Calamity Crown

Chapter 306: The Moon Rises from the Sea

At dusk, the fiery red sun gradually descended towards the sea level.

The waves of the sea are intertwined with red, and immediately there are red and bright lines like fish scales.

And at this moment, a figure appeared in it.

Yes, Goethe!


The moment he appeared in the seawater, Goethe jumped up from the seawater, stepped on a [Spirit of the Blood Raven], quickly got out of the seawater, and opened the distance with the seawater at an extremely fast speed.

"Should be able to delay the time a little bit."

Goethe thought to himself, the starry sky representing the [Mad King's Ring] reappeared in front of him.

The gray starlight began to brighten.

flickers with Goethe's breath.

When it reached a certain extreme, black appeared in the gray of this star, and then there was a trace of scarlet. Lo Marple's writing career' juxtaposes the black and red stars.

['Secret Realm' is being upgraded...]

[Judgment passed! 】

[Determining the holder of the 'key' to speed up the progress of the world and help the world to complete the upgrade, the judgment is in progress...]

[Judgment passed! 】

[The holder of the 'key' gains a trace of 'power of the world'! 】

['World Power' is fused with the holder of the 'Key', judging...]


"Half a class more than expected!"

Goethe frowned.

When he chose to leave the 'Secret Realm', he had a premonition that the 'College Secret Realm' would be upgraded.

After all, he has almost unified the entire secret realm, and he has also laid a solid foundation. As long as he follows the steps, it is only a matter of time before the 'mysterious side becomes more intense'.

It's just that what Goethe didn't expect was that the 'Academy Secret Realm' would be upgraded to the black-red level.

Is the foundation too good?

Goethe guessed.

Then, his eyes shone brightly.

His tribe migrated.

A miserable victory.

The giant wolf was killed by the giant bear and fled in all directions. The rest of the tribe gathered on the back of the giant bear and were heading for a new migration place.

According to the words told by the elders, they are going to return to the 'ancestral land'.

Where is the ancestral land?

Goethe didn't know that he, who was seriously injured, could not feel the slightest jolt when he heard the trampling of fleshy palms and soil.

Be a hero against giant wolves.

He was surrounded by everyone.

The children, who were around his age, cheered to see him come to his senses.

Goethe raised his head with difficulty and looked around.

Except for this group of children his age, all the adults in the tribe were killed.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

He is short of breath!

It's grief, it's anger!

He hated his own powerlessness!

But he knows that what is needed now is to recuperate, and then...


He must repay today's blood feud tenfold.

Sunrise and sunset.

Carried by the giant bear, they walked for ten days and came to a forest.

'Ancestral land'!

The fellow children shouted.

Goethe, who was already able to sit up, looked at the endless mountain forest, and at the giant tree connecting the sky and the earth in the distant forest, he fell into a daze.

He moved his gaze up unconsciously.

He wanted to see the top of the log.

However, even if he opened his eyes to the maximum, it would not help.

Can't see clearly, can't see.

Everyone around is the same.

One by one, their eyes widened and they looked up at the sky.

The giant bear moved forward again.

The giant tree in the sky seemed to have sensed the return of the giant bear. The clouds gathered above their heads and scattered a little drizzle.

The rain is cool.

Wash off the dirt on the giant bear and the children.

The appearance of a rainbow completely dissipated the haze in the hearts of the children.

Goethe, who could only sit up, has recovered from his injuries.

Not just healed.

He could even feel himself getting stronger.

He stood up, clenched his fists, and roared behind him.

"We are not extinct!"

"I will definitely take back the Horde's flag!"

"Until then, I will definitely live well!"

Then he jumped off the bear's back.

He wants to walk into the forest with the giant bear.

He doesn't want the giant bear to support him.

Other children followed suit.

The giant bear laughed and slowed down on purpose.

The bear and the man disappeared into the forest.


More powerful forces poured into Goethe's body, and he became stronger again... No!

It's wake up!

Some memory fragments deep in his soul are waking up!

He seemed to see himself weaving a lasso with the vines on the sky-reaching giant tree, and dragging down the giant bird that covered the sky. Death, he seemed to see himself rushing forward with his clansmen, throwing those armored monsters to the ground, eating their flesh and blood.

A name imprinted in the deepest part of the soul is looming.

He held his breath and tried to find it.

Eventually, two words became clear.

There are bears!

"There are bears?"

Goethe whispered to himself unconsciously, and when he raised his hand to touch the two words, he realized that he had returned to the sky above the inner bay at some point.

Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes unconsciously.

It was tears when I saw the 'hometown'.

I even saw the tears of relatives.

Even if they are long gone.

[Judgment passed! 】

[The holder of the 'key' completes the alienation essence! 】

['Key' holder 'Human (Black Iron. Alienation)' is promoted to 'Human (Silver. Alienation)'! 】

[Human (Silver. Alienation): You, the longevity species, have experienced a baptism. Originally, you should have been promoted to a 'silver human', but the difference hidden deep in the soul, after the influx of more power from the world, it has become It is more complete, allowing you to start to see those past memories from the blood imprint, the memories belonging to the ancestors! At this time, you already have a long lifespan, you are very smart, you can master more skills in an instant, and you have a stronger and faster body than others, and your recovery speed has become faster again, even you have already started In a real sense, you have grasped a little bit of the special talent of your ancestors - now you are a slightly incomplete longevity species, but you who have some of the talents of your ancestors will eventually become complete, go hunting for your food ! Eating will make you stronger! 】

[Effect 1: Heart +5.0, Skill +20, Body +20]

[Effect 2: Feast (to find prey, hunt them, eat them, only eating will make you stronger!)]

[Effect 3: Volibear Breathing Method (Extraordinary IV → V)]


"Upgrading after alienation preserves alienation... no!"

"It's inward, digging deeper!"

"Belongs to the normal and alienated promotion at the same time!"

At this moment, Goethe had a clear understanding in his heart.

If there is no alienation, he will naturally be able to obtain the corresponding benefits, but he will definitely not be promoted to 'Silver' as he is now, and he should look like a 'Black Iron High Grade'.

Only through experience can one understand how powerful Goethe gained when he saw "there is a bear".

That is not just the promotion of one's own talent.

It's not just the enhancement of attributes and secret techniques.

but a fundamental change.



Unyielding in the face of the power of heaven and earth!

Face the unyieldingness of giant monsters!

Unyielding in the face of life's hardships!


After the hunt, a big feast!

After completely relaxing the body and mind, eat more food, make up for yourself, and then... move on!

Goethe's hand touched his stomach unconsciously.

Are you hungry?


But more is the fighting spirit!

Hunger has turned into a will to fight!

The fighting spirit is monstrous!

Devour earth!

He originally had a trace of apprehension, but it disappeared without a trace at this moment!

The [Volibear Breathing Method] who was promoted again in front of his eyes cheered even more, and the [Blood Torture Blade] hummed even more.

He patiently suppressed the tyranny of [Blade of Blood Abuse] temporarily.

He carefully read 【Volibear Breathing Method (Extraordinary V)】—

[Volibear Breathing Method (Extraordinary V): When you choose a fearless stance and fight in a destructive way, everything is already doomed! You will achieve unprecedented achievements! You will have the honor that attracts the attention of the world! At this moment, you have not only stepped into the next stage, but also touched the essence of "thunder". The Volibear breathing method you have once again exceeded the original limit. It is not only violent and flexible, but also possesses destruction And rebirth, it has opened up a new path for you. At this moment, you already have the potential to surpass the person who created the Volibear breathing method, and you will have an unprecedented opportunity-to die, to live! 】

[Effect: body +25 (basic, beginner, proficient +0.2, proficient +0.4, expert +0.6, master +0.8, unparalleled +1, extraordinary +2, extraordinary I +2, extraordinary II +3, extraordinary III +4, Extraordinary IV+5, Extraordinary V+6)]

[Gain the extra proficiency option 'Crazy Thunder']

[Frenzied Thunder: Whenever you are attacked, you will accumulate a level of Violent Thunder. When the Violent Radar reaches one level, you can release a blast that will damage 1-16 people around you, from the level of 'blade' to the level of 'severe' Chain Lightning, when you release Wild Thunder, it will consume part of your stamina; at the same time, you can also choose to release a layer of Wild Thunder to heal the 'minor, secondary, and medium damage' you have suffered, and the two cannot be performed at the same time]

[Get the extra expert option 'Charge']

[Charge: The high-pitched will makes you as fast as thunder, consume a layer of accumulated thunder, and get a 1500% acceleration and 28% damage-free charge, the charge distance is 200 meters]

[Get the extra master option 'Bloodthirsty']

[Bloodthirsty: Blood stimulates your nerves, making you braver and braver as you fight. Consuming a layer of accumulated thunder, within 8 seconds, your overall attributes will be increased by 30%, and you will ignore the pain! 】

[Gain an extra unparalleled option 'Lightning']

【Lightning Falling: Charge for 3 seconds, consume a certain amount of physical strength, and drop a 'destroyer' level lightning that hits the target. When you have 'Frenzied Thunder', your stored power will be reduced, and each layer of 'Frenzied Thunder' will reduce your stored power by 1 second. When you choose yourself as the target of 'Lightning', you will treat 'serious, fatal injuries']

[Gain an extra extraordinary option 'Thor']

[Thunder God: Store power for 3 seconds, consume most of the physical strength, consume 6 layers of 'Thunder', directly transform into the incarnation of Thunder, eliminate all 'slight, secondary, and medium negative effects' suffered by oneself, and obtain a thunder shield And flying ability, it comes with eight 'Lightning' imprints and eleven 'Thunder' imprints. When using the imprints 'Thunder' and 'Thunder', it can be used directly without consumption or energy accumulation, and it comes with 'Bloodthirsty', 'Charge', when using 'Thunder' and 'Lightning' to heal themselves, they will receive the special effect of additional healing level +1, and the transformation lasts for 12 seconds]

(Note 1: This secret technique has reached its peak and cannot be improved again, but you have found the direction to continue moving forward during the baptism and the world's ascension - at this moment, both it and you have reached a certain extreme, and you can only continue )

(Note 2: The Volibear breathing method does not conflict with the Steinbeck breathing method - after the extreme, it is the same, but it will make your improvement difficult)

(Note 3: When charging, you can stop at any time and change direction)

(Note 4: The target selected by Thunderbolt must be within your field of vision)

(Mark 5: At the time of Extraordinary Ⅴ, the maximum number of layers of 'Thunder' can be accumulated up to 9, and when the 9 layers are accumulated, the 'Thunder' will not increase when attacked)

(Note 6: The Thunder Shield is judged to be at the level of 'destruction' according to [body], and any creature or object that passes through the Thunder Shield will suffer damage of the level of 'severe', and at the same time will plunder the vitality of the passer-by, Heal yourself in a way of continuous recovery until the opponent gets rid of the thunder shield)

(Note 7: The flying ability is judged by [body] to be unable to exceed an altitude of 1,500 meters, and a speed bonus of 500% under normal conditions is obtained when advancing)

(Note 8: The transformation time of 'Thunder' is determined to be 12 seconds based on [body], 'Thunder' can consume 'Thunder' to reduce the charging time, but the charging time is at least 1 second)

(Note 9: In the case of "Thunderbolt", when the stored power is 0, it can be judged to be instant)


[Volibear Breathing Method] received a comprehensive enhancement.

[Luo Lei] has reached the level of 'destroying'.

According to Goethe's understanding, this should be a 'title' legendary level attack.

It also gave him an extra means of attack.

But what really surprised Goethe was the explanation and labeling of [Volibel Breathing Method].

"'Thunder Essence'?"

"Live to death?"

"At this moment, it and I have reached a certain extreme, so we can only continue?"

Goethe thought silently in his heart.

he thought.

But the enemy who had been searching for a long time did not give Goethe more time.


A gust of wind whipped up a huge wave.

Above the waves, a figure holding a trident appeared there.

The huge waves are like sculptural steps, making Nice stand there steadily.

It is also like a throne, allowing Nice to overlook all living beings.

However, at this moment Niss held his neck high and looked up at Goethe in the sky.

This made Nice feel uncomfortable.

This also made Nice feel even more angry.

"Found you, bug!"

Nice sneered and waved his hand straight away.

Thought it would be fine to fly into the sky?

too naive!

He is the 'God of the Inner Bay'!

One after another, water figures appeared on the surface of the sea.

Three water men are scattered around Nice.

Each holds a trident made of water.

Each of them has a faintly legendary atmosphere.

Nice can't wait any longer.

He was going to kill Goethe with one blow!

Immediately, the three water men raised their water forks——

boom! boom! boom!

Three water cannons that were as powerful as the 'crazy level' sprayed directly.

And Goethe seemed to be unable to dodge at all, and was directly annihilated.


Seeing this scene, Nice laughed heartily, but the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly.

He found something wrong!

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