in the end, it is enough to prove the strength of the [Sword Breathing Method]."

"However, in the later stage of [Sword Breathing Method], there should be extremely high demands on the body. The Zuolunsi family is sparsely populated, and they should have encountered the backlash of [Sword Breathing Method]."

Simlei Ke recalled the contents of [Sword Breathing Method], and briefly introduced it to Goethe.

"Is that so?"

"It can be popularized, but it can't be refined to form a high-end combat power."

"This guy is much harder to deal with than that Schidr."

Goethe muttered to himself.

Then, Smreck patted him on the shoulder.

Goethe looked back puzzled.

The eldest son of the grand duke put his hand on top of Goethe's head.

"The northern border is not that weak."

"Don't worry, even if we can't find a popular secret art inheritance, I will create a similar secret art inheritance."


"Do not give yourself too much pressure."

"As an elder brother, I am not as useless as you imagined."

The eldest son of the Grand Duke rubbed Goethe's hair and grinned.

"Well, I just wanted to take some of the stress out of our family."

"Brother, you are about to break through the legend. Both Emlei K and Gejir K have hidden dangers, and uncle needs to face even greater danger."

"I can't cook like an idler every day, can I?"

Goethe shrugged.

"How could you be an idler?"

"You have done enough for us, and as the youngest man in the Ke family, you naturally have some privileges—so, don't turn yourself into the kind of Emlei Ke and Gejir Ke. appearance."

"After I am promoted to legend, I will find a way to solve their hidden dangers."

"X's, damn Tesin royal family."

Smlik cursed under his breath.

If it weren't for George VI's layout and persecution, how could his two younger brothers have such a big hidden danger?

Although George VI is 'dead'.

But this account, Simlei Ke can remember.

Similarly, he also cared about Goethe.

"Remember, the Ke family still has me, so you don't need to take risks."

Smlik smiled again, turned around and was about to walk towards the Grand Duke's study.


Goethe shouted repeatedly.


Smlik turned around in surprise.

"I'm the youngest man in the Ke family, not the youngest man in the Ke family."

Goethe emphasized very seriously.

It is a matter of dignity and must be taken seriously.

Smlik was taken aback.

Then he walked into the study with a big laugh.

Goethe looked at the tall figure.

Can't help shaking his head.

Of course he never doubted Smlik's words.

Just as he firmly believes that when danger occurs, Simlei K, Emlei K, Gejir K and the Grand Duke will definitely stand by his side, and they will definitely stand in front of him. Before they died, they would never let the threat reach him.

But it is precisely because of this that he wants to let Simlei Ke, Emlei Ke, Gejir Ke and the Grand Duke be 'in'.

He wants them alive!

Alright, live safely!

He absolutely couldn't accept that the Grand Duke's family fell in front of him just because they were protecting him.

Even, just thinking about such a situation would make Goethe feel uncomfortable all over his body, and his whole heart would be twisted into a ball.

Therefore, he must make himself stronger.

The northern border must be made stronger.

This is not just because of the "insecurity" when facing a strange environment at the beginning, but because of the bond called "family affection" that arises after getting acquainted.

Goethe, who is an orphan, is a stranger to kinship.

Before, he didn't know what true family affection was like.

But now he believes that if there is a family relationship, it should be like the Grand Duke's family.

Majestic and stubborn parents.

The temper is the same, the elder brother who loves the younger siblings.

And two guys who don't care, but go out of their way to protect their families.

as well as……

lovely sister.

Watching Simlei Ke walk into the study.

Goethe is about to catch up with each step.

There, there will be a family meeting.

"elder brother."

Just when Goethe was about to take a step, Nina's voice came from one side of the corridor - the youngest daughter of the Ke family was poking her head at the other side of the corridor.

"What's wrong, Nina?"

Goethe appeared next to Nina in a blink of an eye, squatted down halfway, made his eyes look at Nina's level, and then asked softly.

"Is there going to be another war?"

Nina asked, her little face was full of worry.

"It's not a war."


"Slaughter fat sheep."

Goethe said so.

"Slaughter fat sheep?"

Nina blinked and was a little confused.

"Nina is still too young to understand these things, but I can assure Nina that there will be no more wars in the northern border this time."

Goethe spoke loudly.

He wasn't fooling Nina.

But have full grasp.

Following Smlek's example, Goethe rubbed the top of Nina's head.

Feels good.

Still, Sheila is the fluffier one.

"Can Nina make me a cake?"

"I ate too little for breakfast, I'm a little hungry."

Goethe asked with a smile.

"Okay, brother."

After receiving Goethe's guarantee, the innocent Nina immediately turned around and ran towards the kitchen of Bear Castle.

Goethe stood where he was, seeing Nina's jumping and happy appearance, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

How could he have the heart to let such a lovely sister down?

So, in order not to disappoint my sister...

Tesin you will be destroyed.

Goethe narrowed his eyes, coldness flashed in his eyes, and the originally incomplete plan began to gradually become complete.

After watching Nina disappear, he turned around and walked into the Grand Duke's study.

In the study, Grand Duke and Simlei Ke sat on one side, Emlei Ke leaned on the desk with his shoulders, and Gejir Ke walked back and forth in the room.

After seeing Goethe walking in, Gegil K immediately gave Goethe a light slap.

"Trick Nina to make you a cake again."


"Is this the first time?"

"And, I didn't lie."

"I assure you that the flames of war will never spread to the north."

Goethe swore.

Gergil Ke was taken aback.

Simlei Ke and Emlei Ke's faces became serious.

In the thinking of the three, since they want to participate in the internal strife of the royal family of Tesin, then the battle is inevitable. If the flames of war reappear, Gerald Modeus George and Ronald Modeu If the style of S. George is not used, then the flames of war will definitely spread to the north.

This is to?

The third son of the Ke family thought about it.

The Grand Duke was more straightforward and asked directly.

"Goethe, what are you going to do?"

"Of course I agreed to the 'Keeper of the Secret'. After all, I am also an apprentice Keeper of the Secret, so I can't break my promise and get fat, but I can't represent the entire northern border, I only represent myself."

"Uncle is naturally willing to support me."

"But Emlei Ke and Gejir Ke have other ideas."

"You know, Gerald Modeus George and Ronald Modeus George are still fighting among themselves, and it really makes me sleepless to let them have such peaceful internal conflicts, so , Emlei, your shadow should take action, ask for high rewards from both parties, and assassinate their high-level officials. This is Enmlei's personal behavior to oppose me, and it has nothing to do with the North."

Goethe said.

"And me?"

"Which of the two am I standing on?"

Gegil Ke asked.


"Choose one or two of Fabol, Ludez, Yatuk, and Lidal?"

Goethe said.

"Other countries?"

Everyone in the study was taken aback.

"Of course, these surrounding countries must be dragged into the water. Only by dragging them all into the water can the northern border be regarded as truly safe—and it will also allow my uncle to contact those who deal with 'them' and become more concealed."

"We don't ask 'they' to never know, we just ask 'they' to know later."

"As for those countries?"

"Facing Tesin's territory, wealth, and resources, you should be very tempted, right?"

Goethe said seriously.

Compared with the enemy on the surface, the "world black hand" hidden behind the scenes made Goethe even more vigilant.

"what about me?"

Smlik asked.

"Brother, as the representative of the Northern Territory, you will naturally issue an announcement that 'The Northern Territory will always be neutral on the issue of royal strife in Tesin'."

Goethe emphasized the pronunciation of the sentence "the northern border is always neutral on the issue of royal strife in Tesin".

Smlik nodded, and immediately understood the meaning of Goethe's words.

Due to royal strife, the Northern Territory does not participate.

But if it's an 'foreign enemy invasion', then it's time for the northern border to take action.

Just a little more.

"Goethe, you just promised the 'Keeper of Secrets', they will definitely ask for troops to help immediately, will there be too little time?"

"Besides, Emlei and Gegil will not object to you. Everyone knows the tradition of the Ke family."

Smlik still had some doubts.

"Of course I can."

"Don't forget our previous cooperation with the 'Tulip Family'!"

"I'm about to be the heroine of the tragic and hard-working heroine. How can I lead the army when I have suffered emotional setbacks? I must pursue my 'love'!"

"Is that reasonable?"

Goethe said, looking at everyone.

Everyone nodded.

"Namle K and Gejir K lost the 'Territory' to Margarita Mag because they were dissatisfied with me, but they just wanted to get Svetra back from the 'Tulip Family', but Taking into account my emotions, and privately objecting to sending troops to aid, has it become reasonable?"

Goethe continued to ask.

Everyone nodded again.

"Under such reasonable circumstances, a series of coincidences occurred, so that the assistance to the 'Keeper of Secrets' was not timely, did it become reasonable?"

"Well, it's reasonable."

"But, Goethe, your heart is really dirty."

"You are really planning to eat it up and refuse to admit it!"

Emlei K sighed.

"How can it be?"

"How can you defile someone's innocence out of thin air?"

"I'm just a young man who was hurt by love and was trapped and didn't know it. I don't know so much about the right and wrong in the secular world. I was surprised and blamed myself for the terrible consequences."

"So, I will definitely go to Bode, the capital of Tesin—"

"After I wake up!"

Goethe pretended to be sad.

"It's a bit fake."

Gergil Ke commented.

"It's good that someone believes in it."

Goethe replied with a smile, then he turned around, looked at the Grand Duke, and asked very seriously——

"Uncle, is the 'Keeper of the Secret' really monolithic?"

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