Calamity Crown

Chapter 289: One word becomes a prophecy!

The moment the 'convoy' appeared over the 'college', Goethe jumped up from the sofa.

He felt it!

Feel the approach of an extremely large number of [Blood Honor]!

"Finally... the harvest time is here."

Goethe muttered to himself, and walked towards the gate.

He believed that his collaborators would never want to enter the 'Paradise Hotel'.

Trading near the gate is an acceptable category for both parties.

Controlling the timing just right, when the conductor Edward appeared outside the gate, Goethe pushed the door and walked out. He looked at the four boxes carried by the four flight attendants with a smile on his face.

His [Heart] told him that there are a lot of [Bloody Honor] inside!

"Welcome to my hotel, my friend."

Goethe greeted.

"I hope that after a while, I can be invited to rest in your hotel in a real sense, instead of standing here feeling the venomous sun like I am now."

The conductor Edward rubbed his red nose and said.

A pun.

It not only expresses the possibility of further cooperation between the two parties, but also expresses confidence in this transaction.

"Will do."

"As long as they're real."

Goethe said with a smile.


"These are treasures of the royal family, which have been verified by countless experts."

The conductor Edward waved his hand, and the four boxes were opened.

The four boxes were placed in different categories, including books, clothing, weapons and a bloody warhead.

"This book is..."

The conductor Edward was about to introduce Goethe, but Goethe waved his hand.

For items with [Bloody Honor], he is the real expert, just like the book in front of him.

[Ivern's Poems: The great poet and playwright Ivern's complete poems and some of his plays are included in this book, so that it becomes extremely thick and thick. When the poor illegitimate son Victor was looking up materials in the library, He didn't notice the crowding of books at all, when he pulled out a copy of "On the Practice of Celestial Bathing", the collection of Irwin's poems fell from the sky, right between his eyebrows...]

[Bloody honor +1]


"Being crushed to death by a book?"

Goethe raised an eyebrow.

He already knew that being a descendant of the "Mad King" Modeus was definitely a high-risk occupation, but he never thought that someone would be killed by a book.

However, this is not weird.

What's even more weird is the linen shirt.

[Sackcloth shirt (broken): At the arrival of the new year, every child in the orphanage received their own gifts, and Woods was no exception. At that time, it was still a brand new linen shirt. Excited Woods Woods was about to put it on immediately, but the neckline was too tight, and he put his head in it with great effort. Because of the excessive force, Woods fell off the second bed, and the linen shirt The nape of the neck just happened to hang on the hook on the second-story bed, and Woods hung there too...]

[Bloody honor +1]


"Another bad luck has come?"

Seeing the strange death of the descendants of the 'Mad King', even Goethe couldn't help sighing.

But when Goethe picked up the bullet, he realized what real bad luck looks like.

[Homemade bullets (casting): Joseph is a well-known sharpshooter and good at improving his own guns. This bullet is his handwriting. Whenever a bullet is cast, Joseph will test the gun with the huge willow tree in the backyard. In a thunderstorm, a lightning struck the willow tree, and the warhead embedded in the willow tree shot out, hitting his wife, eldest son, and second son standing under the eaves, and the three died unfortunately. After Ser picked up the bullet again and cast it, he drank the bullet and committed suicide...]

[Bloody honor +4]



"Joseph, the eldest son, the second son, and his wife are all descendants of the 'Mad King'?"

"This... lovers finally become brothers and sisters?"

"What a cursed bloodline."

Goethe froze for a moment, and then gave an evaluation from the bottom of his heart.

In addition to this, it is relatively common in Goethe's view. Being hacked to death by a sword, and unfortunately being stoned to death, is really too common among the descendants of the 'Mad King'.

Of course, [Blood Honor] is real.

10 copies!

In this wave, Goethe won 10 [Bloody Honors].

After reading the last thing, Goethe looked at the conductor Edward.

"How about it?"

The other party asked a little nervously.

Although he firmly believed that the experts of the imperial family had no problems, he was still uneasy. After all, this was related to the formula of the [Elixir of Longevity]!

His Majesty, who is already old, is very concerned about this formula.

Otherwise, they wouldn't wantonly mobilize manpower to collect things related to that 'principal'.

You know, some of them have used tricks.

Although there will be some sequelae, but they can't take care of that much.

You know, this is [the elixir of life]!

"very nice."


As soon as Goethe opened his mouth, the train conductor Edward immediately showed a smile, but following the words behind, the train conductor immediately became nervous, and he asked: "But what?"

"Only half is what I need, and the remaining half... I guess it's specious."

Goethe shrugged and said in a very tactful tone.

"It's impossible, those experts have identified it."

Edward, the train conductor, muttered to himself.

"We can sign a contract, write down everything I just said, and confirm the truth."

Goethe emphasized.


"I believe you, you have no reason to lie to us—those damn experts!"

The train conductor Edward waved his hand, and then cursed.

Looking at the other party with this appearance, the smile on Goethe's face remained unchanged.

He, Goethe, never fails to speak.

After he had collected 20 pieces of the 'Mad King' or descendant items he needed, he told the other party the formula of [Elixir of Life].

Since I didn't make enough, I won't say a word.

Of course, with 10 [Blood Honor] as a 'deposit', his attitude towards the other party is much better.

"Would you like a cup of fruit tea?"

"I recently deployed it according to the records in the book."

Goethe sent an invitation.

"Next time!"

"I'll talk about it after I gather all the things you need. My biggest headache now is how to appease the furious His Majesty—our Majesty is looking forward to this transaction."

The conductor Edward smiled wryly and waved to his subordinates.

They did not remove the box and its contents.

"Tom, put these things in the underground storage room."

"Yes, master."

The male puppet stepped out and tidied up quickly, while Goethe stood at the door and waited.

After the last box was moved in by the male puppet, Van der Sar came with someone.

"Good morning, Mordod."

The old woman greeted with a smile.

"Good morning, Van der Sar."

Goethe responded to the other party, but the old woman frowned.

She would prefer Goethe to address her as vice-principal.

But thinking of the importance of Goethe at this moment, the old woman gave up such a statement that might damage the friendship between the two parties.

"How's the harvest from Edward?"

The old woman changed the subject with a smile.

"not bad."

"He brought half what I needed, and the rest?"


After hearing Goethe's description, the old woman laughed out loud.

"Believe me, I'm different from Edward."

The old woman was quite confident.

ten minutes later.

"Only 6 are what you need, and the rest are plausible?"

The old woman froze in place.

"Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

The old woman was a little bit unwilling to give up.

"We can sign a contract."

Goethe replied.

Such an answer left the old lady speechless, and after greeting her softly, she turned around and left.

Obviously, with the pride of this old lady, she would be ashamed to stay here any longer.

Again, everything stays here.


Goethe shouted loudly.

Tom reappears as coolie.

But Goethe still waited quietly.

Soon, the third group of people came.

It wasn't Woody, but another teacher, who brought quite a lot of items related to the 'principal', far exceeding the number of 20, but the number of [Blood Honor] for Goethe was only 3.

After that, there was a steady stream of people coming here.

But mostly only 1-2 copies.

Obviously, the royal family and that Earl Tim are the big heads in the empire.

the rest?

It's all leftovers.

However, Goethe always smiles at every 'customer'.

After all, he is a sustainable business.

next time!

Just in case you get more 【Bloody Honor】 next time!

But not absolutely!

Just like this time——

"Please take your things away."

Goethe looked at the 'college' teacher in front of him with a cold face. The other party was in charge of teaching the students swordsmanship courses.

"Any questions?"

The other party was taken aback, with a look of confusion.

Goethe did not answer, but just stared at the other party.

Immediately, the unknown on the other party's face turned into an awkward smile.

"Sorry, Your Excellency Mordod, it was their mistake that they put something that shouldn't be put in it, and there is absolutely no other meaning."

The other party explained.

However, Goethe did not listen to such an explanation at all.

The things brought by the other party did not provide him with any [Bloody Honor], and there was also a hidden item that could peep around.

What does the other party want to do?

The answer is self-evident.

For such a person, Goethe would not be polite to him.

With a thought.

The battle puppet just appeared beside him.

The fencing teacher of the 'Academy' was shocked and immediately drew his sword.


The heavy mace slammed straight down with a dull sound, and the broken air not only formed a terrifying wind sound, but also formed an air cannon.


The swordsmanship teacher of the 'Academy' was knocked into the air as soon as he blocked the long sword in his chest.

The long sword shattered, and the opponent's chest became bloody and bloody, but the opponent took advantage of the situation to retreat and opened the distance, and took out a revolver with the other hand, aiming the gun at Goethe.

"Times have changed!"

"Take me a trick - Juhe..."

The other party smiled grimly and was about to pull the trigger, but a knife wiped the other party's neck.


The blood sprayed, and the other party knelt down on the ground clutching his neck.

"Uh, uh!"

The other party looked at Jerry who didn't know when he appeared behind him in astonishment.

Then, he stared at Goethe.

It seems to be saying that Goethe does not talk about Wude.

Goethe sighed and said softly.

"The times haven't changed at all, it's just people's hearts."

After speaking, Goethe shouted again.


The male puppet reappeared, picked up the corpse on the ground and walked towards the sunflower field—since Goethe became the innkeeper, the food has become quite normal, but as a flower fertilizer, this corpse is still qualified.

When Tom came back, Goethe continued to give orders.

"Pick up these too."

"Yes, master."

Male puppets work hard.

Jerry took out a cup of fruit tea with ice from the kitchen on the first floor.

"Good job."

Goethe took the fruit tea and praised Jerry.

Jerry immediately showed a smiling face, while Tom continued to clean up the mess with a sullen face. Obviously, I was the one who contributed the most, why didn't the master praise me?

Such doubts appeared in Tom's mind.

But then it was forgotten by Tom.

Although endowed with "rules", Jerry and Tom become almost real people.

But only close.

There is still a gap from real people.

They are more used to obeying Goethe's orders.

Even if there is an emotional simulation, it is only a simulation, not real.

The sweet and sour fruit tea with ice is extremely refreshing.

Gudong, Gudong.

After Goethe gulped down the fruit tea in his hand, he looked in the direction of the 'College'.

He's waiting for his last big client.


It is different from the train conductor Edward and Van der Sar representing the Emperor and Earl Tim respectively.

According to Goethe's more observations this week, Woody should be from the "folk".

Kind of like a secret organization.

Goethe, who has been in contact with the secret organization more than once, is very aware of the ability of such an organization.

Perhaps the power on the surface is not as good as that of the official.

But the private entanglement is far more than the official one.

Even, some secret organizations can go through several dynasties without falling, and finally undergo jaw-dropping qualitative changes.

Naturally, Woody's organization has not yet reached such a level.

However, it was enough to make Goethe look forward to it.

"How many [Bloody Honors] will it bring?"

"5 copies? 4 copies?"

"There should be at least three, right?"

"Up to now, I have obtained 24 [Blood Honor], plus the remaining 13, it is 37... Can you round up the number for me?"

"This sudden number is killing obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

Goethe whispered in his heart.

At the same time, it strengthened Goethe's previous thinking: the least efficient way to find [Blood Honor] is to do it yourself, and to be efficient is to let others find it for him.

It is best to find the kind of people in the whole world for him.

This is the fastest way.

"Thanks to 'Fighting Secret Realm' for making me think of this way."

Goethe thought silently.

Thinking about it, he began to miss the female swordsman a little bit.

But before Goethe carefully recalled the bit by bit and tick-tock with the female swordsman, Goethe, who watched Woody with the help of [Spirit of the Blood Raven], saw an extremely unexpected scene.

Woody held a palm-sized box and walked towards the security office in the south.

The teacher with a neatly trimmed beard whispered softly.

"Alan, the 'Sage's Stone' will definitely revive you!"

Goethe: Huh? ? ?

Is there really a 'Sage's Stone'? !

Suddenly, Goethe narrowed his eyes.

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