Calamity Crown

Chapter 329: Ridiculous Mysteries!

Seeing Goethe's raised two fingers, Mu Heiya frowned.

Two hundred pieces? !

How did Goethe have such an accurate judgment?

Could it be...

spy? !

The member from the safety committee headquarters frowned even tighter.

He looked at Goethe suspiciously.

Goethe continued to smile.

Ever since he saw the animation of a certain rabbit being sold to a certain camel, Goethe had his own judgment on making such a transaction where he could not see the details of the other party.

Don't be precise, try to be as vague as possible.

There is also room for turning around.

For example, hold up two fingers at this moment.

It could be twenty or two hundred.

Also, double digits.

In short, you must be flexible.

Mu Heiya frowned, like old wrinkled bark.

Goethe smiled brightly, like a little fox who has stolen a hen.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

After about half a minute, Mu Heiya nodded after thinking for a long time.

"Two hundred pieces?"


"But it can only be observed and touched!"

Mu Heiya emphasized.

There really are!

Goethe was shocked from the bottom of his heart, and then the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

It is worthy of the 'Mad King' brand seeder!

Obviously, the 'Mad King' belongs to that kind of human-shaped self-propelled gun, but the descendants of the 'Mad King' were not given for nothing, they perfectly inherited the blood of the 'Mad King'.


Someone is fueling the flames!


Naturally, it must be some big figures in the 'secret realm' in front of me.

Facing the 'Mad King' who shattered the void, it's strange that they didn't study the blood of the 'Mad King'.

Therefore, it seems reasonable to 'artificially create' some 'Mad King' bloodlines.

With a sigh in his heart, Goethe nodded.


"I don't have any idea about owning these murder weapons. I just want to judge something from the remaining blood on it."

Goethe said vaguely.

The obviously misleading words made Mu Heiya frowned again. At this moment, Mu Heiya looked exactly like an old tree bark.

The member of the safety committee headquarters stared at Goethe again. He tried to judge more information from Goethe's eyes and expression, but it was useless at all.

The experience of "hometown" has already taught Goethe to act, and after coming to the "Anchor World", he almost conceals himself all the time, and Goethe's acting skills have already become proficient.

Goethe at this moment can face anyone's stare calmly.


Mu Heiya let out a long breath.

Immediately, there was a sigh.


"I'm still not good at things like this."

"No matter what purpose you have or what you know, I will only pass on everything I know to them. As for more things, that is between you."

Mu Heiya said so.

"that's enough."

Goethe replied.

At the same time, Goethe had a clearer understanding of Mu Heiya's identity in the safety committee.

The identity of the other party is undoubtedly special.

Otherwise, it is impossible to directly agree to his request.

However, the other party does not seem to enjoy this privilege, but rather resists it.

"Because of something, I have shaken what I have always believed in, and made a seemingly self-enclosed and renounced gesture, but is he actually enjoying all kinds of privileges without knowing it?"

Goethe did not dislike such fellows.

As long as it's not with him.

It's like facing a friend who has inherited a billion yuan inheritance, but shouted "I don't want these", Goethe has always been friendly and kind, and is willing to be on call.

But if this is his son?

He kills the opponent.

Pump hard with armed belt.

If one is broken, replace it with a new one and continue smoking.

Dare to run?

Then tie them up, hang them from a tree, and smoke them until the other party realizes the reality.

"Drink tea."

Goethe raised his hand and poured the tea into the cup.

Mu Heiya picked it up, didn't drink it right away, but turned the cup around, staring at the tea soup in a daze.

Goethe didn't make a sound to disturb, but waited quietly.

After all, facing a hypocritical guy.

That requires patience.

It's like if you want to eat crab roe noodles, you have to peel off the crab roe bit by bit.

"I admire Lord 'Wu Sheng' very much."

After a long time, Mu Heiya said these words.

Then, there is endless talk——

"As far back as I can remember, the first story I heard was the one about the 'Martial Sage' who killed an overseas Hercules with three punches, especially 'Can you stop this punch after twenty years of skill? ’ This sentence is still fresh in my memory.”

"Every time I think about it, my blood boils."

"Afterwards, Lord 'Martial Sage' even traveled across the ocean to kill overseas warriors, ninjas, and onmyojis in order to avenge the two gentlemen Lin and Deng!"

"Let the more than ten years of coastal disasters disappear completely, and the sea and rivers will be clear for a while, and the world will be peaceful."

"Even if the multinational coalition forces came later, Mr. Wu Sheng turned the world around with his own power, causing the strong ships and guns of that year to sink outside the Pujiang River."

"He's my hero."

"I've been targeting him."

"And there are many people like me."

"Master 'Martial Saint' shattered the void and flew away. His descendants will naturally enjoy his glory, but the descendants of Lord 'Martial Saint'... are not Lord 'Martial Saint' after all."

As Mu Heiya said, his originally excited expression became gloomy.

Goethe took a sip of tea silently.

Goethe was not surprised by this.

He knew it the moment he saw the 'Dao Xie' wielding a knife.

The so-called 'Sword Evil', before becoming a real 'Sword Evil', was just an ordinary person who hoped to be reused and to make his wife more beautiful.

But what happened?

Pierced through the chest by the second son of the 'Mad King' in this world.

'Sword Evil' is not dead.

But the other party's wife was skinned and cramped by the second son of the 'Wu Sheng', and the flesh and blood were taken away, leaving only the wreckage.

Why did the second son of the 'Martial Saint' do this?

There is a high probability that they want to explore the secret of their own blood, right?

Or, simply to deepen the blood concentration a little?

But no matter how.

The other party deserves to die in the eyes of 'Sword Evil'.

And 'Knife Evil' did the same.

And it's done 'quite' thoroughly.

"People are different."

"The gap between people is bigger than between people and dogs."

"After all, some people are worse than dogs."

Goethe said calmly.


"Some people are worse than dogs!"

"So, when some plans started to appear, I participated without hesitation. I thought I was just, and I could keep the reputation of Lord Martial Saint from being tarnished."


"In the end, we found out that we too were being used."

"Damn those guys, us?"

"Damn it too!"

When Mu Heiya said this, he smiled miserably.

"Of my four friends at that time, two died of serious injuries, and two of them couldn't bear the inner suffering, so they directly chose to kill themselves, and I? I chose to compromise."

"It's better to be alive than dead, right?"

Mu Heiya asked Goethe.


"As long as you are alive, you have a chance."


"Then it's really all over!"

Goethe said with certainty, but secretly muttered in his heart.

Could it be that the second son of the 'Wu Sheng' did more shameful things?

With the attitude that the other party can peel off the flesh and blood of his own sister, it seems quite possible.

Then, being used?

A trap was laid.


That scene made him want to watch it a little bit.

It must be hysterical and full of unwillingness.

Maybe they will shout something like 'my father is a martial artist, you have no right to treat me like this, I want to see your high-level officials'.

As for those so-called high-level people?

Nature is the one who makes the layout.

Definitely won't see each other.

Even his bones had to be cut open and ground up for experiments.

just like……

The other party did the same to his sister.

Moreover, Goethe is quite sure that the reason why the second son of the "Wu Sheng" did this may be instigated by some of the "high-level" people-just look at Mu Heiya.

The other party should have discovered something too.

However, Mu Heiya would definitely not tell him.

Just like he wouldn't tell Mu Heiya his real purpose.

"Goethe, do you think there are truly good people in the world?"

Mu Heiya asked again.

For this question, Goethe really wanted to roll his eyes.

In the world, how can there be a good person in the true sense?

It can only be that the deeds don't care about the heart.

On the mind?

No one is perfect.

Moreover, Goethe knew very well that what Mu Heiya really wanted to ask was not the so-called 'good man', but whether the 'Martial Sage' was what he thought he was?

Another semi-idealist.

Semi-idealists are less worth saving than pure idealists.

The former will create hell and drag you into hell.

the latter?

It is hell in itself.

However, for the sake of the upcoming [Blood Honor], Goethe chose to say one more sentence.

"You are not pure enough."

Mu Heiya was stunned.


"What purity?"

Mu Heiya was full of puzzlement.

"Nothing is pure enough, whether as a fighter, as a man, or as a person who enjoys life, your purity is not enough!"

Goethe said very seriously.

Looking at Goethe's appearance, no one would doubt what Goethe said.

You will only think that you don't understand enough, so you can't understand.


Goethe is just talking nonsense.

But Mu Heiya thought for a while, but nodded.

"That's right, that's right."

"But maybe it's people."

Mu Heiya also found an excuse for himself.

"I will arrange for you to see those murder weapons stained with the blood of your relatives as soon as possible."

After speaking, the safety committee member drank the tea in his cup in one gulp, as if drinking.

Then, he walked straight out, but when he reached the door, the member of the security committee suddenly stopped.

"'Tingqi Pavilion' is not easy to deal with."

"The number of people will not be an advantage, but will make you tied up."

Mu Heiya reminded.

And this time, it didn't stop there.

Goethe put down the empty teacup, and the female swordsman beside him filled it up again.

Also brought, fresh melons and fruits.

The sliced ​​watermelon comes out of the refrigerator, refreshing and relieving the heat.

On the cleaned pears, there are still crystal clear drops of water.

There is a layer of shining light on the apple, which is crunchy and sweet when bitten down.

"The 'Ba Dao' was given to me by them."

"After confirming that I have comprehended the 'Absolute Domain' and temporarily in charge of the 'Yuantu Boxing Gym'."

The female swordsman sat beside Goethe, talking softly.

Zhao She, who was still on the side, immediately retreated without a trace.

As a housekeeper, it is true that he is the closest person to the main family.

But you also need to know how to measure.

Some things can be known.

Some things must never be known.

Even if you know it, you have to pretend you don't know it.

"Is 'Ba Dao' powerful?"

Goethe asked curiously.

The female swordsman was stunned.

She confessed that she learned the 'Ba Saber' because she wanted to explain it to Goethe. After all, Goethe is the hidden descendant of Lord 'Wu Sheng', and 'Ba Saber' is the secret weapon of 'Sword Evil'.

To a certain extent, the 'Dao Xie' and Goethe who killed the eldest son, second son, third son and fourth daughter of 'Wu Sheng' are 'world feuds'.

If the situation wasn't too dangerous, she would never have learned the 'Ba Saber'.

Of course, if you don't really care about Goethe, you will never explain it with the character of a female swordsman.

However, the female swordsman did not expect that Goethe would look like this.

Just when the female swordsman was stunned, Goethe raised his hand and grabbed the palm of the female swordsman.

He said softly—

"They are them, I am me, I am different from them, especially in front of you, you help me take care of the boxing gym, I can only be grateful, because I imposed this on you, and You choose a more effective way to protect the boxing gym, so what reason do I have to blame you? To misunderstand you? Even to be hostile to you?"

"If I did, then what am I?"

"A white-eyed wolf who will avenge his kindness?"

"Don't worry, I won't misunderstand what it is, because I know that no matter what you do, it is because you have me in your heart, and it is for me wholeheartedly."

"I can only be grateful, thank God for allowing me to meet you."

As Goethe said, the female swordsman blushed.

Not just because of Goethe's words.

It was also because Goethe's fingers were constantly scratching the female swordsman's palm.


Still itchy.

The female swordsman patted Goethe shyly, turned and ran into the room.

The next moment, the female swordsman ran out with a volume of books.

"Sword book!"

The female swordsman put a roll of knife manuals in Goethe's hands.

In fact, when Goethe came into contact with the scroll, the words in front of him had already appeared——

[Ba Dao Dao Pu: 'Dao Xie', after the death of his wife, his inner anger and unwillingness almost turned into substance. He condensed the hatred in his heart into a sword, and after abandoning the seven emotions and six desires, he created this overbearing sword technique 'Unfeeling and Unrepentant' One cut of sex, there is no corpse of love and righteousness', and when he beheaded the enemy of the second son of the 'Wu Sheng' with the knife in his hand, his knife even found another way out of the scope of the original secret technique of the 'Mad King', reaching the level of It is a new realm, but unfortunately, the hatred of the 'Badao' affected the character of the 'Dao Xie', causing him to kill completely, and finally became a puppet of hatred. Before he died, 'Dao Xie' wrote down He obtained this sword manual, and stabbed to death a descendant of the 'Wu Sheng' with this sword manual. 】

[Bloody honor +1]


[Do you use 3 points of bloody honor to learn the special secret technique 'Ba Dao'? 】

[Insufficient bloody honor, unable to learn! 】


"Been stabbed to death by a knife?"


Goethe was taken aback.

He saw one more way of death among the descendants of the 'Mad King'.

Afterwards, Goethe raised his hand and pulled the female swordsman, blocking her behind.

At the same time, a harp sounded.

The sound of the piano is melodious, but there is no sense of high mountains and flowing water that it should have.



Goethe sneered from the bottom of his heart.

Listen to Chess Pavilion!

Undoubtedly, Tingqi Pavilion.

Immediately, he shouted——

"That's right, this ability is not inferior to mine!"

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