Calamity Crown

Chapter 295 There is never more than one road!

In the middle of the night, the 'college' that had experienced the baptism of gunfire fell silent.

Everyone is terrified.

Everyone was secretly glad.

Everyone is more and more jealous of the South Security Office.

Everyone is grateful for their survival.

The security guards who participated in the war got a lot of food and... wine - this is what Van der Sar specially ordered. Although there are not many, each person gets a can of 600ML or so, but for the security guards who survived the catastrophe However, it is like fine nectar and jade dew.

Late night food is the most heart-warming.

Drinks late at night are to soothe the pain.

Of course, the person on duty must continue to be on duty.

Because...the rules!

But outside the rules, Van der Sar gave double food and drink rewards.

Especially for drinks, there are many good things that can be exchanged between security guards.

"Keep an eye on the high-energy kids."

"They are likely to come here out of curiosity and bewitchment."


"Break their legs and throw them back into the dormitory!"

Van der Sar exhorted.

"Yes, Your Excellency the Vice-Principal."

The security captain bowed to accept the order.

That kind of humble attitude made the old lady nod in satisfaction, then turned around and walked towards her dormitory - Van der Sar also lives in the dormitory, although she is called the vice principal, the dormitory is still a classroom dormitory.

However, before the old lady could reach the dormitory, a security guard with live ammunition ran over.

"Your Excellency, Vice President, the receptionist at Paradise Hotel is looking for you."


The old woman was a little surprised.

After she waved her hand and signaled the security guard to lead the way, she began to think in her heart.

Did Mordod find something?

I shouldn't have shown any flaws.

That is……

Taking advantage of the fire?

Thinking of this, the old woman's heart tightened.

She just showed a power far beyond ordinary people's imagination, but such power does not come without a price. Although she is not weak now, she is definitely not in her prime.

The thoughts in her mind made the old woman uneasy.

It also made her use a 'backhand' involuntarily.

Her dark skirt quivered slightly.

A streak of blood appeared silently on the spot.

The old woman moved forward calmly.

The security guard who led the way didn't even notice it.

Only a pair of invisible eyes watched this scene.

"Good evening, Tom."

At the gate of the 'College', the old woman greeted Tom.

"My lord asked me to invite you to the hotel."

Keeping a polite smile, Tom said.

"What happened?"

the old woman asked tentatively.

"I don't know, I just invited you on behalf of the adults."

Tom did his duty, and after smiling again, he made a gesture of please.

The old lady nodded and walked straight towards the 'Paradise Hotel'.

She had prepared for the worst and prepared for the best.

It is useless to hesitate now, it is better to see what Mordod wants to do.

Outside the gate of the 'Paradise Hotel', Goethe appeared there just before the old lady arrived, holding a cup of hot milk—hot milk with honey added, making it even sweeter.

The delicate taste cooked by Jerry surprised Goethe, especially the layer of milk skin, which is very delicious.

Seeing Goethe's posture, the old woman was slightly relieved.

It doesn't look like you've found anything.

"Good evening, Mordod."

The old lady maintains what she thinks is elegant.

"I saw Alan."


Goethe took a sip of the milk and said directly.

Suddenly, the old woman's face changed drastically.

The old woman who claimed to be the vice-principal could no longer keep her composure. She frowned tightly, her eyes were filled with cold killing intent, and her palms hidden under her sleeves were clenched into fists.

"Van der Sar and Alan have a deeper hatred than imagined."

Looking at this scene, Goethe couldn't help thinking in his heart.

In this regard, Goethe did not sigh too much.

On the contrary, he is very happy.

Because the more this is the case, the greater the benefits he can reap.

In fact, it is.

The old woman took a deep breath, her face calmed down again.

"What deal did she ask you to complete?"

the old woman asked directly.

In the bottom of her heart, the old woman already had the answer.

She knew Alan all too well.

When she learned from Goethe that Alan appeared here, she knew she had been fooled—the scene in the 'college' just now was just Alan's slapstick.

Even Woody... oh, poor Woody.

That is also a pawn in the opponent's hand.

A chess piece that is easy to use and reluctant to give up.

Really be damned!

"She told me where the 'principal's office' is, and then asked me to rescue her."

Goethe said truthfully.

"Then your answer..."

"Obviously, I'm wary of a plain-tasting person, even if she really tells where the 'principal's office' is, I'm still wary."

Goethe shrugged.

"Wise choice."

"Alan is not a simple guy."

"She won't really tell you where the 'Principal's Office' is, she will only tell you how to get to the 'Principal's Office', and the method she tells you must be dangerous and in her best interest."

The old woman laughed.

"For example... the north security office?"

Goethe also smiled.


"When you choose that place, you must be able to free her from the south guard - she always does this, and she always thinks she is very smart, the last time I went with me... In the end, it was just cleverness that was mistaken by cleverness." .”

The old woman nodded, and when she mentioned Alan, her words became vague again.

With vague words, Goethe frowned slightly.

The old woman noticed it keenly.

"Sorry, Mordod, it's hard for me to tell you what happened."

"This is not just a contract, but also rules."

"However, I can tell you that if you want to go to the 'principal's office', it is definitely safer to enter from the old auditorium on the side of the playground than from the security guard on the north side."

"I didn't lie to you, I can sign a contract."

The old woman shook her head first, and then told Goethe a way to the 'principal's office'.

Hmm, it looks like a lot of people know the way to the 'principal's office'?

Goethe was thinking in his heart, but on the surface he quietly threw out a contract.

"I hope we can cooperate happily in the future."

The old woman wrote her name on the contract while talking.

"If you have time, you can come to me for afternoon tea."

When saying goodbye, the other party said so.

"It should be possible another day."

Goethe kept smiling, making his perfunctory sincerity.

He is not used to drinking afternoon tea with old women.

Especially the old lady with ulterior motives.

Of course, the old auditorium on the side of the playground can enter the 'principal's office', and it will definitely be safer than entering the secret room at the north security office, but it is definitely limited.

And, Goethe was sure.

If he enters from here, he will definitely help the old woman to some extent.

Ailan in the other party's mouth is a'smart person'.

Why isn't the other party himself?

As if she didn't hear Goethe's perfunctory words, the old lady turned around and hurried back to the 'College'.

Under Goethe's gaze, the other party once again ordered the security guards to build fortifications here at the southern security office.

At the same time, corresponding fortifications also appeared at the northern security office.

"Tsk, are you afraid that I won't keep my promise?"

"I'm the Mordod who kept my promise."

Goethe sighed, he sighed that people's hearts were not old, but his figure disappeared in place.

When Goethe reappeared, he was already by the black, foul-smelling, rotting river.

He estimated the position, and when he confirmed that he was standing on top of Woody's secret room, he took a slight breath, and then punched down hard.

This punch is fierce.

But there was no sound.

With Goethe's "unarmed combat" transcendence, Goethe's control over his own power has already reached the point where Da Dali can do whatever he wants. This punch that can smash the Tyrannosaurus rex in the eyes of outsiders hits all the power to one point, and, in It erupted after a while.

That place happens to be...

The top of Woody's Chamber of Secrets.


With a muffled sound, the secret room shook violently.

Woody, who was in a coma, woke up instantly.


With an inconceivable exclamation, Woody ran towards the ground through a secret passage that could only be used once.

Then, I saw Goethe who was waving hello to him.

"Hey, good night, did you sleep well?"

"You and I?!"

Hu Di looked at Goethe in front of him, not only lost his language ability, but also a little bit at a loss.

Why was Mordod able to find him?

This was Woody's first thought.

Did Mordoud inform others of his whereabouts?

This was Woody's second thought.

"After I took control of the 'Paradise Hotel', I was very sensitive to any place other than the 'College'. There were some strange changes, and it was difficult to hide it from me, especially when a person appeared in some places."

Goethe began to spout serious nonsense.

He looked at Woody's dazed face and continued talking.

"As for your whereabouts?"

"I am still hesitant. Of course, if you can tell me some valuable news, I think I will be very firm not to tell others."

Goethe smiled and looked kind, inexplicably similar to the men of the Beidike family.

"What do you want to know?"

"As long as I know, I can tell you!"

Woody sighed, and did not resist unrealistically.

Man is a knife and I am a fish, what can he use to resist?

Woody's brain is quite clear.

He knew very well that even in his heyday, he would not be sure of facing a Mordod who controlled the 'Paradise Hotel', even if the other party left the 'Paradise Hotel'.

And now he was seriously injured and suffered backlash?

There is not even a ten thousandth of hope.

"Three questions."

As Goethe said, he raised his right hand and raised his index finger, middle finger, and ring finger.

"First, where is the 'principal's office'?"

"Second, information about your secret organization."

"Third, how much do you know about Alan."

Facing a guy who can be manipulated at will, Goethe certainly can't just ask one question, he needs to ask more, if it's not for fear of irritating the other party, he even wants to change it to "answer me three more" in the third article question'.

However, even so, Woody's expression changed again and again.

However, when Goethe smiled more and more kindly, and a mountain-like cold breath pressed on him, making him feel that death was about to strike, Woody said immediately.

"I don't know where the 'principal's office' is, but you can get there through the secret passage behind the metal cabinet in the storage room at the end of the basement of the student dormitory, but this secret passage only appears on the first night of each year, and , I don't have a key to get into the 'Principal's Office'."

"The organization I belong to was founded by a man named 'Shield', who was the original assistant of the 'Principal', after the disappearance of the 'Principal', took over part of the legacy of the 'Principal', and eventually created a club called 'The Door Club ' organization, and wantonly adopted orphans to become dead soldiers of his own organization. I am not an orphan, I am a student who was accepted by him because of my talent. He needs me to enter the 'Academy' to become his eyes. Therefore, teach me with your heart, and also Watch out for me."

"And Alan..."

Mentioning this woman's name, Woody's expression became more and more complicated.

In fact, most of his hesitation just now was because of this woman.

"I love her very much, and she loves me very much—I thought so before today, the memory of train conductor Edward, she was a student of Van der Sar!"

Goethe raised an eyebrow.

Alan is a student of Van der Sar?

This is something he didn't expect.

Woody's words continued.

"She told me that she and Van der Sar were enemies, that her family was killed by Van der Sar, and that she was taken out as a baby by a loyal servant, raised with care, and concealed her parentage , until she accidentally discovered the truth, and then came to the 'College', ready to seek revenge on Van der Sar..."

Third-rate script!

Woody's description of Alan's life experience made Goethe give such an evaluation.

And looking at Woody's painful expression, Goethe's mind appeared in Woody's mind when he heard such a script for the first time, the kind of "she is so pitiful", "she is so strong", and "she must need it" from the bottom of his heart. Help' and the like.

Of course!

She must be good looking.

Goethe was quite sure of this.

"But she lied to me. Not only was her family not killed by Van der Sar, on the contrary, she took the initiative to kill many people outside of Van der Sar's orders."

"It was also because of these people that Van der Sar broke with her."

"Because, many of those people are related to the 'principal'."

"but me?"

"Just a fool being used."

Woody's face was distorted, obviously in extreme pain.

Undoubtedly, the black on the white lotus made Woody unacceptable.

"You want revenge on her?"

Goethe asked tentatively.


"I can't shoot her!"

"I don't love her anymore, but I don't hate her either."

"You go."

Goethe waved his hand, as if he didn't want to talk any more.

Woody froze for a moment, and laughed at himself.

"You think I'm a coward too."

After speaking, Woody turned around and was about to leave.

The cunning rabbit has three caves.

Woody has more than one secret room.

However, before taking a step, Woody was stopped by Goethe.

Woody turned around with a complex and moved expression on his face.

He didn't expect that Goethe would actually want to comfort him. Was an almost stranger moved by his 'love'?

He doesn't need such pity, he just needs to be alone.

Hu Di, who was moved by himself, said to himself.

"Don't worry about me, I just want to..."

"Did you misunderstand something?"

"Come on, sign the contract first, and guarantee that what you just said is true."

Before Woody could finish speaking, Goethe interrupted Woody directly.

Woody: ...

Hu Di, who kept silent and suppressed his emotions, staggered away from Goethe's sight after signing his name.

[Spirit of the Blood Raven] Naturally, he must follow.

Just like [Spirit of the Lesser Blood Raven] needs to explore the old auditorium on the north side of the security office and the playground for Goethe.


Goethe said softly.

Two [Inferior Blood Raven Spirits] flew directly to the target.

But immediately, Goethe's expression changed.

PS heavy rain, Fat Dragon got wet in the rain, a little uncomfortable, sorry, it's too late...

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