Calamity Crown

Chapter 71 Party! (Fifth update! Please subscribe~)

So far, among the many extraordinary people, who left the deepest impression on Goethe?

The owner of the pine nut hotel with a lot of money?

A far-reaching 'Church of Flesh'?



The 'mist killer' who had been killed by him was the guy who impressed him the most.

Naturally, the other party was his first extraordinary enemy.

But the madness of the 'mist killer' is also extremely important.

Therefore, when Andinan suggested convincing those who might be superhumans, Goethe almost subconsciously thought of "Mist in the Mist".

Is there anything scarier than a madman?

A powerful madman, of course!

After Goethe made a suggestion, Andinan's eyes lit up.

The clever young man caught Goethe's mind in an instant.

Moreover, Andinan believed in Goethe's professional advice.

Mystery and madness, Ben is like a pair of twins, convincing enough.

If not?

That would cost him his life!

"I see!"

The young man nodded vigorously.

After that, the two began to discuss the details in detail.

Soon, night fell.

Carriages drove to No. 6 Castle Street.

Compared with Kimmel Street, which is close to the core of Hestings, Castle Street is already located in the core of Hestings, just one step away from the castle and palace of the royal family.

At No. 6 Castle Street at night, because of this party, the gate has already been opened, revealing the spraying fountain. A well-trained waiter is waiting there, leading a well-dressed guest into the party hall .

Goethe, who was hiding in the dark, looked at these guests.

There are 4 people in total, each of whom looks quite wealthy.

The carriage he was riding in was no less than Goethe's carriage, and there was no lack of gold and silver in the accessories on his body, and one of them even wore a gemstone brooch.

Goethe was not surprised by this.

Although it is not absolute, those who have access to 'extraordinary knowledge' should all have a wealthy family background.

After all, books are not cheap in this day and age.

Moreover, most of the people who have the ability and time to read are those who do not worry about their livelihood.

As for the access of ordinary people to 'extraordinary knowledge'?

There may be.

But very few.

When he was in his hometown, a Master Lu once said that 'all roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome' - Goethe couldn't remember exactly who said it, so he thought it was Master Lu Said.

It's realistic and ironic.

In other words, it is because of irony that it is reality.

In the slums of Hestings, many people will die because of a disease without money for medical treatment, but the middle class not far away will think about what to eat to look decent, and which salon to go to on weekends Let their class appear to be rising, but the real rich think about how to treat the middle class as leeks and let them be cut off willingly.

Food for the poor.

The middle class is for face.

The rich are stable.

Therefore, the joys and sorrows of human beings are not interlinked.

Goethe looked towards the noisy hall.

As the guests arrived one after another, Andy Nan's performance began——

The young man signaled the waiter to leave. After the bodyguard stood guard outside the door, he invited the four guests to sit on the sofa. The hall, which had already been vacated, was so empty that it was a bit quiet.

Moreover, the few candles made the entire hall even darker.

"I am very glad that everyone can come as promised."

Andinan sat there and said in a joyful voice.

Then, the voice became muffled.

"I also hope that everyone will not disappoint me."

The candlelight flickered, making Andinan's face faintly visible.

A strange feeling arises spontaneously.

Naturally, these were intentional by Andinan.

After Goethe signaled him to perform crazy, Andinen thought a lot.

He is not a professional actor, and he certainly can't do such rich facial expressions, or just one look makes people feel crazy.

Therefore, Andy Nan chose the change of sound level and atmosphere to set off.

From a visual point of view, the effect is good.

The four guests in front of them were already a little nervous.

"of course not."

"We who have something in common can be called friends and partners."

"How is it possible to cheat?"

An old man with gray hair said loudly with his hands on the cane.

While speaking, the old man glanced at the people beside him without a trace.

This is a middle-aged man with a strong figure and a fierce face.

After meeting the eyes of the old man, he said immediately.


"As a friend and partner, the most important thing is trust!"

As he said that, the other party sat up straight, relying on his strong body, trying his best to show his sense of security.

The rest of the men and women nodded, approving the words of the middle-aged man.

The man continued to remain silent, while the lady opened the folding fan, stood in front of her, and said softly.

"Mr. Andinan, it's the greatest sincerity for us to appear here without any cover, isn't it?"

"You know, decades ago, gatherings like ours would have been burned to death!"

"Of course! Of course!"

Andinan nodded again and again, and the speed of speaking quickly accelerated.

"Originally, I prepared the cloak and mask. I hope everyone will keep them. After all, everyone has their own secrets, but... some secrets are destined not to be known to everyone!"

Speech speeds up and becomes high-pitched.

Andinan, who was sitting there, stood up and raised his arms high, as if he was welcoming something.

This scene shocked the four guests.

They looked at each other.

Almost subconsciously, the middle-aged man and the lady looked at the old man.

The old man remained calm.


"What kind of secret?"

the old man asked.

"Of course some special powers!"

Andinan lowered his head and stared at the old man.

That staring gaze made the old man feel uncomfortable, and instinctively avoided his sight.

After the old man averted his gaze, the young man continued.

"I'd share that secret with you all, but..."

"There's a test!"

When they heard the secret being shared, all four guests breathed heavily, but when they heard about the test, all four of them frowned.

"Is this how you treat your friends?"

"if it is like this……"

"I quit!"

The lady with the fan stood up and was about to leave.

Andinan laughed, from softly to loudly, and then laughed wildly.

"Those who come here, no one can quit!"

"Under the floor of the hall, 500 kilograms of explosives are buried. I made a delay device. As long as I don't close it, the explosives will explode in about five minutes!"

The laughter stopped, and the young man scanned the four guests.

The four guests trembled, and the lady growled even more.

"You're crazy!"

Saying that, the lady rushed to the gate quickly, wanting to leave.

However, after a long while, the door was not opened.

"The door was locked by someone I sent."

"Maybe you can try the windows, but I don't guarantee that you won't encounter any accidents... Or, you have a better choice, come and touch this crystal ball."

Andinan's words continued. The burly middle-aged man who was already close to the window fled away like a snake and scorpion. He came back and looked at the corner pointed by the young man with the other three.

There was a crystal ball placed on a wooden stand.

The four originally thought it was decorations.

But I didn't expect it to be a test prop.

Andinan's eyes swept over the four of them one by one, with a smile on his face.

"Who will come first?"

asked the young man.

At the same time, he looked at the silent man without a trace.

Andinan is not a fool. He can clearly see the 'interaction' between the strong middle-aged man, the lady and the old man just now.

There is no doubt that the three are liars.

This made the young man a little bit disappointed. He thought back to the time when he met the extraordinary one after another after meeting the old man for the first time. At that time, he was still lamenting that his luck was changing, but now it seems that the other party is making arrangements.

"How stupid!"

"If I hadn't met Lord Marple..."

"I've been fooled all over the place now!"

The young man who sighed in his heart was full of joy.

Because, he not only met an extraordinary person.

But two!

The man who has been silent all this time is also an extraordinary person!

And when the young man was still thinking about how to cooperate with the other party next, the silent man suddenly took out a revolver from his back and pointed it at him.

Andinan was taken aback.

Then I saw——

The burly middle-aged man, the lady and the old man just stood behind the silent man.

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