Yan Feichen and Mr. Owl ended up in front of a heavy gate under the hunting grounds

Just standing at the door, Yan Feichen can see that the thickness of the door is conservatively estimated to be more than 20 centimeters

It is conceivable what kind of monster is imprisoned here.

Moreover, even with the obstruction of this gate, Yan Feichen is already sweating profusely

It is conservatively estimated that the temperature around him has reached at least 70 degrees.

If these temperatures were just the residual heat leaked from the blacksmith's furnace, then this temperature alone would be enough to see the strength of the blacksmith.

Yan Feichen tentatively put his hand on the door in front of him. Almost as soon as he put it on, he felt a burning pain, and his life value also dropped.

He quickly pulled his arm away, and at the same time, he understood more clearly how much temperature there was in the room, and he also understood why the bathing place was built above. This place is completely a natural super-large heater.

Mr. Owl saw all these behaviors of Yan Feichen, but he didn't say much.

"Monton, open the door." Mr. Owl said standing at the door.

It seemed that Monton was the blacksmith's name.

After calling the other party's name, Mr. Owl stood in front of the door with his hands behind his back, waiting for the door to open.

But Yan Feichen and he stood in front of the gate like this for more than ten minutes.

The frozen pouch in his hand, which was originally used to hand in the task, had changed color under the high temperature around it, and it gave off a faint fragrance.

After waiting for a while, what Yan Feichen should think about is not to turn in the task, but what to eat with this thing.

"Is that blacksmith not in the hunting ground now?" Yan Feichen asked.

"No." Mr. Owl frowned, "He probably fell asleep again.

This explanation made Yan Feichen a little speechless for a while, he never expected such a thing to happen.

Looking at the door that had not been opened in front of him, Mr. Owl sighed and put his hand on the door. With the strength of his arm, the door in front of him was pushed open little by little.

When the door revealed the gap of the internal room, Yan Feichen felt the heat wave blowing towards his face, and there was also an unusually loud snoring sound. It seemed that the owner of this room was currently sleeping deeply.

Mr. Owl didn't push the door completely open, but just created a gap that could accommodate him and Yan Feichen.

Following the other party into the room, Yan Feichen finally got a glimpse of the true face of the mysterious blacksmith, who was lying sideways on the hot floor at this moment.

Different from Yan Feichen's imaginary strong character, this is a very large bald and fat man. Judging from the size alone, the opponent is definitely at the same level as the ice crystal lizard he encountered.

There is an obvious scar on his tightly closed right eye, and his left and right hands are not human-like at all. It is a huge alloy claw made by machinery. Although his right hand is made of flesh and blood, it is also the same size as that alloy claw.

And his abdomen seemed to have nothing to do with his whole body, because it was the head of a monster, and the snoring sound that resounded through the room came from the head on his stomach.

Every time he snores, the chimney-like raised tissue behind him will emit a large amount of high-temperature gas. Yan Feichen can probably understand why the temperature here is so much higher.

Beside him, lay a huge iron hammer, which seemed to be the tool used by the other party for forging.

"I'm laughing at you. Since the end of the last hunting season, Monton has become a little lethargic. It seems that we won't get any results today." Mr. Owl said with some regret.

"Can't you wake him up?"

"No way, once he falls into a deep sleep, he can only wait for Monton to wake up on his own, otherwise his mood will change."

Mr. Owl said it a bit veiled, but Yan Feichen probably understood that it was something called getting up.

"Then what about this thing?" Yan Feichen raised the frozen pouch in his hand, and now the thing is fully cooked, even exuding the aroma of barbecue.

"This frozen pouch first..."

Before Mr. Owl finished speaking, Monton, who was sleeping beside him, seemed to have some kind of reaction. He turned his body and faced Yan Feichen's direction.

Just when Yan Feichen thought this was a sign that Monton was about to wake up, a sudden change occurred.

The head of the alien beast that replaced his abdomen suddenly opened its mouth in the direction of Yan Feichen. With the sound of iron rubbing, several chain-like things flew out of the mouth.

The speed of that thing was too fast, even Yan Feichen couldn't react at the first time.

Fortunately, there is still a Mr. Owl with unknown strength beside him.

He grabbed Yan Feichen's wrist, pulled him aside, and at the same time pushed the frozen sac straight out.

After the frozen bag was released, the chain no longer aimed at Yan Feichen, but turned around, directly locked the frozen bag that hadn't landed, and then dragged it back into his body.

Soon, Yan Feichen and Mr. Owl heard a clear chewing sound.

Yan Feichen also noticed at this time that what was hanging from the huge mouth of the opponent's abdomen was not ordinary saliva at all, but extremely hot molten iron.

"I... this... what should I use to submit the task?" Yan Feichen expressed helplessness when the materials he used to submit the task were gone.

"This is a mistake made by the hunting ground, and I will compensate you." Mr. Owl said to Yan Feichen with apology, "Can you give me your name tag?"

Hearing this, Yan Feichen quickly took out his name tag and handed it to Mr. Owl.

One minute after the other party took the name tag, Yan Feichen received a reminder that the task was completed.

[Completed side mission: hunting ice crystal lizards, obtained 10,000 calamity points, 40 credit points, hunting forging certificate x1]

The reward completely exceeded the scope set at the beginning. Obviously, this was the compensation given by Mr. Owl, including the forging certificate.

Item Name: Hunting House Forging Voucher (special props, cannot be taken out of this world)

Item description: Holding this certificate can be forged in the forging room of the hunting ground without additional cost. Note: You need to bring your own materials and Blacksmith Monton is not in a state of sleep.

Seeing the follow-up notes, Yan Feichen didn’t know what to say. Say it’s useless. It can save him a lot of forging costs. Say it’s useful. The blacksmith is sleeping now, so he doesn’t know yet. When will I be able to wake up.

"I wonder when Monton Blacksmith will wake up?"

"It depends on the situation, a few hours if it is fast, and at least a month if it is slow."


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